March 25, 2023

the writing is on the wall

I don’t always see things right sooo be careful with what I write in this “It’s Saturday.”  For example—A  friend and I were having lunch in a restaurant down here in the Painted Desert.  I said to my friend, see those two folks over there, that is what we will look like in 18 years.  My friend said to me—erv, that is a mirror!

Saturday question—Are you the one out of four or the three out of the four?  Okay, the three out of the four are all the same and get what everyone else gets throughout history; the one out of four are different (e.g.  David, anybody can be a David says--‘Deny’ self-exaltation – Exalting self is characteristic of a person who is a rebel! ‘Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted,’ Matthew 23:12 says ‘Deny’ boasting”). JoeBlow who doesn't know if his head is above or below the water line at times, says—C’mon erv, being humble isn’t American, you won’t get anywhere being humble! Maybe, just maybe sometimes we don’t read the writing on the wall and we miss the train!

Maybe the expression, the writing is on the wall, came from the story of King Belshazzar who saw the writing on the wall—the ultimatum from God himself. Before interpreting the writing, Daniel told the story of King Nebuchadnezzar’s arrogance and the way God had humbled him. Nebuchadnezzar repented and was restored as king. Belshazzar had the opportunity to learn from his father and reform his ways but instead chose to offend God himself by bringing out vessels looted from the temple in Jerusalem to use for feasting and praising other gods. His arrogance was just as great as Nebuchadnezzar’s, but he ignored the treatment for his disease.

A.K. said—"Some diseases can be treated and cured, and when they’re cured, the immune system builds a defense mechanism against possible recurrence. Other diseases are not curable but are manageable through lifestyle changes or medication. Whether it is curable or manageable, disease demands our immediate attention. Delay or complacency can be fatal.” Understanding the writing on the wall is maybe up to us as what we want to do." As my deceased friend would say—erv, decisions have consequences and guess who gets to make the decisions!

CoachB says, "Getting married does not solve the 'happiness issue. If you aren’t happy with yourself going into marriage you surely probably won’t be happy in your marriage.  ‘cause now you got to deal with another person who has issues as well!"  Ouchy ouchy! BettyLou says—I don’t know about that CoachB,  SusieQ who can bring the house down, says-- I married a guy who has really made me happy, he changed my life. There has been marriages maybe where there was writing on the wall before folks got married that said, it wouldn't work and they did not work.  It was soooo obvious. BUT flip the pancake, there are some marriages that were just the opposite (i.e. the writing on the wall said it was a perfect marriage and it did not end up pretty. Go figure! But TheOldCO-StatisticsProfessor says--Odds are...!

ItchieBitchie says--The writing is on the wall but we sometimes ignore it.  We don’t want to deal with it.  We pretend it isn’t the truth; we say it doesn’t affect us.  BUT usually, please excuse the pun, eventually the…hits the wall! We have to deal with it. We have no choice.  It doesn’t go away. We have to face reality.  There is an old saying—"nip it in the bud early” sweetheart!

Proverbs 20:25 says, “It is a trap to dedicate something rashly and only later to consider one’s vows.”  Maybe it’s telling us to ponder before promising. Deliberate before deciding. Muse before we choose. Reflect before we select. In other words, pause and pray before we decide. That attitude just might help me make better decisions, you think? LuckyEddie, who can get the cart before the horse sometimes, says—If it stinks a little at the start, give it some time and it will really stink! Quite kidding yourself.

Recently I was sitting on a friend's deck drinking coffee and  talking (i.e. eating and talking and drinking are very big part of 55+ community living). They were telling me that when they were younger they were pretty much black-and-white but as they got older things become more gray. They said that one thing that influenced them was when they were 40ish, their pastor who was an older fella with a long gray beard said this while stroking his beard—When I was younger everything was black and white but as I got older things became more gray!

