January 28, 2023


ATM is most often thought of as a machine where folks get money but used as an internet slang initialism it stands for “At the Moment” (e.g. I’m busy atm).

MyTennisCoachRichard who told us that the folks called him Dick and he has been a Dick the rest of his life, sorta kinda told me--It appears, I repeat, it appears that if I don’t do what they do, don’t say what they say, and don’t think like they think I won't get what they got. Now we can interpret that as a positive or a negative now can’t we (e.g. if I eat what they eat I will look like what they look like or if I get an attitude like they have I will have a personality like them). It appears warmer weather, sunshine and the beauty of nature increases folks’ desire and amount of time they spend in nature (i.e. statistics prove that). Also, statistics prove that there is a decrease in alcoholism probably related to less depression (i.e. although it appears that there are a lot of happy hours that go on every day down here in The Valley of the Sun in the 55+ communities).

#681 we have a winner!  That's you! Some of you are just amazing folks, just amazing.  I have told you that and I mean it.  Maybe there are some of you who are amazing but don’t feel amazing.  Yikes! That’s not good!. Many of you have made huge massive changes in your lives that are crazy big and powerful.  My hat goes off to you.  Some of you ATM are in situations that are tough and you are handling them like champs.  Just amazing.  I’m patting you on your back. You know who you are. Now don’t let your body and/or mind tell you that you are not amazing, ‘cause you are! Shakespeare said—"We know what we are but we know not what we may be!”

about don't happen! A 84-year old gal at a dinner party told us that many times she wakes up at one and is up for the day—how come we asked—I get up and worry—what do you worry about—I have a lot to worry about and if I don’t have anything to worry about, I worry that I don’t have something to worry about—soooo what do you do at one—iron, I iron everything.  Soooo I was checking out at the grocery store the other day and I asked the middle aged clerk—how’s life going—ATM it’s been hard—how come—do you really want to know—ya, I do—one of my son’s died of COVID and the other one was just incarcerated, he is a bad person—wow, that is tough to take—I express my sympathy to you: I can’t fix those two situations but I will pray for you soooo you have the strength to get through them—well thank you sir, I have never had someone offer to pray for me before. FYI—I read this recently--Sympathy and empathy are two words often confused—but there are important differences between them. We express sympathy when we have feelings of pity or sorrow for someone’s misfortune or situation. Sympathy is knowledge-based. Empathy is when we understand and share the feelings of another. Empathy is experience-based. Sympathy says, “I feel for you,” while empathy says, “I feel how you feel.”

Are you happy at ATM?  Here in the 55+ communities of the Valley, the folks have a happy hour on their decks most every day.  They sit and drink with their friends and acquaintances.  Maybe, the more they drink the happier they get.  Folks really seem to like it.  I think they enjoy getting juiced up and relaxed.  For some, maybe it’s the best part of their day or life.  Could be. I read in the paper soooo it must be right, that IA set a new record for most alcohol sold in a year in 2022.  Sooooo what that means I really don’t know. Maybe folks are trying to get happy. A lot of happy hours! Doesn’t Russia folks drink a world record amount of Vodka?  Heres to ya!

ATM CoachB says—This is one of the things we always do, we always tell what we are doing right. What we don’t tell is what we are doing wrong (e.g. folks typically tell others how great they are but don’t tell others when they aren’t soooo great, like on social media). I read the book Prayer in the Night byTish Harrison Warren that was suggested by a friend I made playing basketball at good ol’ Northwestern College a zillion years ago.  We have remained friends all these years (i.e. a good guy with a good heart, my kind of person). ANYWAY, this book is written by an Anglican priest. I like her style of writing.  She expresses her thoughts by wondering and expressing herself as a human and doesn’t preach like she knows everything as she admits she doesn't. This book was very challenging and inspiring to me. If you think you know all the answers, then maybe you might not like the book soooo much! I knew a person who thought they knew everything; I thought they were a joke but some seemed to like that person and believed everything they said. Abraham Lincoln said--You can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time but you can't fool all the people all of the time. I read while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it this--When folks figure out they don't know everything or think they know everything, they are at the start of being wise! Such is life!

