June 29, 2013


Whew! That was close!  You ever just have to laugh at yourself?  I do.  I make myself laugh.  The other morning I was going to make a cup of coffee in our Kerig Brewer.  I put the coffee pack in it and water just came out the sides with no coffee.  What!  Soooo I tried another new coffee pack.  Same thing.  Soooo I went on line.  I watched a video of how to clean the entrance and exit to the portion pack holder.  Soooo I went back to our brewer to do that and I had no portion pack holder.  I threw it away with the old coffee pack. Da!  It then worked just fine.  I really just laughed out loud. erverror!

MyBigSister (i.e. only in age and not in size) says--Just when I was getting used to yesterday along came today.  I must admit, I think I'm abnormal.  'Cause I like change (i.e. I get bored easily).  I don't think I'm always well received in our church (i.e. most folks don't like change--a rut is more comfortable).

SortaKindaInteresting.  If you can do I can do it too! When running in the 5K a few weeks ago at Parkersburg, a gal ran with me for maybe a mile.  Then she dropped back as she said--she hasn't had time to train as much.  She is getting married in a couple of weeks and has been busy.  She was a vocational agriculture teacher and had a cow/calf herd.  We talked cattle and I asked her if she uses AI (i.e. artificial insemination).  She did and told me that she just went to school to learn how to do it and did her first breeding recently.  Remember we ran in a pretty good rain.  This gal was a pretty gal maybe 25.  Her hair was soaking wet and her makeup was running down her face.  A real gal I think.  "Anything you can do I can do better!"  There is a song like that I think.  This gal wasn't proving she was better but I think just had an real interest and was very confident.  She seemed very nice and real (i.e. not with an agenda).  She didn't leave me thinking--SooooWhat'sThat!  She, in my opinion, was just a nice young lady).  MyKindOfGal!

SooooWhat'sThat!  There is a difference.  Oh ya.  I seeded our lawn about 40 years ago.  We redid our drive a couple years ago and had to reseed about 3 feet of it again.  Also, Arlene'sFreinds a.k.a. her people, cut down one of my favorite trees.  She and them thought it was dead but it wasn't!!!   It still had some green on the top!!!  ANYWAY I had to reseed that area as well.  I see there is a difference in seed.  Some grass is better that others.  Sooowhatisthat!  Maybe the new seed is just better; I don't know but it looks better.  Sooooooo maybe I need to reseed some stuff in my life.  Now that is an interesting thought.  Maybe my old thoughts aren't soooo pretty any more.  Could be!  Such is life.

Good business????  Soooo What'sThat?  It's bad business, that's what it is.  I have acquaintances who don't respond to communications in a timely manner or at all. That is their choice.  BUT I probably won't do much communicating with them.  They won't get my respect.  And they probably don't care.  They must not care otherwise they would communicate in a timely manner.  In business you better communicate in a timely matter or you won't be in business long.  It's a competitive world besides it's just the right thing to do.  If you want to gain the respect of others, you better.  Or they will just blow you off.  Anyway I do.  I think it's rude not to respond.  Watch the video in link below!

The plaque in the antique store pictured a model-T Ford with crank starter. The words with it announced, “Fewer wives would be nags if more husbands were self-starters.”  GeorgeTheCrook says--In our culture today maybe it's just the opposite.  MissPerfect says--What really works good is when both husband and wife are both self-starters.  Such is life.  Watch the video in the link below.

Your cell phone says that you got one missed call! Soooo are you going to call that person even if they didn't leave a message or not call them back. You have to decide. Some of you will not call folks back if they don't leave a message and others of you will. What's right do you think?  ItchieBitchie says--I don't care one iota, I'm an island of myself!  MissPerfect says--ItchieBitchie is going to hell in a hand basket!  What does that mean anyway?  Watch the video in the link below!

SoooooWhat'sThat!  It's the dreaded curve ball.  It curves right about the time it gets to home plate. Most hitters' eyes are focused on where they think they are going to hit the ball - and not on the ball itself.  As a result, instead of hitting the baseball where they intend, they fail to hit it at all. No being able to handle the curve ball has finished many great baseball players (i.e. can't hit the curve ball).  And folks we have curve balls in our lives don't we.  I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--You can't lead the devil around by the nose!  Watch the video in the link below!

What would you consider the foremost requirement for success in the workplace? Would it be talent? Or education? Training? Good luck?  SooooWhat'sThat anyway!  Certainly each of these can be a factor in professional success. But there is one other quality that might be more important than all of them - persistence. That's according to Richard M. DeVos, Sr., co-founder of the Amway Corporation and owner of the National Basketball Association's Orlando Magic.  I read this on a chalk board of a convenience store in Cedar Falls--Some people succeed 'cause they are destined too, most folks succeed 'cause they are determined too! Watch the video in the link below.

Now this is efficiency folks (i.e. keep it simple stupid).  We bought some potting soil from True Value.  It was Scotts brand.  They had a refund if you bought two.  Soooo I did.  It was a good deal I thought.  I got my check.  Look how efficient they were in doing it.  No envelope, just a check with the mailing address on it.  That made me think.  I wonder how efficient we are sometimes.  I mean, I wonder if we are wasteful with our time, energy and money (i.e. do a lot of stuff with little efficiency
--like to look busy as it makes us feel good--folks always like to talk how busy they are).  Good managers get a lot done in a little time.  Just look around.  Many get more done in a day than others in a week.  Is that good business do you think?  Are you an "outcome effector" or just a "talker" a.k.a. a wheel spinner?  Such is life.