I had two opportunities happen to me recently that were "wows" as I see them now.  At the time they happened, I didn’t see them as "wows" but as problems and they acted that way at that time.  Crazy, right!  But I see them way differently now. Wow! The ability to see, with both eyes, an object clearly from twenty feet away is referred to as 20/20 vision.  While not everyone has 20/20 vision, it is often said that hindsight is always 20/20. That is, we may not be able to see everything clearly as it happens, but after the fact we can see things much more clearly. I think my experiences actually were really great happenings for me a.k.a. opportunities and might have been blessings for me and others involved (i.e. but maybe I will never know for sure). Crazy huh! At the time of these situations, the writing was not on the wall! I didn’t see the big picture!

It has been said over and over—"Dreams don’t come true for free! For dreams to come true usually we  have to sacrifice, work, spend some time, wait on it, preserver, hustle and put your big girl/boy pants on and muscle through it.” Soooo if we want to make our dreams come true, maybe we need to wake up and get after them (i.e. throw those chips away, get our butts off the couch and get after it--suck it up cupcake and let's get going).  I have two friends who are recovering alcoholics and have been sober for many years.  They both still go to AA meetings. They both tell me that it takes effort.  But they tell me that about 80% of folks who work with AA do not drink again. I read recently that at an AA meeting a person wanted to talk about acceptance. Like we need to accept stuff in in our lives.  Wow! I thought that was a great subject to talk about.  I think we miss out of a lot of good stuff of life by not accepting stuff in our life and not adjusting/adapting (i.e. my opinion). We don’t face the issues! I called my friend from back home and he told me that it was his 29th sobriety birthday that day. He was very humble. He’s a real person with a good heart; my kind of person. My other friend has been sober for 20 years. I applaud these guys.

What is socially conditioning?  Is that like being like some Islamic folks in Turkey who call themselves cultural Islamic or some Jews in Israel who called themselves cultural Jews or maybe some believers in Butler County who call themselves cultural Christians or some folks who are cultural Cub fans (i.e. Cub fans only when they win).  I really like that term, socially conditioning, now to me that is a modern cultural term but maybe it has always been around! Is that like being a mug-rumper who sits on the fence with mug on one side of the fence and their rump on the other side and will take whatever position that the wind is blowing.  

CoachB says—"If we aren’t different than average, we are going to get whatever most everyone else gets!" He also says—"When we become self-centered a.k.a. narcissist we become cold; cold folks don’t live as long and really aren’t very nice folks." You believe that.  He thinks the writing is on the wall folks.  It appears to me, my opinion, that certain groups of folks enjoy real life much more that others (i.e. the writing is on the wall).  If you believe that, what groups do you think enjoy life more? Really!  Wow!  Are you and I part of that group? Are we fakers and phonies or the real deal!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said-- If you’re burning the candle at both ends, you’re not as bright as you think you are.

P.S. Wisdom from friends' granddaughters--While brushing their teeth they say, You brush your teeth at night to save your teeth, you brush your teeth in the morning to save your friends!  

March 18, 2023

like not making heads and tails of it or like not grasping it or like not seeing the light

BigMartha who is full of wonder and surprises, says--We are all different and think differently. Yes we are and do. Some folks are gearheads, some sneakerheads, collectors, quilters, trendsetters, techies, sportnuts, readers, and God only knows what else! Saturday question—And who do you think you are? AverageMaggy, but shops like a billionaire, says--There seems to be a lot said in our world, but much is never really worth hearing and many folks have no idea really what is said or what the purpose is.  Now that could be AverageMaggy, that could be. They don’t get it just like I don’t get a lot of stuff. Some folks say they don’t get most of the stuff I say in “It’s Saturday!” Sooo be careful when you read on! I suggest you take it with a gran of salt! I'm just another bozo on the bus! Or as Shakespeare once said--All the world was but a stage, and all the men and women merely players. 

Our son, Chet and our grandson, Henry a.k.a. Rookie to me, were here last weekend. We had just a great time, indescribable!  ANYWAY, Rookie called it a "boys' weekend!"  I asked him what were his 5 most favorite things/memories of the visit to AZ in that order.  And this is what he sent me in his words--5. Swimming. It was fun to do with grandpa because I beat him in a race and he introduced me to some of his friends. 4. Mickey D’s. It was very enjoyable food! Also,the fact that I thought it was McDonald’s was pretty funny! 3. The organ house. I didn’t even think that there would be someone actually playing on an organ! I also loved the food. 2. Grandpa’s tiny house. It was very cozy and it was just right for grandpa. 1. The hike. The views on the hike were AMAZING! I loved learning about all the desert plants! I had a great time hiking with Dad and Grandpa!

