April 22, 2021


Leonard Bernstein said—“Inspiration is wonderful when it happens, but the writer must develop an approach for the rest of the time…The wait is simply too long.” Rhetorical question—Should we apply that to our lives? I was just reminded by a friend when he came home from work and said—It’s all about the money! Money is a great inspiration alright (i.e. for almost all folks; don’t kid yourself). GeorgeTheCrook says--The bottom issue in almost everything is the money! TopOfTheClassWilma was interviewing for a top-level accounting position with WeGetItDoneAccounting. She was asked, what is two and two? When she replied, how much do you want it to be, she was hired.

To finesse or not to finesse, that is the question; probably a rhetorical question, maybe! “To be or not to be: that is the question, whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune…” begins a well-known soliloquy but the letters can be rearranged to produce: “In one of the Bard’s best-thought-of tragedies, our insistent hero, Hamlet, queries on two fronts about how life turns rotten.” Like who worked that out? That's a rhetorical question!

This is from my friend ThePreacherMan. Where he got it from is from someone else and I’m passing it on to you.  Usually, we wonder when the story is passed on that many times if the information is true.  Read it and see what you think.  Tony Dungy says --  “Our world glamorizes luxury. Many people who live in luxury communities define their worth by the best that money can buy:  houses, cars, clothes, exclusive memberships, and more. These things become the definition of success and the basis of self-esteem. And we can spend a lot of time pursuing them…But it’s never enough. The result is that we’re always running but never arriving.  But that isn’t reality, at least not as God defines it. He wants us to base our lives on Him, not on things that don’t last. We’re supposed to focus on honoring Him rather than on getting more, doing more, or achieving more. When we get to the end of our lives and look at what we have left—and what we have built into our children—we’ll find that keeping up with appearances leaves us empty, but serving the Lord is fulfilling. Values that are shaped by a desire to honor Him will always lead us to true success in His eyes.” Soooo what do you think?  Have you arrived? More rhetorical questions do you think? ItchieBitchie says—erv, you just say that because you don’t have as much stuff as I do and that makes you feel better.  An atheist friend says—erv, that thinking is for weak folks, folks who need a crutch as they can’t do it for themselves. Soooo who is right? That is a rhetorical question (i.e. at least for me).

Are you amazed with technology? erv, com’n, that’s a rhetorical question. Most Americans have and love their smart phones! They are almost magic as I can ask it many questions and it gives me the answers.  I am amazed with this technology.  But if I ask it for advice or guidance about living, it responds—I have no idea what you are talking about (i.e. it has no wisdom). For wisdom advice, I have to go to other sources. That is why I visit with many of you. Bingo!  I was thinking while jogging on the golf course last Saturday morning (i.e. it gives me a lot of time ‘cause a friend, Squirt, says--erv, you jog soooo slow that I can’t tell if you are going forward or backwards) that many folks don’t agree with my ideas, your ideas, or government’s ideas (i.e. some are really bad ideas).  Why? Soooo why should I get my wisdom from them?  It’s confusing. It sure is.  I can do no better than to decide who I will confide in and visit with and come with a conclusion as to what I’m going to believe.  It might not be the same as some others (i.e. even you) for sure.  Bingo! Like I say a lot, no two folks think exactly alike. 

I recently had a visit with a friend who I like, respect, and trust.  I asked her some questions about a mutual interest and concern.  I told her that if she feels uncomfortable in answering my questions just tell me--I would rather not answer that question.  But I did ask her two rhetorical questions when we were done—Doesn’t it seem right to tell the truth? Do you think justice is always served? Are those rhetorical questions? I read what LauraSweet said while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it—"Human justice can only be imperfect. Our knowledge and understanding are limited; we can’t fully know a person’s true intentions or see into the human heart. Also, we are corruptible by nature because of the fall; jurors have prejudices, lawyers can misrepresent, and judges can be influenced. It’s no wonder that justice is often denied…It’s a comfort for believers to know that our righteous Judge will bring about true justice one day. Even when it seems as though wicked people are getting away with all kinds of evil, God will avenge his people.”  Now that is very hard for me to understand.  None of us are perfect (i.e. all of us are wicked at times in deed and thought) and all of us are unjust.  All of us.  Yikes! Soooo is the 51% theory correct (i.e. a rhetorical question)? That being if we are more than half good then we are a good person but if we are less than 50% good, then we are condemned?  UncleJohn (i.e. and anyone can be a John) says--No no erv, Jesus says He will forgive all sin a.k.a. wickedness no matter how bad or how much—all forgiven!

A friend’s hs friend is married to an ol’ Northwestern College acquaintance of mine from about 50 years ago. Because of that I was invited to have dinner with all of them.  What a hoot! It felt like it was just yesterday we were at college and soooo we shared much good stuff (i.e. both of us have a soft spot for good ol’ NW). All of us shared some of our life stories with each other (i.e. we all have unique interesting stories).  Isn’t that interesting how things work out sometimes.  His motto is--“Stuff happens in life. It’s not what happens in life, it’s what you do with it.” I really like this guy as well as his wife and my friend (i.e. good folks with good hearts; my kind of folks).  Rhetorical question—Do you like to be around good folks?

