November 26, 2016

oh c'mon

BlackFridayDoorBustersLinsey/Larry say--You can listen to the opinions of others (i.e. even what’s in this “It’s Saturday”) but never overvalue opinions of others. Other people are not God, and their opinions aren’t going to last, anyway. I read what Oswald Chambers said—Beware of folks posing as a profound people. I am not posing as a profound person folks, oh no; I’m just a little old farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN.  Soooo don’t overvalue anything I say here. Besides, many opinions are contradictory. 

Sharing the following with his permission. My Pickleball mentor BigPete and I have different opinions. He is an atheist and a good man; I'm a Christian and am questionable if I'm a good man--I really like PigPete. He says--Maybe one day we could do a duet...  good guy bad guy ha ha.  I want you to know that I never ever called you 'crazy'...  you may be right in the end.. or maybe not... but neither of us are 'crazy'. And I never have said I'm willing to "die like a pig" but if helps your cause, you have my blessing to keep the 'quotes' in the repertoire...   ha ha.  Thanks again buddy... please don't be mad at me😅  Faith has helped many. Love and hugs from the desert.   I go home for Christmas so give me some credit! ~ He also added this when I asked him if I could use his response--erv, you can use any of our conversations.  If it is helpful to even one person....  to have faith... great!!!   As for pb....   we are both in the middle of the pack.... enjoying the good shots... cussing the bad... at least I do! p.

Jeepers creepers! I coached hs boys’ basketball some 45 to 50 years ago.  One school we played was at Plainfield.  Their facilities were not real good.  In fact, one corner of the gym was not a 90 degree angle but an angle.  The locker room had a stool and one shower that was very high—no sink.  Radar was one of our managers (i.e. he reminded us of Radar on MASH).  He was a short guy who was just a great manager.  The team didn’t know until later that he was toooo short to reach the shower head sooooo what he did to fill the water jugs for the players was just dip some water out of the stool!  Yabut, he said he flushed it a couple of times first.  What a hoot!

While eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it, this is what was said about John Wooden—Success is an elusive topic; what it represents means something different to each of us. Here is a brief look at success through Wooden's eyes:  He stated, "Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming." Interestingly, his quote makes no mention of winning, gaining wealth or fame, attaining honors, or finishing with more wins than losses. He also places no time constraints on achieving success. This is because Coach Wooden considered success to be a lifelong process.

Years ago a friend gave me Wooden’s book Wooden A Lifetime Of Observations And Reflections On And Off The Court.  I have a lot of hickeys on pages.  I like what Wooden has to say.  The book is good but the thought of my friend giving it to me and what he wrote in the cover is much better.  I recently got rid of a lot of our books (i.e. cleaning the basement).  This book will stay on my desk shelve.  Our kids will have to get rid of this one!!!!!

Oh c’mon erv! I have done business with a ma and pa business for several years.  They are interesting to me.  I think their work is ok but I wonder.  Their employees (i.e. all women) are ok but they seem course and sorta kinda crude (i.e. they are not sweet and kind).  It’s the way they talk, act and even their body language.  Ma and pa hired them sooooo I wonder if ma and pa are this way toooo.  They are professional folks sooooo they can maybe hide it if they are this way (i.e. they have been around a lot of folks which maybe might affect them).  On several occasions, I have noticed a touch of this same demeanor in them.  It seems that many folks hire folks like themselves (i.e. my opinion). Oh, c’mon erv, you have to have tougher skin.  I have a friend that says I don’t have very tough skin.  I get hurt way tooooo easy.  That could be folks. That could be.

I recently read John Grisham’s new book The Whistler.  I think I have read all his books; I find them entreating and fun for me to read.  ANYWAY, it reminded me that crocks hire crooks and good people hire good people.  Crooks don’t hire good folks and good folks don’t hire crooks.  OhSchucks says—Birds of a feather seem to flock together. 

