September 25, 2021


Disclaimer: Don’t take anything I write toooo serious.  Most of the time I have no idea what I am saying. I just write this stuff to make you think (i.e. and in some cases that is hard for sure). If I offend you or hurt your feelings, I’m sorry.  That is not my intent. But if the shoe fits, I guess I can’t help that.  And none of you are ItchieBitchie even if some of you ask me if you are and think you are; you are not (i.e. but I do lie sometimes). I can’t change your mind about anything; you are way too hard core for that to happen; you know that. Most of you would need a miracle for you to change and some of you don’t believe in miracles soooo that really limits your chances. BUT life will go on, maybe. And remember, all my imaginary friends make many big claims but provide no proof.  And another thing you have to take into consideration is that I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN. Don’t have high expectations and you won’t be disappointed when you read this “It’s Saturday.”

Some folks believe we’re approaching a global cataclysm, a major transition or even a climax. Some think It has to happen sometime. It can’t continue going on and on forever this way, or can it? I don’t know. I have said many times that it’s like a huge, massive snowball going down the mountain at breakneck speed and is getting bigger and bigger and we just can’t stop it.  Something seems like it has to give at some point. BUT Chester and Anna said that 70 years ago also and it keeps going. Sooooo there. I read in the paper soooo it must be right—Afghanistan’s future is as murky now as it was two decades ago. WildBill says—Nuttin will change until it gets really bad and it’s not near bad enough yet (i.e. we usually never fix anything until it’s completely broke and it won’t absolutely work anymore)! Bad isn’t when you can’t get a camping spot for the weekend, oh no, it’s much worse than that.  We have no idea what bad is and probably won’t react until it gets really bad (i.e. it ain’t near bad enough yet; not by a long shot); that is how society acts.  It just has to get really bad before we sit up and take notice. And then all we do many times is just sit up and talk about it but still don’t do anything about it.  ItchidBitchie says—There are three kinds of folks, those who sit up and take notice, those who talk about it and those who do something about it. This sounds negative; it’s not. It’s just reality; just a different way to skin the cat! Some call it progress and some call it a disaster. 

Steve, anyone can be a Steve, says--By nature, most people want to be comfortable and feel safe. Likewise, our tendency to return to the past is often driven by a desire to go where things are known and understood. In times of transition, there is uncertainty. A relationship, job, health condition, or the next season in life can cause fear or worry. In such times, we need to be open minded and look energetically for new ways and opportunities in midst of transition.”  I find it hard to be patient and open minded in the transitions I’m going through although I really try and work at it.  And I’m probably not any different than you guys, I would guess.  Transition is making changes and human nature doesn’t like change. BUT flip the pancake, change and transition are exciting.  It’s how we look at it maybe. Such is life.

Inflation is huge it seems; every time I buy groceries it seems like the bill is always $50; I think all the check outs are all stuck and that is just the amount they always charge me. I can’t imagine having 4 kids, all hungry.  I heard that the government gives parents $300 a month for each kid.  Is that true?  If soooo, that would help (i.e. more kids means more money). Society seems to be on a tread mill where we want more more and more; we just can’t get enough of it (i.e. whatever “it” is).  I was talking to a friend recently as he was sitting on the tail gate of his pickup (i.e. many guys like to sit on their pickups or lean on them, you ever notice that).  This guy would be considered wealthy by most folks.  He and his wife have it good but don’t go over board acting that way.  In fact, he told me that his wife is very frugal with their money.  They seem to be content.  Maybe they think they have enough.  I don’t know.  He said—erv, we have everything we want and need. OrdinaryJoe says—That’s impossible; what kind of folks are they; they must be dysfunctional!

I think we are all dysfunctional to some degree; I do.  I have no idea what is functional and what is dysfunctional anymore.  What is normal? Every family seems to have dysfunctional members and maybe many of your family might think you are one of them and you think they are the dysfunctional ones.  I can only imagine what folks and my family think about me.  BUT they don’t know what I think about them either! haha  A friend told me that her son hasn’t talked to her for 6 years—what’s the deal—don’t know; he won’t talk to me. Another friend said her stepdaughter doesn’t like her; she never did.  What’s the deal; I don’t know, she won’t talk about it. And those are minor problems compared to some issues in some families I would guess.  I would guess there are many tears shed about dysfunctional family issues.