Dr. J says--"Though the laws of physics are much more complicated, for practical purposes we can say that two physical objects cannot occupy the same physical space at the same time. Conversely, a single physical object cannot occupy two different physical spaces at the same time. But the Bible has a different take on these general laws...Theologians say God is omnipresent—He is everywhere at the same time. So He can be 'here' and 'there.' That means we are never separated from the presence of God. Wherever we are, God is also there."  Soooo what do you believe?  C. S. Lewis said--"Though our feelings come and go, [God’s] love for us does not." I believe that! That is assuring to me! Even though I don't completely understand it! ervie is human and God is God; there is a huge massive difference there folks!

#986 we have a potential winner!  That might be you! Obviously there are some of you folks that could be more amazing!  haha  I was going to hike up Spook Hill and this stone was at the trail head. It made me laugh.  But it has a point maybe!

OneSmartPerson who has a positive next shot mentality, says—"ATM it appears our technology has eclipsed our psychology. Is it a coincidence, or just a kind of grand irony, that loneliness has spiked just as our media became ‘social,’ our technology became ‘personal,’ and our machines learned to recognize our faces?” Think through that folks. I just read while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Stop comparing, and start being content. “It is better to be content with what little you have. Otherwise, you will always be struggling for more, and that is like chasing the wind” (Ecclesiastes 4:6). Contentment doesn’t mean you don’t have any goals, dreams, or plans for your life. It simply means you don’t need more in order to be happy. GerogeTheCrook, who carries a big stick, says--By nature, people are discontent. I find it very hard not to compare. It doesn’t seem to help when all media seems to want me to compare myself to others. ATM it appears that there is a lot of competition amongst folks in many phases of life; isn’t competition really comparison. It’s hard not to be forced to compete or is it just me. I read a lot that simple is better sooooo declutter and make your life better.  BUT most folks do just the opposite. ItchieBitchie who should maybe put on the concussion protocell the way she acts, says—People with simple lives don’t get any attention and I like attention!

When in Waukee our son, our grandson and I were having a meal together and Rookie, age 10, asked us if everyone likes their jobs? We discussed that most folks do not like their jobs but don’t have a choice according to the paper, soooo it must be right. And the reason is that most jobs that people would like to do, they can’t make enough to support their families or support their habits and lifestyles. Many folks like most parts of their job but not all of it.  Sooo, that is why folks are constantly looking for a better job. JoeBlow who is very old school but very effective let me tell ya, says--C’mon folks, it’s mostly about the money! And if you are given money not to work, why work some folks think and don’t! BUT flip the pancake, there are folks that really like their jobs! JoeBlow goes on to say—I always want a job that I don’t have to work very hard, don’t have to work many hours, have no responsibility but make a lot of money!  Soooo I was buying some post cards and a maybe 90-year-old lady was picking out some cheap earrings at the checkout ahead of me—soooo you going dancing tonight and need some earrings—ya, I am, you want to come along—I only date rich women, are you rich—I’m loaded! What a hoot!

Soooo I was playing in a 3.5-4 interpark round robin the other day (i.e. I’m more a 3.5 or maybe less and on the down side of the bell curve and sliding). ANYWAY, in one game my partner who was this gal who I know by first name only but I have played with her a few times before.  She and I really played well together and spanked our opponents pretty bad. She has good sportsmanship but is a real competitor and really likes to win.  When we were leaving the court, she asked my how old I was (i.e. what is her motive and does she want me to ask her how old she is—I already am guessing she looks about my age).  Sooooo I told her my age and I asked her what her age is.  She was 11 years younger than me.  She acted disappointed that I wasn’t younger!  What a hoot! Soooo I was telling my old golf buddies this story and OldIRSagentBill who told us he dazzles the gals with his indifference, said I should have said—Oh, you look to me that you are about 56!  The other two old guys said—no no erv, that’s toooo much over the top, but you should’f said—You sure don’t look like retirement age; she might have fallen for that!  Hey, don’t kid yourself, these old guys have been around the block! Really the golf is way tooo expensive here in AZ but the BS and knowledge, and wisdom from these old guys are worth every cent of it!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--A good snapshot stops a moment from running away.

January 21, 2023


CoarchB says—We look with our eyes but don’t see with them.  He said he was trying to say is we see with our mind and spirit.  Sooooo we think differently even though we look at the same thing. Makes sense to me. Sooo what you will read in this “It’s Saturday” is understood way differently by each of you.  He suggests that we raise our consciousness of what we see but be careful what we look at.  Again, I say—What we see and understand is really based on our genetics, our past environment and our current environment. My opinion. Sooo, rub some dirt on it and let’s get going!  Saturday question—Do you think you got a gest of what I was trying to say?