I got discombobulated! We were coming away from having desert at these new friends’ home in their housing development that I wasn’t familiar with, it was dark and I got confused in my directions and my navigator helped me get out of my maze.  I got back to familiar territory but came out from a different direction than I ever did before.  It looked familiar but it wasn’t.  It felt crazy; sorta kinda embarrassing!  Have you ever felt that way in your life?--A rhetorical question! Once I got my bearings, all was good.  I laughed internally at myself.  But then I do that a lot! I guess that is why there is a navigation system built into my vehicle! haha  W.C. Fields wrote—“Few things in life are more embarrassing than the necessity of having to inform an old friend that you have just got engaged to his fiancĂ©!”

Rhetorical question—Do you always understand others’ communication?  Soooo when helping with the grandkids before and after school for a couple of days (i.e. Jessica was with her father and Chet leaves early and comes home late), Chet left a note for me and them each day what I and they had to do.  Friday, he wrote that after school they could have a snack, do piano and then free time.  Sooooo they did the snack and their piano and then disappeared as I made dinner.  Chet came home about 6:15 and asked where the kids were—either in the basement or in their rooms—he found them and Charlie was on her iPod and he was upset with her; she I guess was not to do that—her defense was it said free time!  Ol’ substitute-parent erv didn’t know what the house rules were of course; how was I supposed to know; it said free time and free time means to me you can do what you want (i.e. I think Charlie took advantage of me but I really didn't care--haha).   WildWillie says—You can never make instructions plain enough; folks can’t read your mind; at least I can’t!

This new friend a.k.a. JoeRocket who I talked about earlier, eats fast, talks fast and seems to do everything 100 mph.  I kidded him about it.  He said—I early on was considered “the different one”; they said my car motor and my internal motor never cooled off! I would guess this guy gets a lot done in a day.  Sooooo when helping taking care of the Waukee grandkids, while they were eating breakfast before school, they read at the same time (i.e. multi-tasked).  Now that is being unique and different just like my new friend; they might get a lot done in a day or just read all day! haha They might grow up and be regular JoeRockets!

This last week I had a blast making a decision.  Much of the basis of my decision was how some friends informed me (i.e. they did much of the leg-work and shared their experiences).  These friends are from Alaska/AZ, Indiana, and Wyoming.  Yes, that is right.  Crazy!  They are smart, experienced, have CS (i.e. common sense), are knowledgeable, are seasoned, and pretty much think like I do (i.e. we all know each other—good folks with good hearts; my kind of folks).  Our relationships came about through the conduit of pickleball. Crazy.  Well, the decision, I did make (i.e. signed the dotted line haha).  What a hoot we had together. Sooooo much fun. If the decision ends up bad, it’s pretty much their fault! haha But it’s only money (i.e. my money though)! Such is life.

I got a letter, yes a letter in the mail, from an old friend (i.e. old friend in two ways)! I always enjoy getting a letter from this ol’ friend.  Sooooo he sent me some fun stuff and also some really good stuff to think about. His children asked him to write down—If you could thank anyone, who would you thank and why? He sent me his list he gave his kids.  What interested me was many of the folks were of his past (i.e. many years ago like when he was a kid that trailed up wards).  They might seem minor things but played major parts of his development.  Huh, interesting.  He no longer can thank those folks in person nor can we.  But we all can thank folks who have played a part in our lives who we are still living.  How about thanking them in person or with some type of communication?  That’s not a rhetorical question folks! JoeAnonymous said—There are no traffic jams when you go the extra mile!

Rhetorical question—Will things get better if you don’t change?  CoachB says—I cannot say whether things will get better if we change, but what I can say is this, they will not get better if we don’t. My new friend reinforced my thinking by example and by his word; yes, he did. And then again in church the next morning, I was once again reminded about this quality.  You want to hear about it (i.e. a rhetorical question)?  If you want to have a relationship with a person (i.e. anyone and everyone) get to know their name; first and foremost; and call them by their name.  I was also reminded by a phone conversation the same day with a friend who told me—To get to know someone, you have to say “hello.”  My mentor used to quote Will Rogers to me a lot. One of his quotes he told me many times is this—Good judgment comes from experience and a lot of that comes from bad judgement.  But the key, my mentor would say to me is this--erv, if we don’t learn from our bad judgement and change, nuttin is going to change. Da!

Have you learned anything from spilled milk?  I hope all of us have.  Like what my Mom, Anna, use to say to me—erv, put your milk up higher on the table, it’s to close to the edge; you are going to spill it! Hope all of us learn from our past experiences, some that were good and some maybe not soooo good. Some spilled milk of our past might have prevented us from a tragic experience in our current or future life (e.g. tell the truth, don’t hang around with certain type of folks, don’t over spend, don’t be cocky, etc.) Yes, and sometimes the spilled milk is said in different ways! Da!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—To stay young, associate with youth…to grow old, try to keep up with them.


A spring tip--I was walking home from church Sunday and NeighborTed was raking his lawn.  The conversation went like this--Don't over do it Ted--If I don't get at it I'll never get it done!--You are soooo darn smart Ted--I know it!

April 17, 2021

quite sure

Let’s go off the record and talk in the graveyard.  Hey folks, have you ever felt like you’ve been mule kicked in the gut? Oh well erv, there you go again, spouting off at the mouth! Just remember folks, I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and a fourth south of Roseland, MN.  But also remember what John Wooden (i.e. who came from a little farm in IN) said—I’m just a common man who is true to his beliefs. 

