January 28, 2012


We are spending a few bucks with US Airways!  We are in Waukee, IA for a long weekend (i.e. a suburb of Des Moines) getting our fix--A Charlie fix!  What I hear as the most negative thing about wintering in The Valley of the Sun is missing the grand kids--especially the grandmas have a tough time with this.  Really! We think those bucks we are spending are a good investment.  And you know what?  It's only money!  Such is life.

Disclaimer  ~  Despite inflation, a penny is still a fair price for my thoughts.  And you get this "It's Saturday" free sooooo don't expect much (i.e. you get what you pay for).  And as far as I know, I'm absolutely not sure if any of this is correct.  Sooooo there!  Soooooo don't take any of this tooooo serious.  Such is life.

It really was a good time.  Last Saturday Arlene and I spent the afternoon and evening with Dean and Pat Slagter who winter in Casa Grade (i.e. great long time friends with huge massive good hearts--my kind of folks).  They were childhood friends from Roseland, MN.  We played pickle ball for about three hours, went out for dinner, and then to the movie War Horse.  ANYWAY Pat told us she went on a bus trip with 32 other ladies to IA, MO, AR, and KY I think for 10 days last summer.  It was sorta kinda a quilting trip for quilters.  Sooooo how much do you think they spend on quilting stuff on those 10 days (i.e. a total of all 33 gals)?  Make a guess.  Answer later. 

It was like the movies!  It really was.  Arlene and I hiked late Tuesday afternoon and stopped at Frey's Grocery Store a few minutes to pick up a few groceries.  We drove over to Frey's gas station maybe 75 yards from where we parked to get some gas when we were done.  All of a sudden there was rapid shooting --  maybe 15 to 20 shoots with an rapid firing assault weapon and pistols.  It was the police shooting someone very close to were we just were parked.  People were diving on the ground and ducking in their cars.  Ouchy ouchy!  It said in the paper the next day that it was a drug bust and 5 suspects came out firing.  One was killed and two wounded (i.e. they don't say how bad) and one officer was shot in the leg.  Really!

LuckyEddie says--By the time we get old enough to not care what anyone says about us, nobody is saying anything about us anyway.  Really! Holy macaroni!  Yep, society doesn't pay much attention to the wisdom of the seniors except they sure do like our money! Asmartyoungman told me--Money talks loud; it yells!  It' all about the money folks...in everything it seems!  Joesixpack says--Beware of those who tell you how smart you are, how pretty you are, or how good you are.  They're likely to lie about other things as well.  Really!  Maybe they have drunk tooooo much kool aid or more likely, they want something and that something usually is your money folks.  Really?  Yes, really!  Yep, they do what they do!  Really!

MissPerfect, you might misunderstand me.  Lord knows it won't be the first time!  But I will try to make it "perfectly clear"!  When we got to our condo, the previous users or owners supplied the bathrooms with one ply toilet paper.  We are 2 ply toilet paper users.  I tell you what, I made sure I washed my hands very well!  It was a juicy and stinky jolt let me tell ya. Don't act beyond stunned MissPerfect.  No matter how important you think you are, how pretty you are, how pretty you have your nails painted, or how rich you are, you have to whip you butt toooo.  Sooo don't act soooo naive and surprised.  I know you whip your butt! I recently had the opportunity to play golf with a gal who was in our foursome.  She wore stylish white FootJoy golf shoes with a little blue trim; had matching FootJoy blue socks; a relatively tight blue golf capris with sparkles on her butt; a Nike white golf belt with a silver buckle; a little tee under a white golf sweater that have those blue triangles on it; a very nice, expensive gold chock necklace; and a golf sun visor that had a lot of bling on it.  She looked very nice and she was a nice gal.  We were walking down the 14th fairway to our drives.  We came to her ball and she took out her 3-metal with a pink shaft to match her pink bag to hit her Lady's Precept pink ball.  She took her stance, took a swing and as she hit the ball, she farted.  Really!  Hey, she's human.  I told a hiking buddy about this and he said--My wife farts all the time!  Arlene is not a farter. 

LuckieEddie says--Living inside the walls makes a person feel better I guess.  Most of the 55+ communities have walls and gates.  They want to keep the trash out and have security.  They pay big money for this.  I heard a gal say the other day, "We live inside the wall to the right of the gate."  It appears that is like the Wall of Jerusalem.  They told us when we were there that the enemy usually always attacks the gate (i.e. it's the easiest).  The wall says--We're in and you are out.  We are better than you folks.  Really!   I have not seen any African American snowbirds in any of the parks, doing any of the activities I do, or actually anywhere.  Why is that?  Asmartyoungman told me--13.6% of the population is African American.  Maybe that's part of the reason.  What do you think?

Really!  AverageJoe said--My boss phoned me today.  He said, "Is everything okay at the office?"   I said, "Yes, it's all under control. It's been a very busy day, I Haven't stopped."   "Can you do me a favor?" he asked.   I said, "Of course, what is it?"   Speed it up a little, I'm in the foursome behind you."  Really!

