September 28, 2013


Doncha all know that we all get misunderstood!  Disclaimer--Don't take anything I say toooo seriously as you might be misunderstanding what I am saying entirely.  Sooooo don't get toooo excited and affected.  ok! 

AverageJoe is an average guy doing a below average job!  I think I got caught picking my nose!  Soooo I changed my mind about something (i.e. just got my enthusiasm watered down).  The person who did that to me doesn't even know they did it.  I thought I would just return to being just an average person (i.e. a lot easier and less aggravation for a while--take a break).  Most folks are average (i.e. Cs).  To be above average, a person has to a cut above (i.e. Bs) and the excellent folks are As.  And then there are the 50% who are below average.  SusieQ says--It's much easier to be around average or below average as their expectations aren't very great (i.e. no pressure).  You can just coast along (i.e. be vanilla and generic).  Many folks don't like to be around excellent folks as they make them feel substandard (i.e. challenges them tooooo much).  It's a lot easier to be around below average folks as the bar isn't very high.  Such is life.

Sometimes we just misinterpret information (i.e. process it wrong).  A male model named Gary was in court charged with parking his car in a restricted area. The judge asked him if he had anything to say in his defense.  "They should not put up such misleading notice," said Gary. It said, "Fine for Parking Here!"

Then "wam bang" it happened.  A friend talked to me and called me a wimp a.k.a. sissy for letting someone soooo easily affect my attitude (i.e. what I believe and was going to express).  He told me that I didn't have very think skin.  I learned or relearned three principles through this experience.  One--erv, don't try to make yourself look important.  The person who affected my attitude made me think that my accomplishments are small compared to his (i.e. I wasn't intimated but it was reality--his worldly accomplishments are much greater than mine).  He is right.  No question.  Soooooo erv, don't you do that to someone else.  Be humble.  Two--How encouragement by others can change and affect your mind about how we all think of ourselves.  Encouragement is very important.  Very!  Three--Get around good folks (i.e. good folks like you guys--the gradeAs of the world.  Being around good folks feels like wearing ordinary underwear!  Stay away from the jerks (i.e. we all know who they really are).  One smart guys once said--Shake the dust of your sandals and move on! 

What affects us!  I was on #10 tee box and a golf buddy, NeverMissFrank, said--It's about faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, and more money.  I said what!  He said--It's all about faster horses, younger women, older whiskey and more money.  Soooo where did that come from?  It's a western song sung by Tom T. Hall.  It's sorta kinda funny.

Cockiness a.k.a being over confident can really affect us.  I asked a granddad of a football player who I played golf with -- What happened Friday night (i.e. we got beat by a team that everyone including the other team thought we would just walk over).  He said--We were way over confident and played bad (i.e. ya can't win on past history).  Huh, interesting.

A policeman broke in to a house where a fight was going on. The Police asked: "Who is the head of the family?" Woman: "That is what we are trying to settle now!"

Does thinking about eternity affect your thinkin' at all?  I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half of a banana on it--Is there a God?  There is only one way to find out for certain, die!  You'll know the truth of the matter real quick.  It's not rocket science folks.  BINGO!

Time can affect us!  I do sudoku and get stumped sometimes.  If I put it down and come back later, usually I see something that I have overlooked that is very obvious.  BINGO!  Joesixpack says--Time heals wounds (i.e. physical and hurt feelings).  Have you ever had you feeling hurt?  Of course you have.  You're human.  Maybe you haven't shared your hurt with anyone but we all have.  Such is life.

GerogeTheCrook says--I remember when I had a thick head of hair and a thin belly.  Now I have a thin head of hear and a thick belly.  Oh how time changes things. 

My mentor said many times to me--erv, we are programed by our past.  The proof is in the puttin'!  MissPerfect says--The way a man treats his mother is usually how he will treat his wife; probably the way a father treats his wife and children is how his son will treat his wife and children.  What do you think?  Ya but maybe our culture has changed some tooooo! They have to learn from someone.  Wonder if you don't have a dad in the household, then where do you learn this lesson?  TV or movies?  A mentor?  Or just learn as you go?  CadillacJack says--mimic good people; not bad people.  That sounds good CadillacJack, but many times young people don't know what is good and what is bad.  The benchmark is way different for different kids.  Way different.  Some kids have a massivehuge advantage.  Such is life.

I was having breakfast with some buddies the other morning when StarvinMarvin came and sat with us.  They call him StarvinMarvin 'cause he always complains about not having enough money.  What he really wants is to tell you how much money he has (i.e. he loves to talk about his money).  Everyone knows that.  He's one guy that you can't tell him nutten!  My friend says--You can tell him something but he won't listen.  He is actually funny to me.  I get a big kick out of him.  He told us that he won $16,300 on 7/24/2000 gambling.  He might of.  Now how many folks would tell you that?  Really!  I bet he has told me that maybe 5 times (i.e. if he has told me 5 times through the years, how many other folks has he told maybe 10 times).  Huh, interesting.

