March 29, 2014

the great exit

Bivenvenidos to AZ! Some of you might think that I'm just a blabermouth adrift on a sea of hyperbole and this "It's Saturday" is just a mile high ice-cream cone!  Could be folks sooooo don't get toooo excited.  You get what you pay for!  But I don't think I'm just a one-man fan-club of AZ!  It seems like all the snowbirds are happy here in AZ!!!  In fact, most folks' addresses while wintering in AZ is, "The corner of happiness and excitement!  Wintering in AZ is like "falling in love with those 3-pointers"!  Ya, there ain't much grumblin' and complainin' around here.  And that ain't no AZ haboob folks!

Folks are setting their air conditioners for 80 to 90 degrees or turning off all their utilities, closing the blinds and curtains, cleaning out the refrigerator, putting their golf carts away, draining the hot water heaters, etc.  It's time to head back to the north country a.k.a the great exit for many (i.e. many leave about March 31--we are staying longer this year--we still have a little money left).  The native Arizonians say--Hurry back next fall and bring money!  At church the pastor said--We are preparing for the famine!  You snowbirds are heading back home and our church will seem empty and our cash flow will be way less.  I am not on the payroll of the AZ tourism!  But let me tell you folks, I popularize wintering in AZ.  

This pretty much epitomizes my thinking folks.  Do I hear some soft noise going on by some of you folks who are soooooo sick of northern winter.  Is that your brain grinding?  It's a strange noise like "you can't wait to put on the shorts, fip flops and tank tops". Ya, you guys had to tighten up your belt and just hope for the best (i.e. dig in you heels) this winter.  Wow!  It appears that this winter thing has been going on for many many years and nobody is the wiser! I remember our little old modest farm house a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN that was really cold in the winter.  Really cold!  Any of you had that experience.  We had a little oil stove in the living room that was our primary source of heat.  We had a combination (i.e. electric and cob burning part in the kitchen.  We had black stove pipes running in our kitchen and living room.  Wow! Now I have the opportunity to winter in AZ.  Now that is quite a change folks.

Never every thought I would ever spend the winter in AZ when growing up as a kid.  No way.  I wore hand me down clothes of my cousins and never ate in a restaurant until in high school.  Didn't have a inside bathroom until I was a teenager.  I'm not an exception but pretty much normal in this thinking when talking to many folks down here in AZ. Now I can lay on the couch and do pretty much any type of business and communication using my smart phone.  Wow!  How things have changed.  Now I think more about my dink shot in pickle ball that I do about making a living or what I'm going to eat next.  Wow!

Here are my words BUT...!  A friend sent me this-- "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver". Pray to God to always give us a word fitly spoken. That says a lot about maybe being real careful about what and when we say things. Words can be real hurtful or real encouraging.  AZ is nice in the winter as I see it.  Just nice.  I just plain enjoy it.  Maybe you don't like 78 degree sunny days; I do.  Everyone has their own likes and dislikes.  It might not be for you guys.  I understand.  But the winters are long and dark, and cold in IA folks (i.e. especially long).  AverageJoe says--erv, I don't think you see the "big picture" of ever one's life.  I think AverageJoe you are right nor do others know the "big picture" of my life.  There are "flies in the ointment" for many folks that don't allow them to do what they want.  I'm not naive folks!  Ya gotta do what you gotta do!  Such is life.

I heard this in church soooo...--You snowbirds come here for the winter's heavenly weather.  BUT in the summer it's hot as hell!  

I'm sorta kinda "hazy" in knowing all the right answers but I have many #s on my contact list of my cell phone.  You folks on my list know everything sooooo why do I need to know soooo much.  Maybe that's why I'm sorta kinda "hazy"!  Could be "By Jove"!  ItichieBitchie says--Wait a second erv, you must have a lot of #s on your cell phone as you need a lot of help!  I do ItichieBitichie, I do.  It's a gut wrenching reality!  I really just watch and listen to most of you guys and do what you guys do and I'm fine (i.e. good to go).  That is why I'm here in AZ.  Such is life.

Headingbacknorth!  A friend who was  heading home said this to me--Home sounds good.  We thought we could come down here and get in better shape, etc. It just feels too much like we're on vacation and we can't get into a routine. We're actually looking forward to that part of home (i.e. my friend you need go get home and scoop some snow; I think the sun got to ya). I can see where staying someplace longer would help that.  Ya my friend, for me, staying longer and more often changes my mentality.  It becomes more "old hat fun"! I don't need to do everything as we have done most of it and find out much stuff isn't as impressive as it looks and I don't need to be an acquaintance with everyone as I found out that not all of those folks are as impressive as they look and say.  Ya don't have to be the "homecoming king or queen" (i.e. at least I don't try).  I pick and choose and am "relaxed by design"!  As the song goes--After you been having steak for a long time, beans beans taste fine! Some of my acquaintances think I go 80 miles an hour a.k.a. the fast route but I really don't.  We all have our pace.  Some folks all they do is sit, eat and talk (i.e. the three most popular activities as I see it).  OneSmartMan said--As I have aged I am learning that sometimes, even sitting quietly doing what appears to be nothing is still doing something. The people he viewed "doing nothing" could have been thinking about things, praying or even watching others. Much is gained by all of those things and you are still doing something. Some would even say they are constructive things. I feel that it is important not to waste time but what one perceives as wasting time may not be the same to another. I agree OneSmartMan but ya gotta do something to throw those chips away and get your butt of the couch or your butt gets pretty big with time!

And you know what?  We all have our interests, abilities, desires, wants and things that we enjoying doing.  And that is good.  We don't all do the same things.  But when the weather is nice, it presents more opportunities and choices.  I'm glad all the folks don't like to play pickle ball; the courts are tooooo busy the way it is!!!!!  If folks try to impress others (i.e. and some really try) I think they are missing the boat.  Most snowbirds don't, they just enjoy life.  That's how I see it.

Here is an upside folks!  Being in warm weather sure seems to keep folks more active physically and doing many activities help folks keep mentally alert and mentally excited.  I think it really helps.  Some call it "The Adult Disney World" or "Pleasantville".   ItchieBitchie says--Going south for the winter isn't for everyone.  But the ones that don't must have something wrong with 'em!  I like experiences and being a snowbird is an experience alright.  I had a snowbird tell me that when his parents started wintering in AZ he said--Why would anyone want to spend time in the desert.  Now we have just spent our 10th winter down here.  I think it added 10 years to the life of my parents.  Mygolfbuddy a.k.a.The Engineer From Dubuque said to me the other day while walking to our balls--AZ is just re-invigorating to me!  Huh, interesting.

Snowbirding in the 55+ communities provide a conduit for companionship and friendship for many folks.  I read in the paper soooo it must be right (i.e. it's more than a WAG [wild ass guess] and even more than an educated guess)--Folks who feel consistently lonely have a 14% higher risk of premature death.  Ouchy ouchy!  Another major factor for premature death is being poor, 19%!  Both of those %s are "oddly disturbing %s".  Much of this companionship/friendship is over a cup of coffee. Cowboys' coffee was made by heating course grounds with water in a big pot, letting the grounds settle and then pouring off the liquid to drink.  Most Native Americans love good coffee, and the Old West was settled more over a cup of coffee than all forts put together.  Isn't it fun to just have a cup of coffee with someone and talk and laugh.  I think sooooo.

It's been a brutal winter in much of the north.  My buddies back home tell me they are sick of winter.  VIPHarryfromMN told me this--We had a power outage at our house this morning and my PC, laptop, TV, DVD, Wifi, iPad and my new surround sound music system were all shut down. Then I discovered that my iPhone battery was flat and to top it off it was snowing outside, so I couldn't play golf.  I went into the kitchen to make coffee and then I remembered that this also needs power. So I sat down and talked with my wife for a few hours. She seems like a nice person.