LuckieEddie who acts like a 5-star bathroom monitor, says--Look before you leap!  Have your parents ever said to you—If everyone else is jumping off the cliff, it doesn’t mean that you have toooooo.  You might want to put some thought into the consequences.  Just maybe.  What do you think?  That is what I thought. Maybe you might what to see things differently that others. Big on the maybe!

CrazyWilly who is a walking billboard, says--Some men have a hard time trying to figure out how to say, “I love you, maybe.”  One fellow did a poorer job than most when he told his wife, “You’re just like dandruff darling, because I just can’t get you out of my head, however hard I try!” MyNeighborDownTheStreet says—That sounds good to me.  Okay, okay, maybe just keeping his mouth shut and giving her flowers might have been better.  Just let the undertone say, “I love you.”

I had the opportunity to go to Charlie's Show Choir program (i.e. she is in 7th grade at Waukee).  All of our grandkids seem to like music and seem to have some talent.  I’m happy for that as I believe it’s good to have a balanced life (i.e. their grandmother, Arlene, would be proud of them).  ANYWAY, her grade has about 1,000+ kids.  7th grade Show Choir is an elective and there was a total of about 80+ kids in Show Choir. It sure seemed like these kids had an undertone for an interest and enjoyment for music (i.e. a great positive and exciting undertone).  But getting back to the 80andsome kids in 7th grade singing in her Show Choir.  What a difference in physical development of those kids.  And it also appeared there was a difference in cultural back grounds.  Just amazing.  This is a public metro school which is probably more conducive to this.  I enjoyed it and think it’s good for 7th graders, maybe. My opinion. Those of you who home school or have your kids in parochial schools might not agree with that. Saturday question—Are some school districts better than others?

This concert gave me a feeling that the undertone was genuine, and the kids, friends, parents and grandparents really were supportive. That was the undertone that I felt anyway.   Most folks can seem to feel when a program or service is forced a.k.a. manufactured (i.e. a canned presentation).  They just don’t have the same feeling about them.  The undertone just isn’t the same. Well cats and dogs! CadillacJack who is great at lip-syncing a.k.a. pretending says—It doesn’t take long to smell the rot! But if it is the real deal, it doesn’t take long to smell the sweet aroma either (i.e. like the smell of lilacs on a spring day).  Such is life. 

Rookie was up early (i.e. he's a early riser) and likes to sit by me and touch me (i.e. an undertone). I was reading my devotions on my iPhone and he was playing a game on his iPad.  He asked me what I was doing.  I told him and asked if he wanted to see a short video I get each morning--how long is it (i.e. kids don't want anything that isn't moving fast and is toooo long it seems)--maybe 15 seconds--ok. It was about not sweating the small stuff of life.  Rookie said to me--Grandpa, that's a good idea.

JoeAverage says—Undertones like demons seem to be like déjà vu all over again. Oh fudge! I seem to not enjoy an undertone of phoniness (i.e. when folks aren’t telling the truth but just faking it like sweeping the problem under the rug). MissPerfect says—Sometimes the show looks good but there is a backstory! Tooooo me that just never solves the problem as it just keeps festering and keeps showing up.  It generally lasts for a long time as it just reappears. It appears to me that ya got to get to the root of the problem.  Coverups and pretending just doesn’t seem to cut the mustard.  They just don't erase anything, don’t rub the problem away. The undertone is always there.  Many times, folks won’t discuss the problem, but it still exists; it is still felt.  It’s to me very negative.  ItchieBitchie who can really fill it up, says—You can throw a lot of money at it or paint it over, but an ugly undertone just doesn’t go away by doing those things. My opinion. I read this which was said by a long-time international businessperson—"Think of it this way:  In a meeting of your colleagues, who is the person you most want to hear from? Is it the person who likes to speak and often does, but not with candor, honesty, or knowledge? Or is it the person you know you can trust; someone you know will speak the truth in kindness?”

Last winter my bike fell against my leg.  I tore a chunk of skin back soooo I just cleaned it, put the skin back over the wound and put a band aid on it.  It’s what an ol’ farm boy does!  Well, it got infected some but finally healed some.  It got a big bump of about a quarter of an inch high and looked bad.  MyFriendTheNurse finally dug into in trying to drain the puss out but there was no puss, but she dug out a terrible looking yellow ball of crap.  It scabbed over again, and it took about 5 months, but it’s back to normal.  Probably if I would have gone to urgent care and used my Medicare, they would have fixed it and it would have been fine in a couple of weeks.  I just saved you folks maybe $2,000.  You are welcome! Chester and Anna would have been proud that I used the old farm method that we learned on the farm a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN. (i.e. put some Watkins salve on it and it will be okay). I have an undertone.