Talk about money affecting things (i.e. big money).  I read this in the paper sooooo it must be right--Top Super Bowl tickets double.  The 9,000 premium seats will sell for $2,600 (i.e. last year $1,250).  The next tier of seats are $1,500 compared to $950 last year.  The lowest-priced ticket is $500.  Some 30,000 fans entered a lottery for the 1,000 seats of the 78,000 seats for the $500 seats.  Now that's some serious money folks.  I won't be going for sure.  Let me see, if you make $10 an hour, it would take 6.5 weeks (i.e. before taxes) to buy the best ticket.  Such is life. 

Self-absorbing attitudes can affect us!  Robert J. Tamasy says--We believe our own press clippings some times...we must realize the danger of letting nice words bolster our ego...We typically view life's "tests" as times when we are confronted with hardship and adversity. The test is how we respond to difficult circumstances. But I have learned we also can be tested by success. Prosperity is good - unless it causes us to become puffed up with pride.  ~  I asked a farmer/friend how the crop will be--some will be very good and some will be very poor and some will be just average; you don't hear about the average crop very much, farmers like to talk about their super yield or the lousy yield (i.e. sometimes even exaggerate some to make it even better or worse).  Soooo it sounds like some farmers don't tell the whole truth.  LuckieEddie says--It doesn't take long to figure out who the ones are who don't tell the whole truth; once that happens, they have a reputation that is almost impossible to change; it can cause them to loose their authenticity with folks (i.e. their effectiveness is pretty much gone if they deal with folks; 'they're toast'--folks just blow them off--it really affects their fruitfulness--very difficult to recover from and get back some creditability unless they move where folks don't know them and get a fresh start).  ItchieBitchie says--UNLESS there is money involved, then folks don't care if anyone is telling the whole truth.  Maybe some folks relate to money that way ItchieBitchie but not all.  Such is life.
JimmyTheJanitor says--Ah, here's a real love story for ya!  Stanly Parker from up the road was pretty tight with his money his whole life.  Soooo he's worth quite a bit Aaa!  Well, the other day didn't he show up at Gus' Pub with a new wife, a right young cutey.  She couldn't of been more than 29 Aaa!  Pretty as a picutre hanging onto his every word.  Him in his 70s Aaa!  Well, the first chance I get him by hisself, I said, Stanley, how did you get that young one to marry you?  Well Jimmy, I lied about my age.  What did you tell her, you were 50.  Oh no no!  I told her I was 90!

Opportunity!  I want to challenge you.  I want all of you to give someone an opportunity to someone that they would not have if you didn't give it to them.  You will have to be creative and innovative to use your ability, sources, and talents.  Think!  Many folks would do much better if they would only have an opportunity (i.e. opportunities can affect folks).  An opportunity.  You can affect someone else.  Yes you can.  Such is life.  Saturday question--Has someone given you an opportunity that has affected your life?

We have spend the last couple of days with my sisters, their husbands and some of their children and some of their grand children in, Granville,Wyoming, and Byron Center, MI.  That is an opportunity I truly enjoy.  I think family is very important.  Very much.  Sunday we will have lunch with Alene's brother and wife in Kankakee, IL.  Looking forward to it.  "But as for me and my house, our credo is: There is no success in a career that can make up for a failure in the family."  ~  By Atty. Josephus Jimenez Writer for the Philippine Daily Inquirer

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans.  (-:


MyFriendJean says--Your talent is God's gift to you.  How you use it is your gift to God.

September 21, 2013

don't think you always know

Joesixpack says--Don't think you always know other folk's situation.  You don't.  You don't know mine and I don't know yours. Soooo don't judge others by their outside appearance.  You might be way wrong.  Don't jump to a conclusion until you have all the facts.  Cut folks some slack.  Does this make any sense to ya?

Don't think you always know!  "An individual has a healthy personality to the exact degree to which they have the propensity to look for the good in every situation."  ~  Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

I had the opportunity to do some bike riding yesterday with a couple of buddies with beards (i.e. these two guys are really smart (i.e. they don't really need smart phones). I don't know but maybe I have over rated them but I don't think sooooo!  I think I know.  Norm's biking outfit reminded me of a WWE (i.e. World Wrestling Entertainment) pro).  Sooooo I called him NastyNorm (i.e. doesn't that sound like a good stage/ring name).  I think sooooo (i.e. I don't just think, I know!)!  His two backups don't look near as nasty (i.e. my opinion)!  Such is life.