I’m quite sure I have this right but don’t know for sure.  WorldClassLarry, who stirs the beans a lot, says--Just because I ignore something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.  Explain that more to me WorldClassLarry, will ya?  Ok, if I can’t control something, I ignore it (i.e. it’s a waste of time and energy to fret over it).  I try to let go of it.  But, if I have some control over something and can change something, then I will not ignore it and may take action (i.e. sometimes that is anyway--haha). Sometimes I ask myself--Is it really worth it (i.e. like does it really matter if I put effort into it or is it a waste of my time)? Saturday question--Soooo now what, where am going from here? Soooo what matters? SusieQ says--Out of sight, out of mind works sometimes for me! CadillacJack says—As I age, I realize all the time that we are frail and feeble, and our flesh and our heart may fail (i.e. and then we all die). It’s reality folks. Death is the 100% killer on earth—that's not opinion but fact (i.e. a point of no return). Soooo suck it up cupcake, we’re burning day light; let’s get going! 

I’m quite sure I have decided for sure!  I have decided before but but…  There were three frogs sitting on a log and one decided to jump in the water; how many were left on the log?  The answer is three; yep, just because the one frog decided to jump in doesn’t mean it did; he just decided; we got to do something not just decide. Soooo this time I am going to jump in, I think! All the indications show that it is the right decision; that is if I interpreted the indications correctly.  And it could be I just want the decision to go the direction I like!  Who what me!

A friend told me that they are in the process of making a decision (i.e. da, don’t we do that all the time, make a decision).  He made my laugh.  His decision is if he is going to trade boats!  He is trying to justify his decision!  I told him to do it if he wants to; in his case it will not be a financial issue at all soooo part of the decision is out of the equation.  But that is my opinion, and he has his own internal opinion.  Oh those opinions.  RickyRick says--You can depend on your gut to tell you what to do. But there’s a problem with that. Studies show your perceptions are more likely to be wrong than right. In fact, sometimes we even lie to ourselves. The Bible says, “The human mind is the most deceitful of all things. It is incurable. No one can understand how deceitful it is” (Jeremiah 17:9 GW). That now makes me laugh.  Not my mind for sure, who what me!

LuckieEddie, who can be acerbic at times, says--It’s not what you have, it’s what you appreciate that matters. There is a lot of right and beauty in the world, soooo appreciate the details.  JoeWantItAll says—I want the optima lifestyle; the optima life (i.e. the worry free and hassle free optima life)! LuckieEddie, let me tell you, it’s a long ways from here to there! You want to be a Simba maybe--In Disney’s animated film The Lion King, Mufasa—the great king of the lions—tells his son, Simba, that “everything the light touches is our kingdom.” Simba is impressed by the vast area over which his father rules and understands that one day he will reign. He will be the “sovereign” who rules over the pride by reason of his strength and superiority over all the other animals. In Don Quixote (i.e. which I have not read and probably will not read) you can find--"A little in one's own pocket is better than much in another man's purse." Have any of you folks read that book? I'm curious!

Dr.J used this story—"In John Bunyan’s classic story, The Pilgrim’s Progress  (i.e. the first novel I ever read completely)Christian was traveling toward the Celestial City when he saw two lions on the road ahead of him. They were hungry and angry, and they appeared ready to attack and kill any passerby. Christian stopped in fear and studied them from a distance. Finally he saw they were both chained, one on each side of the road. Christian had a conversation with himself (i.e. you ever have a conversation with yourself). He told himself not to be afraid of the lions, for if he stayed in the middle of the road they couldn’t hurt him. It was simply a test of his faith, he said. And in this way, he advanced. Though the lions roared on his left and right, they couldn’t touch him.” Oh the test of one’s faith!  Soooo what do you have faith in?  AverageJoe says—It’s my truck; I’m quite sure! Really?  Do you know how long everlasting and everlasting is? Explain that to me please comparing that to your truck.

I am quite sure that I let the worst of others get the best of me. I think I do sometimes.  Think through that folks.  Sooooo what am I going to do about that? Good question.  It appears that the easiest way is not to be around certain folks or situations (i.e. the whole kit an’ caboodle); stay away from them (e.g. if certain folks just plain irritate me, don’t talk to them).  I struggle with that.  I have a situation that I waffle with being involved with; some days I am involved and some days I completely distance myself from the situation physically and mentally. Some of the folks who are big part of this situation irritate me. JoeBlow, who can be sarcastic at times, says—Com’n erv, figure it out! It’s not that hard to figure out! Da! The last resort is to eat some ice cream! Just make it a game! And games are fun! SlimySlim says--Many of the games we play even fool ourselves!

Suggestion—When you compliment someone do it sincerely and simply AND make sure they know that it’s a compliment.  SusieQ, who some say she is just a gossip and others say she the nicest gal in Butler County, says—What do you mean about that erv? Well, some compliments can be taken as a jab instead as a compliment. And sometimes they are a jab camouflaged as a compliment.  I think I just received one of them.  And maybe I misunderstood it.  That could be. Seeee I am confused. It wasn’t very convincing. I don’t know what her motive really was.  Was she joking? Making a point? Putting me down? Or totally complimenting me?  I really don’t know. I really will never know. BUT, I’m quite sure I know what her motive was; at least I think I did!  haha But maybe knowing her made a difference in deciphering her motive.  Now that could be toooo!  She uses her jake brake quite a bit let me tell ya; it makes a lot of noise which it appears she likes to hear. She is really quite a project! But I think I like her!