I was waiting my turn to play pickle ball the other morning.  Three of us were talking and one said--It was rather cool last night.  The other guy said--My furnace didn't kick in--soooo what do you have your thermostat set at--54 degrees--well no wonder it didn't kick in; doesn't your wife get cold--ya, I had to buy her a half electric blanket!  Really!  Arlene would freeze to death.  Yabut I have a golf buddy who says his wife is always hot!  She turns the heat down all the time.  Arlene would say--Burzzzy burzzzzy!  I'm turning the heat up.  CadillacJack was telling his friend, BenTheBeerHog, that he and his wife had a serious argument the night before about how warm they should keep their house.  Really a whopper!  "But it ended," he said, "when she came crawling to me on her hands and knees."  Really!  "What did she say?" asked the friend.  He replied, "She said, 'Come out from under that bed, you coward!'" Really!  Arguments, disagreements, or fights are not much fun unless you like agitation, discourse, friction (i.e. some folks seem to always seem to like that).  Then there are others that will do anything not to have any trouble what so ever.  I have friends who are both ways.  Most don't like trouble though.  Really!  Saturday question--Repentance does not just mean to feel sorry for what you have done or to express remorse. Biblical repentance means to turn and to change. It means to turn your life around, turning away from sin and back toward God. It means to change your mind about God and yourself, and to change direction, to set your back to things like dishonesty, injustice, or cruelty, and to set your face toward God and the good. Really!  Haveyou/doyou ever repent?  Really!  Repentance can be a real renaissance! Now that is sorta kinda bucking the trend! SusieQ says--Keep the powder dry in your life. Live the life! Really!

You ever go to a funeral and the eulogy is given and you wonder if you are at the funeral for the right guy?  Ya, folks can put a spin on things anyway they want to make a person look.  Judy Wallman, a professional genealogy researcher in southern California , was doing some personal work on her own family tree.. She discovered that Senator Harry Reid's great-great uncle, Remus Reid, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in 1889. Both Judy and Harry Reid share this common ancestor. The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows in Montana territory.  On the back of the picture Judy obtained during her research is this inscription: 'Remus Reid, horse thief, sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889.' So Judy recently e-mailed Senator Harry Reid for information about their great-great uncle. Harry Reid: Believe it or not, Harry Reid's staff sent back the following biographical sketch for her genealogy research: "Remus Reid was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory . His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad. Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to government service, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed." NOW THAT's how it's done, Folks! That's real POLITICAL SPIN !!!

I like real folks.  Yes I do.  One of my golf buddies said to us the other morning--I had spaghetti and meat balls for breakfast.  What!  Ya, I always have left overs from dinner the night before for breakfast.  Really!  He also had me wear this outfit on the last hole the other day.  I think I'm getting closer to a dual citizenship!

ItchieBitchie says--Quite your sulking and focus on tomorrow  Throw those chips away and get your butt off the couch (i.e. do it fast and furious).  That sitting around complaining just hog-ties a person and makes a guy feel pucky! JoeThePlumber says--Quite dilly-dallying around (i.e. procrastinating).  All that gets you is under water.  Really! Making a huge massive blunder will cause havoc to your life.  Sooooooo don't make a huge massive blunder SlowFlow! I read in the paper, sooooo it must be right, that the average credit-card debt is $6,503, average mortgage debt $175,070, and average-loan debt $15,370.  JoeSnort says--Ah-choooooo!  Ya, that can make a guy sneeze alright.  Really!  My Daddy, Chester, taught me--Interest is something you receive, not what you pay out.  You only borrow money on stuff that appreciates, never for anything that depreciates (i.e. you have to pay cash for that stuff--if you don't have cash you don't buy it).  Sooooo here's an opportunity for some of you to get some cash in your pocket.  I read in the paper soooooo it must be right, that when some older folks a.k.a snowbirds die, they have a lot of gold in their teeth.  Sooooo if your parents have gold in their mouth, maybe you better talk to the undertaker and tell him remove the gold with a pliers and give it to ya. Really! A senior friend says--I give my adult kids suggestions.  They listen but don't do what I suggest!!!!!  Such is life.

Answer is about $22,000!  Really!  That's a crazy figure to me a golfer to spend on quilting stuff!!!!!  That's about $660 a gal.  That's just plain crazy to a golfer!!!!  But you know what, it makes Pat happy.  And a happy wife is a happy life!  And don't you forget that Deano!  It's only money!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

Need a boost?  Really!  Here is the "Magic Pill" folks!  It's really something to think about.  Maybe you should get on board!  This is a bang bang little video (i.e. digital) from BigPete.   http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/story/2012/01/11/toronto-viral-video-doctor-health.html

January 21, 2012

Being situational aware @ all times

Our neighbor fell and broke her pelvis.  I asked her husband a.k.a the ol' I-wegan what happened.  She wasn't being situational aware.  She was filling her car with gas and tripped over the gas hose; Not being situational aware @ all times can be dangerous.  I learned that on ship in the Navy. 