Some folks in the hot tub said to me--I get over that thinking in about one second! I struggle in my mind sometimes!  I have such a Life of Riley and struggle with having it sooooo goood (i.e. I'm in the very minority folks).  My buddies tell me--You worked hard, you deserve it erv.  Just enjoy it.  I do enjoy it but struggle with that maybe I'm not using my time wise enough (i.e. pickle ball and golf and biking and reading, and eating etc--you get the idea).  I had the opportunity to play some golf with some college buddies and have a burger with them and their wives a couple of weeks ago.  We talked about it and Rocky told me--moderation erv, moderation.  Good advice.   CadillacJack says--Now that is a tricky one!  It appears that this struggle isn't much of a struggle for many.  I need to talk my way out of that struggle.  I'm getting better.  I have a new life purpose that helps me.  Such is life.

EngineerHaroldFromIA says--I've often been asked, 'What do you do now that you're retired and winter in AZ? 'Well...I'm fortunate to have a chemical engineering background and one of the things I enjoy most is converting beer, wine and whiskey into urine. It's rewarding, uplifting, satisfying and fulfilling. I do it every day and I really enjoy it." 

Today I choose slow!  I wanted to have an image of a slow going Mexican.  I took my time doing my morning activities, Arlene and I went out for a Mexican lunch, tried to take a siesta, we went to a 3:10 matinee of Book Thief and just took our time.  Then I got a little buggy soooo I went for a sunset run up'erin'em mountains (i.e. but I ran as slooooooow as a Mexican burro).  
This wintering in AZ isn't all peaches and cream folks!  Oh no!  My knees hurt from all the activities, I have some tendinitis in my upper arm from slamming the pickle ball (i.e. I think or just age), have a sore muscle below my arm pit form something with pickleball maybe, have a sore hip from falling on the court and my ego is hurt 'cause I think I should play better golf.  It ain't easy folks. A pickle ball buddy asked me how me feet are--what, me feet--ya, the skin on my feet crack soooo bad here In AZ that they bleed sooooo I soak my socks in water before I play pickle ball; at night I soak my feet, soak my socks and then put plastic bags over them with duck tape!  It ain't easy folks.  Ya, it's the Life of Riley but with issues!!!!  Such is life.

Like I said, AZ living has it's problems toooo!  Every Wednesday I play with the Linksters in our same foursome.  We were giving EngineerJohnFromDubuque crap about his fancy Sun Mountain Speed pull cart as he was taking it out of the vehicle.  He was showing us all the features including a little brake on it soooo it won't roll away.  We get to the 13th hole (i.e. a par three with ob on the left and a pond about 50 feet to the right).  EngineerJohnFromDubuque parks his pull cart next to the green and is standing there getting ready to putt when all of a sudden we hear this wow wow!  His Sun Mountain Speed Cart without the brake on is rolling down the hill toward the pond with him after it.  He never did catch up soooo it went into the pond as well as John.  He dumped the water out of his bag and threw it on the bank and went back for his Sun Mountain Speed cart.  He threw it on the bank while standing in water up to his knees.  His deluxe cart has this pouch to keep his wallet in--his wallet and contents completely soaked.  Where is his smart phone that he keeps in the special tray of his deluxe cart?  He's back in the pond and finds it on the bottom.  I couldn't help but laugh; it was hilarious.  I had to cover my face until we got done playing and had a beer and a dog; then it was funny to EngineerJohnFromDubuque as well.  We play for a dollar for the fewest putts.  I was the winner and it was the first time I was paid with "laundered money"!  Guess what, his smart phone dried out and worked when we got done eating.  What a fun time!  He put on quite a show for us!

Arlene and I like the Waldorf Apple salad at Alberstens deli.  We were picking some up the other day and Mark was helping us.  Mark is a big guy with a big mustache (i.e. not a typical guy I think would be a clerk at a deli).  ANYWAY I thanked Mark for giving me the tip to buy my crab salad in the meat section (i.e. he said it was better and saved about $3 a pound).  I said--We shouldn't shop when we're hungry; everything looks soooo goood.  He laughed and said--My wife sent my to Costco for detergent and I spent $489 and forgot the detergent!  That is sorta kinda what wintering in AZ is, ya come down here with ideas and expectations but find many many different enjoyments that you had no idea you were going to find.  You have not idea what the next day will bring ya.  ItchieBitchie says--Each day is new, as unpredictable as a ride on a rodeo bull and over seemingly as quickly. Such is life.

Will times change AZ snowbirding?  A pickle ball buddy (i.e. who butchered game in Billings, MT--still does but sold his business 10 years ago and now just works for the new owner) told me that 10 years ago they processed 110,000 pounds of game.  Last year they processed 30,000 pounds.  Wow, that is quite a difference.  Why?  Several factors that include the economy, hard to find ground to hunt on--land owners lease the ground (i.e. all about the $$$$ folks), and the younger folks are not interested in hunting (i.e. don't want to spend the time and money on hunting--they would rather do other things with their money if they have any spendable money for recreation).  Huh, interesting.  Sooooo I wonder if the future generations will save any money sooooo they can winter in AZ when they retire.  I wonder about that.  Some things change folks.  And some don't.  I visited with another pickle ball buddy who lost her husband last November.  We had a very open and real conversation.  She shared her faith in God with me.  Wow, she is quite a gal and a good pickle ball player tooooo!!!  This was just one day at the pickle ball courts folks, just one day.

The mission of AZ can be summed up by Alberstens' mission statement I think. The products that the 'snowbirds' demand is changing and AZ is changing 'cause of that.  Snowbirds are demanding folks with "$$$$$$"!  Such is life.

I will miss acquaintances and friends I made here in AZ.  I read somewhere sooooo it must be true--Everyone needs friends, deep friends. In fact, there are three kinds of relationships we need in life: (1) a person who ministers to you and for whom you do not necessarily do anything in return; (2) a peer relationship in which you share, build, and minister to each other in a give and take relationship; and (3) a relationship in which you minister to someone else and perhaps, in the process, never receive anything from that person in return.  Aristotle wrote: “Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.”

End of the trail!  For some of you who I spent time with down here in AZ, I might not ever see again (i.e. for different reasons).  Some of you I hope to see again next winter.  All of you have affected my life (i.e. some more than others and in many different ways).  I say thanksamillion for being you.  I really appreciate you guys.  I have had many good laughs, good times, and learned a lot from you.  It really has been a hoot.  There are soooooo many great folks in this world and you are some of them; keep up being a good, real folks.  MissPerfect says--The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.  I appreciate you guys.  I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it (i.e. Paul's usual benediction that I would like to use with you)--The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you.  

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--The best preparation for tomorrow is the proper use of today.

March 22, 2014

could be or maybe not

My knees make these weird cracking noises when I crouch or bend them sometimes!  It could be 'cause I'm gettin' older or maybe not!  I don't know!

ItchieBitchie says--erv, last week's "It's Saturday" was the most ridiculous writing you ever did.  It could be or maybe not!  ItchieBitchie, according to research, up to 95% of our actions are controlled by our subconscious minds.  Sooooo what you think is subconsciously programed by your past and I have no idea what your past is!  Soooo I have no idea about your validity!  Such is life.