My Daddy, Chester, said—The most fun folks to be around are the good folks who don’t know they are great; the folks who are the least fun to be around are the folks who think they are really great but aren’t.  Huh, interesting. LuckieEddie says—The folks with less confidence are the most stingy (i.e. not nice--rude).  I have a friend who has reminded me more than once that maybe they act that way ‘cause they have no confidence.  Sooooo folks, don’t get offended by crazy folks—unconfident. Huh, interesting. Mature folks treat others nice even when they are mistreated by them—how big are we. AverageJoe says--Thick skin and a tender heart makes a person a good person! Sometimes it’s good to consider the source and just blow them off (i.e. maybe there is a reason why they are the way they are—we just don’t know what that might be).  C’mon erv, that’s not American. 

I was waiting for a friend for breakfast at The Waffle Stop recently.  Ben Jacobson, UNI’s basketball coach, walked by the booth I was in and looked at me.  I said—hi coach.  He stopped and talked to me.  We talked basketball in a very refreshing way (i.e. he was very humble).  He acted like we were buds from way back.  We never talked before.  After about 5 minutes, his wife came and she said hi.  He is class folks.  He had no motive other than just being a nice guy (i.e. very typical of him I have heard). 

ItchieBitchie says--I salute you if you are not a showboat.  What is a showboat?  What does a showboat look like?  Do you like showboats? Do you know any showboats? Who is the best showboat you know?  Why do you think they are showboats?  What part of a showboat do you like and what part don’t you like?  Are you a showboat?  Maybe a little bit or a lot or not at all?  Is that your opinion or the opinion of others?  Do folks like showboats?  Do showboats know that others think they are showboats?  I have a lot of questions.  Do you have answers?  I don’t have a clue how you will respond to these questions.  No I don’t.  Such is life. 

Have you ever been around folks who think they are better than you (i.e. regular ball hogs)?  How did it go?  That is what I thought.  IckieVickie says--I can’t wait to get away from that kind of person fast enough.  I think IckieVicke is normal with that feeling.  MissPerfect says—Every community, every family, every business, and probably every church has those folks.  Oh ya!  It’s happens sweetheart! 

I have done business with this gal for years.  Recently I told her that I think she is softer.  She said—Are you saying I’m getting bigger around my waste and softer?  I told her that I think she is softer in that she is easier to get along and kinder.  She was shocked and thought she always tried to nice; soooo you think you can tell a difference in me?  Yes, I think you are much happier and softer—I did have some issues years ago.  She seemed surprised but was also happy to hear that I think she is a better person. 

There are good folks; yes there are.  A friend told me of their web site. Dennis and Jill have a mission project that is quite unique. They give away stay dry shirts just for the asking—no cost.  They are for pickleball players to wear while they play.  I got one and communicated with them by email.  Yes, they charge nutten for them (i.e. free)—they self-fund their mission project.  Yes that is right folks, self-funded.  Wow! You have to be a good person with a passion to do that.  Go to for a look.  These folks really impress me.  ItchieBitchie says—Look at this mission project like you have no horse in the race (i.e. very objectively).  And what do you think? Folks express their gratitude differently now don’t they.  Yes they do. Folks express their thanks in many different ways.  Yes they do. 

What is under their hood? Who would have guessed? Have you ever got “caught up” in the excitement in something like an accomplishment or pleasure that you forgot about reality or what your beliefs are?  LuckieEddie says—Some folks seem like they remain beyond reach; They don’t expose their thoughts. I have no idea what is rattling around in their heads; they seem to like it that way.  I don’t have a clue what they are thinking and I wonder if they do.  I also have friends who can’t stop thinking about something.  They wish they could but just can’t.  It’s a problem for them.  They just can’t just relax and accept things as they are (e.g. the Presidential election). They can’t sleep at night. Crazy.

We are in CO celebrating Thanksgiving with our family.  How can I decide if I like the Superman(s) or the ukulele players the best?  erv, it’s a tie. You are right; it’s a tie (i.e. of course). C’mon erv, you know that.  I did folks.  They just touch my heart. Yes they do.  I have to be careful that I say the right words or I could have a problem.  I need to have class here folks.  What’s your vote?  C'mon!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—In time of test, family is the best.

