May 31, 2014

We all have our reasons!!!

Aaaaaahhhhhh...finally popsicle weather!  I really enjoy summer!

I'm not trying to bamboozle or hornswoggle you!  I don't think it would be possible even if I was trying.  You guys are tooooo smart (i.e. at least most of you are!!!).  SusieQ says--It seems that everyone has a reason to try to change another person; usually their reasons are not successful unless that other person wants to change.  You don't need a history major to know where this "It's Saturday" is going!

OverTheTopSharon says--If coffee produces good eye sight, why don't folks see the extreme prices at Starbucks?  They have their reasons I'm sure OverTheTopSharon.  Some reasons you might not want to know (e.g.your ego desperately wants people to know you're somebody; the perceived opinions of others make up your ego).  Arlene and I had our annual physicals recently.  Afterwards we went out for breakfast.  The cute little waitress was very nice to us.  Through our conversation she told us that she does this 4 days a week but her full time job is managing Pizza Ranch.  Wow! You are a busy gal; what do you do with all your money. I'm self sufficient and need to pay off my huge massive education loans--Are you married--no no--Then I suggest you find a rich guy--ya, my grandma tells me the same things--The easiest way to get rich is to marry it or inherited it--yabut there are other reasons why I want to get married. Huh, interesting.  Soooo Arlene gets her toes nails done and then we go to Yonkers as she wants to buy some eye stuff.  The gal who waited on her was Casey.  Casey was a college student.  Soooo Casey, what's your major?--Family services; my dad isn't very happy with me--how come--he has his reasons--what are his reasons--he's concerned about my safety and how I will ever be able to pay back my college loans with the pay that a social worker makes; it's taking me 6 years--how come sooooo long?--I have my reasons with the biggest one is I messed around tooooo much--That will do it!  MissPerfect says--When you have to pay your won way, you find out real fast that you are not "the hub of the universe"!  Ouchy ouchy!  Joesixpack says--Often our problems will appear on somebody else's radar screen before they appear on ours.  It's sooooo hard to see your real self. Such is life.

That's kind of personal isn't it?  The nurse went through my medications, history, vitals, etc during our annual physicals.  One of the last question she asked me was--Are you sexual active!  She says she has to ask everyone that question; not just me.  Oh!  How come?  We have our reasons but I guess it 'cause of all the sexual transmitted diseases.  Soooo folks, heads up!  Be prepared sooooo you won't be surprised when asked that question.

Folks have reason why they walk away (i.e. disappear in body or in mind).  Many times we never know their reasons.  Or why they do some particular thing.  Their actions seem strange but then again, they have their reasons.  I talked to a super senor at church Sunday--I hear they hauled you in by ambulance this week; what's going on?--oh, I was dizzy, sweaty and all excited; I was frustrated about something and just kept getting madder and madder until I worked myself into a frenzy--soooo what did they do--told me to relax and cool off; spent the night and went home in the morning.  I then talked to another super senor--how are you today--not very good; my heart is is wacky again and they can't get it in rhythm--soooo now what?--I guess I just have to live with it.  I talked to a pretty, sweet senor who has a terrible, difficult, disabling, terminal disease.  She said--erv. you have no idea how I feel and what my emotions are; you just don't and never will--you are right, I won't!  We all have our reason why we are what we are now don't we.  Such is life.

Last weekend I was playing with some golf buddies and on the 4th green we talked about a golf buddy who died of cancer several years ago.  Before he took the cure, my buddies said he could drink a 40 ouncer without stopping.  One of his drinking buddies said--He would get this look in his eye and twirl his tongue and kill it.  He would drink it soooo fast that it would get a head on it in the bottle.  Some folks questioned his turpitude.  Some folks just didn't like him as he was loud and seemed wild. SusieQ says--some folks like to stand out and some like to blind into the wallpaper.  He really wasn't a bad guy.  We all liked him.  He really had a good heart which many folks didn't know.  Like one of my golf buddies said--We always don't know the whole story but just maybe half of it.  We all have our reasons why we act like we do.  Many times folks just don't know.  Huh, interesting.

Another golf buddy (i.e. we played in a fivesome) said that he tooo use to drink a lot with him before he quite cold turkey (i.e. I think he said 17 years ago).  How much would you drink?--Put it this way, I could drink 12 tall ones and hardly get a buzz; I got soooo use to it.  You surely had to pee a lot--Ya, I did!  Clem said--Your quitting saved your marriage.  Ya but I told my wife if she dies first I'm going back to drinking.  How come--I miss it (i.e. we all have our reasons)!  Huh, interesting.

We all have our reasons..."When you are sad, tired, lonely and full of suffering, take refuge in the sanctuary of your soul and there you will find your Brother, your Friend, Jesus, who will console you, support you and strengthen  you."  Meditations of A Hermit by Charles de Foucauld
We all have our reasons why we play golf or don't play golf.  Many different reasons.  Some of my golf buddies are very serious and the score is really a big deal to them.  For others, the score isn't as big a deal.  Some folks are just more competitive than others.  Some quite 'cause they can't play as well as they use to because of their senior age.  It's sorta kinda like a golf buddy said to me on the 8th tee box--I said to my doctor that many parts of my body don't work as well as they use to--ya you are getting older--I have to urinate more often and my stream isn't as strong--ya you are getting older! His doctor diagnosed him with O-L-D! That same day a golf buddy who shared the cart with me was marking his ball.  I asked him why he use a smiley face--It's to remind me not to take the game sooooo serious, relax and enjoy.  Ya he can say that, he shot a 78 that day and tied for low for the day!!!!  This guy is a good guy with a good heart (i.e. helps other a lot--has a giving mentality).  What do you think the other guy is trying to say with his ball mark?  That is Zack Johnson's ball mark. Everyone has their reasons!!!  Such is life. 

Now don't we!  Some times it's for career advancement and sometimes it's for money, but most of the time it's 'cause we want something for ourselves.  We all have our reasons now don't we.  CadillacJack says--Sometimes folks think more of others than they do about themselves (i.e. those are the good ones folks).  Miguel Angel Jimenez says this about his best friend--"Big heart. Strong character. Heart heart, heart. Very nice"  Saturday question--Do have a friend or friends that would fit that description or do you have friends who make you look like you just ate a piece of rhubarb pie?  It's not good if you have a friend and their nickname is "cutthroat"! I think I do have friends that are really really great (i.e. have class). I'm one lucky guy.  If any of you guys are more for yourself than for others, make no excuse but try to change.  Givers are always happy folks.  ItchieBitchie says--Stop the cycle of being self-centered and be a perspicacious person.  Think through this folks, if you can.  We all have our reasons why we are who we are!  Such is life.