Here is some stuff that is valid.  A pickle ball buddy is also a 5+ tennis player.  I asked her how in the world can you be that good living in Alaska most of your life?  She told me that she played tennis in high school and then didn't play for 40 years but started again in retirement.  She went to Indian Wells, CA for a clinic to improve.  I asked her what was the #1 thing she learned.  She said--A composite of stuff but no one certain thing.  She said--The player who gets to 30 first will win 75% of the time.  Huh, interesting.

This story could be true or maybe not!  SnowbirdDorothyfromBemidji,MN:  "That nice old George Johnson form Sun City Grand asked me out for a  date. I know you went out with him last week,  and I wanted to talk with you about him before I  give him my answer." SnowbirdEdnafromFargo,ND:  "Well, I'll tell you. He shows up at my condo punctually at 7 pm,  dressed like such a gentleman in a fine suit,  and he brings me such beautiful flowers! Then he  takes me outside. And what's there; a  limousine, uniformed chauffeur and all. Then he  takes me out for dinner; a marvellous dinner,  lobster, champagne, dessert, and after-dinner drinks. Then we go see a show. Let me tell you  Dorothy, I enjoyed it so much I could have just  died from pleasure! So then we are coming back  to my condo and he turns into an ANIMAL.  Completely crazy, he tears off my expensive new dress! Dorothy: "Goodness gracious!... so  you are telling me I shouldn't go?" Edna:  "No, no, no... I'm just saying, wear an old  dress........"  SusieQ said to me--erv, that's a technical foul on you!  SusieQ, you have been watching tooooo much March Madness!

Could be or maybe not!  I like cashews and really like the Planters Whole Deluxe ones.  I have bought them at Dollar General for years (i.e. that is the cheapest place you can buy them).  ANYWAY I stopped at Dollar General for three weeks and there is none on the self (i.e. that happens sometimes as their deliveries always don't come in and sometimes they don't get them).  The fourth week I ask the clerk and he says he didn't know why soooo we go to where they always are--they are always right here I pointed--ya, I know that.  There isn't even a label on the shelve describing them and the price.  He lifts off some plastic and underneath it is the the old label and the price.  He said--That means we have discontinued them.  They can't do that; they were a great bargain; the cheapest place I can buy them.  That is why we probably discontinued them.  Huh, interesting.

I think she is better!  It could be or maybe not! It all seems to make sense.  SnowbirdMissPerfect says--Many feel that hospitality is the greatest gift. Do you? Being hospitable begins the moment we meet someone. Both our words and our actions signal our welcome. Sometimes we say a simple “hello” or “come in.” At other times we speak through tears and hugs and silence. Now that is empathy folks.  Yabut folks, SnowbirdMissPerfect didn't always feel that way.  TheOldGrayMare ain't what she use to be, she ain't fresh-faced, wrinkle-free, perky-breasted, sleek and nimble as a Jaguar as she use to be.  Oh no!  I think she has matured through the years, physically and mentally.  The Old Gray Maire still looks pretty good folks (i.e. she looks more comfortable at her senior age that she did at her fighting age--I think she is kinder to everyone and even herself and more patient).  I think she's a better listener and understands others viewpoints better.  She says "I'm sorry" even when it isn't even her fault.  I think she has stopped trying to be perfect.  She has learned that being right isn't always sooooo important. It seems like she cares less about what others think about her and more about the kind of person she is.  She has become quite a lady folks, quite a lady.  Oh ya!

A pickle buddy gave me a book to read, Positive Impact Golf.  Here are a couple of things that I liked and maybe might make sense to you--and maybe not!  My buddy had them high lighted sooo he thought they were important.  So there you go!
  • You need to learn to talk clearly.  The jargon of scientific terminology and baloney which rolls off your tongues is mental garbage.
  • The more quality questions you ask, and the less you talk, the more rapidly and effectively your clients learn.
  • The 'Art of Happiness"--You can't be happy all the time but you can develop an underlying state of happiness that allows you to face difficult situations more effectively and get back to being happy again more quickly.
What you think is what you'll be!  GeorgeTheCrook's confidence is always "up and down"!  That is what AverageJoe says, soooo it must be right.  He should know as he knows him better than anyone.  He can go from first class to business class to back of the plane in just a short time.  Saturday question--Does that ever happen to you?  LuckieEddie says--I can hear some little thing said or I can see some little thing and it just stuns me (i.e. changes my feelings, confidence and will drastically affect me).  Now that could be or maybe not be the problem! Saturday question--Is a man ruled by his own free will, or is he a composite of all his experiences, his education and heredity?  Maybe we don't know what we are, but our flesh and blood do know, and they react the way they have been conditioned to react.  Maybe our conscious mind was born only a few days ago, but our habit patterns built into our muscles have forgotten nutten.  Now that could be or maybe not!!!  You decide what you think  And remember, what you think is what you'll be folks!!!

CrazyWilma is not a compassionate woman (i.e. is one tough cookie), but one who succeeds in appearing soooo (i.e. a deceiver); one who, beneath a compassionate facade, is cold and calculating.  There is not an ounce of emotion in her, nor any mercy!  She will set you up and stab you in your back when the timing is right.  Not a real person with a good heart folks.  Be careful around her.  She is programmed that way.  Flipthepancake!  I'm around some folks who are the nicest folks you can imagine.  I mean really nice.  WorldClassLarry says--Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt.

I struggle with this!  I am a competitive person by nature (i.e. mostly but sometimes I'm not--does that make sense).  I enjoy the folks I play pickle ball with.  There are different ability groups of folks (i.e. beginners to advanced).  Usually it's more fun to play in your ability group.  When I do, I play competitively with them (i.e. try hard and try to win).  If I win or if I loose, it really doesn't make much difference to me.  I like this situation.  Does any of this make any sense to you?  Good, here is something that I'm uncomfortable with--We have a ladder tournament (i.e. on going) where you play up or down the ladder depending if you win or loose and it's based on not just winning but by winning by most points.  I don't like this as it forces me sometimes to try to beat folks (i.e in some cases by as many points as I can).  These folks are my buddies and I don't want to do this (i.e. easier to beat up on someone you don't know).  It's not worth it to me.  I think I would rather not win than do that sometimes.  Sooooo, winning isn't soooo important as having a good time and laughing and enjoying each others company.  But it puts me in a frustration!  I wonder how I will react!!!  Will my ego or heart win?  There is a story that goes like this--One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. "One is Evil -  It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. "The other is Good -  It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith." The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."  Saturday question--How much of what we do and say is fueled by envy and rivalry? CadillacJack says--Beware lest your service is simply a tool to gather more applause and prestige from others. Such is life.

Here is another struggle!  I think I want to buy a new pickle ball paddle.  Do I really need one (i.e. could be or maybe not)?  Will it really make any difference in my game (i.e. could be or maybe not)?  It's only $50 to $80 soooo why think about it soooo much--just get one?  Maybe I won't play pickle ball next year (i.e. could be or maybe not)?  Then if I buy one, which one should I buy (i.e. there are all kinds of paddles on the market).  My conclusion of the matter--It really doesn't make much difference what I do!!!   And you know what--no one really cares what I do!!! I just make myself laugh sometimes!!!  TennesseeWalkerHorseLady a.k.a. very nice lady who plays pickleball said to me--erv, the clock is ticking!!! Such is life.