I think I sorta kinda became more confused recently or am I just temporally discombobulated?  I think soooo.  It put me in a difficult thinking.  Then a friend and a morning devotion like helped me think differently, maybe (i.elike a punch to the stomach).  I’m not saying I got things figured out, but it made me think differently.  A friend said—erv, maybe if you would change, your life will change.  Wow! The devotion was about not perfect folks.  It went something like this--In today’s mail there was a slick brochure of a montage of beautiful people. The perfect senor lady with a sweet smile. The neat looking couple caught in a mid-laugh. An active, attractive senor couple, arms draped around each other’s shoulders. They seem perfect, these people. Who wouldn’t want to be around them? But they are not real. They are models from stock images. They are picture-frame people, the impossibly good-looking people who come in the picture frame that you buy at the store. If truth-in-advertising laws applied to that brochure, the montage would show “not many of them were wise . . . not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth, not any of them or none of them were perfect.” BUT probably many of them or all of have defects (i.e. warts that can’t be seen), common folks who aren’t any different than you or I (i.e. surely not perfect folks). Sooo where do you think I’m going with this?  It’s your guess!

Last Sunday at church a friend and I were talking about some opportunities that he is involved in.  I said something like—It’s looks like a cookie cutter approach.  He said—Cookie cutters are good for making cookies but not for this opportunity.  I think he was saying it’s time to change the channel. Don’t resist it. Refocus!  BUT will folks buy into it?  Time will tell.  Rome wasn’t built in a day! LuckieEddie says--Many folks are stiff necked, ornery folks. Who what me?  I think that is in a church hymn, isn’t it? 

A friend and his wife are transitioning into the metro from the farm.  They bought some new furniture. Delivery will be in 30 weeks.  Yes, that is right, 30 weeks.  He offered to pay more to make it faster—they said, no can do (i.e. maybe he didn't offer enough)! We can’t get folks to work the salesperson said! It’s serious when money doesn’t even talk! haha Then my friend asked for a discount since it’s going to be soooo long—we don’t do any discounts or sales!  Suck it up baby! He was told that it was a record year for furniture sales.  Everyone has money and they can’t spend it fast enough!  Such is life.

Flip the pancake. I was walking to church the other day and my neighbors were in the drive.  They told me that they sold their camper (i.e. had it a year and sold it for more than they paid for it). Sold their golf cart that they had at their camp site. Sold their Harley. How come I asked? Well, we have a very nice home and feel that we have to camp all the time to justify having the camper and all the toys that go with it.  We want to simplify our lives and enjoy our home and make life less pressured.  And besides, it cost us a fortune to have all that stuff.  We seem to enjoy life much more this way. You would think it would be just the opposite, but it isn’t for them anyway. Such is life.

It’s a time of transition from summer to fall.  Summer doesn’t want to give up and fall is excited to get going (i.e. folks are wearing shorts and sweatshirts at the same time). In the spring and it’s 60 degrees with the wind out of the nw at 20 mph, there are a lot of golfers; in the fall when day is the same, there are few to none; it’s like bears coming out of hibernation and bears looking to hunker down again! As I am writing this, I am sitting in my sunporch at twilight. It is absolutely beautiful for me; there is no wind, the sky is beautiful; there is no noise, no people around, very peaceful—perfect.  It’s sorta kinda a transition of the day to evening.  I like it.

Some of you are going through a painful transition.  I can only imagine.  I don’t know what it is.  My heart hurts for you.  There are soooo many ugly transitions.  And there are soooo many happy transitions as well.  And some of you are going through them as well.  I can only imagine. And some of you folks are going through both at the same time.  Such is life.

Rick Warren is the author of Purpose Driven Life.  He believes that the Bible is filled with ordinary people who lived extraordinary lives because they believed God would work in and through them. They believed God made them for a purpose and intended for them to successfully fulfill their mission. I believe that. Maybe we are all in the process of that transition.  What do you think?  That is what I thought.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Living on earth is expensive but it does include a trip around the sun every year.

The tip of the day comes from a friend east of town who always seems happy (i.e. maybe she knows what she is talking about)!  1st person to apologize is the bravest, 1st person to forgive is the strongest, 1st person to forget is the happiest. 

September 18, 2021


LuckieEddie says--Successful people are very lucky, just ask any failure. JoeBlow says—It seems that successful folks have a good foundation.  Marilyn Monroe said—To put it bluntly, I seem to be a whole superstructure with no foundation. But I’m working on the foundation.