Be situational aware @ all times (i.e. see the big picture and not just the immediate feeling).  SusieQ says--When I saw my first strands of grey hair, I thought I'd die and dye!  LuckieEddie says--When you turn the light on, you get all kinds of bugs!!!!  Such is life.

MyCnuckGolfBuddy plays golf every day back home at daybreak.  Yes, every day.  And by himself.  I said to him--I bet you shoot some good scores!  I keep hitting the shot until I hit a good one.  We keep reminding him when we play that this is "reality golf" and  not "fantasy golf"!   LuckieEddie says--Ya got to live your life in reality (i.e. not like fantasy football).  Here in the Valley of the Sun a.k.a Paradise, it's a good reality a.k.a. it's being situational aware @ all times of inhaling joy and exhaling tension!  I have the life of Riley!

Being situational aware @ all times.  We had the opportunity to attend church with Jim and Gladys Free (i.e. our daughter-in-law's grandparents.  They are our kind of folks (i.e. real folks with huge massive good hearts).  They are snowbirds from IL.  We are very aware how they have influenced our daughter-in-law.  Oh ya!  Bytheway, we ate at my favorite breakfast place, Jean's Itise Bitse.  It's small cafe adjoining a pro shop on Dreamland golf course.  There is a practice putting green just in front of the cafe/pro shop (i.e. we are standing on it).  It's sorta kinda a throw back to the 60s.  This place makes me feel oh soooooo goooood and actually makes me laugh every time I go there.  I realize that it doesn't take much to make me happy!!!!   Such is life. 

Being situational aware @ all times!  When I look at my life in a panoramic view instead of a tunnel vision view, I find that there is a huge massive difference.  MissPerfect says--Never get all steamed up before you know what's cookin'!  I play pickle ball with maybe 50 others and ping pong with maybe 30 folks who are of all different abilities and have different experience levels. I really enjoy playing with them all.  Folks are very nice about rotating soooo everyone plays with everyone (i.e. no cliches or elite groups which can ruin a group very fast).  ANYWAY I really don't care if I win or loose.  ItchieBitchie says--Come on erv, I know you, you care.  No I don't.  In fact many times I really don't know what the score is.  Now if I'm playing in a match that we are all of the same level, ya I can be competitive and remember the score.  A stronger player can dominate play and make it a bad experience for others sooooooo why would some folks what to do that?  WildWillie says--Maybe to show folks that they are better (i.e. egos).  Ya that could be.  Does winning really have much to do with playing in this environment?  It's just like in life, some things aren't that important to get all worked up about.  It really doesn't matter.  I read what Tom Bradey said--Greatness is expected and not often celebrated.  My Daddy, Chester, said to me--erv, if you are good, you don't have to tell people!  Soooooooo my advice/suggestion to you--be situational aware @ all times!  Okay?  CadillacJack says--Yabut if you play for money, then everything changes!  Oh that money will do that folks.  Oh ya!

GeorgeTheCrook says--It all makes sense!  Is the "long economical hangover" over do you think?  Are you bullish on the future?  LuckieEddie says--I'm still very jittery!  The AZ budget gave raises to state employees and increased spending on education.  Maybe it's a mirage.  AverageJoe says--Maybe it's like a friend who I know; She's soooooo pretty and looks soooooo nice but when you get close, she smells like a wet animal!  Ya gotta be situational aware @ all times folks!  Pastor John said Sunday--God wants you joyful and the devil wants you to be miserable; God wants you compassionate and the devil wants you compelling,  Does that make any sense?

Be situational aware @ all times!  Joesixpack says--If you have talent and work hard good things will happen to ya.  If you also have a good heart, even greater things will happen to ya.  Oh ya!  Be involved in philanthropy--Good works makes for good returns. Keep your minds occupied constructively--Folks who do usually have lower blood pressure, healthier hearts and fewer symptoms of depression than non volunteers. Put that in your pipe and smote it. Get moving and you'll feel a lot better (i.e. experience extraordinary full of happiness and hope). DuaneTheWorm (i.e. he causes me to get off the buss at the nearest stop) thinks he as important as he thinks he looks and he doesn't look very good folks (i.e. but he doesn't know it)! Actually what are you doing to make your life better?  Do you have tunnel vision or can you see a panoramic vision view of your life? It's sorta kinda related to my thinkin' of looking and focusing on what I have instead on what I have lost or don't have (i.e. that's a breath of fresh air).  Well, fiddle-dee!  If I look at the tunnel vision view of my life of "whatrottonluck" it sorta kinda bites me in the butt!  MissPerfect says--How you look at your life has a huge massive difference in your attitude--I guarantee it; and that ain't no bull!  Suggestion--Click on the box that says you agree and accept.  You really can't go forward without doing that!  Oh, fiddlesticks, do you think I need to do that?  It's your decision and decisions have consequences.  Such is life.