He won the fight but...! Could be or maybe not, but...!  A college buddy (i.e. this guy plays with his chin at the rim) and I were talking on the golf course about a guy we both know.  I knew this guy until the 4th grade at good old Roseland, MN elementary.  Actually he and I got in a fight in the bathroom in front of the urinals.  He actually got the best of me!  Not pretty.  What more can I say.  My buddy asked me why I didn't like him--it was 'cause he was arrogant and cocky--my buddy said that he is 69 years old and hasn't changed.  Huh, interesting.
He won the fight but...!  After church we had breakfast at a little local restaurant.  The hostess was such a sweet lady and very personable.  She told us she use to be a waitress but now just helps her cousin out who owns it.  He has some health concerns.  I asked her how old she was--75 and been divorced for 12 years after being married for 37.  Wow, what happened--he left me for another woman; he was a drinker; my kids tell me they have never seen me sooooo happy.  Soooo I asked--Are you a Christian.  I sure am.  I sorta kinda can tell that.  I asked our waitress how she was doing; she  responded--Under my circumstances, very good!  I didn't ask her about her circumstances soooo I don't have a clue!  She just didn't seem to be a person that I should ask (i.e. I just sensed that).  Huh, interesting.

PastorJohn said Sunday--According to a poll done in the U.S., only 20% of the folks say they know a Christian. Now that could be or maybe not.  I have a hard time believing that.  BUT it makes a big difference how the question was asked (i.e. questions and answers can be skewed by how they are asked).  I will have a tendency to blow the person off if the purpose of the question is not sincere or has a certain motive.  I might not give the same tantamount answer.  Also, it depends who is asking the question.  Folks respond differently to different folks.  I know I do.  It's just that I'm not compatible as much with some as others.  And folks always don't tell the truth to poll questions (e.g. folks who get entitlement payments are not going to tell the government that they don't want them and they don't need them).  Are you kidding me.  Soooo that poll could be rather accurate or maybe not!  Such is life.

HarryFast, brother-in-law of FastFreddie, you could learn something from this soooo pay attention (i.e. could be and maybe not).  I asked an elderly couple (i.e. about 80) Sunday if they were going to celebrate St. Pats day.  He said he was Lebanese and she was Irish.  She said she was going to make corn beef hash and cabbage.  He said--I use to wear an orange shirt on St. Pats day just to piss her off; I was a real smart ass.  You aren't any more?  I have mellowed a lot!!!  Such is life.

This could be a cock-and-bull story or it could be a big tip for you or maybe not!  We all want to be more physical fit and want to work out more to become that way but it's hard to get to the gym and work out on a consistent bases.  Soooooo, LuckieEddie changed the name of his bathroom from The John to The Jim.  Now he goes to The Jim every morning.  Great tip LuckieEddie!

Some of you might think this is hokey pokey.  Could be or maybe not!  I travel pretty close to an emotional line (i.e. I don't get overly excited or overly depressed).  I'm happy for that.  Last Sunday afternoon I was was a little below my emotional line (i.e. maybe 'cause of something physical or mental or something that happened to me or a reminder of reality or a combination--I just don't know).  This happens occasionally.  I am aware of it (i.e. I can't stay on the line forever--I accept that--it's no surprise).  I laid on the bed and read some and prayed for my attitude to change somehow and for some reason. The sun was setting (i.e. my favorite time of the day).  I went to hit a bucket of golf balls at the range (i.e. there was no one there which I like as well).  I just took my time and totally enjoyed watching the sun go down and worked on my new swing.  Then I rode my bike across the park and talked to a couple of my positive buddies.  Great short conversations.  Got home and read and went to bed.  Monday morning (i.e. after a great night's sleep, I felt like a $100 bill.  Sooo was my prayer answered--could be or maybe not.  I read Monday morning while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it what Paul said--Yes yes or no no!  Paul said--Yes! Free from any ambiguity.  What do you think folks.  AverageJoe says--Believing such a thing and proving it are two vastly different things. Some of you who don't believe in God, or are sorta kinda uncertain, might just think there is "a rat in the wood pile".

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--You should not pray for rain if it causes you to complain about the mud.

March 15, 2014

strangely strange

You folks might not understand all my French soooo lets not argue about stuff that neither one of us understands.  Is that a deal?  Good!  Joesixpack says--I just heard that anger and depression are hard on person's heart. Sooooo lets have no anger or depression about this "It's Saturday".  Is that a deal?  Good!  This stuff really isn't that important anyway.  Soooo suck it up cupcake and lets get going!  We're burning daylight!

It is interesting how some folks can change "information" into "action" and some can't.  ItchieBitchie is a gamer and GeorgeTheCrook isn't.  They try just as hard and maybe have the same ability but something is not the same.  When the pressure is on, ItchieBitchie gets it done and GerorgeTheCrook lays down and dies (i.e. looks like a wet washrag).  Why is that do you think?  It's just plain strange.  When there is pressure some folks just peeee in their pants and others handle it "like water running off a duck's back".  Why is that do you think?

Now that was strange that someone would ring our doorbell at 7:55 a.m.  I went to bed late the other night doing stuff that I enjoy so I wasn't moving toooo fast. I usually play golf on Wednesday mornings with my buddies but they have a best shot tournament this Wednesday that I decided not to play in.  Sooo I woke up but decided to just lay in bed (i.e. I'm retired, I can do this).  I was thinking and looking outside and just plain enjoying my relaxation.  I always wanted to have a bedroom with a window over looking a golf course sooooo when I wake up in the morning I could just look out.  We have it in our condo; we leave the curtains open all the time (i.e. not a 5star golf course but it's ok).  ANYWAY the doorbell was one of my golf buddies picking me up--are you ready erv?  I had my days mixed up.  The tournament is next Wednesday.  Huh, interesting.  I have the Life of Riley--see my make shift office in front of the window--it's in front of my digital hd TV!  It's rather modest but fits me real well!  Such is life.

Loose our magic!  It's strange that it seems like there are times in our lives when things just don't go our way.  Have you ever had that happen to you?  The feeling might last for some time.  My mentor would say to me--erv, when things go bad, folks think they will go bad for ever and when things go well, folks think they will go well for ever.  But usually they even out some (i.e. ebb and flow of life).  SusieQ says--When you are in a streak when it seems like everything is going bad, about all you can say is "fox urine" and keep trying (i.e. constant failure sorta kinda makes us jittery though).  WildWillie says--If I didn't have bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all.  WildWillie, you are exaggerating it.  Aren't you?! I talked to a snowbird buddy the other day.  They were going to play some big bingo game at some 55+ community.  I asked him if he is lucky.  He said he is very lucky.  Why are some folks luckier than others?  I just don't understand that.

I asked NewPaddlePickleBallerBuddy what he did in his real life.  He told me he was a mechanic, many other things and then a cabinet builder.  It was not going well sooo one day he deicied he was going to make a change.  He decided to go into the computer world (i.e. he retooled).  Timing was perfect!  He got a job as the IT guy of a university.  Great job which he retired from.  And the university is where he met my wife.  He said he was soooooo lucky.  Personally, I don't know if I'm very lucky but I do know that I had many many good things just fall in my lap.  Oh ya!  I have been blessed and I know it.  I'm very thankful.

My golf buddies were telling me about their neighbor who is 93 and just divorced his wife for another gal.  Now that seems strange!  My golf buddies say that his wife is the real winner!  A SeniorSnowbird gal (i.e. a couz of mine) told me that she went to some "ladies conference" and was all fired up.  She wanted to be a better wife soooo she got up early and made her husband breakfast.  This went on for several days until one morning her husband said--You don't have to get up and make me breakfast; I don't need your chit chat in the morning! A 75ish pickle ball buddy went back home "up north" recently.  He said--I hope to come back next year.  I might bring my girl friend instead of my wife next year, she's more fun. PreacherManDuke says--I had just finished preaching an eulogy.  The thought of the many marriages and funerals that I’ve attended recently went through my mind. I thought, “Marriage and death are both gateways to a new world. 
They can BOTH lead to either heaven or hell.”