SusieQ says--The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart; a person's heart has a lot to do with how they think and react.  When we worship God, it costs us our self-centeredness!  When we are not self-centered, a lot of good can happen.  Oh ya!.

When John Quincy Adams was past the usual span of life, a young friend met him on the street and asked, “How is John Quincy Adams today?” Adams replied: “John Quincy Adams is very well, thank you. But the house he lives in is dilapidated. It is tottering on its foundations. The walls are badly shattered and the roof is worn. The building trembles with every wind, and I think John Quincy Adams will have to move out before long. But he himself is very well, thank you.” 

Saturday question--What is the most important thing you have done in your life?  Could it be we always don't know?  Could it be something that we will never know?  How do we know if something we did might have impacted some person or persons?  I watched an interview with Dr. J.  He said in basketball, the fundamentals are much more important than the super-showy dunk (i.e. DuaneTheWorm wouldn't agree)!  He also said--His professional basketball career was 16 years.  But yet what he is involved in now is probably much more important.  BUT his basketball gave him the platform/opportunity to do what he is doing.  Oh the opportunity that gets us in the conduit.  Maybe we always don't know what that opportunity might be to.  I pray many times--God give me an opportunity, help me recognize it and the courage to act on it. 

Classof63 thoughts that I still have!  Don't think we always know!  A 63classmate asked me at dinner during our 50th reunion--I have a daughter who is an relationship with a Muslim (i.e. their family are Catholics), what do you think I should do?  I said, first of all you have to love your daughter.  He agreed.  Another 63classmate (i.e. a professional counselor) who was also sitting with us--soooo what do you think counselor?  He said--Look at his friends and the folks he is hanging around with.  That tells you a lot.  Sooooo I asked, how old is your daughter--37--she is an adult, but...!  The 63classmate counselor said--Good advice is not to give adult children advice unless they ask for it. I have prayed for my old classmate of 63 and also for his daughter and also for her Muslim friend.  I have no idea if it has had an impact.  I probably will never know now will I.  Such is life.

Also a couple of 63classmates were telling me of them being in Viet Nam.  One was a medic.  He said he will never get over putting solders' bodies in those body bags.  Another one told me that the agent orange gave him cancer.  Another told me he has lost some hearing as his ear drums were damaged.  When looking at them, one would never know they have those scars.  You just wouldn't know it at all.  Such is life.

)-: Ugly and sad or (-: lovely and happy!  Yes, we might have times in our life that we have to deal with the ugly and sad and there are times in our life when we get to deal with the lovely and happy.  And that can change when we least expect it.  Of course the lovely and happy are much more fun to live with.  And many times we don't know if folks are dealing with which ones (i.e. folks don't always expose themselves).  ItchieBitchie says--When you have ugly and sad stuff in your life, half the people don't care and the other half are happy that you do.  ItchieBitchie, I can't believe that.  Maybe there are some but most folks have good hearts.  They care about others.  I think soooooo.  My Mom, Anna, would say to me--erv, big people are glad for you when something good happens to you and the little people are not.  Little people are glad to see something bad happen to you (i.e. thinking that this makes them bigger) and big people are sad for you when bad stuff happens to you.  Such is life.

BigPinkishPete has both "uglyandsad" and "lovelyandhappy" times right now (i.e. mixed together).  I tell you what BigPinkishPete, I realize you don't belive in prayer because you don't believe in God, but I'm praying for you in dealing with both situations.  I don't think you know but I am.  Such is life.

Feeling sorry for yourself and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have. ~Dale Carnegie ~

You could'f fooled me!  Theclassof63Zenker is a farmer in MN.  He emailed me this:  We have been blessed with a good crop.the harvesting your friend saw may have been navy beans.There are some grown in this area,we just finished ours yesterday. We sell them to ADM ,they sell them to Bush Bros. for canning.The average annual consumption of dry beans is 6.2 # . A 160 acre field of navy beans will produce about 400,000#s .A years supply of beans for 65000!  ~  Did you know that the staple of most of the world is beans and rice.  For many Americans that might surprise them--I bet most would guess it's junk food! I bet if you ate beans and rice for three meals a day (i.e. maybe for some folks only one meal a day), we might not weigh sooooo much.  Baseball they say use to be the American pass time.  Not anymore, it's eating.  Huh, interesting.  PrettyTena says--Yabut chocolate, coffee, and men are much better when rich!