SusieQ, who seems a little edgy at times, says--There are many sources to get help but the first thing we need to do is admit we need help.  Now that is a problem with mankind for sure; admit that we aren’t perfect and ask for help.  Some folks have a tendency to think they know all the answers. Missperfect, who might have tunnel vision, says—Not me soooo much but the folks I’m around surely think they know all the answers. Da! I have to nudge them all the time!

My pickleball partner the other morning had this on his tee shirt—It was a pic of a ship and written around it was:  I’m the captain that makes it move! Recently I got a call from a friend who wanted to talk about a common interest that he is involved with.  He said he wanted to discuss the situation with me.  We had the most delightful conversation maybe ‘cause he was a business person who was in charge of a major division and made a lot of important decisions.  He is not radical and is a good listener.  We had a discussion in which he didn’t have his mind made up; at least it didn’t appear that way. He was very refreshing to talk with.  Soooo later in the day I texted him this message—It felt good to have the opportunity to express my opinions.  Of course, I don’t know if my feelings are correct or if they agreed with his; maybe not; now that could be and if not, that is okay.  It appears that he and I might be in the minority in this discussion methodology.  I heard a statement in MI that made me smile—Folks talk that they want to change but they won’t, and they really don’t want tooooo; it’s just talk. Also, I heard a guy in MI say—80% of communication is body language (i.e. not talk). Will Rogers said—If you are ridin’ ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it’s still there.

I have had lessons that taught me lessons which I learned from and the only way I could learn from them was toooo experience them personally.  I can’t read about them or see them on TV, but I actually have to do them (i.e. and then evaluate them open mindedly).  Some of those lessons and experiences were fun and some not soooooo much but they all affected and manipulated me. Some affected me big time! Yes, for me experience can be a mean teacher but many times a good teacher (i.e. a breakthrough).  AverageJoe says—BUT we have to be receptive to want to learn. 

I texted a friend an article stating how some farmland in our area has sold for; sold for an all-time high (i.e. huge massive amount).  He responded—I’m getting richer…lot of good that does…rather be younger. A friend years ago gave me a motivational tape called It All Goes Back in the Box. I was reminded of what it said once again at the funeral of a friend this last Saturday.  A friend sent me this--Old Italian proverb...After the game, the King and the pawn go into the same box.

CadillacJack says--In the United States there is a great deal of lukewarmness a.k.a. “business as usual.” It appears that folks are very interested in enjoying their luxuries. A hiker from MA told me that students who were the top of the high school classes in their area use to be Asians but now are Africans who are black.  Why—they have a strong desire to succeed, and their parents work like crazy to give them the opportunity (i.e. they are nudged). He said they don’t feel that they are mistreated in America but totally enjoy the opportunity (i.e. don’t feel entitled).  Think through that. It appears that it’s the way they look at it. 

I like to write notes. I don’t need a certain kind of note pad but like some better than others, but some folks really enjoy a special notepad (i.e. I can understand that, yes, I can).  Why do I like to write notes you ask.  Well, it stimulates me and makes me look at things in a different way.  It also is proven that I retain the information better.  Besides, it makes me feel good.  But I do throw many of my notes away.  Sometimes I can’t even understand why I wrote a certain note down in the first place; my thinking is different at a different time.  Crazy for sure!

Yes, we are different aright!  In a breakfast discussion in MI one morning, I was introduced to “Synesthesia.” I never heard of it before.  About 5 to 10% of folks have it it says on google soooo it must be right. You might have it and you don’t even know it (i.e. you think everyone is like you soooo you don’t even know you are different).  It’s not a disease and it’s not bad but it’s how different folks think differently.  It is very fascinating to me.  Google it. You might learn something.  Are any of you aware that you have it?

Saturday question—Do you actualize your thoughts! LuckieEddie asks--What does that mean anyway? I like that word; that is an action word to me.  That is an exciting word to me.  Some of you are truly actualizers and others not soooo much maybe.  GeorgeTheCrook says—I don’t even want to think about it!  As long as the government keeps sending me money, I’m good! I surely live in a great country; I can go camping and the government sends me money to pay for my hot dogs and beer!  What more can a guy ask for!