Takin'CareOfBusiness!  I read in the paper sooooo it must be right--Half of Americans are in a 'survial mode' on finances.  Huh, interesting.  When businesses, family finances, and churches are fat, they are not very financially efficient.  When things get a little tight, businesses, family finances, and churches need to revisit their budgets (i.e. cut some of the fat out--be innovative and creative).  Maybe reduce spending or drop certain line item expenditures all to gather.  LuckieEddie says--Ya gotta do what ya gotta do folks.  Seeee, it's all about the money folks!  Yabut, if you can't afford it, you can't afford it.  Such is life.

Most people have heard the spiritual phrase, "Be still and know."  SusieQ asks--"know what?"  SusieQ, it's good business for you to find out what the "what" is!  Oh ya.  To be successful a person you must have an equal balanced triangle--Physical, mental, and spiritual.  Watch the video in the link below!

Feast or famine!  SooooWhat'sThat?  My mentor would say to me--erv, when things go well, we think they are going to go good forever.  When things go bad, we think they will go bad for ever (e.g. when it's dry, we think it will be dry forever--when it's wet, we think it will be wet forever).  It's how crazy our minds work, that'swhatitisfolks!  We just had 7.2 inches of rain in a short period of time and we were already wet.  Ouchy ouchy.  If you live in a flood plain you are going to get water in your basement (i.e. not if, it's when).  Water in your basement causes much stress.  And stress is not goooood.  Such is life.

Joesixpack says--I'm weak, not really fit, and elderly.  Joesixpack, that's why your drives don't go as far as they use tooooo (i.e. you lost some of your power).  Yabut, when the powerful come to the powerless for help, something major is going to happen.  Think about that folks.  Now that ain't about money!  MyFriendLyle says--Money isn't happiness although it might help!!!  It said in the paper soooo it must be right--Many young folks today are centered on doing what's best for me and lose track of the common good and what's best for society, for a community in general...they're searching for happiness, and our society said it is found in money.  Soooothat'sthat!  GerogeTheCrook says--The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; They just make the most of everything that comes along their way.  Happiness lies for Those who cry, Those who hurt, Those who have searched, And those who have tried, For only they can appreciate the importance of people Who have touched their lives.

Soooo what's that?  I prayed to the Holy Spirit for some wisdom.  On June 9 at 1:30 a.m. I was given some wisdom.  I really did get some.  I have modified something in my life that was reveled to me and sooooo far it has impacted my life.  Huh, interesting.  A friend recently told me that when the tornado went through Parkersburg he was at his mother's place.  They went into the basement and proceeded to the SW corner where you are suppose to go.  He said--The Holy Spirit directed me to take my family to a different part of the basement.  The house was leveled.  The SW corner of the basement had much heavy debris and they would probably been seriously hurt seriously or even killed.  Where they were, there was no debris.  Huh, interesting.  Okay, I have an acquaintance who always wants advice.  Good advice is given him but he doesn't change (i.e. shakes his head vertically but really just blows it off).  Soooooo is he just playing a game?  Huh, interesting.  Sooooo is he being a horse's ass or a smart ass or a dumb ass. Sooo what is that?  Soooo if folks want advice and then don't apply it to their lives, maybe they are being just a stubborn jackass and really don't want to change.  CadillacJack says-- "Lekje enn de moazh". What was that?! For those not familiar with Plautdietsch (Low German), it means "kiss my ass". CadillacJack can be independent at times. Can't we all.  CadillacJack, be careful, you might end up being a n'er-do-well!

Success is graded by folks differently.  As my mentor use to say--Our world judges success by $$$$$$$.  BUT is that the proper grading scale do you think?  Saturday question--What is your grading standard of success?  We used Rick Warren's book Purpose Driven Life as our small group study at Randy and Galene's place back in 2002 (i.e. when the book was published).  I recently bought a copy of the book on a garage sale for 10 cents.  I'm using it as my morning devotional while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it (i.e. put some blueberries on tooooooo--MyFriendJean says that is goooooood!).  Soooo do you know what your purpose of your life is on this earth?  AverageJoe says--The abundant life has nutten to do with material abundance, and faithfulness to God does not guarantee success in a career.  Never focus on temporary crowns.  Such is life.

Folks are big on self-help stuff.  The problem is, we gather the information but don't act on it.  I don't want to sound nitpicking but that's the way it is for many.  Sooooo here is some advice--good stuff that we should do (i.e. my opinion).  SooooWhat'sThat!  OneSmartGuy (i.e. not a smart ass, horse's ass or a dumb ass but just a smart guy--my opinion) sent me this--Quicken Loans was once again listed as the top place to work in IT by Computerworld.  Here is a list of ‘isms’ that are part of their corporate culture. It’s very good stuff.  http://www.quickenloans.com/press-room/about/our-isms  This is good stuff folks. Apply this stuff to your life and teach it to your employees, friends and family.  It will make them much better folks.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-: 


MyFriendJean says--Forget yourself and think of others--you'll quickly find joy in your life.

June 22, 2013

the point is...

I heard WildWillie say--The point is he's from Iowa and he's old (i.e. has a lot of wear on the ol' tires) and not many folks listen to him anymore.  I think WildWille is talking about me?  ItchieBitchie says--There are three stages in life: youth, middle age, and “My, you’re looking good!” The point is--Negative stereotypes portray old people as unproductive, “out of it,” stubborn, senile, and hidden away in nursing homes.  Maybe some are and some aren't.  My mentor use to tell me--When you get older, young folks don't want your advice much anymore (i.e. just your money)!  Such is life.