P.S. Why did my Mom, Anna, sift the flour?  I never did understand that but Mom let me do it some times.  I tell you what folks, Mom had class and did it very humbly.  I realize that you don’t think she could have been that great.  She was! I wish I would have been nicer to her.  I screwed up.  She died when I was 24. 

November 19, 2016

that's it

I read in the paper sooooo it must be right that we are past the informational age but in a misinformational age.  Inaccuracy and misperception reign.  This is getting really crazy folks.  It will never be the same; NEVER! It’s time to cut through the smog folks.  But will it happen?  That’s it; no one knows.  AverageJoe says—It’s all powered by money and power.  Soooo there you go folks.  The golden rule is—Love your neighbor as yourself.  My mentor would say to me—erv, the world’s golden rule is—gold rules!  It looks like the rural common folks don’t like that! 

There always seems to be some undergrinding (i.e. agitation); always.  A friend was telling me about his grandson who really likes music.  He always has but the family really didn’t recognize or appreciate his interest or his ability.  They wanted him to be in sports etc.  Granddad asked him—Aren’t you going to miss cross country (i.e. he was pretty good at it).  The grandson’s replay—no no, not a bit; I can’t wait to spend more time on my music.  To his family I say—It’s time for you guys to press the reset button! 

A friend sent me an email with some information.  I wondered it if was correct sooo I checked on Snopes. Then I goggled Snopes to see if they could be trusted.  I found out that Snopes is some husband and wife who might not know any more than LuckieEddie (i.e. and this might not be true)!  Soooooo who can a person trust with the truth.  ItchieBitchie says—I will believe it when I see it!  Yabut ItchieBitchie, sometimes we don’t see right.  We only see what we want to see!  Sooo there you go, believe what you want about what’s in this “It’s Saturday.” Just remember, I’m just a little old farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN. I’m not the media!  Such is life.

OneSmartPerson said—“There are no unbiased people. There are, however, unbiased facts. Seems many folks appear to ignore those when it suits their interests...especially political actors.” The media seems to have lived up to President elect Donald Trump’s expectations—they are bias.  If these folks are sooooo smart and have all the latest information, how could they be fooled by the uneducated common rural Americans!  That just makes me laugh.  GeorgeTheCrook says—Just maybe the elite (i.e. those who think they are elite anyway) aren’t as smart as they think they are.  Just maybe.  OhShucks says—The media brainwashes us!  The media is homogeneous bunch of folks.  They might not know it but it sure appears they are. That's it!

I was talking with a friend whose husband passed.  She is adjusting (i.e. some of you have been through it and now what she is dealing with).  She is trying to make friends and get involved more.  She says it’s hard as she doesn’t have an outgoing personality.  She said that one person wants her to do things but she doesn’t really enjoy being around her.  What don’t you like about her I asked?  She always thinks she knows everything.  Ouchy ouchy! 

Sometimes it appears to me that I wish I just didn’t care.  If I didn’t care maybe life would to be easier (i.e. just think about oneself—there are folks that do this).  When we ignore folks, that pretty much says we don’t care about them anymore.  Parents do that to their kids, kids do that to their parents, coaches do that, business folks do that, churches do that, society does that, government leaders do that, etc.  You get it.  AverageJoe says--There are some real hard folks out there who just don’t care about others.  I personally believe that there are a lot of very caring folks out there just like you guys.  Caring folks always don’t get a lot of attention (i.e. most don’t want it); and that’s the way it should be.  But when you care for others, you have feelings and feelings develop emotions and emotions are who we are. That’s it!

I read this in a book this week—Stop and think for a moment. What defines you?  What are you known for? What do you do or what have you done that might make up your identity? Is it money? Friendships? Statues? Power? Social-media followers? …Popularity, much like money and anything else, ebbs and flows. Status? That changes too.