Have you ever been snake bitten? There are two ways to get snake bitten. One is by a poisonous snake here in AZ (i.e. this year since the temperatures have been very warm the snakes have come out earlier than normal)--Treatment will cost about $50,000 and most times insurance won't pay for all. The other way to get snake bitten is--Experiencing a period of misfortune or inability to succeed. The cost of that is indeterminable. ItchieBitchie says--Some of "snake bitten" can be prevented (i.e. either type). Oh ya. Decrease your venerability. Have vision. Take precautions. Think smart. Don't be as dumb as a dumbbell. My Daddy, Chester, would say to me--erv, most folks don't spend enough time thinking. I wonder if I think enough 'cause I have been snake bitten by the second type, never, sooooo far, by the first. A park ranger told my friend that there are about 200 snake bits in AZ a year resulting in a death about ever 5 years. 95% of the bites happen to males between the ages of 17 and 25. Most are 'cause by those males picking up the poisonous snakes (i.e. now that is strange). Most have been drinking a lot or are on drugs. Probably trying to impress their babes! What were they thinking! Now, that could increase your odds of getting snake bittern--either type. Ouchy ouchy!

I use the generic word "guys" when I refer to all of you, gals and guys.  This gender issue can become a touchy issue alright!  Ya gotta be careful or you can get yourself in big trouble without trying. On the door of a post office I went into, there is a sign that said "soandso postmaster". The postmaster is a female. I asked her if she is a postmaster or postmistress? She said--"I'm not a mistress to anyone"! I looked postmistress up in Webster and it said--a woman who is a postmaster. Sooooo there you go. Like I said, it's a good place to get yourself into a peck of trouble.  Some folks are really touchy about stuff.  They get their feelings hurt "oh soooooo easy"!  Saturday question--Are you one of those touchy folks?  I wonder about touchy folks sometimes but there is usually a reason why certain folks are touchy about certain things.  I just don't know "the why" at the time.  Some times we just have to accept things (i.e. they are what they are).

Aint' it strange!  Joesixpack says--The worst-tempered people I've ever met were people who knew they were wrong.  Saturday question--How do you react when things don't go your way?  Are you sure you are telling the truth!  In the SW when the Indians attached the wagon trains, they circled the wagons and fought for their lives.  They did what they had to to get the train back on the track.  Some folks when they make a mistake circle back (i.e. see their mistake and try to correct it).  Some fight forward even when they know they are wrong (i.e. huge massive egos come into play).  Ouchy ouchy!  MrBigMan says--Ya can't win a pissing match with a skunk!  Such is life.

Selfies!  What in the world are selfies anyway?  That's a strange word to me. I read in the paper soooo it must be right--Be careful who you take selfies with as you might get head lice.  Ouchy ouchy.  Selfies is a craze where folks take photos with a cellphone of yourself with one or more friends (i.e. where subjects lean close together, heads and hair touching). SusieQ says--Check 'em for head lice before getting tooooo close!  That's insane!

Everyone has limitations!  Oh ya, no matter who you are.  When we recognize them and know them and adjust our life accordingly, life goes better.  It's when we get out of our limitations, is when we get into trouble.  Oh ya!  It's the Peter Principle--It's when people tend to be promoted until they reach their "position of incompetence".  JoeEasy, it's like when you think you are Tiger Woods and realize you ain't.  The manifestation is very clear.  Now that is humbling folks. Oh ya!  Can be hard on a guy's ego.  "Some how or other" we need to figure out our limitations (i.e. at least to some degree).  I asked a golf buddy how he did after his round (i.e. note, I didn't ask him his score but how he did).  He said--Oh, not as well as I can do.  But there again, I never do!  Huh, interesting.

I took a hiatus from pickle ball and golf over the weekend.  I sorta kinda hurt a shoulder muscle a little.  I play 9 holes of golf usually twice a week with my buddies (i.e. more sometimes if invited) but play pickle ball more often.  I can ride my bike to the different places and play for a hour and half and go home (i.e. doesn't take sooo long and it's a good work out).  Some days I play twice a day at different invites.  I have no obligation sooooo if I can't go, I don't.  It fits me very well in my life right now.  LuckieEddie says--At certain times in our life 'cause of certain circumstances, certain things work/fit better than others.  I agree with you LuckieEddie.  It's strange how we adapt and need to adapt but we can do it.  In many cases we have tooooo.  Such is life.

GoofyLouie says--I wouldn't walk across the street to spit on somebody like that!  I played pickle ball at a certain location with some supposedly good players.  The first time I went a couple of them treated me like I had leprosy (i.e. real strange).  Cadillac Jack says--I guess 98% of the folks are great and the other 2%, well...some call them morons, some call them chowderheads, some call them jerks and others call them....  I don't get it.  Maybe they thought they were "habanero hot" (i.e. had their noses up in the air).  Maybe they were trying to intimate me--if sooo it didn't work; they made me laugh.  I don't know why they acted that way (i.e. maybe insecure??).  Soooo I go back the next week and there are more players (i.e. like 12) and I find out that they are not all that way (i.e. only a few).  I met some real nice guys who didn't think that their...didn't stink.  In fact one guy said to me while waiting our turn (i.e. confirming my thinking about some of those guys)--I enjoy pickle ball but it isn't my life like some of these guys think it is! It's very strange to see guys act that way. It has to be an attitude with some of them or they are just strange.  I'm going back to interact with them just toooo see these guys act this way (i.e. I'm going to bug them and scratch their surfaces some--do an experiment--they can't really be that crusty).  Maybe pickle ball is their life--good for them--it ain't mine.  I like to enjoy the folks who I play pickle ball with.  My ex-business partner of 34 years really enjoys golf.  I would guess he has played more golf and more golf courses in the U.S. than 99.9% of folks.  He plays every day if weather permits and has done it for years.  He obviously likes golf.  He went to FL for February and told me he played 20 different golf courses while there.  Like I said, he likes golf!!!  We all have our things now don't we.  Yabut he's still a nice guy!!!  PS I went to church Sunday and said hi to a couple I know--They seemed to act like they were the elite of the holy huddle (i.e. that was at church!).  Huh, interesting.

NewPaddlePickleBallBuddy said--If you have been blessed with some form of talent, recognize it and use it to better others--and do it humbly!  I think this guy is a smart guy!  What do you think?

WorldClassLarry's suggestion--If you have a world class ego, please check it at the door. You guys know I like folks who have good hearts and are real.  I am around many folks who are very important, successful, exceptionally talented, and financially wealthy but also very humble.  Soooo if your head is bigger than your hat, think about making an adjustment.  Thanksamillion WorldClassLarry for your suggestion.  

The Dykema cousins
Week of the cousins!  Sorta kinda strange but...!  We had a sorta kinda Dykema (i.e. our mothers' maiden name) cousins (i.e. five of us ) get-to-gather set up by our social director.  It was held at the corner of 20th St. and Indian School in Phoenix.  We had Soron hot dogs by Nogales (i.e. a vendor with his van and trailer).  It was a hoot folks,  Now that is high flying folks!!!!  No noses up in the air here let me tell ya.  