I talked to some friends who spent the afternoon with a 98-year old friend from their church who is in a care facility and hasn’t had visitors for a year.  These friends are really great folks, real folks with sincere, kind, and loving hearts (i.e. my kind of folks).  That description could also apply to you for sure.  Now that is a compliment and I want you to take it as that.  You guys are the best.  Except for one of you and you know who you are!  haha         

Somethings are soooo temporary in our lives but at the time, they are soooo unimportant and we don’t even know it.  I was talking to my neighbor about her grown boys who were football players in hs.  She said--Once they got out of hs, they had no interest in football even though they were good football players.  They were done! They went along with their life and dropped football cold turkey.  I guess they had more important things to do or think about.  I find that very interesting.  You can read into that experience anything you want. I'm quite sure your opinion will be accurate! Soooo folks, why are we soooo interested in certain things at certain times in our lives but later on they don’t seem very important? Someone maybe tell us they are important, and we believed them.  At least it was their opinion which became our opinion.

ItchieBitchie, who might have been hoodwinked, says--I’m quite sure that I think I like it but I’m quite sure my brain doesn’t seem toooooo! Sooo who do I believe, myself or my brain? And remember about 98.3% of what you think is opinion.  GeorgeTheCrook says--Soooo in reality most of what we say or think isn’t very accurate.  Who what me!  BigMouthJoeWithAllTheAnswers, which 97.5% of all he says is not believed, says--That is unimaginable; I know everything and if you don’t think soooo just ask me!  Soooo 99.3% of this “It’s Saturday” was opinion.  Sooooo don’t believe somewhere about half of what was written and the other 47.2% is very questionable. Just believe the parts that were true if there are any! TomSmart says—You are going to believe whatever side of your decision you feed the most!  It’s CS (i.e. common sense)! But remember folks, there is a price tag to everything!  AuntSylvia says--Well, whoopty doo!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-: 


MyFriendJean said--Don't save so much for the rainy days that you can't enjoy the sunny ones. 


Tip from DutchmanBill of NW Iowa--If you leave a real dead crow lay out or a fake dead one, other crows won't come. Now I don't have crow problems but you might! Not all folks have the same problems you know!  Such is life.                                                       

April 10, 2021


Try this senrye—Life can be a tough game / Some who try it fail badly? / Then why is it loved so much? PeteTheGrouch says—However, take caution that some excitement has gotten far ahead of the reality! Theodore Triantafeelopowlos says--What kind of an illustration are you and I (i.e. like what kind of a poster child are we)? Are we constantly whining and complaining (i.e. negative) or constantly encouraging and uplifting (i.e. positive)? Maybe life is how we look at it.  Maybe!

2-18-24 is the right answer; the right combination to my first locker in Jr. High in Danube school building.  I went to Roseland Elementary for my first 6 years which was two rooms with each room having 3 grades.  Like I have said, I was the in the top 6 in my class as I had only 6 in my class.  ANYWAY, when I went to jr. high, I got my first locker and 2-18-24 was its combination.  That’s crazy that I can remember that combination. 

Well, I wish I had the right combination now!  It’s been over a year since Arlene passed on. Several friends and authors have said—erv, don’t do anything stupid and crazy during the first year.  Sooooo now I can do something crazy and stupid, but I haven’t decided what that is going to be!  It’s been a quite a year for me. It has been like comparing apples to oranges (i.e. they are both fruit, they both grow on trees, and they are both delicious and nutritious so they are somewhat alike). It’s not like comparing Rottweilers to Sherman tanks! My life is surely different, and I am somewhat confused (i.e. it ain’t nuttin new as folks have been doing it for ever but now it’s just me—one spouse usually always dies first).  Our current culture seems to have made the adjustment even harder but how do I judge that? Who knows? Some folks don’t function very well being alone and some seem to do quite well (i.e. many factors maybe cause this feeling—like if a person didn’t much care for their spouse or if they really did). As we age, there are more single folks because of death and divorce (i.e. more women than men as women live longer). Soooo what is my future going to be?  I don’t have the combination to that one—yet! JoeBlow says—erv, you do have options! But James said to me—erv, you better not wait toooo long!

MyNeighbor says--It's so much easier being nice when you are retired! Saturday question--If we asked all the folks what is their percentages of  experiences that are positive and what percent of their experiences are negative, what would be the average?  Soooo this week I meet with a few folks of the church I attend and had a book discussion of the the book we read called The Baron's Apprenticeship.  It was a good experience for me.  I sent the group this text later in the day--"Thanksamillion You guys softened my heart this morning. You, my friends, are special. You seem to get better each year. God bless you." But later in a day I had an opposite experience with some other folks. Sooooo there you go! RunTheWorldJoe says--erv, those evaluations are your opinions.  Thanksamillion for pointing that out to me RunTheWorldJoe!