Managing your money is a BigBoyDecision!  Last Saturday morning I played 18 holes with some buddies.  I rode with my ex-partner of 34 years who is still in the business.  I asked him if they got the farm sold they have for sale.  No, the farmers aren't quite as aggressive (i.e. their attitude has been affected 'cause of the uncertainty of the crop and the prices).  ItchieBitchie says--Their money tree has a disease or just got chopped down.  They probably still are financially fat as the last several years have been real good and they still are probably "made of money"!  Could be but their attitude has been affected.  We are all affected when our money tree doesn't preform as it has in the past.  Son of a biscuit eater!  That is what one of my golf buddies said after missing a putt.  Soooo what does that mean anyway!  I never heard that before.  Probably means something bad.  We were playing for money.  Money always affects us.  Yes it does. 

Another money management story.  A golf buddy went in a sporting goods store to buy a new driver.  He knew just what he wanted.  The store didn't have it.  He and his wife were walking out and she was looking at an exercise bike.  She said--I would really like a exercise bike; they look sooooo nice.  My golf buddy said to her--Ya, lets go to some garage sales and get you one.  She said--While we are at the garage sales we can get your new driver toooooo!  Ouchy ouchy! 

What's funny to one isn't to another!  Ya just never know what's going to happen now do ya!  We were skyping with Heather and their children when all of a sudden the grand kids get in this argument over a toy that was just crazy.  It was wild.  Arlene and I laughed and laughed but it wasn't near as funny to Heather.  We had to cut short our skype.  Then the other night we were gchatting with Chet and thier daughter Charley.  All of a sudden Charley has this massivehuge upchuck a.k.a. barf all over him.  That was the end of our gchatting.  It was funny to us but not as funny to Chet of course.  Such is life. 

It appears that attitude has a lot to do with life.  Do you agree?  We
have many choices in life.  Many.  My Daddy, Chester would say--erv, everyone has problems it's just that some handle them differently.  A gal said in our adult growth group at church Sunday--I had coffee with soandso after church and he said--you have no idea what I have been through.  Interesting.  Maybe we have no idea what others are going through or have gone through.  Soooooo folks, maximise your life.  Live it the fullest.  Throw those chips away and get your butts off the couch!  Do some good for others! 

Figured it out! Wow!  I figured something out recently (i.e. once again). It was about my attitude about something.  Cause I recognized it, I have enjoyed something much more (i.e. just way better). It was like I got hit in the head. It has just made a certain thing soooooo much better in this situation. I looked at it from 10,000 feet instead of at ground level (i.e. much broader view). It was like I have been touched. Could be! Such is life.

Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each others eyes for an instant? ~ Henry David Thoreau

WildWillie says--It ain't my fault; I know that for sure!!!!! 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--You never diminish your self when you praise another.

September 14, 2013

Let's shed more light on the situation

My opinions are just that, opinions.  I have no leverage over any of you to force you to agree with my opinions.  Our children and families are independent and self-sustaining (i.e. thank God)!  I'm not a professor who in order for you to get a grade, you need to agree with my opinions.  I'm not the government that you have to follow the guidelines in order to get your financial assistance.  I'm not your boss who you need to agree with or get fired.  I'm not the banker holding your loan.  I'm not a judge deciding if you are guilty or innocent.  I'm just erv with no power over you.  The RichBitchFromOmaha says--erv, your opinions about character, money management, Jesus, weight, politics are different than mine .  You're wasting your breath!  I'm from the new modern culture and don't agree with most of your opinions.  I have my own opinions that fit the culture we are in.  RichBitchFromOmaha, isn't it great to live in America sooooo everyone can have their own opinions!  ~  Flip the pancake  ~  I saw a bumper sticker on a Lexus SUV that was being pulled by a $250,000 luxurious, fancy motor home going east on I-80.  The bumper sticker said--I go where I'm towed!

We maybe think but maybe we really don't know!  I was around a couple of friends the other day (i.e. a lady and a gentleman).  I told them I was hopefully going to have a discussion in a adult growth group after church Sunday.  A discussion where we can express our opinions and not get all bent out of shape.  A discussion much like what's going on if we should bomb Syria.  Now that was the button!  They were on complete opposite sides (i.e. I don't now if they  necessarily disagreed on the what we should do) but it was a strong Democrat vs. a strong Republican).  Neither could listen or probably will change (i.e. these are smart, educated folks, good folks).  It just got louder and louder.  I wonder if they were programed by their past.  I wonder if their kids are like them.  These were folks I go to church with/friends.  I wonder if I'm just "thinkin' tooooo ideally" when trying to have a discussion.  WildWilly says--Facts or opinions mean nutten when a person knows it all (i.e. at least they think they do).  Especially about religion, money or politics.  Such is life.  Yabut I read in the paper (i.e. sooo it must be right) that Alabama football fans are intense a.k.a unbalanced!