Talk about doing things for money and ego.  Retired NFL players claim that they were heavily drugged sooo they could play football on Sunday.  Da! And now they are permanently injured.  Da!  They didn't have to play football or they could have said they didn't want to be drugged.  They didn't.  Why, money and ego money and ego.  They could have taken a different job.  Many things are driven by money and ego and money and ego!  Oh ya!  

"I am not a crook"
Mea culpa mea culpa mea maxima culpa! I lied twice recently.  I told my neighbor when asked if I was going to run in Parkersburg's 5k race.  I told him I wasn't and then changed my mind.  We were with friends recently and I told them I was not going to do any more speaking.  I got a call and accepted a speaking engagement to speak on Father's Day.  I emailed the wizard and confessed (i.e. he's a pastor).  He said at least 3-mea culpas for me I think.  I don't know but I think I'm good! I have my reasons for lying folks.  I really do! ItchieBitchie says--Living your life from your ego puts pressure on you.  Everything gets heavy.  Your ego is your imagined self.  It's not the real you! Do we ever have a distorted view of ourselves?  What we think or feel about ourselves doesn't matter--it's irrelevant.  What matters is what we actually are.  What's relevant is what' in the mirror.  Oh, I was the oldest person who ran in the Parkersburg 5k.  It might be the last time I run and the last time I speak but maybe not!  Don't like passing up those opportunities (i.e. if I can run and if folks still want to listen to me, I might continue).  Might not ever have the opportunities again.  Such is life.

Do we ever lie to ourselves?  I wonder if I do sometimes to make things acceptable.  A guy can rationalize almost anything if you want to.  Just keep moving the line in the sand a little bit at a time if you want change something.  The folks won't even catch on.  Something like that!  Pretty soon we are way off base!  GeorgeTheCrook says--Yabut it felt soooo goood that I couldn't resist it!  I had breakfast recently with a couple of my senor golf buddies.  I enjoy being around these guys (i.e. good hearted guys).  ANYWAY they mentioned a little something about a guy who comes to their coffee klatch sometimes.  They didn't say tooo nice of things about him.  There is only one person in the whole wide world that I struggle with and it's this guy (i.e. I have my reasons).  One reason is that he is a self-centered, egotistical pompous ass and a real jerk (i.e. not authentic, a real phony, a fake).  Other than that he's not toooo bad of a guy.  TrickyDicky had his "enemies list" but I just have my "don't  like this guy" list!  Sooooooo if I can see those qualities in him and others can see them, then he must be that way I would guess.  It felt a little good to be reassured that others felt the same way about him.  Abraham Lincoln once said--You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

FriendAl and I took a couple of super senors from out church out for lunch recently.  We learned a lot.  Guy1 told us that it was an aggravating winter, just aggravating!  He was the total caregiver for his wife for 11 years (i.e. she is now in a care facility).  Sooooo how does it feel not to be a total care giver?--I feel like a barn calf (i.e. Guy1was raised on a farm and also farmed).  What's a barn calve?  It's a calve born during the winter and never saw the outside of the barn until spring.  Then when you let them outside, they acted real strange like running into fences etc.  Guy2 said he told his daughter that he is always tired.  She told him--sleep then!  Soooo what are you guys going to do this afternoon--first we are going to take a nap (i.e. that makes sense!).  We all  have our reasons now don't we.  

I should of!  We probably can all say that about something in our past that we should have done.  We all have our reasons why we didn't.  A friend told me that his dad-in-law wanted him to buy his farm for $350 and acre.  He even said he would do all the farming and he could help a little on weekends soooo he could keep his day job.  I didn't do it he says.  That was 1963 and now that farm is worth $12,000 to $15,000 an acre.  It's sooooo easy to say, I should of!  Hey buddy, don't take this as an insult of your investment ability.  GeorgeTheCrook says--Someone makes a offhand comment that dims the glow our your heart.  The point of this little story is not about the person who made the flip remark.  The point is about your reaction.  Why would you allow someone to dictate how you feel about yourself, to destroy you peace of mind? Today I refuse to let others manipulate me.  I act according to myself, not according to anyone else. Give a choice between swallowing some one's insults or an ice-cold beer, always choose the beer!  AverageJoe says--Ya, investing can be a crap shoot sometimes!  Such is life.

I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--"No one can serve two masters." Our hearts will be drawn like a magnet to whatever is our most cherished investment, our truest treasure.  A buddy said to me the other night--erv, what do you do with the other half of your banana--sometimes I eat it later in the day and sometimes I eat it the next day--I eat half a banana every day tooo and my dog eats the other half!  Huh, interesting.

Arlene and I ate at Village Inn the other night.  When I went to pay, a maybe 19 year old gal caring a big pail of ice came to help me--Looks like you have to do everything--Ya but I'm good at it--you seem happy; are you always this happy--yes I am; happy folks live longer--sooooo don't let other mess with your happiness--I don't.  Such is life.

I have noticed that there are a lot more 20 to 40 year old gals
that run in those 5ks than guys.  That befuddled me sooooo I asked some babes about that.  They think that gals are more conscious of their appearance than guys sooooo they run.  AverageJoe says--Guys would rather sit and drink beer! They don't care what they look like.  What!  Don't gals like their guys to look good physically?   I don't know but I do know that gals can run.  They are tough!  Does any of this make any sense to ya?  MissPerfect says--My hubby, SnitchTheGuzzler, doesn't have a six-pack but a keg!  Ouchy ouchy!

I golfed with JohnTheBigHammer (i.e. anybody can say they are a John; there are all kinds of Jons) in league and I invited him to play with us senors on Wednesdays.  John said--I play twice a week and I don't want to play anymore than that.  I have a lot of hobbies and interests.  Golf is not my life.  EverybodyisaJohn has their reasons folks.  JoeBlow says--If you don't get along with your wife, like me, golf is a good time consumer!  What!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--When the words we speak bring smiles to lips, our words have not been wasted.

May 24, 2014


Do you get bored with "It's Saturday"?  It's hard to keep the attention of folks for long periods of time.  They seem to get bored and want something different and more exciting.  SameO sameO sameO seems to turn a lot of folks off.  Many young folks don't read much but just want a quick glimpse sent to them on their smart phone.  They want things to go bang bang bang with no dead time (i.e. fill in time is useless).  That is how our culture is today.

I seem to get bored easily.  I like new things, new activities, new adventures, new learning, new technology, etc.  Not everyone is like me.  Many folks like things to stay the same forever.  Some folks are very content not to get out of Butler County and just do the same thing every day and are happy with their lives.  Good for them.  I'm not one of them. A gal told me that their church's motto is "Rebranding our church for the 21st Century".  They have taken steps to make that happen.  It has been a year now and a group of folks have approached the leadership and what to return to the old ways.  Sooooo I asked her--What is your church going to do?  We are going forward.