If I was offered a great and powerful chalice of money and fame and I knew it was poison, would I drink it?  SusieQ says--Boy, Americans like money and fame, erv (i.e. even if it’s hard to be humble and spiritual if you drink it).  But would I drink it? It would really be fun to have money and fame, maybe! And maybe not for very long (i.e. an illusion).  I have evaluated my life as to who I am this last year and really like my life, I liked Arlene’s and my life together, and don’t know if I would want to change my general philosophy.  Yes, there are many many folks who have much more money and fame than I, but do I really what their lifestyle? If I don’t like some little facet of my life (e.g. cold of winter), I can make some little adjustments (i.e. tweak my life a little) but do I really want to change my life’s philosophy much.  Ok, maybe I have had a better life (i.e. in my mind or your mind) than some, now that could be or you maybe think your life is way better than mine and it could be (i.e. it seems like some of you are always running down hill with the wind at your back).  Maybe even you want to change your life big time; I understand; maybe you should if you can (i.e. some of you think your life is unattractive in its current shape).  BUT, I’m thinking more of tweaking than changing. ItchieBitchie says--erv, you have no idea what you are missing with the money and fame that I have; you have really no idea! Now that could be ItchieBitchie, that could be, maybe I have no idea what I am missing out on. BUT wonder if a major change happens in our country, our world, my life; yikes, that might make me change my life more than just a tweak! A major change for either the better or for the worse (e.g. like all of us have exactly the same amount of money and fame, all wear the same color masks and carry the same looking card stating we have been vaccinated, all driving or not driving the same kind of electric car that we don’t own, having a spouse that is programed like every other spouse, eating the same kind of food, or all watching the same TV news --haha).  If that would happen, I hope for the better. Somethings I have no control over.  Or do I!

This red chicken showed up in my back yard the other day!  I had no idea where she came from.  But what the chicken did was made me smile; it lifted my spirit. It has an opinion, for sure! Well, pluck pluck pluck, the hen just laid an egg!  What a hoot! Her label said she came from China vie way of Hobby Lobby!

 Soooo a friend gave me a dozen of home-grown eggs.  I opened the carton and was surprised (i.e. as surprised as Cleopas was). I have never seen this display of colored eggs before.  I asked her about them and she said—Her daughter and son-in-law have several different kinds of chickens so get a fun variety - color and size.  Her tip--I did wash those so they should be refrigerated but if you don’t wash them they can be left on the counter for weeks. They have some enzyme or coating when they’re laid that protects them. I like to leave them on the counter cuz they’re pretty! 

I am a John Grisham fan and have read all his 35 books. I really enjoyed his latest, A Time for Mercy.  It has a lot of feeling about family, loyalty, friendship, and relationships. It is about Jake the street layer in a criminal trial with an ambush.  The book shows how rough life is for folks who are disadvantaged and how life is tough for folks who seem to have it good. Jake at the end of the book said he has learned to not let others affect his life; he needs to think for himself or he will never be successful (i.e. of course it’s fiction).

Some folks like somethings better than others. Such as some like certain cafes, sport teams, music, vehicles, churches, type of movies, clothes, electronic gadgets, leadership methods, food etc.!  You got it?  Soooo you might like something really well but if many others don’t like it, it probably won’t sell or last (i.e. can’t make enough money or there are not enough folks to support your like).  BUT you say—I like it and I will make others like it (i.e. that’s like beating a dead horse). Look around folks, it’s not rocket science.  It’s not 2-18-24! Folks will think you are an odd duck!  And you say—I really don’t care; if I like it I like it!  If I walk like an odd duck, quack like an odd duck, I’m an odd duck! And you say--do I really care? I like it; so, soooo be it! Quake quake quake!

I have friends who are terminally ill, and I have friends who seem to have the world by the tail at least on this earth (i.e. why do I know this, you have told me). That is quite a contrast isn’t it.  And probably many folks don’t know where they are I would guess a.k.a. as like being confused.  I recently have had some clarity to this confusion; I got a glimpse through the lens of a telescope (i.e. not a complete slam dunk 100% full vision) of where I am soo I’m still confused; I will always be confused on this earth but this glimpse was refreshing.  Sooooo folks, where are you? What do you want? What do you need to do?  Sooooo what’s your 2-18-24 bingo magic!

Or as a friend says to me a lot—When the Gonger gongs, it’s all over folks.  No more making decisions about your eternity.  Your life on this earth is history and you can’t renege (i.e. you can't talk or buy your way out of this one). It is what it is. 2-18-24!

I was thinking more about 2-18-24 at good ol’ Danuble, MN jr. high and sr. high.  Probably Coach Black was the most instrumental in giving me confidence.  He was my hs bb coach and is still giving confidence to folks. For sure he was a part of my life. His encouragement has affected me, no question.  Confidence is soooo important for all of us and soooo important that we help others to gain confidence.  Soooo how do we give confidence to others?  How do we get confidence? Good questions for sure. What is the 2-18-24? Saturday question—Do you like yourself and what your thinking is?