A physician told this story about her then 4-year-old daughter.  On the way to preschool, the doctor had left her stethoscope on the car seat, and her little girl picked it up and began playing with it.  "Be still, my heart," thought the physician, "my daughter wants to follow in my footsteps!" Then the child spoke into the instrument: "Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?"

Rebellious!  Sometimes we as humans are rebellious (i.e. who me?).  We many times think of children as rebellious when growing up.  Sooooo are you grown up yet?  Do you still do things to frustrate society or your parents, or even your spouse at your age?  You are rotten in your opinions (i.e. programed by your past) just to prove that you are you? Are you stubborn?  Are you stiff necked?  Are you obnoxious?  Joesixpack says--Sometimes it isn't much fun to shed more light on the situation.
I went for a long bike ride in the Cedar Valley the other day and then stopped at McDonald's for a senior 64 cent diet coke and read the Des Moines Register.  There was an old guy who walked by who had metal heel clips on his shoes.  I haven't seen that since I was in high school  We were really rebellious in high school at good old Danube (i.e. MN) High.  We wore metal heel plates (i.e. also called cleats, clicks etc).  They came in two sizes--regular and large.  We would walk down the hall way and make a clicking noise.  I think they are designed to protect the heels of the shoes but I think we wore them to be rebellious and get attention (i.e. equivalent of tattoos or body piercing today).  We did it for a month or sooooo and when the administration and teachers didn't complain anymore, we took them off.  Much easier to remove than tattoos!  And a lot cheaper.  Such is life. 

Success and failure! LuckyEddie says--Some folks succeed 'cause they are destined toooo, but most folks succeed 'cause they are determined tooooo!  And some succeed 'cause it just falls in their lap.  Yabut--A survey conducted by Parade magazine, which appears in newspapers across the United States each week, discovered 51 percent of the 26,000 people polled believe the way people get ahead most effectively in the workplace is by taking advantage of internal corporate politics. Only 27 percent of those questioned said they believed professional advancement came as a result of hard work and diligence.  Ouchy ouchy! 
SusieQ says--Yabut some folks are always ahead of the crowd (e.g. as always, Paton Manning is one step ahead of everybody else.  He sure was against Baltimore Thursday night.  He made them look bad!).  Such is life. 

Once the Light is shed on your life, things will change.  Once you get to a point in your life where God is getting bigger, you really are now accepting life.  God doesn't get bigger, of course, but our human perception of him does.  Now that is growing up folks (i.e. my opinion).  When and if that happens to you, one thing is certain--your life is going to change.  GeorgeTheCrook says--Things change and today begins one of those changes.  MissPerfect says--From this point on, things are going to get better.  You can take that to the bank.

I was running the other morning and there was a guy sitting on a lawn chair in front of a house on the driveway.  He was talking on his cell phone.  I only heard on sentence as I ran by.  It was--We haven't got along for a long time.  I wondered who he didn't get along with for a long time and why he doesn't get along with that person.  Was it his fault or the other person's fault.  There are reasons folks.  If we cold shed more light on the situation, I bet we might be surprised.  Sooooo who don't you get along with?  And why?  Huh, interesting.  AverageJoe says--There are three sides to every story:  Yours, theirs, and the truth! 

I have limits!  When in CO with our grand kids, there was two times that I had to go up to our bedroom, close the door and have some quiet time.  It was that or saying something stupid.  The noise and activity just got overbearing (i.e. was driving me bananas).  I couldn't handle it.  You want more light on the situation?  The louder they get, the more attention they think they will get.  More the parents yell at them etc.  More rebellious they think, the more attention they will get (i.e. just like adults for the most part).  This thought is based on my opinion and believe--my opinion and believe might be right or might be wrong--soooo don't take me toooo seriously folks.  I'm just erv!  What more can I say.  LuckieEddie says--They learn that from their parents and our culture we live in. Chester and Ann used the WHACK method to correct that (i.e. didn't need to use it tooooo much--we were fast learners--I don't ever remember my sisters getting disciplined by the whack method--only me).  Ouchy ouchy!  Actually my older sister said our father, Chester, was real hard on me.  I don't remember that--interesting!  ~  I had a golf buddy/friend tell me the other day that on the 17th fairway he said to a guy in his foursome--ya gotta play faster, we are a hour behind the rest.  He just couldn't take it any longer.  He felt soooo bad he did that but he just couldn't take it any more (i.e. he still felt bad a week later).  That is why I went up stairs to our bedroom, closed the door and read some.  Such is life. 