There are many things of our lives or in our heads that are indescribable!  We sometimes try to describe them to others but it really can't be done the way we see them and feel them.  Besides, most times others really don't care, they have their own indescribable stuff that they are thinking about.  Sooooo, it's pretty much me and myself smiling about them.  I love it!  I have many and continue to make more. ItchieBitchie, who is very complex, says--erv, occasionally we meet a person who understands us a little and it's such a great feeling.  I agree ItchieBithcie. It's really special if you both seem to understand each other a little or a lot (i.e. a great experience, now that is heart warmer).  Bingo!

I had a great talk with a friend who is very intelligent (i.e. that is fact) and is also very smart (i.e. that is my opinion). We seem to understand each other pretty much and you know not all folks do understand each other (i.e. my opinion). We were talking about how America is changing from a “capitalistic” form of country which to us means from being entrepreneurs and hardworking form to a “consumer” form of country which to us means being given much by the government without any work. In a country that elects its leaders, when the majority of the voters become the consumer type of folks, then the government will change, and the character of America will change (i.e. that is our opinion). It appears that many folks don’t seem to understand this and maybe don’t care, and some folks are working very hard to get it this way; they are happy the direction it is going. It’s called a mob or herd mentality.  We have seen this in past history and in more recently in other countries (i.e. I think this is fact). My friend and I agree that the only quick way this will change is a massive huge catastrophe, and we think it would have to be massive huge.  The current snowball going down the mountain seems otherwise impossible to stop, it is too big and going toooo fast (i.e. our opinion). My friend gave me this quote to think about--"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.” -- Charles MacKay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.  This is something to think about, I guess. Some folks will surely understand that thought differently than others will.  For sure! Saturday question—Do you like the way our country is going or do you not?

CoachB says—If you can’t give it away, you don’t have it, it has you. Yikes!  I have a lot of STUFF I don’t want to give away, I admit it.  How about you?  That is really hard to grasp in our selfish minds, my opinion. Soooo I have been analyzing my thoughts and life a lot this winter and have really enjoyed it.  I have. It’s complicated but very interesting.  And I admit it, it’s confusing. Many folks have used the word “stuff” in their conversations with me.  Soooo interesting. My mentor would say to me—erv, all that stuff is just a game! Another friend says to me—When the gonger gongs, all the stuff goes back in the box! Pretty deep stuff, huh! Soooo one thing I think is—We are responsible to be good stewards of our stuff! JoeBlow who reminds me of a person in a wax museum, says—I don’t know if I buy into that!

I was hiking up ‘er in ‘em mountains the other day and a younger couple came up behind me as we were going up the mountain.  I wonder why they were going faster than me! Da! I let them pass.  They stopped and asked if I needed some water—no, I’m fine—I have a power bar if you would like one—no, I’m good; I have done this many times; I’m a veteran hiker. I thought they were thinking—what is this old coot doing up here, we hope he makes it down!  But I also thought it was very nice of them to think of me (i.e. that is how I would treat old folks I think).  Here’s a quote-- “When you surrender to the process of aging as simply part of the human condition, you come to peace with it. You become more loving and appreciative of other people’s love and care for you. The more loving you become, you see that everybody is trying to be helpful to you. And it is loving to allow them to be helpful to you. People think, ‘Oh, I’m being selfish if I allow somebody to be helpful to my life.’ Actually, it’s being generous. Generosity is the willingness to share your life with others. It’s a gift to people to allow them to love you.” – David R. Hawkins  OldBettyLou who is a buzzer beater, says—That is hard for old folks to do sometimes; we just don’t want to hear it.