SusieQ says—Some of you are cerebral folks and some are drama queens; I realize that some of you have seen a thing or two.  And for some of you, the years have not been good to you.  Some of you are just full of bologna. And some of you can “flat out hit” (i.e. can really muscle up and some can really humor up). Some of you have a lot of misconceptions. How much of your life do you spend on stuff that is not important?  Why do you do that?  Is it to make yourself look good to others?  I wonder if we tend to do that.  What do you think.  Folks on this earth have a tendency to try to impress others it seems.  MissPerfect says--Speak for yourself erv! Folks, who really are you (i.e. will the real you please stand up)? DuaneTheWorm is a fake folks; he has no idea who he is.  I read in the paper that some folks have “techegos.”  Social media has produced that phenomena.  How crazy is that?  Soooo there you go folks.  I’m not saying any of you do but some seem to have “techegos.” 

Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.  Boxer Mike Tyson once said, “Everyone has a plan ‘till they get punched in the mouth.”  SusieQ says—Then you have to go to plan B or C or D.  Have you ever thought you had it all planned out but it didn’t work that way? Are you crazy erv, everyone has been through that.  I hear folks say—We’ll see how it works out even though it looks like a slam dunk.  I guess they have counted their chickens before they hatched before and they didn’t hatch.  Something happened.  CrazyMarvin says—There are soooo many uncertainties that I have no control over.  Sooooo folks, don’t be surprised when it doesn’t go according to Hoyle (i.e. you bridge players will understand that).  That’s just the way it is.  Such is life.

My mentor would say to me—erv, things aren’t never as bad as they look and never as good as they look; we think when things are good, they will be good forever and when things are bad they will be bad for ever; not soooooo erv.

#42 and #12 have changed after 50 yrs
 I had the great opportunity last Saturday to meet an old college friend at the University of Northern IA's dome to watch his grandson play in a hs football semi-final (i.e. haven’t seen him for many years). Rick and I played basketball together at good old Northwestern College.  Rick is a good guy with a good heart—my kind of person.  ANYWAY Rick was the franchise (i.e. he could really fill the bucket up folks).  My purpose was to throw the ball to him.  We reminisced about soooo many fun things that we shared together.  It was just plain fun.  We had sooooo many experiences together.  He told me one that I didn't remember it. He and I were the deep rebounders on the free throw lane.  It was against Westmar he said and on the west end of the gym. The guy shot the free throw and we both stepped into the lane to block out the shooter and my heel landed on his toe and broke it.  Ouchy ouchy!  Crazy fun story.  I called Rick, Tricky Ricky, as he could really trick his opponent and it was another 2 points.  We had a Rocky on our team, a Lover, an Ox and a Slick.  I didn’t like Slick as he was just that—slick I thought (i.e. as slippery as a greased pig, slippery as teflon).  I was competing for playing time with him and some of us thought he was slick with the coach to gain an advantage.  Maybe the reality was that he was better than me (i.e. maybe I thought I was better than I thought I was) and I was not seeing the situation right.  Now that could be. But I must admit, I wanted to say to Slick--Curb it! 

When I was a freshman there were 12 freshman players.  When I was a senior only 2 of the 12 were left.  That is how it works folks.  I was maybe in the middle+ of the 12 as far as talent went.  But I had a real interest. Many could not put up with all the work without much playing time.  All the players were good.  And each year they brought in another 12 players that were good.  That is how it works folks.  I just really had a great experience (i.e. a tremendous life opportunity for me).  That’s it folks.

A nice young gal told me that her and her husband do not think the same politically or how they should raise their children.  Now that could be a problem.  I wonder how they will work that out.  Many of you are not yoked the same.  It can create problems.  Generally, there will be one alpha dog but not always.  Sometimes relationships just break up.  I heard a radical Democrat say to her radical Republican husband—If you weren’t sooooo nice and such a good friend, I would elect not to be around you.  I know and see marriages where they don’t agree and each go their own way.  They are married but not really.  I friend told me about her son-in-law who doesn’t want anything to do with God.  His mother said—We spent a lot of money, effort, and time to educate him in a Catholic school for what?

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money.  Then take  half the clothes and twice the money.

Knock, Knock
Who's there?
Gladys Who?
Gladys Thanksgiving, Aren't You?