I remember the first time I saw the ocean, the Rocky Mountains, the desert of the SW, New York City, Wrigley Field, rode a jet, etc, I was totally amazed and intrigued.  After you have been around them more and more they aren't not quite sooo jaw dropping.  In fact the folks who live in some parts of the Caribbean, treat the ocean like a dump.  We seem to loose our "wow" if we are around something all the time.  It becomes old hat.  We loose our amazement to some degree. It's sorta kinda like when the first child or grand child is born.  It's like it's the first time a baby has ever been born!  Then the second child doesn't get near as much attention and when #5 is born, it's hardly a big deal anymore.  I have no idea what the reaction is when #12 is born!!!

Impulses!   ItchieBitchie says--Whiskey is for drinking and water if for fighting!  MissPerfect says--If you want to have a lot of excitement in your life, drink a lot of whiskey and often.  CrazyMaravin doesn't seem to get bored.  Whenever he has a change to screw up, he does.  Now that causes an exciting life.  Where do impulses come from?  I mean we all have impulses and act on impulses.  But where do impulses come from?  How do you control your impulses?  I have asked several smart folks this question.  Here are a few responses:  They are immediate internal desires or quick responses and they are controlled by "Your eyes...the window of your soul"  I asked a friend who onesmartprofessional Ph.D clinical neuropsychologist who works with children and adults doing neuropsychological evaluations and some psychotherapy. She also does forensic evaluations for the state.  I told you she is onesmarcoookie!  ANYWAY she says--Impulses are a complex function in the brain, and originate from the brain stem, but are controlled through the orbitofrontal cortext of the brain (aka the frontal lobe). Impulses can be difficult to control, but it depends somewhat on the nature of the impulse and if the person had prior control of that impulse. Learning to control an impulse takes time, and is usually done through a complex behavioral system with rewards for controlling it. The problem with trying to train it is that other people dont always know the impulse exists and that it was controlled, unless the person controlling can actually say that. Thats a very brief answer to a complex question, much of which depends on the individual person. Wow, that's a head full.  

More Psychobabble!  Here is a response I got from onesmartguy--Well, the Bible says that EVERYTHING good, including then good impulses, come from God. Sooo bad impulses must come from that other not Obama..........but keep guessing, you're getting close!  I would guess he's a Republican but maybe not.  

WayneFromThunderBay says--I Believe...That you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.  

I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Desires may arise unbidden in the human heart, but they do not have to be entertained. To avoid sin, avoid temptation. To avoid temptation, meditate on that which is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, virtuous, praiseworthy, and of good report (Philippians 4:8-9). We cannot prevent a bird from flying into our hair, but we can prevent it from building a nest there. ~ 
Martin Luther

Just stop your impulsive eating!  Soooo throw those chips away and get your butt off the couch and do something.  We had dinner with some friends this week and they told us that their daughter and son-in-law have lost 61 and 92 pounds.  Wow!  Congratulations to them.  I asked how they did it--watch what they ate and exercise (i.e. not rocket science folks).  AverageJoe says--Yabut most folks think exercising is boring and eating is exciting!  

King Solomon a.k.a. half hearted) must have got bored in his senior period of his life as he did some strange things (i.e. not like his first 90% of his life.  He is considered the wisest man and the most foolish who ever lived.  He sure did mess up at the end of his life.  Why do you think?  Did he get bored being right and good and upright?  He was soooo right and then messed it up.  Women and worldly stuff just became more important and more consuming to him (i.e. got away from his direction).  I can't believe women and money can do that to a guy!!!!!  It really messed up his life in his later years. LuckieEddie says--King Solomon's sins speak loudly to us in our materialistic culture. When we worship possessions and fame over God, we are headed for a fall.  One of my golf buddies (i.e. age 52) said to me recently on the 5th tee box--erv, I now realize that people are more important than stuff; it took me while to figure that out.  My buddy is onesmartguy; many folks don't figure that out. Huh, interesting. 

Joesixpack says--I have feelings.  A lot of feelings!  Ya Joesixpack, I have feelings toooo but at your old age Joesixpack you probably have a lot more feelings than me.  At your age, your body and your mind are aging maybe more which develops many more and different feelings (i.e. aches and pains). Such is life.

Someone or a group of someones once said--What's going to happen is going to happen (i.e. it just happens and I have no control).   GoofyMyrna--I disagree; I think we can change our life when we change something that we do every day.  My friend Rocky (i.e. played round ball with him at good old Northwestern Colloge) says this--I'm working my way through a book titled Everyday Grace by Marianne Williamson. It leans a little bit toward New Age thinking but has some good spiritual insights. "The time to show up fully for life is right now, whatever the circumstances. Life is a swirling pool of infinite potential at every single moment and we ourselves either activate or refuse to activate the mystical fertility of the universe. The only way to achieve an exciting life is to be willing to be excited and exciting. The only way to achieve an excellent life is to be willing to be excellent. Who and what we decide to be, in each and every moment, is reflected back to us in worldly forms. Situations that just "seem' to happen are not necessarily random at all. With every thought, we ourselves decide to welcome God's reality and its miraculous prospects."  To that I say booyah!

A golf buddy is hitting his driver the best I have ever seen him hit it,  He usually would hit a low snappy hook that went a long ways sometimes and other times...  Boring boring!  He has purchased a new Ping driver with a 12 degrees loft and went to a senor shaft.  He really hits it deep (i.e. and it looks good tooooo).  Way better.  I told him that was a good investment.  He said--I'm 53 years old in my second life while my first life was 17 years old  (i.e. he was in an auto accident when 17 in which he should have died).  I told him he hits his new driver like he's 53 alright.  Not boring boring let me tell you!  He's the man! I think it really makes him feel a lot better toooooo! I also think he appreciates his second chance!  Oh ya.  That's a smart man (i.e. my opinion).

No strings attached!
Idea if you are bored!  ItchieBitchie says--Help someone, some how, some way!  I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Six times in the Upper Room on the eve of His crucifixion, Jesus used the phrase "one another." He told the disciples to wash one another's feet and to love one another. "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another." He said. "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." That means we have to be there for others, no strings attached.  Was it Jehoiakim or his son Jehoiachin or his grandson Ichabod who once said--It's not a gift if there are strings attached (e.g. you can  have this but...).  If strings are attached, then it's a business deal.  Ouchy ouchy!