Soooo this week I went for a ride on my Yamaha XL250 in a friend’s paradise.  It was a beautiful spring day.  I saw 5 wild turkeys and 8 deer.  Perfect!  It made me smile and feel good.  ANYWAY, I came over the hill and a friend was just pulling into his yard with his shinny John Deere tractor and an old grain drill; he was seeding oats.  Soooo I pulled in and he invited me to have a Diet Dew on the deck where his wife joined us.  These folks have been our friends for years; in fact, they were seniors in hs the year we came in 1968 (i.e. great folks with good hearts; my kind of folks). They have a cow-calf operation and have for years; it’s calving season (i.e. a fun time of expressing new life). Here is his wife’s story—I spend 6 hours getting ready for our family Easter celebration with all our children and grandchildren.  They came, ate, hunted eggs, the grandkids ran all over the farm, I was worried sick they would get hurt but their parents didn’t seem worried, and then they left after 3 hours.  I then spent another 3 hours cleaning everything up. I was tired! It is hard for me to believe that these kids, as I remember them, now are about 70 years old. What a fun time we had (i.e. a great experience).

I really like the word, sovereign.  It is soooo powerful, uplifting and assuring to me.  It gives me confidence when I hear it.  Dr.J says—"There’s no word higher, greater, or possessing more authority than that of sovereign. Notice the last five letters: REIGN. The prefix, sov, means ‘super’ or ‘above all.’” My opinion is that God is the only sovereign power.  No humans are sovereign, although I know a few folks who think they are (i.e. big turn offs for me). GeorgeTheCrook says—My sister-in-law is one of those! Here is a possible idea for you to feel the sovereign God—I like to be in complete silence and just be still and not really think of anything.  It is mind boggling to me (i.e. very refreshing which gives me confidence--therapeutic). It’s a form of 2-18-24 for me. 

A friend told me recently that in jr. high he and his friends would cause problems for a certain teacher.  This teacher would say to him—I know you are the sneakiest one but I just can’t catch you.  My friend told me that he knew when to quit (i.e. back off) while his friends did not and got punished.  Oh, to know when to quit.  Saturday question—Do you know when to quit or do you continue and suffer the consequences? WorldClassLarry, who performs triple-doubles often, says--It seems if we push anything to hard or toooo far or too long a.k.a. overkill, it will harm us; there is a limit; don’t kid yourself folks, just ask an ol’ jr. high teacher! haha 

Missperfect says--And, be prepared for this battle here on this earth.  It ain’t nuttin new! 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Thanks can be returned but never borrowed.


Tip of the day! I went for my first bike ride on the trails this week.  As I was getting my bike out of my vehicle, I noticed this old guy taking his bike to the kiosk where there is equipment that you can hang your bike on it to work on it.  He was cleaning the chain.  As I went by him, I noticed it was an old biking and running acquaintance “ol’ Roger.” We visited and he told me that he cleans his bike chains with water and Dawn; Dawn is the best grease, oil, and gunk remover there is. Soooo there is your tip of the spring bike riding season.  If it’s good for de-greasing it might really be good for de-waxing your ears!  But I don’t know for sure! Some of you might have pretty big wax built up as you don’t seem to listen very well!  haha A friend got a new dog and she said—I hope my new dog listens to me better than our kids did!

April 3, 2021

the usual

You goin’ to read this? AverageJoe says—erv, your “It’s Saturdays” can be very cryptic to me.  C’on AverageJoe, they are not, you just think that!  They are very straight forward and uncomplicated; they’re just right out my brain.  Most of the stuff is just what others say; I don’t make any of it up. It’s just usual stuff that I hear on the street by you guys! They are as American as apple pie and baseball!

JoeTheGraphicDesigner, who is the best of the class, says—To design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master. I like that statement.  I need to communicate to myself with whatever means I can about what I want to control and master.  I do.  First, I need to determine what I want to control and master (i.e. some things I just can’t).  Some issues have been a little frustrating to me lately.  I have a difficult time when I see, what I think is bad, winning (i.e. it appears that what some of the stuff that is winning is bad but maybe some of that stuff isn’t winning)!  I’m just being real with you as tooooo how I feel.

Coach John Wooden said-- Things turn out best for those who make the best of the way things turn out.  And if you do, you’re going to have the best life!

Do you watch CNBC, the financial channel? In bull markets, the ratings are much higher than in a decline. Understandably, viewers like to see good financial news and prefer to turn a blind eye to financially bad news (i.e. just the opposite of NBC nightly news). The presenters also look at some numbers with unfounded optimism.  A stock that goes from 50 to 25 is down 50%, whereas if it goes from 25 to 50, it is up 100%, which is “twice as good.” It’s the usual!

For some of you it’s usual and others of you it’s unusual—I’m talking about swimming in moolah!  It has been easy for many and even easier for others with all the give-a-way programs that have been going on (i.e. rich or poor, it doesn’t make any difference, everyone gets money except for some) to swim in moolah.  Didn’t Buddy Holly sing a song that goes, it’s sooo easy, it’s soooo easy, it’s so doggone easy doggone easy, it’s soooo easy!  AverageJoe says—Unless you are like me and our family as we don’t get anything!  It ain’t soooo easy for us to swim in moolah (i.e. we must have fell in the cracks or something). 

ItchieBitchie, who makes nobodies into somebodies, says--Usually it ain’t as impressive as it looks (i.e. it’s a little deceptive a.k.a. skewed).  ImpressiveGlitz says--My new $50,000 car isn’t paid for, oh no, I put the minimum down and will be paying monthly payments for the next 84 months unless I die first or I trade up.  ImpressiveGlitz, the loan company must have more faith in you than I do (i.e. they must know something that I don’t haha). That might be correlated to this “It’s Saturday”—It might not be as impressive as it looks.  Make sure you take that into consideration.  Missperfect says—BUT remember, knowledge is more than skin deep!  No Missperfect, that is beauty!