MyOldCootFoursome talk about crazy things, yes we do.  Sooooo TheMI-Engineer asked me--what's your score Irving, is that your real name--no no, it's Ervin--are you named after someone--no--you are probable named after a "thing"--a thing, what do you mean--then another old coot said--there is an old psycho movie called A Think, maybe you were named after that! Soooo as the round went along I asked the Old-IRS-AgentBill who he was named after--Sumbithch! How about you Mike--I went to kindergarten and the teacher called on students to raise their hand soooo she could get to know them--she called Lawrence Michel, that was the first time I knew my name was Lawrence. TheMI-Engineer always wears a Michigan cap on with a big M on it sooooo we called him Mr. Mediocre! What a hoot!

John Wooden said—"Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out.” Do you grasp that? It seems we all have had a rhythm of everything going well then all of a sudden, things don’t go our way. What happened?  We really didn’t change anything, or did we? I mean we are cruising along and then we have a hick up, sprain an ankle, have a family crisis, a financial problem, lose our job, have an accident, get sick or step on a nail. What happened anyway? It is hard to understand. As another John, anybody can be a John, says—It’s not if but when. I suggest you give the book Hatchet by Gary Paulsen as a gift to your 10–15-year-old grandchildren or friends or get it from the library. It's an excellent book for this age of kids to learn about surviving during a difficult time in their life. It’s a novel about survival written at their level and at their interest (i.e. great investment my opinion). It’s a classic. In fact, a retired jr. high teacher told me that he taught this book.  It is that good he thinks. I read it and I agree.

We had breakfast with a friend and his wife who have been friends since we were very young.  We told the same stores we have for years and laugh just as hard as every. What a hoot.  Deano always liked music and spent a small fortune as a teenager putting quarters in the jukeboxes. One of his favorite songs I remember was "You can't roller skate in a buffalo heard" by Roger Miller.  Listen to it. It's about attitude. And it's funny! A friend sent me this about gratitude; it appears that gratitude is a big part of our attitude of life.  "Gratitude isn't about pacifying our painful or challenging times--it's about recognizing them and finding self-compassion as we do the work" Alex Elle

I always don’t understand myself sometimes! I get off kilter, out of whack, off balance, skewed, get away from what I believe. That is when I need to re-analyze, re-think, re-calculate, re-asses, re-apply, re-evaluate, re-read.  And when I do, it’s BINGO! I ask myself; do I want to be like those folks who are in their holy huddle of thinking they are better than everyone else? Is that me? Do I want to be part of the country club mentality? Is that who I am?  Maybe I need to back off and not be around those folks. Do I let the attitude of just a few folks screw me up? Ego and power tend to mess with folks.  King Herod had all the baby boys killed in Bethlehem as he was scared that one little baby boy was going to take his power away from him (i.e. it scared the crap out of him). Is that why some folks want to protect their elite group from what they think are the lesser folks?  A friend told me once that the DuaneTheWorms of the world (i.e. folks who are fakes and phony) are that way as they have no confidence soooo they need to power their way around; she might be right; the great folks don’t have to do that. Sooooo I am going to be me? I am already feeling better. Maybe I understand a little. Big on the maybe and the little! Remember, I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN.

The social security actuarial tables say that at my age of 77 my life expectancy is about 10 more years (i.e. that doesn’t mean I will live that long or I might live longer).  If I was 60, it would be about 82.  Once you get to an older age, your chance of living to an older age is better.  TomSmart who is the good news of the week and boy do we need it, says—C’mon erv, that’s just common sense (i.e. if you are 90, your chances are better you will become 100, especially for women). I looked up on the chart to see how long my old golf buddies (i.e. who go for the whole enchilada) are projected to live, would you believe it, it said they are projected to live longer than Methuselah!