TheGuyNorthofTown says—We all mess up; but it’s what we do after the mess up that really important.  Sooooo do we learn from our mess-ups or do we just do them again.  Do you say to someone we are sorry or not? Do we change our mentality or just stay the same. I sometimes need to be nudged to get the point.  Ouchy ouchy! If I continue to do the same mess up stuff, my life won’t get any better.  Will it? Many times we all need a nudge.  Oh ya!  My neighbor says—erv, what we often do the least is what we need the most.  Yikes, I hate that when my neighbor says that.  Here is an analogy that I read while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Jesus says there are two ways of trying to approach God. One, like the Pharisee, who tells God about his goodness, thinking God will surely bless such a wonderful person as he. Or like the publican (i.e. that's not Republican folks--not a misprint haha), who cries out, “God be merciful to me a sinner” (Luke 18:13). When you repay evil with a blessing, you are carrying out the earliest mandate for the people of God: You are blessed to be a blessing.   

CoachB says—Many times we believe but what we believe isn’t the truth (i.e. we are brainwashed, sucker). We believe all kinds of things but maybe all those things aren’t all the truth (e.g. the news).  Could be. Mark Twin said—Nothing lies it just messes us up, it’s the things that we think are true, it just ain’t true. Oh but to determine what is true and what isn’t is a challenge now isn’t it. Abraham Lincoln said—You can fool all the folks some of the time, some of the people all the time but you can’t fool all the people all the time. We might even think we are right when we are really the wacko one.  Could be.  But we don’t even know it.  Holy smokes.  CadillacJack says—Most folks around me are real wackos but I know the complete truth for sure (i.e. and he might); I know the truth for sure ‘cause I watch my favorite news channel 24/7 which has all the truth. Da! OrdinaryJoe says--A lie detector test only tests what you believe but does not test what the truth is. You might believe something which you think is the truth (i.e. totally convinced), but it really isn’t!  On this date in 1895, an ad in the Phoenix Daily Herald stated that “good meat is the basis of civilization. A man whose arteries and veins are filled with rich blood made with choice meats from Hurley’s Central Market has pluck, courage, endurance and noble impulses.” A friend/engineer from MI sent me this to ponder (i.e. he always has three pens in his shirt pocket sooooo...haha)--America is the only country where a significant proportion of the population believes that professional wrestling is real but the moon landing was faked.

I have to nudge myself to do certain things that are good for my mind and body.  Sometimes I don’t like doing them, but I force myself to do them.  If I don’t, I fall out of the habit, or my life might deteriorate (i.e. my opinion).  And I have the opportunity to make the decision what those things are for the most part; I’m one lucky dog as many folks in the world don’t have that opportunity (i.e. don’t have options).  Sometimes my decisions are not the best I find out later and sometimes they are very good. What you think is what you’ll will be folks; no question about it!  And we all have the opportunity to think what we want and what we think we need; we make that decision.  No question. It's the truth for sure!

I think most folks pray in one form or another, I do.  Probably the most popular prayer is asking God to help us, like bless us.  That is because we are in a tough spot and have no other place to go for help (i.e. if money can fix it, we don’t need God—it’s when we are in a situation that only God can help that we become humble and pray). Zarephath says--If you ask God for His blessing a.k.a. a nudge, consider what you will do with that blessing when it comes. God blesses us so we may become a blessing to others. I seriously pray that God may bless you, each one of you.  Now isn’t that a great opportunity that God gives to us to be blessed to be a blessing.  I think soooo. What do you think? That is what I thought.

WorldClassLarry says—"You can’t lead from a stuck place.  Get around some folks who are moving and who aren’t stuck.”  A nephew-in-law from MI suggested to me and others to read Think Again by Adam Grant.  He uses it in managing his team of employees.  Someone asked him if it’s fiction or non-fiction—I don’t read any books that are not non-fiction. Soooo I tried to get an eBook edition from the library though Bridges; I am 45th on a waiting list of 3 books.  It’s popular.  Flip the pancake.  He also told me that the James Bond movie,  A Time to Die, is opening October 8th—are you going—on the 9th; I love James Bond movies; I get soooo wrapped up in them that I forget where I am or what is going on around me; totally mesmerized. I don’t think James Bond movies are non-fiction, are they!  haha I’m just nudging him in the ribs a little. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Those that flee temptation generally leave a forwarding address.

The tip of the day is from a friend, who was the top of his class and who seems to have had a successful life—You can control your decisions, but you can’t choose the consequences of your decisions, but you can increase the probability of better consequences by choosing better decisions. That's the truth some think and others not sooooo much!

September 11, 2021


My sisters said to me—erv, be careful brother or you’ll poke your eye out!  ItchieBitchie says, your sisters told me—To study the abnormal, that's you erv; that is the best way of understanding the normal. I had such a great time with my sisters and their families.  I learned a lot and will try my hardest to forget most of it! haha They are soooo nice.  Spending time with my sisters and family put me on the straight and narrow again. Oh ya! They hold back no punches!               