We all have a reputation a.k.a. undertone if we like it or not. That is for a person, business, family, church, etc. Our reputation usually is a combination of many years and events in our lives.  It’s like a cumulative grade point average (i.e. grades for the four years of high school or college and not just the last semester). It’s who you are over the long haul even though the minister might say differently when they do a funeral.  My mentor would say—erv, when folks die, they always become better and never get worse! D. L. Moody famously said, “Character is what you are in the dark”—what you do when no human is there to watch or hear or admire. Saturday question—Is our character related to our reputation?

A wise, old person (i.e. if you are old and wise, this wise person could be you) once said—There are three types of folks.  The first type, after doing a deed of kindness to another, is quick to demand the favor in return. The second type is not so quick to ask for a return of the favor, but privately thinks of the other as their debtor. The third type “does not even know what he has done.” That is what our undertone is if we like it or not.  Soooo a golf buddy and I were talking on hole 6 last summer about a mutual acquaintance who just died.  He and I made a relationship mainly working on a mission project along with others years ago.  As time went along, he seemed to develop an undertone of being very radical and strange.  We sorta kinda ended our relationship, and he really didn’t care.  He treated me like an old set of worn-out pillars.  Actually, no remorse, feelings, or emotions.  My friend told me that he treated all folks that way.  Life was all about him my golf buddy said (i.e. that was his undertone probably). Sooooo probably not toooo many really cared if he died then I would guess.

Saw a couple of my old buddies. The pic was from 2011. My buddy with the big gut who is a stand up comedian and he doesn’t even know it, told me that when I sent him this pic in 2011, he realized how big his gut was and then lost 30 pounds and has kept it off (i.e. I never knew that the picture did that to him—I applaud you my friend). Now that is an undertone about him I would guess. He figured it out himself. That always works better it seems.  Actually, all three of these guys have the most interesting life stories a.k.a. undertones. 

Soooo this week I golfed with some more of my good ol' buddies.  They are between 80 and 90. One had both shoulders repaired, another has a sciatic nerve problem, and had back surgery in which they put in 8-2inch screws in (i.e. we think a couple are loose), and the third guy slipped on the MN ice and has a bad knee and a bad hip.  Other than that, they are somewhat normal.  The undertone was "slow!"  They just don't move very fast anymore!  A lot of moaning and groaning! GovMike said--Everything he does is slow including peeing! These guys are a hoot!    

Demon has two meanings. I think that is called polysemy. I think this can cause us to get misunderstood a lot and makes it hard to understand the English language at times. A demon can be an evil spirit/devil, or it can mean a forceful, fierce, or skillful performer of a specified activity.  If we have demons that bother us and we want a better life, we need to get rid of them. Some of you folks have told me that you have, super you are for sure.  And others of you have told me you just can’t get rid of them, boo! Both feelings are undertones of our lives!  I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it that might help you--My Prayer Lord, I want my mind to be renewed. Thank you for changing me and changing my focus. Thank you for making my thoughts new and different. Continue to free me from my problems and distract me from them. They are there. And if nothing can be done about them at any moment, then I don't need to turn my focus to them. I know that me and my family members have a tendency to let problems begin to snare them and control them and they obsess with them. But, Lord, let us turn our focus on You and realize that You want us to not be anxious about our problems. Lord, I present them to You and pray that we would be drawn to You and understand that Your peace will pass all understanding.

Flying to Waukee for the weekend was a fun time a.k.a. a great investment.  The undertone was just great. Even though I got beat playing Yahtzee AGAIN!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Nothing is a waste that makes a memory. 