This might be hard to grasp but try.  Dr.J says—"Loneliness is a global pandemic of sorts. The most vulnerable are people younger than 25 and older than 55. Also singles, those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, and those suffering from chronic disease. Perhaps you fit into one of those groups. Even if you don’t, our technologically advanced world is a lonely place. But God doesn’t want us to live in perpetual loneliness. He has given us a prayer to offer: Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. That prayer was originally composed by David, the man after God’s own heart. When you feel lonely, it helps to remember the biblical heroes who suffered bouts of the same affliction. But our ever-present God can show us how to turn our loneliness into love for others. Even something as simple as writing a note, smiling at passersby in the grocery store, or calling an ailing friend can help.” RonTheServent who is a regular brainiac, says—Listen up and pay attention, you are blessed to be a blessing. GoodPersonBilly who is ok with his crazy, says--Be a blast to someone and not an…to someone”

One of my old golf buddies hit his tee shot on hole #8 at The Fountain of the Sun Country Club, an executive course here down in the Valley of the Sun. He hit a bad slice that hit BigMartha's humming bird feeder in her yard adjoining the hole. It was smashed into many pieces.  He went over there to retrieve his ball when BigMartha was holding the ruined feeder and said to TheOldCoot--what are you going to do?  TheOldCoot thought for a minute, rubbed his chin and said—I think I will adjust my grip! Quite obviously he was not making heads or tails of what BigMartha was saying, surely not on the same page!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--Living in the past is lots of fun...besides, it cheaper.

March 11, 2023

don't miss out

Soooo do we continue to search for the lost gold in the Superstition Mountains?  Are we like Juan Ponce de León and continue to search for the fountain of youth? Do we buy lottery tickets to win the big jack pot? Do we look to find a deal that no one else could? We don’t want to miss out on the good stuff now do we! Or are they wild goose chases? Saturday question—Have you ever been on a wild goose chase?  

Warning: My friends, Roy a.k.a. The Fixer along with his assistant Rita, stopped by to fix my recliner that is suppose to swivel and rock but didn't do either very well.  He said I was off my rocker but did fix it by tightening a couple of my screws.!  Make sure you think about that when reading this "It's Saturday."

RichieRich who is a great do-gooder, says--Don’t miss out in life what life has for you! Enjoy life. I had breakfast with a long-time friend who is a good person with a good heart, my kind of person (i.e. that could be many of you folks).  ANYWAY, he admitted that he gets discouraged sometimes (i.e. now don’t we all, none of us live on the mountain top all the time but we do have valleys).  My friend is a real person, not a phony or a faker.  David in the Psalms laments about a third of the time but ends all his lament with a statement referring to God being his everything even though he didn’t understand it all. David is one of my heroes.  His story is soooo real and parallels much of my life (i.e. although I’m not near as great as he was for sure, not by a long shot).  I’m quite sure that my thoughts of life and your thoughts of life aren’t much different than many of David’s thoughts of life.  He just had a platform to expose his thoughts and wisdom that we are still reading about. God called David “a man after his Own heart!” Now that’s a wow! And that is hard to understand.

I am working on trying to learn stuff that I should have learned way earlier in my life but I didn’t.  I’m trying to  learn to not to have to learn stuff twice the hard way. Would you have done things differently in your life if you would have known back then what you know now?  I would have for sure.  I had a great conversation recently with a friend about a difficult cultural problem.  We had the greatest conversation, especially as my friend is much more exposed to it and has much more experience on the subject than I do.  I listened mostly.  Okay, maybe I said some dumb stuff once in a while; I usually do!  I don’t have many friends who I could have had this conversation with.  This person is special I would say, a real person with a good heart; my kind of person. Thanksamillion my friend. ItchieBitchie who seems to have a high pain threshold, says—Oh shoots, if things would have just gone a little different my life would be way different, just a couple of things that’s all.   

What kind of decision-makers are we? Are we impulsive, prone to make decisions with only a minimum of information? Do we respond to feelings or intuition? Or are we at the other extreme, analyzing and overanalyzing, even finding yourself suffering from “paralysis of analysis”? Or somewhere in between? OneSmartPerson says--The difference between average decisions and great decisions is the quality of information. Before you make a decision, do your homework. Measure twice, cut once. “The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice” (Proverbs 12:15). “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed” (Proverbs 15:22).