Does revving up the engine really work!  AverageJoe says--It sounds impressive especially if you have a big engine.  The revving up the engine might be impressive but a guy never knows in our world today "who is who" now do we.  Some folks get sooooo bored that they dress up like the other sex (i.e. get all revved up).  Or they might grow a beard, or long hair, or have no hair, or curly hair, or spiked hair, or purple hair, or Mohawk hair, or braided hair, or hemlock hair, or straight hair, or blond hair or God only knows!  They are just revving up their engines!  I grew a beard for several weeks (i.e. was bored I guess).  I went and saw a friend but he wasn't home.  I talked to his wife for a short time.  Her son-in-law (i.e. a friend) told me later that his mother-in-law told him--erv is loosing it, he's doesn't even shave anymore!!!  And I was just trying to be stylish like Russ.  Just revving up my engine.  So there you go!

I met a very pretty girl recently.  She was with her parents (i.e. seem to be great folks).  She was a college grad and now starting grad school.  She went to college in OK and had a scholarship to rodeo.  Yes, rodeo.  I didn't know colleges gave scholarships to rodeo.  Sooooo you must do barrels!  No no, I'm a team roper.  I have never met a female team roper before (i.e. and a very pretty team roper at that let me tell ya).  Soooo how did you get into team roping?  Both of her parents are rodeo folks.  Bingo!  Saturday question--Sooooo how much do your parents affect you or have affected you (i.e. both good and bad and indifferent)?  Parents can revive up their kids, engines in a lot of different ways.  Ra ra or ouchy ouchy!  I heard a golf announcers say this about Jordon Spieth--You can tell he came from a good family.  He's a good guy (i.e. has a good pedigree)!  Huh, interesting!  

Jordon will be fun to watch.  Very few can handle success.  Very few.  He just might.  He seems to have his head screwed on right BUT money and stardom and money and stardom can change folks.  I'm reading The Big Bam, the life and times of Babe Ruth.  He came from nowhere but after money and stardom and money and stardom he changed into thinking he was above everyone else.  He was above everyone else; no one could hit the ball like he could.  It appears to me that when a person has a platform, they have a great opportunity to do a lot of great things.  And they need to serve to the end. Not ever one has a major platform that causes others to listen to them much.  They aren't going to write a book about me or will they say anything about me on TV and not many folks know me, etc.  I'm just erv without a huge massive platform but just with a way little platform.  Way little.  I'm not super rich (i.e. with money) and have no stardom.  Such is life.

Magical Herman says--Your humility will tell you what your need to hear, not what you want to hear.  Your ego (i.e. brassy and bloistorous) will lie to you!  VIP Harry says--If you aren't humlbe with your successes, you are dumber than a rock.  GeorgeTheCrook says--One of the greatest harms you can inflict on yourself is to trick yourself into believing you're someone you aren't!  Man-O-Man!  I was cutting some old 2 inch think wood the other day with my skill saw.  It just didn't work.  My saw blade must be dull soooo I quite.  I started thinking about that--there is something wrong here.  I figured it out; I had the saw blade on backwards.  Oh man!  Pretty weak huh!  Humbling and funny! I need an EcoBoost!

Why don't more folks go to church?  I read it in a book (i.e. soooo it must be right) that worship numbers are sliding at an alarming rate.  Olson (i.e. anybody can be an Olsen) predicts that by 2020 only 14.7% of the North American population will be in a Protestant or Catholic worship gathering on any given Sunday. The book also predicts that the church would decline in weekly attendance another 50% by 2025.  Wow!  Is your church boring?  LuckieEddie says--The church I attend "begins at 9:30 sharp and ends at 10:30 dull"!  Ouchy ouchy! EasyJohn says--Trying to figure out this church thing is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle while riding on a roller coaster.

Get on your mark, get set, bang!  The start of the race is very important like in the Preakness where California Chrome had a fast start and got ahead of much of the traffic (i.e. clear path ahead) but ya gotta finish strong to win the race (i.e. which California Chrome did).  2/3 of the way to the Triple Crown.  I heard the owners of California Chrome when asked about the small amount they bought his dam for (i.e. $8,000) said--We liked her pedigree--others didn't calling them "dumb asses" for buying her. After California Chrome became a Kentucky Derby contender they were offered $2.1 million for her.  I wonder what she is worth now!  CockyLawernce says--I start out fast but am not a good finisher.  I have noticed that with a lot of your projects and ideas CockyLawrence.  A fast start in life is important but a great finish is critical (i.e. it ain't boring folks).  Sooooo drivers, start you engines (i.e. rive 'em up).  It's Memorial Day weekend sooooo it's Indianapolis 500 weekend.  We went and experienced the Indy 500 once.  It was sorta kinda boring to me!  I played golf with a guy the other day that everything moved when he swung but his bowels (i.e. that wasn't boring to watch).

Many folks go to the cemetery to remember the deceased on Memorial Day weekend!  A friend sent me this--My wife and I and our 2 granddaughters went out to bring flowers to mom's grave last night.Tried to explain where she was to the girls, in heaven, everything is good in heaven, Jesus is there, nothin bad happens to you. always happy, etc,etc. After a second or two, one grand daughter(5) said, "Bet there no scrapes in heaven is there Grandpa?" I said, you're right, no scrapes in heaven. She fell on her bike earlier that day and had a scrape(owy) on her leg. Lookin forward to no scrapes.......  Ya I think heaven will not be boring (i.e. but I can't fathom it--way beyond my mind)! But I'm sure there won't be any scrapes!  

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Life isn't about waiting for the showers to pass.  It is about learning to dance in the rain.

May 17, 2014

IDK meaning I Don't Know

If you have read my "It's Saturdays" and/or been around me, you know my mantra.  Soooo don't say IDK you erv!  Maybe you just think I'm a lot of "hub-bub"!  And maybe I am. Most folks are the most comfortable when they are around folks of the same ilk.  We read stuff that we agree with and like to be around folks from the same fort. LuckieEddie says--Most folks don't like to be around folks they don't agree with but that is how we learn, isn't it?. Such is life.

Have you ever been the boss (i.e. the buck stops here)?  If not then YDK what it's like.  It's easy to make a lot of noise but if you have never been the leader, you  have no idea what's going on.  It's sooooo easy to be the afterthegame coach, neverplayedalick coach but know everything, never was responsible for anything gal (i.e. just a trophy wife), never been a single parent and had to make tough decisions, never been in a positron of authority that can affect many folks' lives or never been responsible for some body's welfare.  Being a leader is not for the faint of heart folks.  It's sorta kinda can be like being on a "search and rescue" mission. And the kicker is, many folks who have never done any work serving on a board or giving very little or none of their time and money, seem to know all the answers.  And then there are folks who have never had any authority, but since no one wants to be on a board now has authority and think they are really something.  Aren't we something!!!  Really? Really!