November 12, 2016

I don't have a clue

Disclaimer--Some of this “It’s Saturday” might be rather stodgy and top-heavy with uninteresting stuff.  Ya gotta give Donnie and Hillary credit, they were entertaining alright (i.e. laugh out loud entertaining).  I have no idea how they could come up with all that stuff to make me laugh.  I actually think that they believed some of what they said. But, I really don’t have a clue.  I always thought that they thought they were talking to some third grade class.  Not a fourth grade class folks, no no, a fourth grade class would have seen right through them. If you don't believe me, ask the media--they are always right. NOT!  I see they are now sitting around eating humble pie with egg on their face!

My mentor use to say--It's never as good as it looks or never as bad as it looks. It will now be very interesting if our great country can have synergy.  It appears we are quite divided.  It appears it will take a great leader(s) to work through this.  There are probably many ways to get folks to agree.  Earlier this year, Vladimir Putin turned back the clock, passing a new law forbidding Christians from sharing their faith anywhere but within the walls of official church buildings. Even speaking of Christ in private homes is forbidden. Online sharing of the Gospel is forbidden. Ouchy ouchy!

GeorgeTheCrook says—Folks just don’t think alike; not no two folks do.  They just don’t. From my perspective, it appears that some folks are hoodooed by voodoo! Yabut propaganda can affect the situation tooooo.  And money or power can rig folks’ minds sometimes as well.  Then if you put power and money together, watch out.  Is that being hoodooed by voodoo? Or is that just money and power talking? 

Folks all seem to have different interests in books, food, music, work, etc. Folks just don’t have the same interests and tastes.  No two folks think exactly the same.  That is why it is sooooo hard to recommend different stuff to other folks.  A friend said—I enjoy your blog most days. You hear that—most days.  That is normal folks.  That is why folks have such few close friends and there is a high percentage of divorces. Folks just don’t agree on things and will not accept (i.e. not even listen) to other folks’ opinions and thoughts.  Members of families even struggle (i.e. money management, morals, values, faith, social believes etc.). Ok, some of you folks don’t agree with what I am saying!!!! See, I told you sooooo! Such is life. 47% for Donnie and 48% for Hilary—folks don’t seem to agree, see!  And there appears to be a huge massive chasm between the philosophies of those two and their followers. GeorgeTheCrook thinks our country is running in the mud while SusieQ thinks we are running downhill with the wind on our back.  See, folks don’t agree. Bingo!  I guess time will work it out.  But hang onto your hats folks; this could be quite a ride.  

Do you have “crazymakers” in your life?  I mean folks who just drive you crazy. They just get in your head (e.g. folks who just make you do things you don’t want to do or think things you don’t want to think). They make your life crazy; not the way you want to be.  LuckieEddie says--Sometimes the “crazymaker” can be ourselves (i.e. we can’t distinguish fact from fiction).  A friend made us a meal recently.  When she delivered it she said that she didn’t know if it was any good as she doesn’t cook very much anymore. She said she lost her confidence in her ability. Another gal makes us meals and always says--It might not be very good. When I tell TheSoupLady, who gives us a quart of soup every Tuesday, that her soup is good; she says--It's just something I put together. Other folks have given us food also with such a kind, humble, servant attitude.  These are really good folks. All the food was absolutely delicious.  It was really good let me tell ya.  The food was good but their thoughts, kindness and love for us is waaaaaay better.  Such is life.   ~  Crazy! Arlene always says that the food I cook is delicious.  NOT!  Even with her Alzheimer’s disease, Arlene is as kind and sweet as always.  That’s my Arlene!

ItchieBitchie says--I maybe don’t have a clue what kind of heart you have. I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Your mouth just reveals what’s inside your heart. A harsh tongue reveals an angry heart. A negative tongue reveals a fearful heart. A boasting tongue reveals an insecure heart. An overactive tongue reveals an unsettled heart. A judgmental tongue reveals a guilty heart. A critical tongue reveals a bitter heart. A filthy tongue reveals an impure heart. On the other hand, an encouraging tongue reveals a happy heart, a gentle tongue reveals a loving heart, and a controlled tongue reveals a peaceful heart. Does that make any sense to you? 