I find it interesting to read all kinds of books.  Some of you do too.  Some of you don’t read. Sorry but I think you are really missing the boat, my opinion. I was maybe 34 and was at a continuing ed class when the guy next to me asked me if I read—well, I have to read for my business and to get my degrees but not really a reader—you need to read; you are really missing out; go to the library and get a copy of Pilgrim’s Progress and the Bible and read those first.  I was familiar with the Bible but not with Pilgrim’s Progress soooo I did stop at the library and did read it. That was my start of reading. My family did not do a lot of reading and some of your families do. We can watch TV or read or do both, we have choices!!!!! Happenstance, na, I don’t think soooo!  Sooo after I wrote this I went on a walk in our park. There was this maybe 80-year-old guy reading while sitting in the sun.  I asked him what he was reading? He told me that he was 70 before he started reading—how did that happen—we were at my daughter’s place, and she had box of James Patterson books soooo I thought I would read one and the rest is history.  He then told me that he has about 5 authors that he likes that write mysteries, and I read them a lot. I also read the Bible every morning, but I sure have a hard time understanding it sometimes. Soooo there you go! (e.g.Tommy was taught in Sunday school that God answers prayers many times differently than the way we want them to be answered.  Also he learned that God loves us sooooo much that he will forgive all our sins no matter how bad they are. Tommy wanted a new bike really bad. He prayed and he prayed but never got a new bike. Soooo he stole a bike like just what he wanted and then asked God to forgive him).  C. S. Lewis said that Jesus was either a liar or a lunatic or the Lord. Oh ya, there is a lot of ideas about Jesus! Yes, Jesus is hard to understand for many.  Soooo what is your understanding?  Don't kid yourself folks!

Sooooo I said to a female pickleball partner who I really don’t know, you have a very good back hand (i.e just trying to be sincerely nice to her)—the reason I do is I have practiced a lot let me tell you erv. Sooooo we can get better at almost anything if we practice a lot (i.e. like what is important to you, whatever that may be). This gal is a gunner and a grinder in learning to play pb at a highest level her ability will allow it appears, maybe even obsessed. Many pickleball participants just want to have a good time, socialize, and get some exercise.  Maybe some folks’ motivation is different than other folks, do you think! MissPerfect who thinks she's the best horse in the stable but might not be, says—YaBut erv, age, accidents, and events in our lives do change how we think and act about many things.  Yes, I agree MissPerfect, they have stunning effects! I read somewhere and also heard a friend say recently, there is a time for everything (i.e. a time to hang up the hiking shoes)!

LuckieEddie who certainly is a big encourager, says--Don’t miss out on the good stuff of life.  CoachB says—"When you are around folks with a positive mentality it takes everybody to a different level. It’s the second law of thermodynamics. We shall improve.”  I believe that.  OneSmartPerson reminded me—Keep cheerful friends; grouches pull you down. I read what Tony Dungy said while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it—“So much of what we do as human beings—so many of the mistakes we make and desires we have—flows from having very little self-esteem.  Many of us wear masks, strive for unworthy goals, get into bad relationships, compromise our integrity, or just blend in with the crowd because deep down inside we’re wounded and needy.”  Yikes, I hate that when Tony tells it like it is. 

Soooo I went to our park's parade last Saturday morning. I sat next to a gal who was a delightful lady from MN, A Godden Gopher. She has been married for 59 years and was 82.  The different clubs were in the parade and she said she did most of the activities in our park when she was younger.  She asked me how old I was.--77.  Do all the activates as there will be a day that you won't be able (i.e. don't miss out).  She told me she has had a great life and has a great family.  She was a very happy lady. Sooo, I was walking back to my tin hut and there was a car parked next to my place that had this on the back window.  I had to laugh. As I was walking past the front, these folks came to it and I asked a person if this was their car--yes--you must not like your car--I don't--how come--it breaks down all the time.  Ok, in your mind, profile this person--how old, male or female, what did they look like, what race?  How every you profiled this person, you are right!

OurOldGolfBuddy, the OldIRS-Agent, told us on the 8th tee box—Just remember boys if an IRS agent shows up at your door, don’t worry, it’s not a criminal case.  If it’s a criminal case, there will be more than one agent and they will have their guns drawn!  And remember, the taxpayers are always behind the 8-ball as the IRS never has to prove anything, but the taxpayers do!  And the IRS doesn’t care what the taxpayers think! Your opinion doesn't count!