This picture I took at Walgreens.  Lets shed more light on this subject!  Most loving parents aren't disappointed in their children but just in their actions (i.e. again based on their opinions and believes--right or wrong).  Most loving parents still love their children.  Joesixpack says--For me it's border line sometimes erv !  Folks, look around, look at folks from age 0 to 70. Would you be proud as to how some of them look, act, and live?  They all have parents toooooo you know.  MissPerfect says, yabut erv, sometimes we do our judging with our standards; maybe our standards are not 100% correct.  Now that could be MissPerfect.  Besides, I have learned by some smart folks (i.e. that's you guys) that you just can't give adult children advice unless asked for.  It's nutten but trouble.  Even if you think they are making some terrible mistakes (i.e.their actions maybe are hurting their moms and pops).  But what you going to do.  As a friend from MN, who winters in AZ, says--I spend 6 months in AZ!!!!  Do you think that parents' wills are ever altered 'cause of the actions of adult children?  What do you think?  Here in IA, farm ground is worth up to $15,000 an acre.  There are going to many rich adult children in a few years (i.e. multi millionaires from just being in the right family).  Are the children going to appreciate it and manage it properly do you think?  Wonder if they are wackos?  Will they spend it or manage it prudently?  I think, mostly for the wackos, it will be sorta kinda a massivehugh stimulus package!!!!

We went to Scheels in Cedar Falls one night this week soooo I could buy my Iowa Hawkeye license plate bracket. They had a display up that I got choked up by. It was of all the military folks from IA who were killed in the terrorism war. It was really touching to me. I looked at each one and read about them. Wow!  All of those military personnel have mothers and fathers.  There has to be a lot of emotions there folks.  I have no idea how hard that would be.  There has to be a lot of sorrow and maybe a lot of pride in their children.  What do you think?

erv's suggestion of the day--Don't go through life and say, I should of...!  If you want to do something (i.e. like helping someone), do it!  It's moralling right folks.  And do it now.  And do it fast.  Don't wait.  Did you hear Paton Manning calling out the signals for the Broncos the other night?  He didn't say hut hut but said hurry hurry!  Be a xlerator not a world dryer!  One of the mottoes of a friend is--Hurry but don't worry!  My Daddy, Chester would say to me--erv, the best time to do anything is now.  For some folks, now never comes.  Da!
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.  ~  Will Rogers
CadillacJack says--Some folks just have different charisma, mojo, swagger, aura, and persona than others.  Maybe it's that I'm getting older, but some folks and some groups just don't fit with me.  I mean, they just aren't enjoyable to be around.  It might be my eye site or feelings or opinion.  Now that could be.  Either my eye site got better or worse.  I'm not certain but...they look different.  Some folks just aren't as important as they seemed to me in the past and some have come more important.  It must be my eye sight.  Also, some stuff isn't as important and some stuff has become more important.  Huh, interesting.  Sooooo I thought some more about this on my bike ride.  I quite often have a pecan waffle and read the Des Moines paper after riding and do sudoku.  I asked WaiterRyan (i.e. one smart guy) at the Waffle Shop about my new thinking.  He said--You are normal; that happens to all of us; I find myself maybe being more cynical; always don't like that but...--cynical -- believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.
ItchieBitchie says--I don't care to try to get more feathers in my cap anymore! I don't really care about what others' opinions are, I know what I think and believe and I'm happy with that. At my age I really don't care (i.e. ItchieBitchie seems to have a touch of nasty in him I think!)!  ItchieBitchie goes on to tell me--Mostly what I'm looking for is to appreciate what I have and savor where I am. But really, some folks' opinions do matter to me and some don't. Folks, ItchieBitchie's thinking must be an aging thing as he has less hair on his head but more hair it in his nose and ears!  Maybe that hair migration causes him to think differently.  Could be!  DizzyBetsy says--Yabut, erv, it makes a massivehuge difference who is doing the talking; some folks I don't listen to at all and others I'm very interested in what they have to say.  Could be DizzyBetsy.  Could be!
Believe me!  I think there is nutten wrong with any of you folks that a little ice cream can't fix!  BUT that is my opinion! 
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--A life without cause is a life without effect.

September 7, 2013

Barkin' up the wrong tree

The phrase is an allusion to the mistake made by dogs when they believe they have chased a prey up a tree, but the game may have escaped by leaping from one tree to another. The phrase means to mistake one's object, or to pursue the wrong course to obtain it.  In other words, "if you are barking up the wrong tree, it means that you have completely misunderstood something or are totally

I just read that many folks have been barkin' up the wrong tree (i.e. I read it in the paper sooooo it must be right).  I read that -- Discriminating against someone for being fat is not a motivating factor for them to loose weight.  It went on to say--they will even gain more weight.  The article didn't tell how to treat them sooo they would loose weight.  Surely you can't say--You look great; you would look even better if you gained another 20 pounds; eat up!  Maybe we should just ignore them.  I have been told that ignoring a person is the worst form of reaction there is.  Soooo I don't know.  Need some advice here folks!  I guess calling a spade a spade is not good (i.e. maybe just pretend is the answer).  I don't know.  LuckieEddie says--I think the biggest motivation factor is MONEY!  Folks respond to that.  GeorgeTheCrook says--Most folks don't agree on much but they all count their money the same!  My mentor use to say--erv, the golden rule to many in the world is, gold rules!  Such is life.