Joesixpack says--The point is--Maybe the whole notion would run its course and blow over like a whirlwind that raises a lot of dust, then falls away.  You know Joesixpack, some things work that way and some things don't.  That is why cowboys, gun slingers, outlaws get on their pony and move on (i.e. rdie 'em cowboy/cowgirl).  They want a fresh start as the past just does not blow over.  Wisdom is to know when to move on and when to stay.  SusieQ says--The point is, when the time comes to act (i.e. move on or stay), most folks know instinctively what to do!  The key word here is MOST!  Such is life.

HotOffTheWire!  SusieQ says--The point is, Good news travels slow (i.e. like by land mail) but bad news travels like facebook speed a.k.a CO wild fire speed.  The point is--What's the good news and what's the bad news?  ItchieBitchie says--Oh the coffee shop guys and bridge gals know let me tell you or maybe they just think they know.  Their news isn't always correct even though they think it is. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--JoeBlow said--For the first time in my life I consciously received the first seed of the word of God in my soul.  I felt deeply moved! Saturday question--Is that good news or bad news?

MyNeighborBrian says--The point is, it's hard to turn off the competitiveness at times!  We played pickleball against a guy at the Iowa Senior Olympics.  I think he thought he was maybe more important than others.  He did little things to try to irate us and others.  He was obnoxious I thought.  Even his partner said to Arlene and Becky after he did one of his little crazy things trying to disturb us--He always does stuff like this.  Our friends played at a tournament in WI last year where he was also playing.  He told the girls that he wasn't going to play this year.  They asked how come--he got into some type of major conflict with his partner that did not end up good (i.e. like real bad).  That's the kind of guy he appears to be.  I question if pickle ball is that important (i.e. my opinion).  I watched one of the better players in AZ in a tourney last winter.  MyFriendDean told me that most people don't like to play with him as he is such a jerk.   Soooooo folks, there are jerks at every level of ability.  BUT there are many great folks for each jerk.  Such is life.

The point is--I just have to have it!  Have you ever "just had to have it" only to find out that you really didn't really "had to have it"?  I mean you get it and you don't use it, don't like it, or it wasn't like you thought (e.g. that certain shirt or tool).  Yabut I had to have it.  That is emotional buying folks.  CadillacJack says--Wait a day before buying it.  Usually the next day we come to our senses (i.e. make better judgements).  Such is life.

The point is...things don't stay the same.!  A friend maybe 5 years ago picked up his medical file from his local doctor and took it to Mayo for a second opinion.  He was reading his file on the way.  His local doctor was a young, pretty, petite gal.  She wrote in his file that my friend was moderately obese.  He was shocked that she would call him moderately obese.  Well, folks, it doesn't take toooo many more pounds to make a person moderately obese.  ANYWAY that little, petite doctor went to practice elsewhere.  My friend just had a medical exam done and she was back and did the exam.  He said--She is now just a little butterball.  What happened anyway!

The point is--"There are only two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is a miracle."~Albert Einstein  SusieQ says--I like those stories of my life that end "happy-every-after".  That "happy-every-after" is a perspective (i.e. everything is relative).  A friend said to me--erv, you're in pretty good shape for an old guy!  I told him--Compared to some 400 pound obese guy I might be!!!  It's all relative I guess! 

Arlene and I like flowers.  I maybe get that from my Mother, Anna and Arlene maybe got it from her Mother, Cora. Our Moms both liked flowers. Most people do. It's big business let me tell ya! ANYWAY many flowers don't stay (i.e. in bloom) pretty for long periods of time. It's  tooo bad.  Sorta kinda like us--Our beauty sorta kinda fades away as we age.  I got three new perennials from MyFriendHank's garden and transplanted them to our garden.  Let me tell you, I did it fast.  The mosquitoes must of just hatched.  ThosePestyBiters ate me alive.!  Now that will motive a guy to get after it in a hurry.  The point is...things don't stay the same!  Oh no!
LyleError!  MyFrinedLyle just got a new phone.  He got it 'cause he couldn't hear very well with the old one.  It wasn't loud enough.  Soooo he bought the new one and asked the gal how he could get louder as it's tooooo soft.  She said--Just like your old one, you press this button.!  The point is--"LyleError" but he got a new phone!!  Such is life.

The United States Golf Association is promoting faster play.  Our society doesn't like waiting around.  Sooo they don't play.  That means less golfers.  That means less $$$$ spend on golf.  They suggest that the courses should be easier and more friendly and play faster.  They think golf needs to be made more fun and not harder.  Da!  The point is--It's suppose to be recreation.  I think they are unto something here.  How about our churches!  Da!  Maybe stuff is done at church that is just a waste of time.  Boring!  Boring!  Sooooo they don't come.  That means less folks.  Golf is driven by $$$$.  Church isn't.  Or is it?

Summer!  The point is--It's finally summer!  It says it on the calendar.  To confirm it, the swim suits are being worn.  It must be summer. Summer is a fun time (i.e. lazy hazy crazy days of summer).  It is suppose to be anyway.  These are our little neighbor friends eating my popsicles.  Summer is also having the grand kids come and visit.  We are having this opportunity.  It seems like kids and summer just go together.  Don't they!