I had a great opportunity to learn, especially from someone else’s lesson!  haha  I was having lunch with a couple of friends and one told this story about himself.  He was a high school hockey coach and one of his sons was the goalie.  He said—"I was very competitive back then and was really railing on the officials about a call.  Finally, my son skated over to me and put his big, padded goalie glove over my mouth.  I was humbled and realized that I was making a fool out of my self and embarrassing my son and my team.  This lesson changed my life.” Soooo a lesson from a teenage boy to father to me and maybe to you!  Big on the maybe! And all at no cost! What a deal! Saturday question—Do hockey players and coaches use a lot of bad language? I can’t imagine this friend using bad language! 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--Past experience should be a guidepost, not a hitching post.

March 4, 2023

don't have a clue

Disclaimer: My FL friends say this about what I write in “It’s Saturday.” 

Hey, listen folks, I don’t believe what some folks say. In fact, I think half of what some folks say isn't true and the other half I don't believe! They really don’t have a clue. JoeBlow believes everything he hears on the news and on sitcoms and on advertisements and what the government tells him. (i.e. he is the sucker of the suckers). Propaganda is massive huge and it is very effective.  Don’t kid yourself. Even the experts don’t know what the truth is or maybe they don't want us to know. Or maybe they are fooled toooo!  We are told what we want to hear and then it’s milked for all it’s worth and that is the truth haha.  And it works. We are at a point now that we are really confused!  MissPerfect who has no control of her conscience, says--It ain’t fair. The only thing that’s fair is the Butler County Fair and that’s in June.

KnowItAllWanda says she knows all the answers but reality is, she doesn’t have a clue! I was in a recent meeting of maybe 12 folks and they all thought they had the answers!  I don’t think any of them had a clue! I couldn’t help but wonder where they got their information to make up their sure-shot answers! I just had an internal laugh! Many were soooo sure they were right! 

One financial advisor told me that the s and p 500 was -21% in 2022.  Another financial advisor said the market has regain 15% already this year.  Another financial advisor said—it’s only a dip.  Another financial advisor said—I don’t have a clue what is going to happen, the future is almost impossible to predict. Sooo, folks, you can believe whatever you want!  MyNeighobrDownTheStreet says—You can surely find someone who thinks the same as you! Demand is still pretty strong for real estate in our 55+ park but I have no idea what that means. I will be able to tell you much more in a year from now!  haha

This is what John (i.e. anybody can be a John) said—"Once each month I pray with our ministry’s global leaders. I am struck by the contrast of their prayers with mine. So many of my prayers ask God to solve a personal challenge or health condition in my or someone’s life. Of course, God cares about these things. But despite having many physical and personal challenges, the prayers of our global leaders nearly always focus on God’s Word and mission being accomplished, no matter the challenge.”  Maybe we don’t have a clue how it will get from point A to point B; maybe our personal pray plans are not accurate; maybe we don’t have a clue.  Here is a suggestion which I got from someone else—maybe pray in a different way (e.g. pray for the dying).  Yikes!  Maybe we don’t quite know how to pray for the dying.  Maybe we don’t have a clue.  Maybe we just should pray for the dying! Maybe we just think we know all the answers!  Maybe the answers are way bigger that our little human mind! Hey, I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN soooo what do I know!

As one motivational speaker used to say, “If it’s to be, it’s up to me!” That statement I wonder about but it sure is a 2023 mentality by a lot of folks.  It’s all about me! I can make anything happen; I’m in charge! Not! I think more like: The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. This process utilizes the gifts, talents and experience of each person involved. BUT that is my opinion and you might think I’m just messing with you or I'm messed up! I surely don't have the answers!