We had our car serviced and went to McDonald's for breakfast while it was being done.  In an adjoining booth were three senior guys.  One was quite mouthy (i.e. sounded like a jerk, a prize turnip).  He said--After my health concern I have become more civil.  Can you tell?  One of his cronies said--No, not really.  And the other one said--IDK if you have but you just think you have.  They were serious.

Happenstance, na, I don't think sooooo!  IRDK but I think it was a God thing.  I played golf with some buddies this week.  The buddy who rode with me told me about his life since I saw him last fall.  Wow!  We had a very good talk.  Very heart exposing and encouraging I think for both of us.  I think golf was just the conduit for us to have that talk.  But, IDK for sure.

Oliver said!  I did my volunteering at Wheaten Franciscan Health Care and then went for a bike ride on the Cedar Valley Bike trials.  I stopped and talked to a guy who was cutting brush along the trial by Hartman Reserve.  He was Oliver and was 73 and a volunteer.  He was by Bull Frog Bayou which was caused by an oxbow the the Cedar River.  He was telling me the they had to close the area on the other side of Bull Frog Bayou as kids where doing paint ball there and also there was a lot of "not soooo good stuff" happening over there.  He said he has found many alcoholic containers, sex toys and underwear.  He said there were drug sales going on there they think.  ANYWAY he told me that he volunteers 500 hours a year.  He wants to do hard work soooo he's tired when he gets done.  He said--I was a pharmacist for 45 years and don't want to put up with any more questions of dumb folks.  That is what he said.  IDK that he really meant that! I bet he made a "shipload of money' off those dumb questions of folks!  A shipload I bet!

When she turns the jets on, she is really something.  Some folks have the ability to turn the jets on when they want to (i.e. turn it up to a higher level).  They just can.  And some can't (i.e. crumble under pressure).  Why is that do you think?  Joesixpack says--IDK!  I was talking to our little grand daughter, Erin (i.e. age 6) about developing the ability to be poised.  She had no idea what I was talking about and really didn't care.  I think poise is really a great quality.  Some folks can handle every situation in a graceful style and others just chunk it up,  Why is that?

When is the best time to do something that you want to do or you have to do or you think you should do?  Answer is -- now!  The sooner the better.  Get after it.  Do it now.  The longer you wait to do something that you have decided to do the less probability of you actually doing it. Sometimes I wonder should I do something or not.  IDK!  I just do it (e.g. should I talk to someone who is having a problem in their life or not).  Sooooo folks, throw those chips away, get your butt of the couch and do it.  NOW!  LuckieEddie says--I have never done it before.  That' 'cause LuckieEddie you never did it before.  Soooo do it now.  NOW!

IDK appears! I have talked with an acquaintance several times.  He asks me questions and I would answer them.  Then a couple of days later, we would talk about the same subject matter that we talked about and he wouldn't of remembered a word I said (i.e. he just tuned me out).  He just didn't listen and paid no attention to me (i.e. didn't hear a word I said).  He has done this a couple of times sooooo now if I talk to him I just tell him crap (i.e. I just have some fun with him).  I prefer not to talk to him anymore.  He has no interest in me (i.e. it appears he thinks of only one person--himself).  Such is life.

A friend says I should not give up on this guy as he might be like a plant in your garden that didn't make it through the winter and you think it's dead.  Erv, don't give up on it yet. Give it some time. He may come back to life.  Could be but I think he needs more of a "Paul's on the road to Damascus massive huge turn around miracle".  That is my opinion but who am to say?  IDK!  The ivy in the picture is from my Mom, Anna's ivy of about 40 years ago.  My two sisters and I have plants from hers and I think all the grand children do toooo.  I put ours in the basement for the winter and brought it out after almost 5 months and guess what, it comes back to life.  Amazing!

IDK!  Really!  I changed the oil in our 86 Yamaha golf cart and checked the air filter and cleaned the engine. A friend asked if it needs to be greased as he has one about the same vintage.  I told him that the mechanic asked me last year when I had some work done on the clutch that it should be greased each year--soooo where are the zerks--one in the engine compartment and two on the front wheels--sooooo he calls me; can't find the zerks--I goooo and look on mine; can't find them either; what!; maybe the mechanic said the clutch needs to be repacked with grease each year!; or maybe something else; sooooo IRDK!!!!  I must of really been listening well!  I bet I wont' get tooooo many more calls for advice from my friend in the future!  I went and looked again; they have to be there!  They aren't!  I was sooooo sure!  Such is life.

IDK for sure but it appears that a couple of gals had a lot to do with organizing the success.  Their was a lot of folks who made it a success but I have been told that two gals did a lot of work in organizing it.  It seemed to run as smooth as silk.  The others who helped in their own ways made it happen and supported these two gals.  Others really worked hard doing what they could without any honor or wanting any.  I was impressed.  I am talking about our church entertaining a regional government meeting.  There are a lot of good folks.  A lot.  I really enjoy being around them.  IDoK that!

IDK but it appears that we all "chase after our tails" and get nowhere at times.  SusieQ says--Yabut I'm very comfortable doing it.  Yabut, DanTheMan says--If I drink three glasses of wine, I do a lot better it seems and it's amazing how much better I think!  And every thing looks sooooo much better.  Even my wife looks better.  It works for me.  

We all think we are normal or above normal (i.e. everyone has their own point of view).  GeorgeTheCrook says--We are all performers someway and somehow.  Ponder that folks.  Someone has to below normal.  Okay CadillacJack, lets say you are normal like you think (i.e. I still question that), sooooo that means that the guy next to you isn't.  He seems more normal to me than you do but IDK for sure. Ask any teenage driver if they are a good driver and they will tell you they are all good drivers.  But statistics tell the truth, they are not!  But they think they are.  Oh by the way, IDKforsure but I think if CadillacJack's brain was placed inside the skull of a bird, the bird would fly backward! 

IthinkIK--Major drive-thru!  God populated the earth with broccoli and cauliflower and spinach and green and yellow vegetables of all kinds, so Man and Woman would live long and healthy lives. And Satan created fast food.  And fast food brought forth the 99 cent double cheeseburger. And Satan said to Man, "You want fries with that?" And Man said, "Super size them." And Man gained pounds.  I sat next to a guy who is maybe 40 at a graduation party.  I have known him all my life.  I sorta kinda got caught up with his life.  He told me that he has high blood pressure.  He lost 45 pounds and it didn't hardly affect it.  It's in his genes he says.  But he looks a lot better and he said he feels a lot better.  Such is life.  

Swinging pendulum!  My mentor would say--erv, things are never as bad as they look and never as good as they look; when things are good, we think they will be good for ever and when things are bad, we thing they will be bad for ever!  Do we over react ever?  Are we alarmists.  Sooooo is global warming really going to have huge massive effects on everything or just a teensey bit effect?  If it has a massive huge effect, there will be a lot of changes folks.  That's "pretty grown up stuff" for the likes of me to think about.  IRDK!!!  