Our children and grand kids are living in a culture of extremes—extreme entertainment, sports, diets, technology, movies, schedules, peer group pressure, images, social pressure, etc.  When they come to grandpa and grandma's place, they don't have to feel all that stuff.  It's more relaxed.  Maybe boring.  Na, I don't think sooooo.  BUT maybe!  I had a friend recently tell me--We saved many of our kids toys sooooo when the grand kids would come they could play with them.  The grand kids came recently and they brought along all their electronic toys and didn't want anything to do with those old toys.  They didn't even what to talk with us.  Huh, interesting.  Not our grand kids.  Oh no!  They went down the basement into the closet under the stairs and really enjoyed those old toys.  Even the adults seemed to enjoy them (i.e. good memories of the past). 

Summer is baseball!  A friend sent me this email (i.e. the point is, never never give up folks)--I worked the concession stand at the AP vs Hudson baseball game tonight. We were down 2-12 in the bottom of the fifth with two outs and two strikes on the batter. If we don't score it is over by 10 run rule. We managed to stay alive and score a couple runs. Then got another couple in the sixth and went to the bottom of 7 down 6-12. We won 13-12 and only had one out and bases loaded when they walked the winning run across. There were lots of key hits but I was most impressed when an eighth grader (i.e. my golfing buddy) hit a single with bases loaded in the bottom of the 7th.  ~  I had as one of my pickleball partners the other night, a gal who amazed me.  She started a few years ago and sorta kinda struggled.  She, through determination and desire, and listening to coaching, has become a pretty good pickleball player.  Persistence paid off for her.  Oh ya!

The point is--The sharp edges of kidney stones!  Played golf with our Wednesday group.  Golf was golf but afterwards three golf buddies and one of their wives had a beer and talked.  We talked about kidney stones.  I had one maybe 30 years ago (i.e never want one again).  Another guy had one several years ago.  Another guy has had them 7 or 8 times with one getting stuck in his penis which hurt really really bad he said.  Sooooo bad that he told his wife to get a hammer and crush that sucker--his wife didn't think that was a good idea! The gal said she gets them about once every two months.  Ouchy ouchy!   ANYWAY they told me that they don't go to the hospital anymore.  They take muscle relaxing pills and bounce/shake themselves in order to get those suckers to pass.  The gal told us that Mayo told her to drink a lot of sugar free lemonade--It dissolves the stones.  That is the point (i.e. tip) of the day folks. 

Saturday question (i.e. multiple choice)--The point is--A.  I am master of my fate: I am captain of my soul."   B.  Jesus is the master of my fate: Jesus is the captain of my soul."  C.  Both A and B.  D.  Neither answer is correct.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--A good example is the best sermon.

June 15, 2013


A friend told me--I have a hard time listening to a certain person (i.e. she thinks she is a queen bee) 'cause she thinks she is always right.  I don't think she is.  I tell you what folks, I have no clue if anything in my "It's Saturdays" is right.  I will tell you that "right up front".  Besides, what might be right to me might not be right to you (i.e. we are all programed by our past).  Such is life.

SusieQ says--He's a beast of a man!  A mammoth of a creature.  A regular behemoth.  Saturday question--Do you know what a behemoth is?  The picture might not be accurate but it's what some think it is.  And you gals, don't you say--It looks like my husband.  The behemoth could be the king of the beasts.  The lion is described as the king of the jungle.  Soooo who do you think is the king (i.e. or at least thinks he's the king) around you?  GeorgeTheCrook thinks he's a king but in reality he isn't near as much of a king as he thinks he is.  He just thinks he is a king.  Folks around him don't think he is. MissPerfect says--He is only a king when he is sitting on his throne in his bathroom!  Such is life.

The lion might be the king of the jungle but here is the law of the jungle:  Every day somewhere in Africa A gazelle wakes up It knows it must run faster Than the fastest lion around Lest it be eaten
Every day somewhere in Africa A lion wakes up It knows it must run faster Than the slowest gazelle around Lest it starve to death Every day it does not matter Whether you are a lion or a gazelle Because you must run faster Than the chores of life!

BikerQueen!  JoeBlow says--I have never seen a bikerqueen driving a Harley and the bikerking sitting behind her in the Road Zeppelin Air Seat.  How come?  Us guys try to treat our woman as queens (i.e. sometimes anyway).  We try but do mess up sometimes.  Sometimes we don't understand the queens of our lives and sometimes we are just guys.  We try the best we can but...it's hard to change the male instincts.  And sometimes it's hard to treat them as queens as they don't always want to be treated as queens.  Guys get confused!  You gotta sorta understand that.  Guys are guys, what can I say.  I read in the paper soooo it must be right--Mothers now breadwinners in 40 percent of households with children. Wow! That doesn't seem like a queenly atmosphere! Where are all the kings? 

If DuaneTheWorm fools me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.  DuaneTheWorm alias SlickDuane can act like a king and fool the queens in the world.  Queens, he's a fake.  He is manipulating you.  He is using you.  He's phony!  Don't be a sucker.  There are folks who think they are kings and queens but really aren't. We all know that but they don't!  I have said it many times, I like real folks. It's easy for me to accept real folks even if I don't agree with them or how they live their lives. I just don't care for the DuaneTheWorm folks who are phonies. DuaneTheWorm smells pretty but but he's just a faker. Small folks fall for this deceptiveness (i.e. he can fool them easily). As Lincoln said--You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time. LuckieEddie says--If you are not real, you will be found out. You agree with LuckieEddie? 

Queens they are!  She just wants to be treated like a queen!  A friend told me that she went and helped a neighbor put drops in her eyes a couple of times a day for a few days.  My friend said--She could do it herself but she just wanted some pity a.k.a. attention.  After a few days I told her she could do it herself.  I gave her some confidence and helped her.  She did just fine.  She lost her queenship!  Such is life.