January 14, 2023

I want to be heard

This "It's Saturday" could stink just like how the water in my park model stunk when I turned it on when I got here.  It stunk like rotten eggs.  BUT I have toooo remember that it is water from melted snow off the Rocky Mountains, which ran down the CO River, saved in Lake Mead and then canaled down to Mesa, treated with chemicals to kill everything, and then sat in my lines for a summer of 100+ temperatures.  And I wonder why it stunk! Da! And MaryBlah wonders why she stinks! haha

SusieQ who can be a hand full, says--I want to be heard and I demand to be heard; it’s my right and besides I know almost everything! The problem SusieQ is that you must have an audience to be heard. A bigger audience than you talking to yourself in the shower. Maybe, just maybe, not as many folks want to hear what you have to say as you think!  Yikes! But you can gain a captured crazy audience on social media like many do. A guy asked OldGuyJoe who was waiting his turn to play pickleball here in The Valley of the Sun how he was doing just to make conversation. Sooo, OldGuyJoe told him about all his aches and pains and problems. The guy never asked OldGuyJoe again how he was doing!

CoachB says--Maybe we all need a vision board which isn’t nuttin more than a board where we put pictures of exactly what we want, where we are now, where do we want to go and what do we need to do.  RickyRick says—"The truth is, life rarely goes back to “normal” after a difficult season. Hard times change people—and not just people but also the world around you. To resume life successfully after a difficult time, you’ll need to make some adjustments…  Maybe you too have experienced conflicting emotions when easing back into life after a period of suffering or loss—the loss of a loved one, a job, a home, or a friendship. It’s 100 percent normal to feel grief mixed with joy, and sadness mixed with excitement.” These ideas are good for me to think about with my time here in AZ.  For sure. I don’t have an agenda, but sorta kinda maybe!  haha  You hear me!!!!

I was hiking/jogging up ‘er in ‘em mountains the other day and met a guy coming down who wanted toooo be heard soooo I stopped.  He was a lean, displaced Nebraska Cornhusker who told me he was 50 and a runner but was walking and our conversation went like this—I must have stepped wrong as I stressed a muscle that runs from my ribs down into my leg, I have never had an injury before; I think if I walk it will get better—probably—my doctor tells me the best way to prevent injury, disease, and to look good is to stay lean by eating right and exercising—that sounds good to me—but it appears the majority of Americans don’t agree with us—we can only control ourselves and not others—ya, probably; have a good day—peace and prosperity to you and your family—thank you!

Things always don’t go the way we say now do they!  And many times, things are not as folks tell us they are or show us they are on social media (i.e. not quite the real deal).  I had a friend tell me when he got back to AZ that his relationship with the lady he was seeing didn’t work out over the summer.  He said—erv, I will tell you about it sometime but basically, as I see it, she’s a 5-star person and I’m a 1-star person!  A friend told me before I left for AZ—erv, are you looking for a lady? erv, if you are looking for a lady, make sure you find one that is compatible, especially one that is a believer or that can put a lot of strain on a relationship. Hey folks, you might not want to hear what some of the other advice I got from some of my buddies!  haha Maybe some of their advice came from their experiences!  Could be. Experience is a mean teacher alright. AverageJoe who some say has a severe behavioral disorder, says—And I’m still living with some of the residual effects of my experiences; It looks like I will have to pay for them for the rest of my life.  Are you listening to me erv? Don’t make the mistakes I did! Pay attention!

I talked to a guy in our park who lives in Loveland, CO but winters here in The Valley of the Sun. He moved from IA to CO 50 years ago. Loveland was then an extension of the Midwest and had a population of 16,000.  Now it is way different with the population being 100,000 and with the CA folks moving in with their ideologies. They all want to be heard.  I said--You need to make more noise than they do—no one listens to an old guy like me!

Soooo I went down the street and talked to a guy who moved from Eastern MI and now lives here full time. But they sold their place and are moving to GA this spring—how come—we want to try something different again; I really want to have more space than a park model; I want to mow the lawn again. Also then our families from MI can stop and see us on their way to FL; they don’t come to AZ very easily.  I heard him!

Soooo I walked a little farther and talked to an acquaintance who is from IL.  They sold their house in IL and lived the last year in our park in their winter house but are planning to build a house in SD--why SD--sounds crazy but we like the Black Hills area where they get 115 inches of snow--are you crazy--They don't have state tax.