I wonder about some of you folks; I sit around wondering about you guys all the time.  Every day! NOT! The state of IA is the leader in corn production and also pork production .  It says in the paper, sooooo it must be right, that IA is also the leader in “nice.” Maybe all the corn and hog smell does that.  The paper says Iowans aren’t as narcissistic as the rest of the country.  Also, it said that Iowa is probably on the top lists of states in the United States for volunteerism.  I didn’t have a clue that Iowans are that good. 

There are many nice folks! Oh ya! I went for a bike ride to Kesley corner recently on a beautiful fall morning.  I got to the corner and laid my bike down to take off a layer of shirts and my pants.  People are soooo nice.  A young gal stopped for the stop sign (i.e. four way stop in the country) and then went through the intersection.  She then stopped and got out of her vehicle and came back to me.  The conversation went like this—You alright erv—I’m fine, my body temperature has warmed up and I need to take some clothes off—are you sure; I would be glad to give you a ride—really I’m fine; thanks soooo much for your concern—are you sure you are alright—really, I’m fine; thanksamillion.  She left and about a minute later another gal stopped and I had the same story line.  Crazy!  CLARIFICATION For your information, when I said I took off my pants, I want you to know that I had biking shorts under my pants!!!!!

It appears that most folks don’t like to be proselytized to.  That word has a sorta kinda a negative connotation to it by many folks.  Folks don’t want to be told what to do or think.  Just because you or I think a certain way, others do not and don’t want to be evangelized tooo. ItchieBitchie says—If I think I’m going to die like a pig (i.e. life has no meaning) and am ok with it, I’m good; just leave me alone.  GeorgeTheCrook says--Maybe you don’t have a clue what is going on or maybe I don’t have a clue what is going on or maybe neither one of us have a clue what’s going on. BUT some day we all will.  But if atheist BigPete is right, then we won’t. But is he right?

When I went to vote, a friend came up to me.  We said some niceties and then talked about her dad.  I told her I saw her help him to church Sunday.  It was touching in see. Her father is a super senior.  I know him as we did business together for many years.  I told my friend that her dad was of high character; a good guy with a good heart.  He always was the same when things were good and when they were not soooo good.  He is a God-fearing person who is confident with himself.  He always was positive and looked forward (i.e. she said he still does).  My friend said that when she felt soooo low that even God wouldn’t listen to her, she went to her daddy and asked him to pray for her. He is a good man. 

IMPORTANT—If any of you don’t believe in God (i.e. are seekers [don’t know for sure what you believe; just haven’t decided yet] or an atheists) and get in a real tough situation sometime with no possible solution (i.e. you are out of options), you can pray to God and He will listen to you no matter what your past is.  He will treat you the same as a long time Believer.  That’s crazy you say.  It is but true.  And it's at no cost; now that's a deal folks. If you feel you can’t pray to God for whatever reason or don’t think you are good enough, let me know and I will pray for you or pray with you.  Any time folks. Any time.  

Well this is the last word of this week’s “It’s Saturday.” Some of you are saying—it’s about time.  It’s like when a guy was asked--Are you mad that your wife always gets the last word?  No no, I’m just glad when she gets to it!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Friends are people who help you be more yourself, the person you are intended to be.

P.S. Played pb at 7:30 the other morning. Slammin'Mary was having heart problems; her heart was beating real fast. She asked me to finish her game. I took her by the arm and helped her to a chair to sit down. I said I didn't want her to pass out and I would have to do mouth to mouth. She said--I might like that. What a hoot!

November 5, 2016

Oh yes!

This “It’s Saturday” is more like I’m predicting or estimating or prognosticating or foretelling.  Soooooo, if I was you, I wouldn’t take any of this tooooo serious!  It’s much like the weather man said in the MN Star Tribune—Please don’t blame me! Forecast is just a forecast! Remember folks, this “It’s Saturday” is about as valuable as what you paid for it.  Such is life.