MissPerfect says--I grew accustomed to be treated like a queen as a child by my mom and dad.  Then I went into the real world; the real world didn't treat me like a queen like mom and dad did.  That was a hard adjustment let me tell ya.  Ouchy ouchy!  I believe (i.e. my opinion) that there are folks who are treated like kings and queens who really don't appreciate it.  They have always been treated that way and think it's a normal.  It ain't folks but they don't know it.  They even expect others to treat them like kings and queens!  They demand it. 

Do you think kids end up being like their parents?  MissPerfect says--Well children of Kings and Queens end up being Kings and Queens.  Yabut do kids resemble their parents in their thinking, attitudes, and mannerisms do you think?  I read in the paper (i.e. so it must be right) that obese mothers have obese children.  Soooo why would that be do you think?  Parents put a lot of time and effort into raising children and then sometimes they are disappointed 'cause the children don't end up being like them.  They say--what did I do wrong?  But there are many children who end up much better than their parents (i.e. thank God they didn't end up like their parents).  Sooooo what do you think, are you like your parents?

Arlene and I recently volunteered to help serve the lunch at a funeral in our church.  I got the idea from JoeTheHike while hiking in AZ.  He does it in his church in MN and really enjoys it.  I tell you what folks, those gals work hard and probably aren't appreciated near enough.  I was really surprised how much time and work they put in order to do that.  I would guess 95% of the folks don't have a clue what it takes to pull that off.  Those gals that we worked with are true Queens.  Great hearts.  They are champions (i.e. they are stars in my eyes).  Oh yes. 
Being a real king or queen (i.e. my opinion; again I say--my opinion). Most of us are taught at an early age that it’s desirable to be crowned royalty. Children are naturally drawn to the idea of being a king or a queen. The kids in my school (i.e. Roseland elementary) played “King of the Hill,” not “Plumber of the Hill.” Young girls dress up as Disney princesses not Disney engineers. Being a real king or queen, however, isn’t all fancy clothes and crown jewels. The Bible consistently warns those who are in authority because God will hold them accountable for how they wield power. I really believe (i.e. my opinion) that if you have more talent and opportunities, you have more responsibility. You need to do more. I think the parable about that is quite explicate.

We are all kings and queens in some capacity. We are kings and queens in our positions. We might not wear a crown, but we all have influence. Whatever job we may have, we have the opportunity to use our positions for good (i.e. opportunity). It’s not always easy. Sometimes it requires bravery. But the one we serve above all others is the King of the Universe.

I felt like a king.  We were at our Chet and Jessica's place over the last weekend helping them pack.  It was 6:30 a.m.  Arlene was in the shower.  Our bedroom door opens and our little grand daughter, Charlie, comes in with a book, crawls up on the bed, gets under the covers with me and says--grandpa, will you read me a book.  Sooooo I read her the book, Picklicious at 6:30 in the morning!  What a hoot folks.

Soooooo you want to be a king or queen.  Well, I think you need to be Christ like if you want to be a queen or king (i.e. that is my opinion folks).  JonBrown says--Life in Christ begins with an act of God that is embraced by a faith commitment from each of us. It continues with a life submitted to the person and purposes of Christ in the world. It is incoherent to claim to be in Christ but to live in a way that is contrary to Christ, to “walk according to the flesh,” as the apostle puts it (Romans 8:4). Our faith must be expressed through daily decisions of active obedience.  Joesixpack says--Soooooo suck it up cupcake and lets get going! We're burning daylight!  Throw those chips away and get your butt off the couch!

CadillacJack says--We never get what we want, We never want what we get, We never have what we like, We never like what we have.  And still we live and love.  That's life...

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--A minute of thought is worth more than an hour of talk.

For those of you who have a little more time--Please watch this youtube video of a testimony of Olinda who is a friend of Fran Mellema who is the wife of Warren Mellema who is the cousin of my Daddy, Chester Mellema.  Fran and Warren live in Omaha and winter in AZ.  We got to meet them through another of my Daddy's cousins, Bob Mellema.  I wrote about them before.  ANYWAY watch her testimony.  It's very touching and uplifting and encouraging.  She is Royalty folks.  A real Queen!
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKGKAEIgE6U  Is that not astounding!


June 8, 2013

Tattooed on your forehead

My bumbling, blubbering, and babbling here might be all straw folks sooooo step back a step or two and think through it.  Take everything I say with a grain of salt!  Remember that!  Remember that some of this stuff might be just "pointless information" and some of it might not.  Soooo you get to decide which is which!  You can do it.  I know you can.  Such is life.

Tattooed on your forehead!  Joesixpack asks--Are Christians different than others?  Soooooo I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Without you telling them, do people know you’re a Christian? One of the characteristics that made the early Christians stand out was their love, expressed through actions like caring for each other’s physical and economic needs.  I tell Arlene many times--I think that person is a Christian, I can just tell (i.e. they have it tattooed on their forehead).  Their actions give them away.  Sometimes I ask them.  Sooooo are you a Christian (i.e. Christ like)? 