Being situational aware @ all times!  Sometimes we need to be a maverick a.k.a. someone who is unconventional or goes against the grain.  Actually here in the great SW, a maverick was a cow, steer or calf that wasn't branded and thus pretty much free for the taking if you happened to see it wandering around!  There are soooooo many things happening in our society and culture that doing what is right is almost being a maverick it seems.  But listen folks, there are a lot of great folks (i.e. I have met many down here in the Valley of the Sun--that's no gobbledygook folks).  Let me tell you about some of them:  A neighbor is in her 80s and has lost two husbands.  She said to me--I have had the most wonderful life, just wonderful--sooo what made your life soooo wonderful--many thinks but accepting Jesus as a major thing.  ~  Another neighbor has a physical impairment.  She rides a scooter and her speech is hard to understand.  I asked her the other day how she was doing--Ya got to...I couldn't understand her and told her that.  She spelled it to me c-o-m-p-e-n-s-a-t-e.  Ya have to compensate or she gave me the "throat cutting sign" which means death (i.e. being toe tagged).  ~ There is a guy who walks past our condo quite regularly form Belmond, IA (i.e. about an hour from Aplington) who always stops and visits with me.  He is walking and always smoking a cigarette.  Huh, interesting. ~ A gal who plays pickle ball with us is always happy.  She has the biggest smile and her body language is just always excited about life (i.e. runs on high-octane). I think "Happy" is an appropriate moniker for her! Oh yes!  She's a spark-plug!  ~  A hiker we met on the trail gave us information as he said he knows all the trails and even works on the trails as a volunteer.  Wow, you must be a good person. My friends tell me that I'm toooooooo nice.  Tooo nice, what does that mean.  They say people take advantage of me.  Soooo what are you going to do about it?  Keep being nice.  ~  We met a couple of other hikers (i.e. man and woman in their 60s who had six-shooters on their hips which is legal in AZ).  Sooooo are those six-shooters for looks or do you really shoot those suckers?  Oh we shoot them; we are part of "cowboyfastshooters".  Sooooo how fast are ya--the guy said he could draw and hit his target in .3 seconds and the gal said in .5 seconds.  Man, I would probably shoot my toes off.  Oh we use wax ammo and it's all done by computers.  
~  A gal at ping pong told me that she spent her whole summer re-doing her house.  Are you good at it--I sure am!  I watch every show on TV.  I really like it. ~  I asked a fellow pickle ball player where he was from--Oregon but did some time in Maryland.  My wife said she is looking out for me by moving us here in the Valley.  I told her that I can't stand 110 degree heat.  She said--I'm just getting you use to the heat sooooo when you die you will be prepared!  Ouchy ouchy!  ~  I was waiting my turn to play pickle ball the other day.  I was sitting next to a guy who was wearing a gold cross around his neck.  Soooo are you a Christian--Sorta but I'm not a practicing Christian; I was born a Catholic.  ~  I played pickle ball with a new player the other day.  When we got done, we were sitting on a bench and his cell rang.  He told me it was about his medication that he is not going to take any more.  It almost killed him Sunday.  It lowered mys blood pressure to such a low level that it was life threading.  It happened at church and if a nurse wasn't there, I probably would have died.  Sooooo did you loose consciousness?  Ya, I think I saw heaven.  It was sooooo pretty and I was soooooo peaceful.  I was alright with it.  You are blessed to be a blessing.  I have been blessed many times in my life.  I once had an accident with a chain saw and had over 500 stitches in my arm and face.  I really have had a good life.  I'm sooooooo happy.  He shuck my hand a couple of times and said--I sure hope we can play together again.

Are you being situational aware @ all times?  GeorgeTheCrook says--Big heavy folks are good when you are the NFL quarterback and need protection on the pass plays, but you don't see toooooo many of them hiking, playing pickle ball, playing ping pong, running, biking etc here in the valley.  Most of them are talking and eating (i.e. that's complete mayhem)!  SusieQ says--Tebow's prayers might work but...when you have big, huge massive good players protecting you, that helps toooooo!  Well the Broncos did get beat.  Yes they did.  Woddy Hayes once said--There's nothing that cleanses the soul like getting the hell kicked out of ya!  Lou Holtz once said--The man who complains about how the way the ball bounces is likely to be the one who dropped it.  Such is life.

There are a lot of physical activities for us seniors here in the Valley to do. A lot of seniors do a lot of stuff let me tell ya. Some are extremely active and then it changes 'cause of reasons like health, age, size, attitude, desire, etc. When you sorta kinda get toward the bottom of the activity chain, it's down to shuffle board, then eating and talking, and then just sleeping in the sun. That's the bottom of the totem pole. That ol' fart must be at the bottom!!!!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Great opportunities often disguise themselves in small tasks.