Also this week I had breakfast with my Dad's cousins (i.e. ages 80 to 87).  These are really some neat guys.  One lives here in Sun City and the other two winter in AZ.  I didn't know any of them until a couple of years ago.  As Dad'scousininlawFranfromOmaha said when she sent me the picture--I only took one picture, but all are looking good ...... Oops, actually  I meant to say "All Are Good Looking".       EmojiEmojiEmoji

...or I just got some bad crab!  I really like the crab salad at Albersons.  This last week I sorta kinda felt I was given a little understanding, feeling, glimpse, taste, tingle or a twinge about something that is very mysterious to me (i.e. a very small ding, if that, of something I cannot fathom).  ...or I just got some bad crab!  Or maybe it was just a mirage.  I had this strange "wonder" about heaven.  It was a great feeling that I never had before (i.e. most interesting).  Sooooo folks, I believe in heaven (i.e. always have but this excited  my belief even more).  Heaven is going to be good folks.  Folks who have physical and mental difficulties, I think heaven will be very heavenly (i.e. probably more than to the big ego folks I would guess but I don't know).  Don't ask me to explain my feeling 'cause I can't really.  I guess that is something very personal. I hope I can retain this feeling (i.e. it rekindled my swagger and refreshed my spirit)!  There is no medicine like hope, no incentive sooo great, no tonic soooo powerful as the expectation of something better tomorrow!  Some of you think I'm nuts.  Whatever!!!  Is it possible that I could be wrong and it was just that I got some bad crab?  

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Courage cannot be tested cautiously.

March 8, 2014

I enjoy the SW

Houdy partner! I really enjoy the SW; there is soooo much that I enjoy about it (i.e. but just maybe I have my shoes laced tooooo tight). My life isn't put under a microscope like some. Soooo why do you care if I like the SW (i.e. my glory lasts until the next pickle ball shot or golf shot)!  If I was important (i.e. like an Oscar winning star) then you would care but I ain't.  Spring training a.k.a. cactus league is really big down here.  Oh ya!  I read in the paper so it must be right--Image isn't everything in the major leagues, but it ultimately has a big say in how a star player is perceived.  The smart ones get it.  No matter how great you are as a player, no one likes a jerk.  Yabut a pickle ball buddy said this about a guy from back home-- Lots of people don't like him much as he is crusty type..but when u scratch the surface.. he's a good guy.  Soooo there ya go, ya gotta roll the rock over and scrap the crap off!  Such is life.

I enjoy the beauty of the SW!  LuckieEddie says--Yabut, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!  I also enjoy the smell, mystery, landscape, romance, rowdy past history, the desert, the SW attitude, the SW architecture, the SW excitement, the SW lure, and much more! I enjoy the spring beauty of the SW.
I enjoy the cowboy, Indian and frontier stories that I read about.  I like the desert and it's animals, mountains and vegetation. Not soooo many years ago the inhabitants of the SW would be hunitin' for their dinner.  Their dinner would be some wild animal of some kind.  In a few short years latter, the inhabitants have changed a little.  The Snowbirds are still  hunint' for their dinner but huntin' for a coupon for an early bird dinner!  I just enjoy the SW and all the fun and adventure it has.

Alligators  SusieQ says--It's hard to remember your original purpose was to drain the swamp when you're up to your neck in alligators.  I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half banana on it--Paul says, Do you not know that in a race all the runners run but only one gets the prize?  Run in such a way as to get the prize. It is hard for me to fathom all the folks who came to the SW looking for many different things.  It was a wild country and many of them died trying (i.e. just buried in a shallow grave or had some stones put over them sooo the wild animals didn't eat their bodies).  A big lure was to become rich or have a better life.  I guess that lure hasn't changed.  And I guess many still dye trying yet to this day.  Being a settler (i.e. a tenderfoof) in the SW was tough.  I don't think I would have made it more than a week.  I would have been one that no one remembers.  If a guy or gal was tough and was a good shoot it probably helped to stay alive.  And then you still had to be lucky  There was no government help to get you your wide screen hd and cell phone.  If you couldn't take care of yourself, you just died.

Much noise!  I'm sure many many folks who settled in the SW were never hardly known by anyone.  They are such a part of history but just unknown.  And some of them were outlaws and Indians and gunslingers. It seems like the bad guys were remembered more than the good guys.  Soooo what does that tell ya!  Quite a difference to Dale Earnhardt's popularity.  I read in the paper soooo it must be right--Dale Earnhardt joined twitter for the first time after winning the Daytona 500 at 2:30 a.m.  20 minutes later he had 1,800 responses.  By early Monday afternoon, Earnhardt had 368,000 followers.  Huh, interesting.

"Hear me roar" was said to me by a gal I met at the pickle ball courts.  She and her husband RayRon really impressed me.  Her roar was very pleasant.  We sorta kinda gravitated to each other.  We had a common denominator that the three of us felt.  Some things you can just sense--we all agreed.  We were all Christians. We went to the Osmond show at the Palm Theater the other night.  We sat in the section with the Osmond family.  My golf buddies and I just had a discussion about the Mormon faith in the morning.  Soooo the Osmonds and I had a discussion about the differences between being a Christian and a Mormon.  Huh, interesting.  They were real nice to us.

Being politically correct!  AZ use to be ruled by guns, power, money and the strongest folks.  It still is folks but just a little different.  AZ Governor Brewer vetoes SB 1062 which was passed by the legislator (i.e. what the people wanted--democracy--overwhelmingly sensible).  SB106 would have offered a legal defense for individuals and businesses facing discrimination lawsuits if they proved they had acted on a "sincerely help religious belief."  Opponents argued it would legalize discrimination, in particular, allowing businesses to refuse to serve the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.  The TRUMP card was money.  Large corporations such as Apple suggested that they might leave the sate and THEBIGONE was the NFL saying they will look for alternative sites for the Super Bowl (e.g. hear my roar). As I have said many many many times--It's all about the money folks. The earthly golden rule is--gold rules! You can blow smoke but $$$ is the hay maker!  GeorgeTheCrook says--You can say what you want and pretend what you want but you are just putting on a show when big money is involved.  My mentor use to say--A guy asked a gal to have sex with him for $40.  She said--What do you think I am.  How about $100.  She said--What do you think I am.  How about a $1,000.  Ok, maybe.  Now that we found out what your are, all we need to do is negotiate a price.  Huh, interesting.

MissPerfect (i.e. who attend OneTimeUniversity) says--Money and it's effects impacts me in soooo many different ways; I like money; I like a lots of money.  Oh ya!  But I must admit, thinking about money all the time makes my brain hurt.  AverageJoe says--It's funny how a few years can change our lives (i.e. circumstances change now don't they folks).  Nutten is perfect!  Just like the SW has changed soooo do we.  It's a constant.  WorldClassLarry says--At the end of the day, grace will always count in the test of life.  Soooo there you go folks!  OverTheTopSharon says--My level of maturity depends who I'm with!  Ouchy ouchy!  Did you know that our chronological age is just a #?  Oh ya, EasyJohn is 92 but still uses a night light--it's the little light in the refrigerator! You are free to make you own guess what EasyJohn is doing in the refrigerator in the middle of the night.  Hint--he is a little over weight!  Such is life.

Politics, politics politics!  There seems to be politics in all most everything.  SusieQ says--I don't want to hurt any one's feelings.  Ya can't win an election if no one likes you and the easiest way to have folks like you is to give them what they want (i.e. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out).  I remember a guy back home at our little golf course who would buy beer for everyone all the time.  Everyone liked him (i.e. he had a lot of likeability).  Da! CadillacJack says--Soooo it looks like beer and money are the answers folks, beer and money!  Some of the pickleball club at a 55+ community where I play, thought they were going to get the horse shoe pits moved or removed and more courts added.  It sounded good but it ain't going happen even though I have never seen anyone pitch hourseshoe and the line is long to play pickle ball (i.e. politics).  The manager was just schmoozing the folks.  A pickle ball buddy who said he spend much of his life in high level negotiation said--In negotiations you have to ask for a lot (i.e. way more than you expect) and hope you get what you really want--Ya gotta give the other side something to say no to sooo you can get something less (i.e. art of negotiation).  Interesting!  It makes sense.  Try it with your spouse!! This might change your life GeorgeTheCrook!  Oh ya!  I think a lot of money is made in negotiating (i.e. my opinion).  Some folks are really good at it and other are not.  I think my pickle ball buddy is really good at it (i.e. he looks wealthy).