A friend just celebrated his 80th birthday.  This guy is a real person with a good heart (i.e. my kind of person).  He doesn't have that tattooed on his forehead but everyone knows it.  He might just as well have it tattooed on his forehead.  I saw him the other day and we laughed about another birthday of his we celebrated together in September of 1985 (i.e. that's 28 years ago folks).  A group of  couples were on a week-end golf outing at Galena Territory and were having pizza at Happy Joe's in Galena, IL.  One of our group told the waitress that it was our friend's birthday and the gals all kissed him and sat on his lap.  I think he got a king's crown and a birthday ice cream treat.  He just played along and it was just a blast (i.e. a hoot).  It wasn't his birthday!!!  What a fun memory we had.  ANYWAY my friend has had a back problem for years.  I asked him if he still does his exercises every morning--Sure do, never miss.  Now that's discipline folks.  Most folks quite once their back feels better.  This friend has discipline folks.  That's the kind of guy he is. 

Sooooo what do we have tattooed on our foreheads anyway?  Easy, sucker, happy, mean, jerk, unpleasant, obnoxious, sweet, likable, helpful, not adaptable, crook, helper, good parent, good spouse, hard worker, slacker, faker, foolish, lovable, stupid, kind...

We may not have something literally tattooed on our foreheads that give us away but our actions probably act just as pronounced as if it was.  We haven't had much sunshine in IA this spring.  It mostly rains, blows, and is cool.  But, look at our daises, they always point their heads to the sun.  They always seek the light.  Our daises are sorta kinda in a partially shaded area sooo they have to lean (i.e. sorta kinda like many of us maybe).  Huh, interesting.

There is a difference in folks who are just theologians and those who have Christ living in them.  Do you think their are some folks who are just plain theophanies (i.e. have a tattoo on their forehead?  I think JoeBlow is full of ....  Put it this way, he needs a bowl movement!  I don't believe half of what he says and the other half isn't true.  I see that tattooed on his forehead every time I see him.  He ain't true.  He's a phony.  He says one thing and does another.  He lost his credibility with me.  Once it is lost, it's hard or impossible to get it back.  Such is life.

A tattoo on his forehead.  An old friend sitting on the deck at the golf course told us that when his son was a little boy, his wife took him to BarberJim for a cut.  BarberJim asked his what his dad was doing today--He's at the course playing golf and drinking beer!!!  That must of been what the little guy thought his dad had tattooed on his forehead!  Ouchy ouchy!  I wonder where he came up with that idea anyway!

 "This is your life"! You older folks, do you remember that TV program of years ago.  I sorta kinda liked it.  ANYWAY this is your life folks; you are in it and you are it.  Sometimes it's just tattooed on your forehead from the beginning.  I read in the paper sooooo it must be right--Odds are that kids from low-income families are more likely to suffer health problems, less likely to arrive at kindergarten prepared to learn and more likely to be over weight or obese.  They're also less likely to graduate from high school and earn fairly-sustaining jobs.  In 2011 , nearly 20% of Iowa children ages 5 and younger lived in poverty.  LuckieEddie says--That is what they call, "The haves and the have nots"?  Ouchy ouchy!

One of my golf buddies said after hitting a poor tee shot--That was a dipsey doddle!  Soooo I asked him what is a dipsey doddle.  He said--It's nutten good on a golf course let me tell ya!  Dipsey doddle it felt good.  I had conscious sedation for my colonoscophy.  I have no idea what I said but I sure liked the feeling coming out the sedation.  I think I could have hit the curve ball as everything seemed to be going in slow motion.  I wonder if folks ever say anything stupid when they are conscious sedated.

MyOldCollegeFriendBuggsy and I wanted to get to gather.  We decided to multi-task sooooo we met at the trail head of the Cedar Valley Nature Trail near Cedar Rapids.  We rode 26 miles while talking and riding.  I asked anotherrideronthetrialKarla if she would take our picture.  She would.  We asked her if she rides much--minimum of 25 miles 5 or 6 times a week; I have lost 30 pounds by riding and counting my calories during the last 2 years.  Wow.  My hat goes off to BikerKarla. 

Soooo you want to be smart a.k.a. a shining star!  Now that's a good goal.  There is a strange thing that happens at the point when we finally, somehow, mange to give up wrestling with matters that are tooo complex, too lofty, too wonderful for the human mind to understand.  What happens is this:  suddenly, inexplicably, we do understand!  Da!  SusieQ says--The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know! Joesixpack says--That remark makes me feel like a scared jackrabbit!  Such is life.

Grief and wonder!  I had breakfast with a buddy this week.  He is going through a tough time (i.e. looks like some unneeded, unwanted, unmerited suffering to me).  MyFriendFromChildhoodDean suggested that I read Buckskin Line by Elmer Kelton.  It's fiction but it reminded me again that there has been hurt, grief and wonder forever.  Folks have been wondering if there is really a God.  I mean forever folks.  My breakfast buddy is a God fearing man with a strong faith (i.e. my opinion).  He did say though--At times I wonder if God knows what he is doing! I told him that I have had that feeling already; it seems that God doesn't always speak clearly.  I wonder how many folks have asked that question through all humanity?  LuckieEddie says--Infinite patience is one attribute of a good warrior--Folks have little control over their own destiny sometimes here on this earth!  GeorgeTheCrook asks--erv, have you ever prayed that God might drop a hailstone on someone as big as a washtub?  I know I shouldn't think that way but I have blinders on me like a mule.  I can see only one thing at a time!  Such is life.

It's all about the $$$$$!  Kari Smith actioned off the right to have an advertisement tattooed on her forehead on eBay.  She sold it for $10,000 to Goldenpalace.com, an Internet gambling company.  SusieQ says--It's hard to put a value on advertising.  ItchieBitchie says--Once you get something bad tattooed on your forehead, it's  hard to get off!  It's sorta kinda like a brand.  Ouchy ouchy! 