I’m was in CO spending several days with the grandkids (i.e. Buggy is 13 and Jimmer is 9) who were on spring break.  At a unique time, I told them about Jesus; didn’t preach to them but told them about Him in a short cliff-note version.  Everyone has to make a decision if they will accept Jesus as their Savior.  Everyone! Probably the most important statement I told them was that I believe that Jesus is my Lord and Savior and who ever believes in Him will have eternal life.  Soooo have you folks told your kids and grandkids vocally that Jesus is your Lord and Savior?  Just because you go to church a few times and say you are nice folks, are your kids and grandkids just supposed to assume that you do or maybe that you do? Some of you don’t believe that Jesus is your Lord and Savior soooo you can’t tell them; I understand.  Every person, kid or adult, has to decide; it’s everyone's usual decision.  CoachB says--There is a time to pray and a time to take action; tooooo many folks just pray (i.e. it's cheap and easy and makes folks feel good).

Soooo I brought the grandkids some gifts.  One gift was each a bag of coins (i.e. pennies to quarters).  I asked them if they wanted to take a chance, and each take a bag or comingle the coins (i.e. got to teach them what commingle means) and then divide equally.  Jimmer wanted to take a bag and take his chances and Buggy wanted to divide equally.  I asked them both to argue their positions.  Ok, to settle the issue we can flip a coin or one of you will need to change your mind. Jimmer changed to his sister’s position.  But they wanted to each count their bag of coins to see how it would have turned out.  Soooo they did.  Each one had $15.75.  What? Our daughter, Heather, said—Grandpa did that to teach you a lesson. I didn’t, it just happened that way.  Buggy said—Grandpa, co’n it’s pretty unusual that it just happened that way; the odds are pretty small.

I usually ask myself at the end of the day—What was the highlights of my day. Usually, it wasn’t the usual but something that I didn’t expect; sometimes something challenging which brought excitement into my life.  BUT sometimes the usual was the highlight.  Emotions and excitement and the usual take a lot of energy each day. For sure. But I get bored easily as do many of you. A friend told me recently that he gets bored easily; I wish sometimes I could be like some folks who just sit in front of the TV all day and have a great day.  I had an acquaintance years ago who was a real putzer.  He could putz around all day basically doing nothing.  He drove me crazy, but he really enjoyed his life. He didn’t ever seem to be in a hurry and always seemed happy. 

A jr high and hs friend at good ol' Danube, TheSchrupp (63), sent me a reminder called Between 65 and Death; it’s not the usual (i.e. I will summarize it for you).  It’s time to spend the money you saved up; Stop worrying about the financial situation of your children and grandchildren; Keep a healthy life without great physical effort; Always buy the best, most beautiful items for your significant other; Don’t stress over the little things; Regardless of age, always keep love alive; Be proud, both inside and out; Always stay up-to-date; Respect the younger generation and their opinions; Don’t abandon your hobbies; Be a conversationalist; Pain and discomfort go hand in hand with getting older. Try not to dwell on them but accept them as a part of the cycle of life we’re all going through. Try to minimize them in your mind; If you have a strong belief, savor it; Laugh A Lot; Take no notice of what others say about you and even less notice of what they might be thinking.

I called a super senior friend/widow from church (i.e. we have been friends for years) during a snowstorm day.  I asked her how she was, and she asked me how I was.  We both can get a little bored at times. I asked her if she is going to get a new Easter dress (i.e. something exciting)—no, I am not.  I have many dresses hanging in my closets that I haven’t worn for years; I’ll just wear one of them; no one will know the difference; very few ladies buy new dresses anymore.  For most women, the old usual is not the new usual anymore!

AveraeJoe asks--Do you think we tend to overstate and understate, to glorify the good and ignore the bad in ourselves? My thinking at times isn’t egregious nor archaic; it’s just puzzling to me at times.  I don’t feel very important at times (i.e. like I’m not accomplishing anything).  I don’t feel like a major player but just a minor player.  BUT maybe I’m a vital player.  Big on the maybe.  Maybe that’s a usual feeling we all have at times. What do you think? That is what I thought.  Or is that just a feeling or a thought?  It appears that some folks think they are a major player all the time and in every situation. Booo to them! It also appears that some folks don’t want to be a major player ever; they are much more comfortable in a minor player setting.  Ok then, you convinced me, it’s ok for me to be not soooo important and be a minor player.  You (i.e. who are fearlessly authentic) are soooooo convincing!  Yes, you are.  I’m convinced for sure!