I think Morris is in my picture of a couple of years ago.  He's the one with the beard!  A CNN journalist heard about a very old Jewish man who had been going to the Western Wall to pray twice a day, every day, for a long, long time. So she went to check it out.  She went to the Western Wall and there he was, walking slowly up to the holy site.  She watched him pray for about 45 minutes.  When he turned to leave, using a cane and moving very slowly, she approached him for an interview.  "Pardon me, sir, I'm Rebbecca Smith from CNN.  What's your name?  "Morris Feinberg," he replied.  "Sir, how long have you been coming to the Western Wall and praying?"  "For about 60 years."  "60 years!  That's amazing!  What do you pray for?"  "I pray for peace between the Christians, Jews and the Muslims."  "I pray for all the wars and all the hatred to stop."  "I pray for all our children to grow up safely as responsible adults and to love their fellow man."  "I pray that politicians tell us the truth and put the interests of the people ahead of their own interests."  "How do you feel after doing this for 60  years?"  "Like I'm talking to a...wall!"

Is having empathy barking up the wrong tree?  I read in a western novel by Kelton this--Higens is the richtest person in our area.  He swings a huge club.  ItchieBitchie says--Ya money can be a hugemassive club if folks want it tooooo be.  Some wealthy folks use it as a hugemassive club and others wealth folks do not.  What makes them decide to use it that way or not do you think?  Maybe they think it makes them more important.  Could be.  And maybe they are just barkin' up the wrong tree and maybe not.  Saturday question--Have any of you every used money as a huge massive club to get your way?  It's only money but...(i.e. one of many contradictions of the world).  Ouchy ouchy! LuckieEddie says--If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiours, not his equals.

Joesixpack says--No one really cares toooo much or for toooooo long. Most folks are toooo involved in working out their own problems to take more than passing interest in others. Yabut when stuff happens to you, things sorta kinda change. Ya they do, but when circumstances force your hand, you can do things that you never thought you could. Ya, we seem to adapt; we have no choice. There is no one holding our hand, we just gotta do it. Gotta do it!

MissPerfect says--DuaneTheWorm and HeartOfStoneJake think about only one person and that is themselves and they seem to be doing quite well.   You really do think they are doing okay?  Sooooooo that just shows, take care of yourself and let someone else think about others.  I don't need tooooo.  I can get an advantage by letting others think about others; I will just take care of myself.  I tell you what MissPerfect, good folks are tender, kind, and givers.  Yes they are (i.e. my opinion). 

I can have a heart of stone sometimes toooo I think (i.e. barking up the wrong tree).  My ego really gets in the way.  I'm human I guess but always don't like it.  Selfish me!  Selfish me!  I just have a lot of crud in my thoughts at times.  I always don't have empathy for others.  I can be standoffish.  SusieQ says--erv, what you think is what you'll be!  Ouchy ouchy!

Programed!  My mentor would say to me--erv, we are all programed by our past.  A golf buddy/friend told me that his father's entrepreneurial attitude gave him and his siblings the ability to take risk and helped them financially through their life.  He said--My dad was being bossed around by a owner of a retirement park and he didn't like it.  The owner told him he would have to leave.  Dad said he was going to buy you out.  He extended himself and did just that.  It was a gold mine for him.  I have heard stories where folks were forced to make a change (i.e. something that they were not excited about at all--forcing them to get their butts of the couch and do something).  But, found out that it was something very good for them (i.e. they were barking up the wrong tree for years).  Such is life. 

“Winners never quit and quitters never win.”  - Vince Lombardi

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. ~Albert Schweitzer~

“Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”  - Winston Churchill

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”  - Mark Twain

I read in the paper sooooo it must be right--43% of all Americans don't pay Federal Income Tax!  I also read this in the paper sooooo it must be right--Poverty hurts a person's ability to make decisions. Just being broke, in and of itself, damages people's abilities to make good decisions in a way roughly equivalent to losing 13 IQ points, or constantly losing a night's sleep. Wow! Simply put, being poor taps out one's mental reserves. A guy at the library told me this the other day--only 26% of the folks believe what they read in the paper. He said he read that in the paper!!!! 