I have a friend who I call most Saturday mornings during the IA football season.  Bugsy is my prognosticator—a very poor one at that!  It’s soooo much fun.  Have been doing it for years.  I’m glad he’s not handling my investments!  Ha ha! TomTerrific says—Beware of folks posing as profound people as maybe they are not profound people but just think that they are profound. 

Hey folks, I’m not running for any political office and don’t expect a “quid pro quo.” And I’m not trying to “drain the swamp.”  I have no alternative motive that I know about but I could.  But I might be leaking something that will affect the world!  You will never know now will ya!  Oh yes! Maybe I’m sorta kinda a WikiLeaks!

I asked a buddy for his opinion about “It’s Saturday.” He gave me an ear full of how bad it was and what I was doing wrong. I just listened; they say you can learn more by listening than by talking.WorldClassLarry says—And you get along with folks soooo much better tooooo. Another buddy overheard the advice and evaluation I received.  He said—erv, don’t pay any attention to BigMouthTim, he just repeats what everyone says! 

I use to know a guy who knew all the answers about everything.  He wore a big cowboy hat but owned no cattle.  Folks just blew him off. I also knew a guy who actually pretty much knew everything and folks didn't seem to like him either.  Listen folks, I don’t know much. I’m just a little old farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN.  Soooo you have to decide what if any of this “It’ Saturday” makes any sense to you.  Even our kids don’t believe everything I think or believe.  Is that normal?  I realize that they are a lot smarter than me (i.e. I truly understand that). Such is life.  Evan Esar said—If a man is poor, he is stupid; if he is rich, he’s a crook; if he goes to church, he’s a hypocrite; if he stays away, he’s a sinner.  If he’s in politics he’s a grafter; if he takes no interest in politics, he’s an unworthy citizen; if he dies young, there was great future ahead of him; if he lives to a ripe old age, he’s a burden to society.  The only man who is never criticized is he who has never been born.

Oh yes!  Do you like to be around honest, authentic, real folks who don’t claim to have it all figured out.  I do. Oh yes. Saturday question--What kind of person is the most convinceing—a salesman or a satisfied customer? I recently rode in the combine with a friend who was harvesting corn.  He seems to be always on the cutting edge; he says on the bloody edge! ANYWAY I learned a couple of things that might interest you; they did me.  He and his son-in-law no-till their soybeans (i.e. that means that they do nothing to the corn fields after harvest and next spring they just plant the beans in the corn fields without and tillage).  In some fields they have a problem with dandelions (i.e. dandelions are not killed by round up—that is what farmers spray on beans to kill weeds).  Soooo some farmers will spray some of their corn fields in the fall just like we spray our lawns.  I didn’t know that.  Also I asked why their harvested corn fields look sooo much more beaten down that others.  They have stompers on their combine that stomp down the stalks (i.e. flattens them more to the ground).  According to this smart friend, that really helps in the decomposing of the stalks and also makes it easier to drive over.  I didn’t know that either.  I could tell you more but enough is enough about farming for today. Oh yes!

Mama Mia; that would be a couple of meatballs! FOX did a graphic that put MN Vikings QB Sam Bradford’s head on Teddy Bridgewater’s body to promote Vikings games.  Huh, interesting.  ItchieBitchie says—Maybe FOX should morph Hillary/Donnie’s images by putting Hillary’s head on Donnie’s body and Donnie’s head on Hillary’s body. This would be a diversion technique that could easily fool us even more. JoeBlow says--Can we be fooled any more than what we have already? What do you think? If they did that, which person would gain an advantage do you think?

Have you ever missed a wide open layup (i.e. either on the basketball court or in life)? One might say—How in the world could I have missed it.  I was wide open and sooooo easy but I blew it.  SusieQ says, I really can’t believe it that I missed the opportunity.  What was I doing. I can’t make it happen again; it’s history.  I still can’t believe that I blew it. I fell soooo bad.  I just plain blew the opportunity. I recently almost blew an opportunity.  I came to my senses and am going to do it (i.e. I almost blew it).  I’m not real comfortable in doing it; it would be easier to just pass on it.  I have told you this before—I pray for opportunities, pray that I can recognize them, and pray for courage to act on them.  AverageJoe says—Opportunities all have some risk to them.  Oh yes!