I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Paul said--"Everything is permissible"--but not everything is beneficial.  The footnote said--Personal freedom and desire for one's rights are not the only considerations.  One must also consider "the good of others"...The exercise of one's personal freedom is to be governed by whether it will bring glory to God.

Can't hit the bull in the ass with a scoop shovel!  Some folks can't handle pressure.  They just can't.  We are big IA Hawkeye basketball fans.  It appears that a couple of players have lost their confidence (i.e. their glory only last until their next shot).  They can shoot fairly well when the game isn't on the line but when the game is on the line, they can't hit the "broad side of the barn".  Ouchy ouchy!  In the old shootouts in the SW ya had to be able to shoot straight during the time of the game when it was important or you were buried up on the hill (i.e. your epitome would read--Couldn't shoot under pressure).  Very simple.  Ya gotta be a gamer!

I like the SW architecture.  The old and the new.  How things change in just a
few years.  I also like how many folks decorate the inside of their houses with the SW look.  Here is one of my favorite pieces of SW art.  It's my favorite for several reasons--It's just beautiful--I like the flavor--I like the folks who have it in their winter house--I like the reason why this guy gave it to his wife--I met the artist who made it.  The whole thing is class folks.  Just class.  Such is life

I took a sabbatical this week.  Like I have said, I really like the SW.  I read the book Blood Brothers by Elliott Arnold (i.e. a historical fiction of the battle the Apaches had with the white folks down in southern AZ.  Last year we went and toured Fort Bowie, the Butterfield Stage Route, and Apache Pass.  I wanted to see Cochise Stronghold up'erin'em Dragon Mountains but didn't have time.  Soooo I took a day trip by myself to explore, think, and look.  It was a good day.  I hiked/ran Cochise Stronghold Trail #279 where the stronghold was.  It might have been occupied by 1,000 Apaches with 250 being braves.  I'm glad I was not born a brave.  If you couldn't ride well, shoot your bow and arrow well, or run fast, you died young (i.e. most did).  The braves did the huntin' and fightin' (i.e. no pickle ball or golf or going to the Suns game) and the squawks did most of he work (i.e. no fingernails and toenails polished and painted by a small man wearing a mask using a Dremel tool).  BigHorse had this motto on his tepee wall--I hunt 'em, you clean 'em). The SW near the Mexican border is very interesting and special (i.e. my opinion). Just a fun day. If you have never taken a sabbatical, I suggest you try it. I didn't talk to anyone all day.  Some of you say--erv, I have a hard time believing that.  I told a pickle ball buddy I was going to do that and he said--If I did that I would be sooooo depressed about thinking about myself!  I told him ya got to think about positive stuff!  Oh by the way--The Indians didn't have any trophy wives BUT Chief Cochise had two wives, a young one and an old one; he liked the young one better!!!!  Such is life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Days are like suitcases--by careful arrangement, some people can pack more.

March 1, 2014


Disclaimer--You guys might think that this "It's Sataurday" is "much ado about nutten"!  It's just big-splash talk a.k.a. hodge podge of nuttens!  Joesixpack says--I'm not saying this to you erv in a braggadocio way, but it's the facts!  Could be Joesixpack if you say sooooo!  But I will let all of you be the judges.  I'm going to think for a few seconds before saying anything back to you Joesixpack.  I don't want to respond emotionally.  Statements like that hurt my heart and cracks my ego.  But if it is true, I can't explain my way out of it.  Just like the Olympics, my writing has been assessed and I cannot sway the judges.  It's not a debate.  If it gets tooooo bad I will go into a self-imposed exile! CrazyMarvin sorta kinda expresses his feeling by what he has on his t-shirt.

Ifs and buts!  GeorgeTheCrook says--There a lot of "ifs and buts" in life.  SusieQ says--Contemplation is a leisure indulgence!  SusieQ, there is a retirement resort here in Mesa that has a name of Leisure World.  I bet they have time to indulge!  My Daddy, Chester, use to say to me--erv, most folks don't take enough time to think!  Maybe that is why many folks can't see any way but their own and they just sleepwalk through life.  Could be.  Not enough contemplation!  Maybe! Couz-in-lawFay told us that at yoga she is taught to think about her breathing; that way you can't think of anything else (i.e. negative stuff).  Saturday question--Do you ever strategize about your life?  Think about all the possible senoras?  Do you try to put together a blueprint for your life or do you just fly from the seat of your pants?  CadillacJack says--The degree to which we trust our Divine Leader determines how far we are led into a life worth living.

I changed my stradegy last weekend.  I was not going where I wanted to go (i.e. sorta kinda chasing after the wind).  I think I sorta kinda had my priorities screwed up.  It felt like a juggernaut. It got to a point where I saw it (i.e. always seems like it has to get pretty bad before ervie can figure it out--buzzards are circling).  I strategized my position and my future movements and feel a lot better.  I'm more in line where I want to be.  I am at peace once again.  Well, 'tilnex'time  Huh, interesting.  

I asked LuckieEddie what his strategy was for being married for 60 years.  LuckieEddie said--I married MissRight.  But I didn't know her first name was Always though!  Ouchy ouchy!

The farm strategy went "haywire"!  LuckieEddie says--Back in 1960 farmers didn't have bankers hours and they couldn't farm in their underwear!  I met a neat guy at the pickle ball court.  He had a Navy cap on sooooo I asked him about his Navy experience.  He said--I was raised on a farm and didn't want to continue gettin' up before the sun and working until after the sun went down every day soooo I joined the Navy (i.e. his strategy).  He took the test and got a high enough score to become an Boatswain E4.  I didn't know what that was (i.e. in charge of navigation and the operation of a ship).  Wow!  I was impressed.  Soooo did you use your position once you got out--no, I became a butcher and still am!  I asked him why he wanted to become a Boatswain--I wanted to be a leader and thought that was a great opportunity.  Maybe he just wanted to blow that little whistle!!!  Such is life.

A lot of "ifs and buts"!  Idleness is the soil of self-pity and depression. Get busy (i.e. develop a scheme). Throw those chips away and get your butt of the couch.  The best thing that you can do is to do something that helps others. It's a universal principle that when you start focusing on helping others, your own problems are diminished. Don't just stand there, DO SOMETHING! Talk is cheap but we justify ourselves with our actions. Our plan tells the story.  

Ya just never know now do ya--where you are going to get some strategery!    ~    My uncle Warren Mellema (Omaha) sends me your blog spot now and again.  (i.e. Warren is my Daddy, Chester's cousin).  I am 61 and live in Bellingham, WA.  If you’re a distant relative of his, you’re an even a more distant relative of mine.  I read your blog entitled “It’s Saturday”.  I find it particularly interesting how you write.  We have similar writing styles.  For example: “I have always been sorta kinda an arm swinger (i.e. don't turn my body properly).  I don't want to be.  I'm going to try to change.  But after 48 years, bad habits are really hard to change.  We will see now won't we.”  I want you to know I’m kinda sorta an arm swinger as well.  That must make us relatives.  And 45 years of my bad habits are probably bearing the same fruit in my life as yours are for you. The best advice I received in golf was this:  “During your backswing, keep the club close to the ground for as long as possible”.  This simple tip increased my drive by 30 yards.  Of course, short drives are easy to improve. Anyway, just wanted to say hi and give you a golf tip.  Who knows….  If we’re truly related, it just might work for you too.  