I woke up at 4:30 the other morning and had a crazy feeling, sorta kinda a premonition.  I sat on the edge of my bed and thought for a while.  I prayed about it. And then made some decisions.  Decisions to change some things in my life and also my thinking.  Wow! I really think the foreboding was really a blessing for me.  I hope I understood it correctly and acted properly. I feel good about it but that isn’t always a fool proof answer; my emotions aren’t always correct.  I think it altered my direction and agenda some; maybe took some of my cockiness out of me.       

Do you ever have hunches that you need to do something or not to do something? You just have that feeling in your bones; a sixth sense? It was more than a sixth sense, it was my sisters telling me what I should do; they are soooo darn smart.  And then my bother-in-laws agreed.  Yikes!  Sooooo I did what they told me.  Probably, maybe good advice even if I really didn’t want to do what they told me (i.e. probably the right thing).  They sorta kinda got me in a corner and poked at me.  

Augustine said--There is no better proof of friendship than to help our friends with their burdens. Part of my apprehension is that I wonder if I have become tooo self-centered (i.e. too much all about me). I can get that way; oh ya! A friend told me recently to slow down; relax; take it easy, give it some time. He was right; I was getting away from of who I am; toooo proactive; toooo aggressive; not letting things happen; being someone who I am not.  I feel much better now (i.e. it was good to do some self-evaluation)! Such is life.

You every feel like a little pipsqueak? I do at times. I feel like I’m soooo little compared to most everyone else sometimes.  Others can seem to accomplish such great things and I don’t.  That comparison is not good I know but it seems to show its ugly head sometimes and I don’t like it. I think I need to buy a big camper and go camping! haha AverageJoe says—erv, maybe those folks who you think accomplish soooo much really don’t; it’s all fake.  I try to do things because they are the right things to do and because I love doing them. When I do things for other reasons, it seems like I get out of focus (i.e. I’m just speaking for myself; you might think differently; I understand; it seems we are all motivated differently—money and ego can affect a lot of folks—just look around; it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out).

When on the Road Scholar trip, I once again saw how important leadership is; soooo important.  We had leaders that were very capable, kind, shared themselves with everyone, were humble but very professional.  Now think of situations you might have been in or are in that are not that way.  What happened or is happening?  Ya got to have good leaders.   Egotistical leaders are deal killers, folks. It has always have been that way and always will be that way. Now I also experienced during the first couple days of hiking, some hikers who were trying to position themselves a.k.a. called posturing.  That toooo usually happens. But after a couple of days most everyone paid little attention to them.  And no one really cared tooooo much how important they thought they were.  I would laugh occasionally at them. I thought of what my Daddy, Chester, use to say to me—erv, if you are good, you don’t have to tell anyone!

I was eating my oatmeal with a CO peach on it.  It wasn’t that good.  The peach was hard and not sweet.  I should have waited a day or two before using it.  I know folks who are that way; hard and not sweet.  They just aren’t.  Maybe for many reasons.  Maybe they just aren’t ripe yet.  Could be. Maybe I need to wait a while until they ripen up (i.e. or get around other folks).  They need to set out a little longer; or maybe some have been sitting out a long time already.  Maybe the heat needs to be turned up.  Maybe they have been burnt in the past and are scared to death to be sweet again.  Could be. Saturday question—using a scale of 1 to 10, how sweet are you in general?  SweetiePieMabel, who is always in game day shape, says—I am sweeter to some than others (e.g. I’m sweeter to my dogs than my husband)!

I am very intrigued by co-depended folks and enablers.  It appears to happen in all sorts of relationships. Maybe you are in one of those relationships and don’t even know it.  Why does it happen?  Well, maybe because of addictions, insecurity, inability to adapt to reality, can’t cut the apron strings, a sense of power or usefulness, I read these are a few of possibilities.  It sure can cause many problems in families when one child takes advantage of the parent or parents (i.e. if there is only one child there isn’t any problem or is there).  I have never been in that situation soooo maybe I don’t know how it feels.  Could be. 

The naturist/guide was telling us that bears reproduce every three years. The cubs stay with their mother in the winter den for two years and then after 3 years of mama bear showing them how to survive, she will kick them out to be on their own and then she will reproduce again.  Then she said--It’s much like humans, but it seems we don’t kick them out until 30 years of age (i.e. many folks laughed)! She also told us that the male bear has nothing to do with the females after breeding. In fact, they will try to kill the cubs so the females will breed again.  I heard a female say in our bus—Sounds typical!  I think she might have had a bad experience maybe.