Hey 'Plop plop, fizz fizz, Oh what a relief it is' to know someone listens to me!  KenThePungEngineerFromMN says--After reading your blog last week, I am going to clean out my file cabinet and desk drawer. I have papers and manuals for stuff that we don't even have in the house or cabin anymore. Like you said, time for a good going thru.  We are having a garage sale tomorrow so its busy marking stuff and getting rid of a lot of STUFF. Hope the weather holds out.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--There is no greater treasure than a friend.

June 1, 2013


Disclaimer:  You probably don't listen to what I say anyway.  Do ya!  A friend sent me this--I read that Pres. FDR hated White House Receptions lines, He always said, you shake hands and speak but nobody really listens to you - one reception he decided to try something, with a firm hand shake and a big smile he said "I murdered my mother-in-law last night"--he said some of the people answers were--"that's nice"--"how lovely"--keep up the good work!"--finally a foreign diplomat leaned down and whispered in his ear "I'm sure she had it coming."

AverageJoe says--Skinned knuckles heal, but wounded pride just festers.  Joesixpack says--Todayistheday that your decisions will affect your life forever.  Soooo are you going to continue to be bitter toward that person or are you going to forgive them and move forward.  That other person doesn't really care if you are bitter toward them or not soooooo really the only person who is affected by your bitterness is you.  Huh, interesting.  ItchieBithcie says--Yabut I like to be bitter toward that person!  Da!  ItchieBitchie, you are just a pipsqueak bureaucrat mislead into an overappraisal of your own importance!  My big sister (i.e. not in size but in age) says--In some cases if you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it. 

It's time to move on!  Us Americans are fortunate to live in our great country where we have many freedoms.  We get to decide many many things.  Many times we might want to blame someone else for stuff but in most cases it's what we decide.  We get to make the decisions.  We, ourselves, me alone get tooooo.  As a friend says to me--erv, decisions have consequences.  Here is another way of looking at it:  "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.  You can steer yourself any direction you choose.  You're on your own. And you know what you know.  And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”  ~Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!~  LuckieEddie says--Todayistheday to step up and be responsible for our decisions folks.

Todayistheday to think this way!  I am happy with my wife, my house, my car, my body, my kids, my job, my church, and my country.  Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.  I think it's true, very true.  What do you think?  There is always something better, fancier, faster, more powerful, and more expensive. Always. If not now, it's coming.  But I'm happy.  I really am.  I neither want to nor have the ability to trade places with anyone. I am happy with myself. With all life's faults, with all of my faults and my continuing struggle to improve, I am happy.  There are a lot of others who have more stuff. But there aren't many who are happier with the stuff they do have.  That's the key. Are you happy with the stuff that you do have?  Saturday question--Are you happy with yourself?  Joesixpack says--Be what you is, not what you ain't, 'cause when you is what you ain't, then you ain't what you is."  Soooooo suck it up cupcake.  Be happy.  Jonie and Al, isn't that what you told me in church Sunday? 

Thisistheday folks to do it!  Yes it is.  I cleaned out all my business files (i.e. shredding two boxes of un-needed papers and files).  I now have our investments in my top file drawer which is very simple, precise, organized and complete.  I also put all of them on a goggle spread sheet.  If something would happen to me, our business affairs would be way easy to administer.  ANYWAY I found my mom, Anna's will in a file that I have kept (i.e. my Daddy, Chester, died first).  I quizzed my younger sister about something in it that I did not remember.  She then told me more information that I didn't know or remember.  One of our uncles did a lot for us kids, especially her, and I never knew about it.  Here is the point--We tend to forget people as the years go by who help us and are especially nice to us.  Soooooooo todayistheday to thank folks who are special to you.  Do it today before you forget or they die.  My sister said--I wish I could thank him but he's been dead for years.   

Don't screw it up!  I read in the paper soooo it must be right.  Yahoo buys Tumblr and Yahoo vows not to "screw it up"!  Yahoo said--Per the agreement and our promise, we will not screw it up!  I think that is funny.  Soooo do some folks and some organizations have a tendency to 'screw things up' consistently?  It appears that way to my from my viewing platform.  Just look at their past record! 

ChurchLadyBrenda was telling me that the church they attend has over 400 glass serving trays that haven't been used for 40 years.  But they still keep them.  Soooo maybe todayistheday to get rid of them would you think!  SusieQ says--Sooooo what do you do with all those old silver coffee servers that use to be sooooo important to have and now no one really cares about?  Folks paid good money to get those.  And besides, they were given Frank and Tilly's family in their memory?  We can't throw them away--they are in perfect shape.  We better put them back in the cabinet for another 40 years.  Don't screw it up!  Someone will be mad at you sooooo just keep on keeping them!  Tradition can be a killer folks. 

ChicagoShannon says-- What would you do if you were told you only had 1 week to live? Would you make any changes in the way you are living? Would you make any last second changes? Would your life be lived any differently?  There are very few of us who know when our time will be up. Life can end at any time. There are no guarantees. We should be living every day as if it were our last here on this earth, for so it may be.  Have you loved the ones you need to love? Have you told them how much you care? Do you have things set in order? Most importantly, are you ready for the life after death? God has made it clear to us that surely, there is a life to come. An eternal existence is awaiting us. The option is there for us to choose Him to be welcomed home to paradise; to be forgiven of our sin and be made fresh and clean. A new life of joy awaits us if we are willing to turn our life over to God.  Soooooo folks, I think ChicagoShannon is saying--todayistheday!  What do you think?  CadallicJack says--I think the Lord's manifest presence makes a difference--all the difference in the world. 