Soooo recently I was at the grocery store getting a few groceries  and was checking out at a self-check out station. There was this couple checking out next to me. They were maybe 80; I don’t know if married or just friends. ANYWAY she was the bitchiest lady I have been around for a long time. She bitched about everything loudly and to him as well. He was calm and and talked in a slow, soft voice in trying to help her. She was impossible; I thought she was going to beat the crap out of  all of us with her cane—I know how to do it and you don’t; just get out of my way; okay if you know how to do it then do it; she raged on the employee who tried to help her who just sorta kinda left as he had enough of her. She wanted to be heard let me tell ya. It was the best entertainment I had for a long time; I had such a great internal laugh; what a hoot.  And the price was right! Saturday question—Why do you think she was soooo bitchie? I parked next to this car that had this on the back window. I backed out and parked down farther; I didn’t want anything to do with this lady let me tell ya! ItchieBitchie says--Obviously she has a cocklebur in her underwear! She sounds like she's a Jezebel! You remember the Jezebel in the Bible?

An old college buddy/friend from Northwestern College who gets it done come hell or high water, called me to tell me another old NW friend just died. We are both now 77.  He said—I use to think my old friends who were 77 were old and my heroes.  It seemed that they had to be 77 before they told the truth about life.  erv, now we are 77.  He’s had two new hips, stints, bypass surgery, new knees but he still is tough as nails.  He goes to the farm and feeds his ponies every day.  He says he just plain enjoys it.  He takes his wife who can’t be alone because of Alzheimer’s with him every day.  It is a blessing for us he says. He slipped on the ice feeding those ponies and broke his hip. He called his neighbor who threw him in his pickup and he drove himself to St. Mary’s which they did surgery and the next day he was home again! Sooooo the other day I dropped a book off at a gal’s place who loaned it to me.  It was maybe 9:30 AM; it was an electric moment!.  She answered her door.  She sent me this text latter—"Sorry u had to see me in my old lady nightgown. Hope you’re not blind. I’m usually up and dressed much earlier.” She is probably about 70. She made me LOL! Soooo I rode my bike over to another 55+ community and saw an friend who I made through golf maybe 13 years ago. He told me he's doing well; never thought I would live to be 81. I shot my best round of golf today BUT I do have a leg problem and my wife has to help me put my underwear on every morning!

RonnieTumbleweed from near Buffalo, WY with his spurs a jingling says—It appears that most everyone wants to be seen and heard even sometimes when we know that it ain’t good for us.  CrazyMarvin says—"If you were offered the great powerful poison chalice of money and fame and even if you knew it was poison, would you drink it. It’s hard to be humble. It’s hard to be spiritual when we are offered a whole lot of money and fame. If you were given the situation to have a lot of money and fame and you know it is poison would you drink it?”  CadillacJack who really is a nice person, says—I think most folks would drink it.

We discuss in business, socially, and spiritually what we want our future to be.  Sooooo here is some fuel for thought that WorldClassLarry says to consider—Where are you, where do you want to go and what do you have to do to get there. Probably if we aren’t where we want to be and we keep kicking the same can down the same street we are not going to get there.  Almost certain. But us humans are something else. We really say we want the truth but maybe we really don’t.  An economics professor was teaching a statistics class and had his students calculate the odds of winning the lottery. They found out that they were near slim to none.  He told them that the lottery is a tax for dumb folks.  Some in his class got way upset about that statement. He discounted using that in his lectures.  Maybe it was hard to get voted the professor of the year offending the dumb folks like that!

Hey, it's cold in IA and all of the North country. BUT even at that, at the many holiday parties gals wore clothes that were less than what they wore swimming just a few years ago. They want to be heard and seen I guess. I would freeze wearing that little bit of clothes! I grew up in a very modest farm house a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN and it was cold in our house. I wore long underwear as a kid. Sven said--I remember the old timers would wear their long underwear until the 4th of July. Of course that was Minnesota!

In a Louis L’Amour western novel that I just read, there was a fight between the good folks and the bad folks over a mountain. In the end the good folks won as they always do in his books. ANYWAY, one of the characters in the book was a mountain man who always showed up at just the right time just out of nowhere on the mountain (i.e. an old guy who I think was about 77) and helped the good folks but never said much. At the end of the book all the folks went their own way, and the old mountain man went back up the mountain alone.  Then the book ended with his statement by the mountain man--The problem with people is that they make so much noise; they always want to be heard!

The world does not understand theology or dogma, but it understands love and sympathy.--D. L. Moody  I hear you Mr. Moody, I hear you!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--You should not pray for rain if it causes you to complain about the mud.

January 7, 2023


What is said and what is understood will not always be the same for sure in this “It’s Saturday.” One of the reasons is that our past environments are different. Example—I know a gal here in our 55+ community that grew up in IA but lived some time on the east coast and then some time in CO. Those three geographic areas influenced her, I think.  Now she is who she is but basically, she still is a mid-western IA gal, my opinion. Like the old saying, you can take the gal off the farm, but you can’t take the farm out of the gal!