I've been told by my many sources, good sources - they're very good sources soooo it must be true!  Soooo why do we take advice from someone we don’t know very little rather than from someone we know and trust whose lives have been proven for many years (i.e. look at their past history)? We might take advice from someone we just met standing in line or at a ball game who we don’t hardly even know at all. I have a friend who I think has changed/is changing.  This person is becoming more mature and is starting to see the big picture much better (i.e. my opinion).  This person was a great person before but is becoming even a greater person, my opinion.  Why? Not really certain but this person does seem to be becoming different, maybe from life experiences along with age or being around good folks.  Maybe. This person seems to be impressing me more and more, BUT how important is that anyway!!!! Really, who really wants to be like me or impress me (i.e. who really wants to be like ervie)? Think about that.  Who really wants to be like you (i.e. probably many)? AverageJoe says--Yabut you are super rich; everyone wants to be super rich!!!! It’s the American dream! A friend told me this about a mutual friend (i.e. who I consider a good guy) and who many would consider super rich—He helped me a lot but wouldn’t take any compensation from me—he said, I have helped many folks and didn’t take money from them who I don’t like near as much as you! Soooo maybe it’s not all about the money!

We sure did laugh a lot in MI with my family, oh ya.  We laughed with each other and at each other especially while eating and playing games. My sisters surely put together some good family parties with some of their children and grandchildren.  It truly was a good time that seemed to be had by all.  Soooo we went to church Sunday at the church my sisters and their husbands attend, 1st Reformed of Granville. I sat between my kid sister and my big sister (i.e. only in age). After the service a lady who was sitting behind us told my sisters—I knew that had to be your brother as when we stood up to sing all three of you stood with your arms crossed.  I wonder why we did that?  Like I said, we are survivors, and that cross-arm position means something.  It toooo just made me laugh. 

RickyRick says--“God does speak—sometimes one way and sometimes another—even though people may not understand it. Job 33:14 The Bible says to give thanks in all circumstances. Notice it does not say to give thanks for all circumstances. There is a big difference. There are a lot of things in life you should not be thankful for. You should never be thankful for evil, for example.” I sometimes pursue things with great energy and determination but do not take time to smell the roses (i.e. be thankful); I too often start a new, exciting endeavor right away (i.e. get after it).  Whoopsie daisy!  That sounds crazy doesn’t it! I am making an effort to hit the “pause” button for a second and appreciate what I just enjoyed with my family, friends, and experiences in MI.  I am celebrating!  Dancing to the music. Try it, you might like it! 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—You are never too old to become younger.

The tip of the day comes from one of my brother-in-laws who could be the fastest driver in MI or the fastest driver could be my sister, his wife.  He knows law officers that say—78 is fine but 79 is mine!

September 4, 2021

you have it

This “It’s Saturday” is about being unbalanced.  OneSmartPerson, who has a big head of lettuce, says—Here is what happens in a play. You get involved in a situation where something is unbalanced.  If nothing’s unbalanced, there’s no reason to have a play.  If Hamlet comes home from school, and his dads’s not dead and asks him if he’s had a good time, it’s boring.  But if something’s unbalanced, it must be returned to order.  I’m sure none of your lives are unbalanced, but they could be, but I just don’t know it.  That could be!

Is there a difference between a truism and an absolute truth? A friend gave me some information about lying.  It states that it is always wrong.  Here we go again! She underlined the most important parts to emphasize them to me (i.e. she is an underliner alright). One line or lines she underlined is this—One of the most dangerous forms of lying is hypocrisy: pretending to be something you are not or to believe or to believe something you do not believe (i.e. especially regarding religion). You have it or you don’t! Saturday question—Are you ever a hypocrite?

WorldClassLarry says--Kindness is its own reward but cruelty is a self-inflicted wound. Think through that folks.  LuckieEddie says—You have it or you don’t.  Missperfect says—I don’t like to hear that; one minute I can be soooo kind and then I turn around and am as cruel as can be. I even say one thing and do just the opposite many times. I think I have a problem or something. And I don’t want you to know my thoughts; oh no! They are even worse than my actions (i.e. I’m a real phony at times, oh ya. Why am I that way anyway? You got me Missperfect! You just have it I guess!