After being gone for the winter and coming home, I have noticed that some folks look older, some look better, some have gained some weight, some have lost some weight and some look about the same.  Sooooo is that 'cause of illness, change in their life style, attitude, new beautician, something happening in their life or what.  Maybe it's just 'cause they are getting older.  I saw this gal who is middle aged who always was trim and fit and now has a belly.  Ouchy ouchy!  Not attractive.  IDN what happened to her. LuckieEddie says--erv, everyone likes ice cream, chocolate and donuts but not many like to work out!  IDK LuckieEddie.  I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--"...the tongue is a small part of the body but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue is also a man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.... With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men."  Hey, I'm just pointing out my opinions which I somethings think are facts!!!  SusieQ says--erv, you are just like Donald Sterling, you are just digging a deeper hole.  You will never be the homecoming queen!!!  

IDK but I think I live in the "Land of XYZ' a.ka. the Dream World.  Remember last week I mentioned about my buddy going to the physical therapist and really really liking it.  Well, another buddy went now as he has a pulled muscle (i.e. it's free).  Soooo I have been having tendinitis since maybe February caused by hitting the over head slam in pickle ball. It just doesn't get better and really hurts sitting in  my recliner, in church and at night in bed.  Sooooo if those guys can go I'm going toooooo (i.e. it's free).  Sooooo I call them.  I have to see a doctor first.  Sooooo I go and see a doctor.  He says--erv, having a little, pretty, good smelling physical therapist rubbing your arm and saying nice things won't help your tendinitis.  You just need to take a steady dose of ibuprofen for 3 week and you'll be alright (i.e. suck it up cupcake).  I never get the breaks like you guys.  Such is life.  

WayneFromThunderBay says--  I Believe...That either you control your attitude or it controls you (i.e. IKthat). My niece who got my "watch out for fast Freddie lecture when a teenager" sent me this--Do you want to be happy? Then let’s think and act like it. Evict the inner critics. If you could record all your negative thoughts and play them back, would you want to be friends with someone who's that negative and critical of yourself?  Folks need to get rid of those folks who live rent-free in their heads and invite new folks with better attitudes to enter.  Buck up cupcake and let's get going!  The saying in the picture is what my Daddy, Chester, would say to me.

Arlene asked me--When are we going to get some nice spring weather?  IDK I told her.  God only knows that! I think I'm a fixer but I can't control the rain, wind and cold.  The only thing I can control is my attitude.  Such is life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--It's better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret. 

May 10, 2014

think for yourself

Boo hoo!  Are you a good guy or a bad guy?  ItchieBitchie says--It all depends on what your criteria is for a good guy and a bad guy. I might think I'm a good guy and you might think I'm a bad guy.  ItchieBitchie says--erv, at times you are confusing in your writing!  ItchieBitchie, my thoughts are that your thoughts are, to be kind, muddled.  But then again that's just my thoughts.  ItchieBitchie, you need a hug from your mamma after some of the things you do and think!!!!

My Mom, Anna, would say to me--erv, think for yourself.  Just because everyone else jumps off the cliff, you don't have to follow 'em!  Baaa  baaaaa baaaaaa!  Think for yourself erv!  Abraham Lincoln said about his mom (i.e. I don't know if it was on Mothers' Day though)--All I am or hope to be I owe to my Mother!

Think for yourself but if I was you I would consider being a physical therapist.  It's "the future" the way it looks to me.  A friend told me that he's going to one 'cause his elbow hurts.  He is going for 10 half hour sessions.  He says that this pretty gal treats him like a king.  She rubes my elbow, gives me special attention, talks to me and just makes me feel good.  They even have him do exercises that will help his elbow.  He acted like it's fun and he really likes it  And he says--it free, medicare pays for it all.  I think he might become a regular client.  It's free!  Someone treats him real nice.  He likes that. Someone is nice to him.  He likes that.  She smells good.  He likes that.  She says nice things to him. He likes that.  She takes time for him.  He likes that. And it's free!  And he likes that. Such is life.

Most folks will do the exercises if they go and have the physical therapist encourage them and hold their hand.  BUT as soon as they don't have a physical therapist, many sleep in and then sit on the couch eating chips and complain.  Huh, interesting.  My Daddy, Chester, said--The best form of discipline is self-discipline.  Soooo there you go folks.

I started this stretching regiment to help in my flexibility.  I'm hoping it will help in my golf game.  I got these exercises on line.  They seem sooooo basic (i.e. not very difficult).  Soooo I did them for the first time and could notice I did them the next morning.  Point--they don't have to be killers to be effective.  Just got to do it.  Maybe that's the hardest part I think--Just doing it.  I have done 10 reps of each daily and I can already tell a noticeable difference.  Maybe they know what they are doing!!!!!

This is part an entry of an acquaintance's blog that I read.  We met Lindsey (i.e. she is a special gal) on top of Mt Sherman (i.e. a 14ner in CO) in 2009.  Quite interesting.  Her father, Randy, is a business man in our area here in IA.  We get to the top of Mt Sherman and there there they were.  What! Happenstance, na I don't sooooo! 3. It's mine. It's God's. --Sometimes I think that I need something that is just for me. Just mine. I used to think that running was that thing. But then I discovered that run time and prayer time together. And suddenly, this workout thing wasn't mine at all. It was clearly God's. It was God's gift to me, a multipurpose time designed for me and Him to spend some time together and for me to get stronger, get this, for His glory. Though it can be hard to remember in the tougher, more frustrating workouts, every time I spend time working out and praying, dwelling on scripture, or even just clearing some of the frustration from the day, I am honoring the gifts God has given me, the gifts of my body, my strength, my joy. This is, perhaps the most motivating thing I need to remember. I work hard for me AND God.   Does this make any sense to ya?  Think for yourself folks.

You get to decide; only you; you are the expert!  Who is the preeminent person in your life?  Paramount, #1, and most sovereign one in your life?  Do you pattern your life after that person?  Why is that person the preeminent person?  Did you pick that person or did it just happen?  What do you like about that person to make them uno to you?  I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, "darkness" on the wall of his cell. C. S. Lewis

The benefits of being a bit dim is that I still think the Cubs will win the pennant this year (i.e. at least I will think that for one more week)!  Their record is 12-21 and are in last place in the Center division 9 games out. But my Twins are in better shape (i.e. sooooooo far)!  Their record is in the Central division is 15-18 only 6 games out but in last place.  I think for myself and really think they will win the pennant. Go Twins!  You Tiger fans think I'm dreaming!  Such is life.