Difference maker!  A difference maker tipped my hand in accepting the opportunity.  He influenced me in going forward.  Happenstance, na, I don’t think sooooo folks.  He will never know that he did that to me. Crazy. Oh yes! Will my accepting this opportunity affect folks? I don’t know.  I probably will never know. Really, does it make any difference? Have you ever been a difference maker do you think?  Do you try to make a difference in other folks' lives or not? Do others make any difference in your life? Are you ridiculous how you live your life? Does your life make any difference to any one? Oh yes! 

CrazyMarvin says--This might be a bit challenging.  You might not what to read it.  I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--What can you learn that will lower the stress in your life? Gentleness and humility (i.e. that is not the American dream). You say, Wait a minute! That’s not exactly what I want to learn. Why didn’t Jesus say, I’ll teach you endurance and stamina or ‘I’ll teach you confidence and courage? Jesus wants you to learn gentleness and humility to help manage your stress. Why? You probably don’t realize it, but the two biggest causes of stress in your life are arrogance and aggression. Aggression happens when you do things too quickly. You don’t wait. You don’t ponder. You don’t delay. You don’t think it through. You don’t trust God’s guidance and direction. You just jump in with both feet. Arrogance is the idea that you know what’s best for you, so you’re going to control everything in your life (i.e. you don’t need God). You think you can handle things better than God can. Don’t you think that attitude probably creates a great deal of stress in your life? But if you think you are going to die like a pig, it doesn’t really matter does it folks.  You probably think you know all the answers. LuckieEddie says—Now that is arrogance folks. As my deceasedfriendPaul once said to me—erv, decisions have consequences.  Guess who gets to make the decisions. Such is life.

Oh yes! A couple of weeks ago while golfing, I rode with a buddy (i.e. little Elmer).  He told me how to adjust my snow blower (i.e. very good information).  I didn’t even have to pay him for this advice.  Now that’s a deal.  Yabut, he probably took my dollar that we throw into the pot sooooo he got paid anyway (i.e. he usually wins).  It really pays to be around smart folks.  And I rode in his cart free of charge.  Oh yes. What a hoot! 

Politics in America is a snafu!  Oh yes! Bernie and Donnie think it’s rigged (i.e. baked, cooked, stick a fork in it; it's a done deal). Donnie's and Hilary’s fiasco might change the future of many things.  It’s hard to say but there might be some changes in the horizon.  The general public seems to be pretty feed up with all the shenanigans!  But politicians are pretty good at pulling the wool over the eyes of us folks.  They probably still have a few tricks up their sleeve that they haven’t used yet (i.e. they seem to have a pretty big bag full of them).  It will be fun to see what they come up with. It is hard to say what it might be. Crazy! IckieVickie says—Yabut, it’s not hard to run a business when you have unlimited deficit speeding limits.  Now that is not a trick folks! That’s a disaster ready to happen (i.e. my opinion). It said in the paper soooo it must be right--Lying gets easier as you go!

Sorry to tell you folks but a lot of you are easily fooled. You can’t hit the curve ball (i.e. it fools you; that is what the scouting report is on you).  You swing but just can’t hit it.  You can hit the fast ball but just get fooled with the curve ball (i.e. it has a wrinkle).  Ouchy ouchy!  You can yack all you want but if you are fooled with the curve ball folks, guess what folks, the world will throw it at you all the time.  They know you can’t hit it.  It’s like a sucker pitch to ya.  You can’t hit it.  Everyone knows it.  That is why they throw it to you all the time.  You can’t hit it. MissPerfect says--Suckers, learn to hit the curve ball or identify it and stay away from it. Such is life. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--If you must use a hammer, build something.

P.S. There was a great commotion in the Wichert cemetery. Oh yes! Art Schaafsma (i.e. Arlene's dad) rolled over in his grave! No more--"Wait until next year!" "Billy The Goat curse" is dead! No more Cubs being a "lovable loser!"