Being situational aware @ all times!  Bonus Coverage--Watch this motivational video and make sure you listen to the last line.  Okay?  http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=aw-nt0eTb2w

January 14, 2012

let's talk about you

I was returning from my quite often 12 minute soak in the hot tub.  I walked past a string of condos.  MN Don was on a patio of our neighbor having happy hour with some folks.  He said to me--Getting in a hot tub is much like marriage.  After you get in it, it's not as hot as it was at first!

ItchieBitchie says--Let's talk about you; you seem to worry about everything.  I know you do 'cause I can tell.  Soooooo can worry stem from childhood. When children experience parent/child reversal roles due to such things as illness, unemployment and addictions worry becomes an early life pattern.  Soooooo were you taught to be a worrier?  LuckieEddie says--People who worry often believe that their anxiety somehow helps them to avoid bad things. They believe it prevents problems, helps them prepare for the worst or gives them a way to control circumstances.  GeorgeTheCrook says--I worry 'cause I hate uncertainty but rather seek guaranteed outcomes.  Soooooooo MollyWorryWart, you are a pain in the butt to be around.  Worry just plain limits ourselves for many reasons and in many ways. 

Let's talk about you.  Folks that worry all the time are about as messy as folks who are always negative (i.e. and negative folks are constant complainers).  Sooooo SusieQ, why are you negative all the time.  Nutten ever seems right for you and you never seem happy (i.e. everything in your life seems to be a problem which makes your life just one big problem).  Ouchy ouchy! You are a pain in the butt to be around.  You never seem to have a good time.  You are always worrying about something instead of just enjoying life.  Do you know that?  You have a very limiting life.  A good hearted young man (i.e. a real guy) told me his favorite Bible verse.  It is underlined in my Bible with his hand written note beside it--Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.  WildWillie says--That's a lot harder to do than to say.

Let's talk about you!  Joesixpack says--Sooooooo I got some money in my pocket (i.e. I'm a FatCat).  What should I do?  Should I spend the money!...Or save it...don't spend a dime and put it in a "hurricane lock box"!  What should I do?  What's the right track to be on.  Should I spend some and save some?  Should I be a spendthrift and let my kids get it?  That is a decision you will have to make Joesixpack.  Most folks don't seem to have a plan (i.e. they just stumble along).  The church we have been attending is pushing Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University.  They want 80% of their folks to go through this program.  They say--We know that most of you are sound financially set (i.e. most of the maybe 1,5000 attenders are older folks) but if you can even do better, look how much more money you can give away.  This church is known as a giving church.  Soooooo I think it's interesting to have a plan.  Most folks don't have an grand scheme or grand plan (i.e. it just happens--good or bad).  But here's the deal--If you can manage your money, it makes your life soooooooo much more enjoyable, why not do it.  MissPerfect says--I don't want to know how much I spend on clothes!  Now that could be a problem (i.e. not facing reality).  I recently had a guy stop and talk to me.  He is moving to AZ from MN.  He said he really doesn't have enough money saved up and is really wondering how it is all going to work out.  Why he told me this I don't have a clue (i.e. maybe he wanted some advice--I don't know--Or maybe he needed to tell someone and he knows he will never see me again).  ANYWAY that's not a goooood spot to be in!  I was riding my bike the other day and saw a garage sale sign pointing in a rather affluent neighborhood.  This guy was maybe upper 50s.  He was selling his stuff he said as he lost his job of 37 years.  He has to sale his house as he can't afford it.  I wish I would have saved more but I didn't.  I never thought I would lose my job.  Ouchy ouchy!  Flipthepancake--An ol' buddy of mine came back from upnorth (i.e. he's a retired farmer).  I said--How much did your net worth go up this year (i.e. as he owns ground)--didn't got up; have all our ground in life estate; what do I need for any more money at my age!

It's good to ask questions.  You got that right!  My Daddy, Chester, said--erv, asking questions is best way to learn and it's inexpensive.  Soooooo ask questions.  A surgeon examined a new patient most carefully. After studying the x-rays, he turned to the man and said, "Could you pay for an operation if I told you it was necessary?" The patient thought for a moment, then said to the doctor:  "Would you find one necessary if I told you I couldn't pay for it?"