It ain't covered!  Why?  'Cause it's "an act of God".  Soooo do I understand this right?  Your insurance company must believe there is a God then?  It's in the insurance policy sooooo there must be a God and the courts hold that up!  The folks in Maryland whose cars were totaled 'cause the ground was eroded by strong current of excessive water aren't very happy with "the act of God" let me tell ya.  No coverage!  Ouchy ouchy!  Was that really an act of God or is the insurance company looking for an out sooooo they blame it on God?  Soooo any time things don't go your way, you can call it an act of God (i.e. pass the buck).  Come on folks.  When things gooo well, do you say it's an act of God or do you say---I did...!  I hear NFL Hatchet Man Demizzio say in the Sunday post game interview--I did.., I did.., I did...!!!  To that I say booooooooooooo hoooooooooo!  Hatchet Man Demizzio, you might think sooooo but I think there is more to it than that.  I think you need to reevaluate your thinkin'.  I suggest you become more humble and thankful. One good hit and you might be bankrupt and the bartender at Rudy's Corner Bar in Milwaukee within a year. That's my opinion.

Commoners!  I collected hickory shafted golf clubs for years.  I thought when I retired I would clean them up and put sets together. Well, I finally got around to that project after being retired for 5 years.  But what I found out is that these clubs have not appreciated in value but maybe depreciated.  I did a lot of research on line and see that the reason is that the Internet has made many of them available to a lot of folks.  There are sooooo many clubs available that they are now called "commoners".  Did you know that a "commoner" has a wing span about equal to their height.  A friend told me (i.e. we both watch a lot of NBA basketball) that all but one player in the NBA has a greater wing span than the "commoners"?  They are freaks.  That is part of the reason why they are soooooo goood.  Do you think that some churches are freaks instead of "commoners".  Are some churches more successful than others?  Are some folks more successful than others?  Such is life.  PS I still have maybe 30 mid irons, mashies, and putters left, no niblicks though, if any of you are interested in them.  Also FYI my wing span is 6 feet and that is how tall I am.  I'm just a plain vanalla commoner!

Waa-waa!  I found this receipt and some old tees in a pocket of one of the bags.  How things change folks.  And things will change for ever.  Sooooo quiteurfussn'!  Life doesn't resolve around you sweetheart!  Adapt and move forward.  Life is a winding road (i.e. some folks' lives wind more that others).  AverageJoe says--Some folks' lives are like a wheezing ooozing vapor!  Hey folks, here is some more news that maybe you are forgetting.  We are stagebrush of the SW now but at sometime we all become tumble weeds blowing across I-29!  We all have to think for ourselves as to what life after death will be like. I doubt if there will be a pretty, little, pleasant physical therapist kissing our butt!  Such is life.

Sooooo folks, think for yourself.  They say, "the greatest 2 minutes in sports" is the Kentucky Derby.  I don't know about that.  There seems to be an awful lot of foreplay for 2 minutes of action.  Maybe it's that way with a lot of things (e.g. planning and anticipating the trip for the actual trip).  MissPerfect says--Planning and anticipation is a lot of fun; sometimes the actual activity is disappointing a.k.a. anti-climatic!  Sometimes when I don't have any anticipation, planning or any real thoughts but just let things happen, it's more fun and seems to work out better (i.e. they just fall in my lap).  You think for yourself.  What do you think?

See ya folks, I gotta go!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.

May 3, 2014


The rhetoric in "It's Saturday" might be called "erv's arrogantly inflated opinion" by some.  In our culture, the more you pay for something usually the better the product (i.e. unless you are the government).  You pay nutten for "It's Saturday" sooooo maybe you get what you pay for.  Could be.  If your expectations aren't  high, you won't be disappointed!  Soooo use some reasonableness folks!

I asked a friend if I could use something about him in a "It's Saturday".  I said I didn't want to do something to make him cross and pissy (i.e. ha ha).  He emailed me back with this reply--I don’t need your help to be ‘pissy’…I can do it myself. J Now that is reasonableness folks.  It sure is!  

This is reasonable reasonablemess!  A man observed a sign in the window of a restaurant that read "Unique Breakfast" so he walked in and sat down. The waitress brought him his coffee and asked him what he wanted. "What's your Unique Breakfast?" he asked inquisitively. "Baked tongue of chicken!" she proudly replied. "Baked tongue of chicken?... baked tongue of chicken! Do you have any idea how disgusting that is? I would never even consider eating anything that came out of a chicken's mouth!" he fumed. Undaunted, the waitress asked, "What would you like then?" "Just bring me some scrambled eggs," the man replied.

Reasonableness. What a great word. Are you known to others as a reasonable person? The word describes a “gentle agreeableness.” The opposite would be “quarrelsome.” Folks can agree to disagree with each other. A reasonable person can endure or put up with other people who take advantage of them or mistreat them. They could fire back, but they are content to let it go. Reasonableness means giving others the benefit of the doubt.  When is the last time you did that? You know, cut somebody some slack? Graciously refused to lash back at them? Determined not to make a scene? Reasonableness—it’s something to be known for, along with a lack of anxiety. Now, all of us have legitimate concerns in our lives, but anxiety is concern gone to seed. It is a word that describes an anxious, harassing care, an unreasonable anxiety that consumes a person with chronic worry. We know what that is like. We become distracted, our emotions simmer until they boil over and our bodies begin to break down or demonstrate negative symptoms from the intensity of our anxiety. Anxious people are not often reasonable people. Have you noticed this? They are often not praying people either, which is why I think Paul speaks of prayer as an antidote to anxiety. Joesixpack says--Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Fully in charge! When he gets fully fully fully fully in charge...SlickBillie becomes a "not very nice" person.  I have a saying on the wall by my desk which says--We are maturing when we are in a position to hurt someone and decide not to. Is that reasonableness?  MissPerfect says--Many times when you help someone or decide not to hurt someone, they never know that.  In fact no one else does.  That is our character I think.  I have lobbied in years past to have a site where folks from our community could bring their leaves and tree limbs when they trim their trees (i.e. be a friendly opportunity).  Well, we did get just that site.  Folks are to dump their leaves (i.e. not leave them in bags) and no other type of yard waste or household trash are to be left there (i.e. makes good sense).  We have pine oaks (i.e. those suckers give for ever--a gift that gives forever) soooo I raked up the leaves once again and took them down to the site.  There were bags of leaves and other household stuff left there (i.e. not much but some).  What!  Your character is how you act when no one is looking!  Obviously some folks don't have good character or they don't give a hoot (i.e. my opinion).  Such is life.

Has stout!  WorldClassLarry who is stout says--Winners make habits of doing the things losers don't want to do. The funny thing is the winner doesn't want to do them either. They don't want to get up early or work out or work late...Is that reasonableness?  Soooo do some folks do some things while others won't?  AverageJoe says--If you can figure that out, you're better than me!  Such is life.