AttitudeDayAdjustment!  Todayistheday--You ever have a day when you have to adjust your attitude (i.e. your attitude is all out of wack)?  The spring cold conditions here in Iowa have not been condosive to great golf scores (i.e. very little golf has been played).  It has been wet, windy, cold, and cloudy a lot.  It has made the grass very lush which has made play even harder.  I was telling a pickleball/golf buddy who lives in Canada this by email.  BigPete responded--Yes, coolish here too so most of my days are inside at PBall, but one fellow has his own private outside court that we play on nice days. My golf is suffering but I'll hang on to the 'riding a bicycle again' theory!  I like BigPete's attitude.  Yabut when he says his game is suffering that might be a couple over par! 

Todayistheday to start! Todayistheday to start anything that you always wanted to do and in some cases know you should do. The first thing you gotta do is start. You can't do anything if you don't start (e.g. an exercise weight reduction program). Ya gotta get off the couch and get started. Todayistheday--you can do it. Start slow and be consistent. It will make you feel good by accomplishing something and also losing that weight. You can do it. Yes you can. If you want to anyway!!! My daddy, Chester, would say--erv, the best discipline is self-discipline.

Attitude adjusters!  It's ALLLLLLLLL good folks!  AverageJoe says--All is well that ends well.  Well. something like that anyway.  "It's Not What You Look At That Matters, It's What You See"  ~Henry David Thoreau~

It just fell in my lap! Todayistheday and I didn't even know it.  Sometimes things a.k.a. opportunities just happen (i.e. fall in your lap).  We don't plan them or expect them; they just happen.  ANYWAY here is a little history of It's Saturday.  It was not planned.  I'm really not a writer.  I didn't like school but because of a strange event I went to good old Northwestern College and got my BA.  I said I would never go to school again.  My brother-in-law, Jack, a year later convinced me to go to graduate school and I ended up getting a MA.  I'm still not much of a student.  I really don't like school and wasn't very good with writing (i.e. I'm still not).  I had no plans of being a principal in an independent insurance company and real estate company for 34 years either; it just happened.  We use to work Saturday mornings and the support staff didn't.  I would email something to my family and a couple of friends each Saturday morning.  That was about 1990.  Then others wanted to be on my email list and the list just kept growing.  In 2010 I started blogging.  Since I started blogging in April, 2010, there has been 44,565 hits according to google of the 164 posts. That is just amazing for a guy who really isn't very good with the pen.  I can't believe it.  My high school English teacher surely wouldn't believe it. Why I have had this humbling opportunity?  I have no idea.  Such is life. 

I like experiences.  Last Saturday I ran in a 5K at Parkersburg (i.e. where my office was).  The run is called the EF5K The Race of Remembrance.  It has been 5 years since a EF5 tornado destroyed about a third of Parkersburg and damaged maybe another third.  This run was a new experience--It was 50 degrees, the wind was 32 miles an hour and it was raining hard (i.e. run organizers said an inch of rain fell during our run).  Really once we got runnin', it wasn't that bad.  Soooooo how many of you can say you ever did that?  I'm not a Secretariat but did enjoy the run (i.e. like my kid sister says--I'm glad I can still run).  I sprinted the last 50 yards to beat a firefighter in full garb (i.e. there are some really tough folks aren't there).  I am not one of them.  I'm a wimp as I ran it in 33.24.9.  Got second in my age division 60+ (i.e. Yabut I was the oldest at 67 in the 5K).  And the champion of the 60+ division was Secretariat, my friend Hank with a time of 23.11.0.  I tell him that he is a genetic mutation in order to run that fast.  He truly is a Secretariat.  He is.  He is tough folks. I eat oatmeal with a half a banana on top for breakfast while he eats lizards with nails on top!  Such is life.

Joesixpacks says--erv, don't feel inferior because some are faster than you.  Don't get puffed up because you are faster than some.  Don't judge the capabilities of others by how they look.  You are who you are.  Such is life.

This experience was special to me.  Before the run started a lot of folks were huddled underneath the drop off of the Methodist Church to get out of the rain.  I went way in the back corner.  There was a gal there who I know but not real well.  When she saw me she touched me on my shoulder and said--Good to see you running or something like that.  We talked briefly about the weather and running.  Then they called us to the starting line, she again touched my shoulder and said something like good luck.  She did it as an encouragement I think (i.e. maybe she was just amazed that an old fart like me was running).  I really think she is just a nice gal.  It was a good experience.  And maybe she will never know.  Isn't that something!  My big sister (i.e. not in size but in age) says--If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.

His experience gave me a great experience tooooo.  Got this email form couzLuther Memorial Day morning--Erv Just returned from my trip to the Roseland (i.e. that's Roseland, MN) to put flowers on my parents grave. It is always a reminder how fast time goes by when you look at the dates on the markers. Your parents left there life on earth way too early . I usually get there at 6:00 a.m. and I am always the only one there at that time (the day is half gone) . It is a great time to think and to be thankful for how we were raised. Hope you have a great day.  Just thought I would let you know I was thinking about your family today. CouzLuther, you are a good man (i.e. a real person with a good heart--my kind of person)!

SusieQ says--erv, drink more coffee--do stupid things faster with more energy! 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. 


MyFriendJean says--House work is something you do that nobody notices unless you don't do it.