Lets talk about you! Okay here are a few thoughts, facts, and ideas about folks I have been around in the last little while on the golf courses:  Golfed in a foursome that 2 of the guys had suction cubs on their putters soooooo they didn't have to bend over to get the ball out of the hole.  --  Golfed with an authentic Ollie.  Yep that was his name and he said "ya" a lot toooo yet! -- Golfing with a guy the other day whose ball was a little off the green.  I said to him, cuddle her up close.  He said to me, I haven't cuddled for a long time! -- Golfed with a guy who smoked 3 huge massive cigars during the round.  I think his cigars cost more than his green fees! -- On the 14th tee box a guy told us that he bought his wife a new car for Christmas (i.e. just like on TV).  She didn't like and took it back; I give up! -- I asked another guy who is from MN if he fishes=Ya I do, I participate in Helping Seniors Fish=you must be a good person=I have my days and others aren't sooooo goood -- I golfed with a guy who had his ankle shattered in Korea.  He is in his 80s and plays a good game. He is a very nice guy with a great attitude (i.e. my kind of guy) -- Okay, I golf  on Wednesdays with three guys who are unique, (i.e. good unique) but they call me strange soooo we're even.  One guy is The CnuckFromThurnderBay who wears suspenders (i.e. I have never golfed with a guy who wore suspenders before).  I asked him how come he does that=cause I don't have a waist and if I don't wear suspenders my pants fall off (i.e. I hope he keeps wearing those suspenders).  GovernmentKenFromMN hasn't won our putting contest in over 20 times he says.  Half way around the round he puts his dollars over his ear under his cap.  When we win it, it is wet from sweat and stinks.  Now that is different but we really like him to play the putting game with us (i.e. Mr.Easy)!!!   He won this last week sooooo he's now 1 for 28 or so!  EngineerFromDubuque a.k.a TheMississippiRiverRat is the only guy who has a battery operated electiric motorize push cart here in the Valley of the Sun that I know about.  That's different.  Ok ok, I'm different too=I'm the only one who carries his clubs and has a belly putter.  We are all different I guess in some way.  Sooooo when we get done with our round Wednesday, these different guys get this stuff out of their bags and put it on me (i.e. official Canadian golf wardrobe)=they give me a hard time 'cause I don't like playing in the cold.  --  I was doing my nearly every day late afternoon 15 minutes of chipping and putting when this guy comes from the driving range carrying his clubs on one shoulder and a portable oxygen tank on the other and says--Aren't you erv mellema the biker, golfer and hiker=Ya I do some of that stuff; who are you=I hiked with you a couple of years ago=oh ya, I remember you, you were recovering from a stroke and was starting hiking again=ya that was a tough time for me; this summer was tough for me too; I developed 3 kinds of arthritis and developed Asama; it was touch and go for a while but I started feeling better late in the summer finally soooo we came to the Valley again; I have started walking and hope to do some easier hiking this winter; I do play golf twice a week now=you have such a great attitude=wasn't always that way; when I was 44 I weighed 210 (i.e. 35 pounds over my normal weight) and smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day; one morning I said that's enough; I went on a diet, quite smoking, started exercising and in 6 months ran my first marathon; it was brutal! -- Played golf with a pickle ball buddy.  He told me that he has a condo in Mesa and one in Canada of about same quality but the one in Canada cost 5 times as much.  --  The other two guys in our foursome were first year physics students working on their doctorate degrees from Ohio and Indiana at ASU.  The get paid a $14,000 stipend.  They are professors of on-line courses.  The one physicist told us that he has 350 first year physic students in engineering.  --  Played with a guy from Idaho.  Aren't there a lot of independent folks in Idaho=ya there are and I'm one of those mavericks; I'm a real red neck maverick; I don't like authority!

I read it in the paper sooooo it must be right.  Steve Nash says he has a lot of motivation left.  Asked what motivates him, he deadpanned, "Money."  I'm sorta kinda a Suns fan. I watch some of the games on TV, read the paper about them and we go to a few games.  It's fun.  I even going to buy a Suns cap I think (i.e. if I can get a cheap one).  I can't find one cheap as of yet!  I have limits folks.  I'm not loaded like some of you.  Also I have noticed that there are a lot of loaded folks (i.e. talking about some of you) who winter in the Valley but are very good money managers.  Maybe that's why they are here in Sun Valley for the winter.  Such is life.

Talking about you!  When we were riding back from the Suns game on the light-rail, I was standing next to a young man (i.e a college kid).  He started talking to me about the Suns.  He was a huge fan of the Magic and also Oakland Raiders.  Sooooo you don't like the Broncos very much--no I don't--are you a Tebow fan--I like what he believes in and how he gets things done but I can't root for him as Oakland fans are not fans of the Broncos--Soooo he says to me, you like Tebow--We are Christians sooooo we believe like he does--I think he does a lot of good stuff for a lot of folks and he seems to be a winner; he maybe goes a little over the top on the Jesus thing for me but I like and believe in what he stands for--It's good to be a good person and do what is right--Ya it is and I try!  He was telling me that half of the Denver coaching staff likes Tebow and half don't nor does John Elway.  But, he has made them a ton of money (i.e. #1 selling jersey in the NFL).  Sooooo what are they going to do him for next year.  Houston, we have a problem!  His station then came.  He shuck my hand and and said--Do good and existed.  That was a breath of fresh air.