Maybe it's a pacifier!  From their feathered couches, American viewers made “Duck Dynasty” — about a Louisiana clan and its duck-hunting-gear business — the most watched show on television the week of its August premiere, securing the AandE network hit as the most successful cable reality series ever.  Pacifiers seem to work for babies soooooo...!  I was observing our grand kids watching cartoons.  They seem to be mesmerized by them.  Maybe the same thing applies to Duck Dynasty watchers.  Could be but I don't know.  I only watched a part of one show.  I'm not much of a tv watcher other than some sports.  Obviously I'm in the minority.  Such is life.

It appears that grandparents are a pacifier for a short time and then the newness wears off (i.e. new toys have the same effect--adult toys tooooo).  That is what we think we found out--We all have a tendency to revert to our real self after some time (i.e. newness wears off).  Grandparents are much like fish, after 3 days we start to stink tooooo!  Such is life.

But the fundamental truth of philosopher George Santayana's adage is that "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."  JoeBlow says--That isn't always true!  The greatest fear for many folks is the fear of past failure.  Entrepreneurs don't have that fear.  Fear of failure can be a great motivator.  Oh ya!  The pacifier is sitting on the couch, eatin' chips and doin' nutten.  Joesixpack says--I remember the hurt of failure and I didn't like it; I don't want to experience that again.  Sooooo I suggest Joesixpack, you just sit on the couch, eat chips and watch Duck Dynasty.  That should work. 

I read this in the Denver Post--Just as a great university doesn't need a great football team, a top football team doesn't preclude a school from being outstanding academically.  But, so long as CU plays in a 50,000 seat stadium, let's keep it real:  Winning football is not as important in Boulder as it is in Austin, Texas, or Gainesville, Fla.  CadillacJack says--Sports and watching sports can be pacifiers.  And we love 'em!  CrazyMarvin says--Yabut we might be barkin' up the wrong tree if that's all our life is about.  Could be!

Pinnacle!  Have you ever been at a pinnacle in your life and the watershed of  your life dictated which way you went?  Something or someone tips you off your tippin' point and the rest is history (i.e. you suffer or reap the consequences).  Now you are in great shape or you are now barking up the wrong tree.  Have you ever hiked Pinnacle Peak in Scottsdale?  I believe that all of us are on our pinnacle at some point and must decide if God is God or just a phony.  Now the decision will have a lot of results (i.e. my opinion).  I heard a guy tell this story in a talk recently:  I have always told our children to always tell me the truth, I can handle it.  I will always tell you the truth, you can handle it.  If you don't tell me the truth and I don't tell you the truth, then we can't have much of a relationship.  My opinion of a pinnacle a.k.a tipping point example is Jordon Spieth's chip in on #18 at the John Deere Classic.  If his shot would not have hit the pin and gone in, it would have gone in the water and he would not have won, not have gone to the British Open, not have been a member of the PGA, not played in the FedEx Championship, not been on the President's Cup team etc.  Huh, interesting.  One lucky shot!  A friend who is not a nobody but a somebody (i.e. 'cause he got on the satellite golf talk radio show) agreed.  Soooo I must be right!  Such is life.

The watershed of our lives are strange sometimes.  Arlene and
Heather went shoppin' at Park Meadows Shopping Mull in Lone Tree when we were in CO.  Arlene bought a shirt and Heather bought a shirt (i.e. didn't shop together).  They bought the same shirt.  Arlene bought a second top.  Heather bought the same top before!  What!!!!  

I find it very interesting in observing the growth of our grandchildren and our children and their spouses.  Their beliefs, actions, temperaments, character, physiques, and thinking are constantly" changing.  Sometimes" the process changes" are enjoyable to watch and other times they are frustrating to watch.  I bet Chester and Anna had the same feelings with me.  I'm sure they did.  Sunday, Pastor Bruce at the Rock of the Southwest, said--Sometimes your children can frustrate you when they are young and they can frustrate you even when they are grown adults.  I think that I will not get to see them fully grown (i.e. I will die before that will happen--aging is against me--I need at least 30 more years--that would make me 97--not likely--but maybe).  I wonder what Chester and Anna would think of me if they would have lived longer (i.e. they died when I was 17 and 23).  My suggestion--Enjoy your spouse, your children, your grand children and enjoy your parents (i.e. maximise the opportunity).  I wish I would have said somethings to my parents before they died but didn't (i.e. wasn't mature enough).  I hope I can say this when I leave this earth about my being a husband, parent and a grand dad--I did all that I could do, I did my best.  Soooooo now is the time to do my best (i.e. not tomorrow but today). Suck it up cupcake, lets get going.  We're burning daylight!

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”  - Steve Jobs

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Live a life of prayer, giving glory to God, and continually listening to His guidance.