This real story has a lot of reasonableness!  This story is about our niece, her husband and their son. Hugh is playing junior varsity baseball. Because the weather has been so cold the team has been practicing inside.   But, one morning the coach texted each player that practice would be outside that day.   Hugh had not tried on his cleats and they were size 9 1/2 and he needed a size 11.  He did wear the small pair for a miserable time at practice that day. Well,  mom went shopping and brought home, on approval,  three pairs from Dick’s. Expensive!!!!  However, on her way home she stopped at Rustic Market, the thrift store of Pine Rest. Surprise, cheats size 11 (Nikes)  $4.00 (i.e. some folks get all the breaks) . Everyone was happy.  That makes me smile. My Dad, Chester, on two occasions bought me shoes several sizes to large.  One was when I went into jr high and had to have a pair of gym shoes.  They would still be to big for me!  The second time was--It was the 4th of July and I was maybe 10 or sooooo.  We always had a celebration at church for the day.  In the afternoon our local saddle club had a show in which we did games with our horses.  I wanted a pair of cowboy boots soooooo bad.  Dad bought me a pair which were about 4 sizes tooooo big (i.e. sooooo they would last for a while).  I did the musical barrel.  I was tooooo short for the stripes sooooo my cowboy boots fell off.  Folks had a good laugh but I didn't.  I got second with Queen. My big sister (i.e. in age that is) told me this--You got second because when you got off Queen, you let the reins go and just ran to the barrel.   Queen would then come to you.   Good horse in many ways. She was right!!!

My heart goes out to her!  A friend shared some of her emotions (i.e. she might feel like a limp wet wash rag). She is struggling with her emotions because of her husband's situation.  She said--I didn't sign-up for this, I expected life to way different, life is unfair, etc.  The words to Frank Sinatra's greatest hit, My Way goes like this:  The end is near...I've lived a life that's full...I've done it my way.  Mabye we think we have life planned out (i.e. think we are fully in charge--on top of it) but it doesn't always go, my way.  Life doesn't always seem to be reasonableness.  Life can be a head scratcher at times!  Such is life.

My friend, I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything. . . . And the peace of God . . . will guard your hearts.

The battle of the bulge!  ItchieBitchie says--Folks have been fighting the "battle of the bulge" for ever (i.e. having love handles).  I was changing the oil in my golf cart using the curb soooo I could get under the cart to remove the oil plug .  I was finishing up when our chief of police came by.  I waved him down and told him that I think I saw a drug deal go down while running the other day.  ANYWAY he told me he lost 85 pounds since I saw him last.  Wow.  How did  you do that--got sick--man you must have really been sick--had virus, flue, bronchitics, and strip throat; hope to keep it off as I'm down to 230 (i.e. lay off those donuts)--sooo you were over 300 pounds--ya, I can really feel the difference--you probably can run after someone know and catch them (i.e. ha ha)--ya, maybe but my knees are still bad.  Such is life.

WHO (i.e. we help others) served the meal at church for our regional government body.  We had a pretty delicious spread of snacks out for the folks to nibble on before the main meal.  Most probably really didn't need to nibble; they looked like they have done a lot of nibbling in the past.  ANYWAY a gal in our group said--I'd die to eat some of that stuff!  I told her she could eat some and she didn't have to "die" either.  She did.

I picked Arlene up at the beauty salon.  I had to go to the bathroom real bad soooo I went in and used their uni-sex bathroom.  This was stenciled on the wall.  It made me smile.  Such is life.
SusieQ said--I did what I thought was best but I'm not perfect, I always don't know what is best.  We make our decisions based on the data we have and how we interrupt the data.  Like my mentor would tell me--erv, we are programed by our past (i.e. genetically and environmentally).  We are just like a computer.  We make decisions base on that data.  It appears that some folks make better decisions than others.  Such is life.

I learned something new at church.  It was from a conversation I had with a friend before church started.  I gave the book Crooked Number to her husband to read this winter.  He told me that he just falls asleep when he reads.  His wife read it and told me that she reads about a book a week.  She's a phlebotomist and asks the folks she sticks what their favorite book is and reads them.  This is what I learned--she sometimes writes down the characters and a timeline sooooo she can follow the story better (i.e. good idea).  That sounds like reasonableness to me folks as I have to reread the first couple chapters some times to get them straight.  She is one smart cookie let me tell ya!  And I know her.

I bought several bottles of wine at Hi-Vee the other day.  It was on sale.  I have never seen it this cheap and it was our kind.  Arlene and I sometimes have a glass before our evening meal with a few cashews.  Have done it for years.  ANWYAY I asked Fran the checkout clerk of 19 years (i.e. it said it on her name badge)--Do you drink wine?   She said--I'm a teetotaler.  I said--It's better being a teetotaler than drinking and having a lot of problems.  She said--I think sooooo.  That is reasonableness folks (i.e. my opinion).

This seems reasonableness!  I read in the paper soooo it must be right that a government study concludes that -- Excessive alcohol makes folks stupid!  Need another drink GeorgeTheCrook?  No I'm good!  Talk about being stupid--Years and years ago, a shepherd named Juan Oliveros from Tucson was having an affair with his mother-in-law in an adobe home where the El Tiradito shrine now stands (i.e. uff da). Bad move. The husband/father-in-law caught them in the act and killed Oliveros on the spot with an ax and then high-tailed it to Mexico. Don't know what happened to the mother-in-law. I don't know if the shrine is for "good use of an ax" or "a shrine to crazy mother-in-laws".  Can you imagine having an affair with your mother-in-law!!!!!  I thought the old testament teaching that you had to marry your brother's wife if he died was bad enough.  I guess it wouldn't be toooo bad it your brother had good taste but if he didn't...!  Ouchy ouchy!
It's just another cold, rainy, windy spring day in IA--get over it!  Yabut the last week has been miserable but the future looks better.  Suck it up cup cake!  Arlene and I went to a couple of movies this week.  Good movie weather!  Sometimes we get sorta kinda covered with bad attitude (i.e. it's easy to do) and we really don't realize it.  It just kinda sorta happens gradually and just keeps accumulating.  It's best to clean the crap off once in a while.  I went to sharpen our lawn mower blades at my friend's shop (i.e. this guy has everything and can do anything--good kind of friend to have).  ANYWAY he just got done power washing his fence before re-staining it.  He showed my how dirty his drive was.  Wow!  I asked him if I could use his power washer for a few minutes.  Our house faces to the north and the cement in front of our house is grimy and dirty.  Wow!  What a difference.  I wonder if our lives need a little power washing once in a while.  That is reasonableness folks (i.e. my opinion).

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Faith is believing the impossible and trusting the impossible.