I had the opportunity to spend an overnight with my grandkids from Waukee.  Their Mom, Jessica, told me that Charlie (i.e. almost 13) was telling Rookie (i.e. almost 9) that she is going through puberty and doesn’t always want to play with him, is grouchy sometimes, sometimes moody and is not always nice to him. Rookie came to her and said—Mom, I don’t want to go through puberty.

If I would say to you—you have it.  How would you interpret my statement? What do you think you have? It could mean many things for sure that I think you have and you might think many other things for sure that you think you have. Soooo what do you have that stands out; that describes who you are in your opinion? Okay let’s narrow it down just a little into positive characteristics.  Okay even more into what you displayed positive today. Okay even more like what you displayed the last hour (i.e. that is the real you and me folks; many times what we pretend to be is just baloney or makeup).  Yikes! 

CoachB, who is black, says—“In the black community, only 1 in 3 actually 70% don't have a daddy in the house. So if you are a father and in the house and you are black, it’s rate.  It’s not the majority, it’s not the average, and it makes a tremendous difference.” Soooo daddies, you make a difference. No question. BUT what I don’t understand, why don’t we hear politicians talk about the deterioration of the family. It’s not good, my opinion.  Isn’t this a huge massive problem which creates many many problems?  I think soooo. But we just seem to never talk about it.  We just keep throwing money at it! Da!

I had a friend tell me recently that she lost respect for some management—really, how come—I think they made some decisions that were not right which have affected many folks; I don’t know if I can ever get over it. Tony Dungy said this in a recent devotion—"Respect isn’t a right. We aren’t entitled to it, and we can never earn it by demanding it. It is something we earn because of our character—and by giving it to others.  If we want to be respected, we have to show ourselves to be worthy of it, not by our status, possessions, or accomplishments, but by honesty, integrity, and responsibility.” Such is life!

I was told that a senior in high school when asked what kind of job she is pursuing after school. She said she wants a job that is done at 5 with no responsibility and no stress and pays big money!  Good luck to her!  Have you heard about the term “The great resignation!”  It appears that about 55% of folks plan to quit their current job and get another one (i.e. I quit). Many don’t want to go back to the office but want to work from home plus many other reasons they say.  Or some don’t want to go back to work after getting payments from the government. Passive income is the dream of many (i.e. the life of Riley).  The chance of this happening is very small but it’s the dream of many. About 21% of all folks it happens too but that includes retired folks who live on a variety of passive incomes including SS, disability, government aids, company pensions, inherences, etc. (i.e. and some don't live soooo well—don’t have many options and some do). Currently that percentage might be higher with all the government aid and subsidies.  The percentage of folks who live on passive income under 65 is actually quite small (i.e. cost of health insurance deters some). SusieQ says—My friend PattyPatsy’s husband died, and she just sits on the couch and eats chips and the money just keeps rolling in; she can’t spend it fast enough! GeorgeTheCook says—The easiest way to get passive income is to marry it or inherit it; you just have it; it ain’t complicated folks!  A friend told me that in the winter in Florida, there are all kinds of rich widows looking for a man. The only requirements they have are if he can walk and drive at night (i.e. there aren’t enough to go around; the supply is less than the demand). 

Do you ever feel that you are being taken advantage of?  I know for fact that I have been taken advantage of on many occasions.  Sometimes I didn’t care and others I was not happy about it. It’s not a good feeling for the most part.  It appears it happens in relationships sometimes and also in the workplace.  Many times a lot of pressure can be applied because of money it seems.  I understand that working at home can have this effect for some; a lot of pressure can be applied and for some no pressure it seems. This is really going to be interesting to see how this all plays out.  Soooo are we like JacobTheTrickster and just take advantage of others and their situations (i.e. you got them where you want them) or are we considerate and reasonable (i.e. selfishness or selflessness, humble or proud).  Here is an example of humility—There is a hair solon that’s name is Shear Madness, and their slogan is--we curl up and dye for you!

ItchieBitchie says--Some of you need to be told everything (i.e. can’t figure things out) and others of you don’t (i.e. can figure things out easily).  Now ain’t that the truth.  We all know both kinds of folks now don’t we and we are either one or the other probably or maybe a hybrid.  Oof! I really like to read about David in the Bible; he is soooooo interesting to me.  Soooooo many times he talks to God about his confusion of life and the confusion in his own life that he just can’t understand. Then he always concludes by saying something like—BUT you are God, my God who I have complete trust in.  Maybe that is why I like David sooo much as that is how I feel most of the time.  I sure try to be more like David than Saul.  David was pure, submissive, and humble. In contrast, Saul was devious. But it’s a challenge! Oh ya! I was around a couple of sharp business folks recently.  We talked about the stress with their jobs. They both told me that just because we have much stress dealing with many important situations regarding with very demanding clients, we do not need to be a jerk even if they are; it’s a choice we make for ourselves. 