Sooooo I just talked to a friend/financial advisor about some money decisions I just made.  We talked about some investments I have with him and I questioned him about a questionable understanding I had on one.  He had the same understanding that I did about it.  He was going to get a hold of the right folks to find out what the correct understanding is about it.  Like my Daddy, Chester, use to say—erv, the best way to learn is to ask questions and especially asking the right questions to the right folks!  Bingo  MissPerfect says--erv erv, my hair stylist knows all the answers.  If you don't believe me, just ask her! Yabut she has an advantage as she has heard most everything! Now that is the truth for sure!

MyGoodOldGolfBuddies are really old but still are big hotdogs, as big of hotdogs as the hotdogs at Costco.  They have an advantage of being sooo old, that is they get life-time guarantees on everything they buy. Their days go by pretty fast as they go for a half hour walk but it takes them a hour and a half!  Our golf rounds take a little longer than normal as we spend one stop during our round replacing hearing aid batters. What a hoot, there are none better than these guys! Our relationship is really special (i.e. these guys are really neat)! Many folks would be "green with envy," of having these friends, it just doesn't happen all the time.  Although the phrase is ancient (i.e. probably as ancient as my golf buddies) and, therefore, the origin uncertain, one of the earliest uses of “green with envy” came from the pen of William Shakespeare. In Othello, Iago warns Othello, “Beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on.” 

John said soooo it must be right—"Did you know there are more than 45,000 Christian denominations in the world? We Christians are experts at dividing. We’ve been dividing since the first centuries of the church. We split over theology, politics, worship, sacraments, morality, and all manner of issues. Many attempts through time have been made to unite the church. We convene councils, confess creeds, and write catechisms. And still we split. How can this be?” And then there are major religions in the world.  They all can’t be right, can they?  LuckieEddie says--They all think soooo and say they are. I’m a Christian probably mainly because of Chester and Anna (i.e. my environment as a kid).  If I was born in India into a Hindu family, I probably would have been Hindu maybe. I wouldn’t have known any different. 

Sooooo I was at our little library in our park deciding if I wanted to read a certain novel.  A-SenorAverageJoe who I know from pickleball was reading the paper in a chair across from me.  He says--erv, I'm leaving for a month to stay with our son; he has health problems and I need to help him--sooo last year you said your relationship with your wife was not good, soooo how did that turn out--we got divorced--AverageJoe, are you a believer--yes I am erv, I was raised Baptist but my wife was Methodist soooo I changed and then she changed to Catholic sooooo I did tooo; they all believe in Jesus but I don't go to church now--how come--our Priest is a bad person and I can't handle that--peace and prosperity to you AverageJoe--thanks erv.

Brad, anybody can be a Brad, says—“Trust me, you have enough stuff.”  You don’t believe Brad no matter how loud he says that and how often he says that.  You want more stuff.  BettyEnvy who watches a lot of TV, says—You can never have enough stuff; it ain’t American. I had the opportunity to sit by a couple at a social function who are Fulltime RVers (i.e. they have no permanent house but live in their rv fulltime.  They have done this three years and have enjoyed it; as they say, it really works for us. They are very nice folks.  ANYWAY, they have all their stuff with them, that's it, no more stuff.  They say--It's amazing how little we really need to live very good.  

I don't have a clue if this is right but it sounds right to me.  And there probably is no way to prove it (i.e. it's not black and white) sooo...!  It is believed that a good night of sleep gives a person a more positive attitude on life.  Studies show that not enough sleep, folks remember more bad memories than good memories and that affects their lives and their dog's life! haha  It does make sense to me! What we think is what we'll be! Some folks doubt that statement and some don't believe it; there is a difference between those two thoughts also! They probably need more sleep! It does seem folks are grumpy when they don't get enough sleep! They need a nap!

JoeBlow says--I don’t have a clue why somethings stick with me like the dried up oatmeal does to my breakfast bowl and other things I forget like water sticks to the back of a duck.  And some of the stuff I remember isn’t worth remembering and some stuff I can’t remember is very important.  What in the world! SallyFromAustinville was in her bathroom and walked way across the house to her pantry.  When she got there, she wondered why she walked way across the house to the pantry soooo she went back to the bathroom.  She was siting on the throne and then remembered, there was no more toilet paper!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--It is bad to think ill, but it is worse to speak it.