Let's talk about you Jesus.  I'm gong to get on soap box here folks.  If you don't like what Tebow is about you probably won't like this but try me.  Jesus defiantly is not a wet wash rag, a mugrummper (i.e. sitting on the fence with his rump on one side and his mug on the other), not a politically correct guy like DuaneTheWorm, but He is my Rock.  He's forgiving, loving, gracious, understands me, is loyal, merciful, faithful; even though at times I don't understand Him.  He gives me confidence maybe just like Tebow does to his teammates 'cause of Jesus in his life (i.e. and that ain't no pious baloney folks).  Jesus has a certain presence about Him!  Some of you think believing in Jesus is for the weak and powerless.  Some of you think believing in Jesus is sorta kinda a lot like belly fat!  You are way wrong on that folks.  You think money is power and you have a lot of money.  Your are wrong folks.  Jesus doesn't have favorites and what he stands for is not determined by who pays him to think and act a certain way.  Oh no!  Try Him, you might be surprised how good He makes you feel.  Trying won't hurt ya.  Or are you afraid of making a commitment of some kind (i.e. might hurt your image--now that's being weak--are you another DuaneTheWorm).  Give Him a try.  ItchieBitchie says--oh, holy mackerel, that Jesus talk makes me nervous!

Talking about you.  I was sitting in the sun the other day when our neighbor a.k.a. the ol' Iowa-wegin came over to talk.  I said--How's it going?  He said--I'm trying; my wife says I'm really trying at times! 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Patience and diligence, like faith, remove mountains.

January 7, 2012

Change in 2012

Many people believe that after 1,872,000 days--or more than 5,000 years--the Mayan calendar will run out on Dec. 21, 2012 and the world will come to a fiery end (i.e. now that would be a big change--maybe you don't have to worry about weight reduction in 2012 after all). ItchieBitchie says--We're confident that the Mayans real-estate agent already has sent out a new calendar and that it will arrive in plenty of time to put another 5,000 years on the refrigerator!

I finished reading the NT.  Revelations is difficult for me.  To me it's a complex, enigmatic letter from a pastor named John filled with scenes of scrolls and robes and angels and plagues and trumpets and horses and dragons and beasts and bowl and prostitutes and horses.  I don't understand the divine commands to commit genocide found in the OT either.  Maybe I'm not very smart--that could be. ANYWAY death on this earth will be a pretty major change I would think.  What do you think?

AverageJoe says--I can't make my wife change if she doesn't want too.  I have tried many times with no success.  She just doesn't want to change and is just plain not receptive to thinkin' about it.  We've never done it that way before.  Ya can't teach old dogs new tricks!  You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink!  Ya, change is hard for many folks unless there is money involved; then they can change.  Oh ya!  JoeSomebody says--Now that the Christmas season (i.e. a time of joy and peace for some and a time that makes others cranky) is over, I will change back to my ol' self!  It's a good thing that Christmas is only once a year!  Some people will do things the same no matter what--they are much like the Coriolis Force--water always swirls one way in the Northern Hemisphere and the other way in the Southern Hemisphere.  It doesn't change.  Saturday question--Do cowlicks always swirl the same way? 

PositiveRon says--Life changes with opportunities.  We always talk about change with a new year now don't we.  Many times nutten really changes.  It's all talk and show (i.e. just blowing smoke).  I read this little fun article about change in the Denver Post while celebrating Christmas in CO--Eavesdropping was the headline.  Eavesdropping on two women attending a performance at the Lincoln Center in Fort Collins after the building's renovation.  "The new bathrooms and lobbies are nice, but I don't know why they had to replace the theater seating with these smaller seats. (They) are way too tight, and I barely fit."  "Actually, these are the same seats they had before."  Soooooooo maybe the gals have changed over the holidays.  Ouchy ouchy!  I think the change was they ate toooooooo much during the holidays and...!  That's what I think.  Such is life.

Here is something else I read in the same paper--Headline article: Shows struggle to go on. The Western Stock Show and Rodeo has to change to exist in the future. They are looking at 5 options. #1 is Having the stock show stay put and do nothing which according to the report would force National Western into bankruptcy within seven years. The other part of the article says--To have a future, the Colorado Symphony Orchestra has decided it must relinquish some of its past to have a future.

LuckieEddie says--Ratchet up your life with a change.  Put off the old and put on the new (make a radical change that folks can see the difference). Change might make your body hurt and/or you brain hurt!  Maybe a simple inexpensive treatment might help.  And maybe the adjustment doesn't have to hurt.  Here are two places here in the Valley of the Sun that might just make that adjustment for a guy.  It's just an idea!  TimTheGadgetMan says--Get a gadget and it will fix most anything.  I love those gadgets a.k.a. toys.  They are good for my ego!  They make me feel important.  SusieQ says--Gadget folks like change it seems as they are always changing and the market makers know this and are always coming out with a new gadget (i.e. $$$$$$).  What is really interesting to me is a person who will be on the razors edge with technology when making money but won't change dealing with other issues (i.e. stay sooooo traditional).  That really puzzles me.  Maybe it's the $$$$$$$ that affect folks.  You think soooooo!  Such is life. 

Joesixpack says some folks are change makers; they seem to have that sense.  It's just like some folks know when to act and when not to act--when to talk and when to be silent--when to be aggressive and when to be passive--when to move and when to stand still--when to react and when not to react.  Why do some folks have this sense and others don't.  I don't know Joesixpack but I agree.  Some folks can get changes done and others can't.  Such is life.