Here is a conglomeration of titbits I heard recently about our attitudes.  I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it—When cares of your heart are many; “One feature of my Apple Watch is a sensor that can somehow tell when my heart is beating in ways that reveal stress. It taps my wrist and displays this line: ‘A minute of deep breathing can relieve stress.’ It offers to guide me through a breathing exercise to slow down my mind. Anxiety, worry, and stress can be toxic cousins that consume us.” A friend at breakfast (i.e. more than just a good ol’ buddy) told me this—“My doctor told me to take a 20 minute stroll each day, not a walk or a run but a stroll; that is what I need.”  A preacher’s sermon Sunday—Live each moment; they all won’t be great; life is like waves that roll up and down; recognize them and learn that they will change (e.g. don’t live vacation like you can’t wait for it to end sooo you can get to your next project and don’t live vacation like you don’t want it to ever end; don’t live in the past or the future but the moment). Della, who is a secret little weapon, says—To have a perfect life with no stress or anxiety would be like pulling rabbits out a hat all the time.  Such is life. We ate pizza at Marino's one night and they had this sign on the wall about attitude. I sent it to a friend who he and I really like attitude attitudes.  He sent me this back--So true, I also like the one that says your attitude determines your altitude. 

PoorOl’Joe, who can act clumsy at times, says--It’s easier to just do the usual.  A friend suggested I read Hillbilly Elegy by J. D. Vance (i.e. a very popular book).  Sooooo I did.  He said it was an insight for him why many of his tenants live like the way they do (i.e. the psychology of being poor and staying poor).  I enjoyed reading about why we are and why others might be as they are; it fascinated me.  ANYWAY, it’s hard to get out of a certain mentality the book illustrated by the author’s life (i.e. a non-fiction book).  Change is soooo difficult.  Many try but still keep one foot in the ol’ way momma use to do it and they revert back (i.e. can’t make the complete change).  Two things that really help, Mr. Vance said (i.e. although neither one is a slam dunk)—meritocratic (e.g. having intelligence) and the other is having a support/training group (e.g. Marines). BUT probably the #1 issue, my opinion, is if folks want to change and if they work hard WORK HARD! A friend told me—Somehow and for some reason, a person needs a drive to change, a strong drive! I-WantedTooJoe said—My road to success was paved with good intentions but I never got around to them.  Now I’m just like I always said I didn’t want to be and said I wouldn’t be! Ouchy ouchy! 

Jimmer said—I’m totally confused Grandpa! Soooo what are you confused about Jimmer? Silence, Grandpa, I just got it all figured out. Buggy zoo statements—I don’t think it’s necessary to wear masks when outside here at the zoo, but mom probably wouldn’t agree; she likes to complain a lot; I just laughed; Buggy said—Well, she does!  Sooo we were looking at a huge massive male contour that had his wings spread out.  She said—He has an ugly head, but he thinks by spreading his wings he will impress the ladies.

MissPerfect says—It is soooo hard to do an accurate evaluation of ourselves.  Then the next biggest issue we have is to decide—decide what are we going to do about it. We seem to sometimes have a hard time accepting the profound truth (e.g. maybe we are hauling a lot old baggage around all the time. Just maybe)! I just read recently it ain’t hard to lose weight—eat one meal a day of vegetables and fruit and walk 5 miles a day.  Easy as pie; the formula is easy, but the application is the hard part.  My Daddy, Chester, would say to me—erv, the best discipline is self-discipline!

What do I want?  Really what do you want?  Really? Are you serious?  Do you really want that?  Have you and I thought about that?  Is what we want really a good decision? Why do you and I want that anyway?  Who put that in our head?  How if I get what I want will it affect my life?  Am I really thinking good?  Do I make this usual decision based on my emotions?  ItchieBitchie says—I have no idea about a lot of stuff; it’s just part of “the job of life” I guess!

Buggy is a great reader. I asked her to tell me about the books she has been reading.  She has been reading dystopian books.  I had no idea what they were.  They are books of the future that usually are dark she said.  BUT, she said, many show very good qualities of people. They are very popular with teenagers; they are very exciting.  I would not enjoy this type of book I don’t think (i.e. but I haven’t read any).  Why do teenagers like this type of book? What is the phycology here? Really, explain that to me please.

I went for a walk in Jefferson County Open area (i.e. on a hard path as the dirt paths are closed as the melt of the snow is causing them to be muddy).  There was an informational sign that read—Adapt to Survive, or Parish.  It was referring to wild live and the prairie as they had to adapt to survive, or parish.  Interesting.  Maybe young folks think we are in a bad situation and if we don’t adapt, we will parish.  Maybe they don’t think the future looks soooo much a utopia!  They need to adapt to survive, or parish, unless you are swimming in moolah.  TomSmart says—I don’t know about that!

Jimmer didn’t like to read but through some ideas (i.e. some ideas from some of you guys), he is becoming a much better reader.  One of those ideas was finding books that he liked to read.  His favorite is a serious called Dog Man which are graphic (i.e. soooo I just bought him a new one on line and here it is). I asked him what he liked about them—Funny!

JoeFromTheOtherSideOfTheTracks says--This “It’s Saturday” was twice as good (i.e. 200% better) than what my mother-in-law thought it was going to be (i.e. she has a high energy response to do nuttin)! BUT she is one negative person let me tell ya (i.e. it’s her usual for sure).  Why is she that way? I don’t think I’ll ever know!  Maybe her momma was that way! Such is life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Conscience is the small voice you listen to after you tell it what to say.


We get a lot of new experiences when we don’t get what we want or expect! I like new experiences; I don’t get bored that way!  Some can get me pretty excited though! Especially when I don’t get what I want like when I think it will be the usual and then I get drygulched! Yikes! Have you ever been drygulched?  Bam, gottcha! I didn’t see that c’on!