Synergy can produce good results especially if folks will strategize together and share experiences, talents, passion, interest, and abilities.  LuckieEddie says--When folks have a common goal and don't care who gets the credit, great things can happen.  GeorgeTheCrook says--You don't want DuaneTheWorm in your group!!!  And you know what, DuaneTheWorm is just like a pimple, he just pops up! He always tries to pull a fast one!  And he's good at it.  But you know what--DuaneTheWorm can only postpone his actions for sooooo long before they become intolerable (i.e. used up all his get out of jail free cards).  Such is life.

Do you think Bubby strategizes his actions?  I read this in the paper sooooo it must be right.  Bubby Watson is popular on tour for a number of reasons.  He has a big personality, enjoys interacting with his fans through social media, offers thoughtful interviews and stands out on the course with his hot pink driver.  Of course, success also helps.  Huh, interesting.

Ultimate strategizing!  I got to church just on time and there was an aisle seat open in the back row next to two senior ladies (i.e. happenstance, na I don't think soooo.  I asked if I could sit with them--sure, I don't bite said the one next to the seat that was open (i.e. she was about 90 I would guess)--you look pretty sweat--looks can be deceiving.  Her friend next to her (i.e. about 75 said--you need to settle down--when you're old you can get by with any thing--how old are you--old enough to know better--I'm pretty wild--I think you need church!--That's why I'm here; Jesus Christ is Lord!  I must admit, that that was the best part of church for me!  Such is life.

Stategery!  The MI engineer taught me a new word as I was about to hit a drive--stratgery.  One strategery is to run to exercise and maintain a physical being.  I was running in The Fountain of the Sun (i.e. my 3.5 route) on a hot day (i.e. record high day of 86 degrees).  I was sweating but wasn't really running very fast as a super sized lady walking her miniature poodle passed me. It could have been the same "fatlady" who my friend claims passed my riding RABRAI (i.e. Registers's Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) a few years ago but she just gained a few more pounds.  ANYWAY I met a XXXL guy who was running his dog.  He was driving a golf cart holding maybe a 6 foot pole with maybe a 3 foot rope at the end attached to his dog who was running.  The super sized guy was drinking a Mountain Dew and eating chips.  The dog looked like he was in good shape.  It appeared to me that they should have changed positions.  Huh, interesting.

Did my homework a.k.a. strategizing!  My running shoes were wore through the bottom (i.e. mainly 'cause I use them for pickle ball and they were 3 years old).  ANYWAY sooooo I decided I was going to buy a court shoe and a running shoe.  I have had good experience with Asics running shoes soooo that is what I wanted.  I checked out the models at Sports Authority and then went on line to Amazon and see how much I could save.  Amazon never has the latest models but the previous ones (i.e. no big deal to me).  Sooooo I decided to buy a good running shoe (i.e. store price $159 and Amazon $89 and a Nike court shoe at Sports Authority for $55.  Sooooo I go to the store to make sure I have the size right.  I work with a guy who is really good (i.e. has helped me before).  I buy the court shoes and is trying on the Asics running shoe.  I told him that that is a lot of money.  He puts the shoe on my right foot and then has me try on 2 different shoes on my left--you like them--ya, I do.  What's the difference in price--over $100.  I took the "on sale $47 dollar pair".  When I checked out the gal gave me another $15 discount. I said to the teenage gals helping me, I bet the SeniorSnowbirdsLadies at our 55+ community will be impressed with me blue shoes.  They just laughed.  They probably are more interested in a fellow's financial statement.  They just laughed again.  I don't know if they were laughing with me or at me.  I will never know but I have a pretty good idea.  Such is live.

Jeepers creepers!  There are some things of live that aren't worth trying to change or correct.  It just ain't worth the time and energy that it takes.  And besides, they are not that important.  Did you know that jeepers is an euphemism for Jesus? AverageJoe says--It's real easy to put a fence up and not accept reality (i.e. that is one form of strategy).  That can be applied to our personal lives or problems of the world.  That is why cruse ships don't go to third world countries.  That is why retirement communities put walls up.  That is why folks get away from problems by different methods.  That is why the  government doesn't deal with serious problems.  I read in the paper soooo it mus be right--Scientists and ecologists agree -- water is the most endangered, fastest shrinking resource on the planet. Ouchy ouchy!  

It took some strategizing!  Our children gave us a gift certificate for the Snooze restaurant at Christmas.  Soooo we went and had a late breakfast.  Snooze is  an uptemple place.  The entrees are special and very good.  It's just a fun place to go. I suggest you try it.  ANYWAY I went to the bathroom and was washing my hands with a faucet I never saw before.  I moved my hands over to the left and the air dryer was in the part of the faucet that was sticking out.  Arlene went later and she said it took 5 gals to figure it out.  She said it was a hoot!  I think she enjoyed the bathroom experience with the gals more than the breakfast experience with me.  

Some friends stopped to see us on their way to CA for a winter trip.  They told us that an old client of mine died.  I got to know him some and enjoyed listening to him tell me about his checker playing.  He was a very good player and would travel all over to get a game (i.e. IA sate champ twice it said in his obituary).  I woke up in the middle of the night thinking of him recently.  Why was he soooo good at it.  He wasn't educated and didn't study it.  He told me that he could contemplate moves 4 and 5 ahead of time and also of his competitor (i.e. strategize).  That amazed me since I can't figure out my first move.  Saturday question--Do you think some folks have a canny ability to strategize for the future?  Soooooo I called Andy's daughter and asked her if she knew.  I asked her if she has that ability. She said she doesn't and didn't know why he could do that.  We had a couple of support staff in our office who are just nice gals.  One could remember #s.  It was just unbelievable how she could do that.  They both were good at remembering names (i.e. I wasn't). I always told them that they made my look like a king instead of a shit!  I miss them gals.   

I'm a long ways from home!  The ladies at Carriage Manor Pickle Ball club asked me to do a little clinic about strategy.  I really wondered if anyone would show up but about 35 did plus maybe 10 guys stood outside of the fence.  These ladies were sooooo nice to me and treated my like I knew something.  They got their money's worth alright; they didn't pay anything!  Folks, I believe it can really help to be taught strategy about life.  If it's about pickle ball or how to treat your wife or how to be a good parent or how to run a company or how make money or how to just be a good person (i.e. my opinion).  What do you think?

MissPerfect gave me a great vote of confidence when she said to me--erv, I have no idea what you are saying but count me in!  

Laughed at myself!  I went for a run on Usery Pass yesterday morning before playing pickle ball.  I noticed my pace slowed down.  My mine was on something else (i.e. something fun, positive and happy). ANYWAY BigPete is my pickle ball mentor/friend.  He critiques my play.  I really appreciate it (i.e. he is a very good player).  He told me this week that I don't get in position at the net fast enough (i.e. lazy).  I sorta kinda loose my focus much like running at a slower pace!  He's right. I know it.  BigPete invited me to play with group of 4 and 4.5 players.  I noticed the best players have fewer unforced errors (i.e. keep their focus and are talented and probably play a lot).  My opinion--BigPete was the best of them all (i.e. and there were some good players there).  Staying focus is a good strategy folks!  Thanksamillion BigPete!

Quoting my college friend Rocky (i.e. we played a little bb togather at good old Northwestern)--Here are a couple quotes from the book Far Away Home by Susan Denning. This was a $1.99 Kindle special and not a bad read. "Just be careful. Mistakes can't always be corrected."  "I think tomorrow is more important than yesterday."


Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. 


MyFriendJean says--Love doesn't make the world go 'round.  Love is what makes the ride worth while.