KingOfTheCityBob says--It doesn't take Scotland yard to figure ourselves out now does it but for many it's hard to see the forest through the trees.  How do you act do you think?  ItchieBitchie says--It's really hard to evaluate yourself.  You might be different than you think.  Now that could be.  I once asked  a couple of my friends if they would evaluate me.  They didn't do it.  Maybe they thought I would be offended and wouldn't do business with them (i.e. lose $$$$$).  Or maybe I had soooooo maybe defects that they just didn't want to go there.  Yabut if you don't know if you have defects, how can you correct them.  I'm a big believer in evaluations in business.  It can really help folks especially if they don't know they are weak (i.e. usually folks know their weaknesses and strengths).  Okay, I know folks who seem to argue a lot, don't say nice things to each other, and are very negative about others. And I know others who are just the opposite.  Do you think they know they act that way?  Can they change?  If you are a parent of a small child, they are probably going to act the same way you treat others or them (i.e. young kids copy somebody and most often it is their parents--we all are programed by someone or something).  MissPerfect says--Every body's history has an impact on 'em!  Maybe that is the reason why some folks seem to have it all together and others seem to be chronically a mess (i.e. problematic).  Such is life. . 

My Daddy, Chester, would say to me--erv, the best discipline is self-discipline.  GeorgeTheCrook asks--Have your ever had a life changing event or know someone who has (e.g. a heart attack).  They change their habits like eating differently and exercising.  They do it for maybe 6 months and then they are back to the Big Macks super sized.  Soooooo maybe it wasn't really a life changing event! MissPerfect says--If you take action you can change; without action you probably won't change; it's reality.  One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.  He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. "One is Evil - It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.  "The other is Good - It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."  The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"  The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one we feed the most."

SusieQ says--I'm in a rut, in a rut wearing grooves in a familiar path that is easier and easier to take.  SusieQ, you need a new life a.k.a a change of heart!  CadillacJack says--Why do ya think suddenly someone wakes up one day and decides to head in the completely opposite direction?  I wonder if it's a God thing.  I don't doubt God's ability to do anything. 

Joesixpack says--Catching on can lead to change maybe--This video is about change.  It was used during Christmas morning service at the The Rock of the SW in Littleton, CO which we had the opportunity to attend with James, Heather, Erin and Easton.  It's about 1.5 minutes but it's sorta kinda funny but has a point.  http://www.sermonspice.com/product/36960/skit-guys-christmas-connection

The fear of failure is main motivational piece for most folks.  Sooooooo instead of failing, most folks won't even try anything 'cause they fear they will fail. Instead they just sit on the couch and eat chips .  They know they can be a success at that.  I have heard this statement during the Christmas time--If you don't behave, Santa won't bring you any presents.  Ya right!  The fear of failure!!!  If you don't be good you're going to hell!  What!!!  I just read the Love Wins by Rob Bell (i.e. it's controversial book as he thinks everyone will have many opportunities to accept Jesus even after death--most will eventually get into heaven).  He thinks that after "you are laid to rest" a.k.a. die, you will will have the opportunity to see the Light--Heaven will not just be for a few elite.  It was a good read for me.  Maybe I'm open minded or maybe I'm just gullible but it was very stimulating to me.  My response is--His understanding I cannot fathom--God is God and thats just the way it is.  Such is life.

Covet! It's a great motivator too!  DuaneTheWorm says--I don't covet. If someone has something that I want, I just go and buy it.  Covet is not a thing, not a one time event, but it's an attitude.  And if you  have it, you are a mess.  SusieQ says--If you have that attitude, I would suggest you get rid of it (i.e. change).  It will, I repeat, make you a constant unhappy person.  Don't think of stuff you don't have but think of the little things you really enjoy.  If your life is about stuff, you will never have enough or the latest stuff or the best stuff and you will really never be truly happy.  It takes a strong person to manage this attitude as the world keeps seducing us.  Some can and others can not.  Saturday question--What do you really like to do?  I mean something you do that you just loose track of time (i.e. something I could do forever)?  If you don't have such a thing, I feel sorry for you. 

Soooooo what is ervie going to change in 2012?  It's really not a change but something I'm going to do more of.  I'm going to live one day at a time.  And live it the best I can.  I asked for advice from someone who I admire and this was his suggestion.  I also have been told this by others and have read this advice by others who I don't know (pastor John said it Sunday too).  Sooooo that is what I'm going to try to get better at.  Try to make my life and other folks' life more enjoyable and useful.  Sooooooo folks--Wherever you go, there you are.  Maximize every minute of every day to the fullest.  Throw those chips away and get your butt off the couch and do something for someone else or even yourself.  Must admit--This is how the table in front of me looked while I watched the Rose Bowl sittin' on the couch!!!! Ouchy ouchy!!!!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--A simple life in the fear of God is better than a rich life with a ton of headaches.