I’m visiting my sisters, their spouses and some of their families in MI. My sisters treat me like I’m special (i.e. they killed the fatted calf); they didn’t when we were kids a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN let me tell you; oh no, they always got me in trouble, and I took the bulk of the punishment; even they admit that.  Of course, my sisters were queens, literally; I not soooo much.  We are survivors; yes, we are. Our parents died when we were rather young soooo we were on our own with no inheritance.  My kid sister of course had it the worst and she was/is a dynamic person who did very well with the aid of my big sister (i.e. only in age) and her husband; she was like 13 and 18 when our parents died. They are great sisters; that’s all I can say.  Way nicer than me by a long shot for sure!

Recently I was with a friend, and I said a certain person irritates me as it appears that this person thinks they are bigger than real life which just really turns me off.  My friend said to me—erv, I’m glad to see that side of you!  Soooo what did she mean by that statement? I can only imagine.  I was scared to ask! What a hoot!  I recently was with a person who thought they were better than everyone (i.e. and they might be). It was very obviously it was felt by me and others, for sure.  How do you think that made me and the others feel?  How do you think we felt about that person? Personally, I laughed inside at this person.  Not the kind of person I want to be like.  That person was a great lesson for me.  Thanksamillion “that person” a.k.a. a great turn off example!

I had breakfast with a medical doctor at our table when hiking.  She told us that the food industry manipulates us with their advertising (e.g. diet Coke is better for us. Maybe it has less sugar, but the caffeine is way higher).  Sooooo I checked it out. It is! Folks, I think we are manipulated in soooo many ways; we are such suckers.  As the saying goes, if we hear it enough, we believe it’s the truth.  GeorgeTheCrook says—It seems like facts mean nuttin but opinions mean everything in our society. And one opinion I have is that a few radicals are a huge massive problem and that they get way tooooo much attention. But that is my opinion which is not fact sooo my opinion should get a lot of attention.  SusieQ says—I’m soooo easily brainwashed; it’s embarrassing! Yes siree baby and I don’t mean maybe!  Too bad sooo sad.

Do you think you have said something or done something to change someone’s life?  I would guess you have, maybe many lives.  And maybe you might not even know you have affected someone’s life.  Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t even know you affected someone’s life in the positive (i.e. you made someone’s life better)? You did it!  Flip the pancake. Maybe you know someone who did affect your life very positively and they don’t know it. Maybe it would be really special if you would drop them a note telling them that.  What do you think?  That is what I thought.

Our son, Chet and wife, Jessica, have once again formed Team Mellema to raise money for The Walk to End Alzheimer’s in memory of Arlene.  You sure may join us on the walk.  If you would like to contribute, here is the link.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—There is no greater joy nor greater reward than to make a fundamental difference in someone’s life.

The tip of the day--One of my family in MI is a research wizard, a guru and wise. He researches everything to make sure it’s the best and the best deal for the money (i.e. he’s really good at it).  He wears hearing aids and says the best place to buy them is at Costco.  Here is his story in his words:

Why hearing aids from Costco--Though I was reluctant to get hearing aids, I am glad I did.  They have greatly improved my quality of life and ability to hear other's talk about me :-)

I talked to 2 Dutch ladies who had them and asked where they got them.  They highly recommended Costco, so I knew that was a great place to start.

The Costco hearing center did a free hearing test and when I learned that I definitely needed them, I started asking some questions to learn more about quality vs price.

The hearing aid person was very optimistic and positive about them.  He explained that there are 3 major hearing aid makers.  Every 2-3 years, Costco bids out the ability for one of them to make the 'Kirkland' brand hearing aid.  My understanding is that part of the bidding process includes the requirement that the Kirkland brand sells for 25-30% less than the company who wins the bid's regular name brand.  In addition, they have an app that connects with my phone to be able to adjust how 'wide' a range of people I want to hear...that's been very helpful sometimes during church fellowship time :-)

I have had them for 2.5 years and it's been well worth it. 

Maybe you might want to check them out.  BigBillFromMN told me the same and sooo did TheOtherWarrenFromOmaha! If you hear it enough, you might believe it, sucker!