ImpromptuJoeNincompoop asks—What now folks? I want an instant transformation—a total makeover in an hour (i.e. like they do to women on TV).  As I walk through or bike through our 55+ community of about 1,000 units which when full in January through March amounts about to maybe 1,500 folks, I see folks’ personalities shown through by their winter homes, personal property, stuff and even themselves. Maybe they think they are going to change by being in AZ but basically, they don’t change much or completely or even maybe not at all. They are pretty much the same as they were when in WA, MT, IA, AK, SD, ND, CO, MI, MN, Canada, WI or any other state or country. Folks don’t change much in an hour or day or a few months of spending the winter here in AZ. Our park appears to have a midwestern flavor to it I have been told.  We have very few folks from the East Coast, from the South or West Coast but mainly folks with a midwestern background mentality. As BettySnowbird who seems like the calls always go her way, said to me—We bought here for a special winter lifestyle (i.e. maybe a repurposing lifestyle). I don’t think this lifestyle is an improvisation. But it could be. Some folks are flying high!

I have found out once again that folks are pretty independent and want it their way. Ya, they like group activities and do a lot of different things but the bottom line is still they like it their way. I think this is especially true with retired folks who are down here in the Valley.  They like to think for themselves even if they say they don’t. It is even more pronounced when folks have some amount of spendable income to do with what they want. Ah, the money! BUT I have seen these independent folks do amazing things if they want to and if they have toooooo.  They can do it alright! They are very capable let me tell ya even though they might be gallivanting around!

Dr.J says--In English class, we learn that a simile is a figure of speech used to make comparisons using the words as and like, words that occur nearly ninety times in the book of Proverbs. That book is filled with comparisons between wisdom and folly (i.e. I don’t remembering learning about similes at good ol’ Danube High but maybe I wasn’t listening). For example, Proverbs 25:28 says, “Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls.” Soooo I question myself as I ponder, what is wisdom and what is folly in my life? Aren’t we something else! We sorta kinda put on an improvisation sometimes, maybe. It’s like an old saying—When a potential client of a CPA asked them what is the answer of 2 + 2 and the CPA answers, what do you want it to be!

It might be an improvisation, but it might work.  I transported my DISH receiver from IA to AZ.  I put it together but couldn’t get a signal soooo I called DISH.  They could not help sooo they said they would send a technician in the morning. Wow! Okay. He arrived about 7:45 and fixed my problem and also explained that my TV isn’t a smart TV but my DISH Hopper does have the ability to get wi-fi—really—I’ll show you sooo he just did it for me soooo now I can watch Thursday night NFL.  This guy was personal and professional (i.e. an independent contractor).  I asked him if DISH treats him well—they do—I bet you treat them well tooooo—I do—If they call you and ask how I did and you respond very positive they give me a $5 bonus, enough to buy about half a burger—I will—thank you for doing that. I don’t think he was giving me an impromptu performance but was real, but I think it’s an incentive for him to do a good job.  Huh, interesting. Money does the trick!

TomSmart who always seems to be running down hill with the wind at his back, says--It appears that the door to happiness opens from the inside and not the outside.  What I think that means is when folks try to sell you something they are telling you that if you buy stuff you will be happy a.k.a. capitalism but that is not how any of us can really become happy (i.e. my opinion). Okay maybe for a short time! I think again we need to get the inside right to have lasting happiness and that can be hard. I know folks that, I think, are really happy folks. They might not have the most stuff but are very content (i.e. as a friend who has many options says--I like my live style). Some could have a lot more stuff but they don’t want more stuff and others are content even though they can’t afford to have more stuff. But regardless, they are happy folks. Maybe happiness is an impromptu attitude for some. Could it be genetic or is it because of our past environment or current environment? What do you think? That is what I thought. Are you a happy person?

When I was in CO on my way down here to AZ last fall, our family went on a 4+ mile hike.  During our hike I asked our 15-year-old granddaughter, Erin, what she thought she wanted to be.  She thought that day she wanted to be a cardiac sonographer and live in a van. She made me laugh! I don’t think she said that as an impromptu response. I do know that she can hike faster than I can and is a lot smarter than I am. She just might do that! She is a focused gal. When I was a freshman in high school, I didn’t know much about anything (i.e. my world was extremely small living on the o’l farm a mile and a quarter south of Roseland, MN).  Of course, that was a zillion years ago!  It is hard to imagine that many girls back then graduated from high school at the age of 16, 17 or 18 and married their high school sweetheart and got their MRS degree.  Of course, they took home economics in high school soooo they were ready to go! They accomplished their goal. They never heard of or thought of being a cardiac sonographer back then. For that matter, I would guess they never thought about living in a van either! haha

I had a classmate at Roseland elementary. She had a hard time academically but still was ranked in the top 6 in our class. Of course, we only had 6 in our class. A few years ago, I asked someone from Roseland what happened to her.  They didn’t know if she graduated from high school but she married a farm boy, raised a family, worked hard and now they own many farms and are very rich and probably drives one of those big pickups.  Soooo there you go! I would guess she never dreamed that she would end up with that lifestyle but maybe.  Saturday question—Did you ever dream you would end up like you are? What are your dreams of your future?

Make no bones about it, it ain’t no improvisation folks; this is what Tony Dungy says—"When you are in a volatile situation, don’t make things worse by letting anger get the better of you. Be wiser than hot-tempered people with short fuses. Control yourself. Keep your mouth shut and if necessary, just walk away and maybe revisit it another day. Don’t compound the situation by getting angry back at them.” My experience is that you can’t reason with an angry person. Soooo don’t try. It’s a waste of my time!  Provers 22:24-25 says—Don’t befriend angry people or associate with hot-tempered people or you will learn to be like them and endanger your soul.”  Ouchy ouchy! Now that could be wisdom folks, it just might be! SusieQ who would be a great center linebacker says—Angry folks are just frustrating and  a waste of my time!

I have had several of you contact me and ask what are going to do; erv, you didn't say.  Yes, I didn't.  Time will tell.  BUT maybe there is a time to pray and a time to act. Like JohnThePastor said last Sunday--When you get to be seniors the clock is going tick tock tic tock!  Many folks and churches do a lot of praying but do little action.  Look what they did in 2022.  Many seniors really haven't done much in 2022 either except maybe gained a few pounds. AverageJoe says--erv, I'm good at that!

I asked a golf buddy while playing the other day--Soooo are you married to the gal you live with or not--oh, we're married, but not officially--sooooo what does that mean--we say we are and feel we are but aren't really officially--soooo what does the Pope say about that--we don't believe everything that the Pope thinks; we would lose $4,000 a year if we would get married--soooo it's about the money--ya, it is; but erv, we are having a friend marry us to please the folks but still maybe we aren't really married legally according to the government--is that sorta kinda a fake marriage then? He went and hit his ball! Soooo folks, is that a improvisation?

Folks, remember that 99% of my life is just ordinary stuff, maybe probably just like yours.  I’m just an OrdinaryJoe.  Nuttin special about me. Actually, I’m pretty boring! Sometimes not even guidable. I have heard life stories of many retirees and some of their life stories seem unbelievable, incredible.  Some of yours are tooooo I would assume.  We all live different lives now don’t we. Some are rather tame compared to others. ItchieBitchie says--BUT it does appear that givers are happy folks. 

Epictetus, a Greek phosphor who died 135 AD said--"If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid." What Epictetus meant and how I understand it might be way different. RustyTheRoadrunner says--Then again erv, does it really matter!  And do others even care! The reality is there are few to done that really care what you think erv.  And you know what BigEgoJoe, very few toooo none really care what you think either even though you make a lot of noise. Thanksamillion RustyTheRoadrunner for your input!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--Invest in the power of love, not the love of power. MyFriendJean passed on in 2020 at the age of 92. She was a neat lady who I miss. She was the real deal! Not an improvisation, my opinion. Here is a story a pickleball friend told me of another pickleball friend that we made about 10 years ago down here in the Valley. He went to the doctor for his Medicare physical.  The doctor said all his numbers look good and you are healthy. The doc than asked him the standard questions like do you get dizzy, do you smoke, do you drink--our friend said, yes, I like my beer--how much do you drink--about 9 bottles--in a month or a week--no, in a day--you drink 9 bottles of beer every day--well, some days I drink 6 and some days maybe 12 but it averages to about 9 a day--how long have you been doing this--let's see, I'm 72 now and I started probably when I was 20 sooooo I guess for about 52 years--the doc didn't know what to say and finally said--well, I guess keep it up!