October 31, 2020

a change in plans

I have to admit, that I’m not much in discussing something that no one knows the answer (i.e. for sure).  It appears we do it all the time.  It’s all in the interpretation by who ever thinks they know the answer.  Now if folks say—It is my opinion, well, I will listen.  It is actually funny to me that some folks think they know the absolute about something that has no absolute (i.e. some are cocksure).  MyNeighborDownTheStreet, a real cerebral person, thinks he knows everything (i.e. heavy on the thinks), says—The premises being thus settled, I proceed to observe that the concatenation of self-existence, proceeding in a reciprocal duplicate ratio, naturally produces a problematical dialogism, which in some measure proves that the essence of spirituality may be referred to the second predicable.   You ought to watch him take out the garbage!!!! If I see him coming, I’m in the house for sure.  For sure!

Some of you ask me why I do “It’s Saturday.”  Well, it started when we first got internet in our office.  We still worked on Saturday mornings soooo I sent out a short note to some family and a couple of friends—just to say hi with maybe a story, a joke, something philosophical, something uplifting, a comment, an idea and something else (i.e. the internet provided an opportunity, my opinion).  It just evolved from there.  What do you think my purpose is/was? Nothing really has changed.  For sure, it is not to straighten you out!  That is not my purpose and that is impossible anyway.  You know that.  You are way beyond that!!! haha RickyRick says—"What people think about you should not concern you and does not have any degree of influence on your happiness. Instead, here’s what Jesus says you should be worrying about. One day, we’re going to give an account of every word we used on the Internet or our phones or ever said. That ought to give anyone pause before they post anything or say anything. The Bible says that pride always causes conflict (Proverbs 13:10). Anywhere you find conflict, ego is involved. When my pride hits your pride, that causes conflict. Stay away from those who have foolish arguments and talk about useless family histories and argue and quarrel about the law. Those things are worth nothing and will not help anyone” (Titus 3:9 NCV).  ~   I asked my 5th grade grand granddaughter, Charlie, who she would vote for the Presidency if she could vote.  She told me and I asked why.  She explained herself.  I listened and said I see your point.  I think her reasoning was better than many adults. Where do you think she got her input in making her decision?

MissPerfect, who thinks she is faultless, suggests that many folks should not express their opinions on social media.  She thinks it can and might and will be detrimental to your health.  Some of you might lose your job and some of you might not ever get a job.  And besides, you aren’t going to change anyone’s opinion; other folks are as radical as you.  You are putting the odds against you.  You would be better off spending that time cleaning out the garage or polishing your shoes.  JoeBlow says-- The average American spends three hours and fifteen minutes on their phone a day.  Then maybe another 3 hours watching TV (i.e. when do they have time to eat?).  And maybe the most important thing we can do for our mental health is to sit in the stillness (i.e. which not many do).  Is this crazy or what.  Maybe we all need to reevaluate and make a change in our plans. Another option is to spend more time on our phones!

WallowWallie, who seems to really have it together or is just a top-end actor, says--Let me re-think that; I mean, let me re-think my whole life.  Am I thinking right?  Why do I think like what I do?  Maybe I need to change my old way of thinking?  Maybe my current way of thinking a.k.a. my inner self) is causing me to be miserable. Maybe I need to change my mind. Like the sign the guy on the street corner is carrying—Turn or burn! Ok, not that radical.  Or maybe!

I read in the paper soooo it must be right—Loneness isn’t nothing new.  Maybe soooo, but it sure seems like I hear a lot about loneness recently. It appears that loneness needs attention.  Loneness needs a change of plans, maybe. Here is an action suggestion that I never heard of before.  “A complex trait that encompasses self-reflection, empathy, compassion, and spirituality, wisdom is inversely associated with loneliness, according to research by Dr. Jeste, who has studied wisdom for the past 15 years. ‘People who score high on wisdom are not lonely,’ he says, adding that people can acquire wisdom by developing greater compassion and the ability to recognize emotional triggers and respond to them appropriately.” ItchieBitchie, who is really smart or really dumb, says—If you wouldn’t know you wouldn’t know! I did something that was suggested by our daughter that I never did before.  I declined an invitation.  It just didn’t fit me and it was going to be negative to me.  I never did that before.  I realize that it was not good for me.  I don’t know if that was wisdom, but I thought it was the right thing for me in my current situation (i.e. my opinion).  I did. 

CoachB says—There is an old statement that goes something like this, “If you dance with the devil long enough, he’ll eventually step on your toes.”  Saturday question—Have you ever danced long enough with the devil that he has stepped on your toes?  SusieQ says—YaBut at the time, he was such a good dancer and was soooo much fun.  BUT, sorry to say, it didn’t end up pretty at all.  ~  I finally realized that the early smell I had was not the smell I liked (i.e. meaning that this might be a warning). It wasn’t a real bad smell but not a great smell either.  After much thinking about it, I will and am proceeding with caution.  I think it’s a warning sign for me.  There is another old saying my Mom, Anna, would say to me—erv, if it stinks a little at the top of the barrel, it will stink a lot more when you get to the bottom of the barrel! My thinking might change my plans. I might make a u-turn. BUT flip the pancake, if it smells pretty good at the top of the barrel, it will smell oh sooo good when you get to the bottom of the barrel!

Do you ever laugh at yourself?  I do a lot.  It’s easy for me ‘cause I do and think of a lot of funny stuff (i.e. crazy stuff).  SusieQ says--When kids feel lonely or feel sorry for themselves, many parents sing this song to get them out of their funky mood.  It makes them laugh and can change their attitude.  Maybe we need to sing it and laugh at ourselves again.  When is the last time we sang this old kids’ song?  Give it a try. 

Abraham Lincoln said—Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.  I seem to learn a lot more when I listen instead of listening to myself talk, I already know what I’m about to say.  Of course, my ego likes to hear myself talk.  JoeBlow, who seems to be really full of good stuff or just full of it, says—Some would be better if they would keep their mouths shut (i.e. BUT they don’t know it). One of those “some” is me. Talk is cheap but it takes money to buy whiskey!  I had a person ask me what that means; it means talk means nuttin but it takes action to get something done (i.e. do something positive and most times without attention).  My Daddy, Chester, always said—erv, if you are good, you don’t have to tell anyone, everyone will know!  AverageJoe says-- It has become evident that everyone is talking – even shouting – but no one is listening (i.e. we even have/need mute buttons now!). Such is life.

Knowledge (i.e. reading and talking about it) is good but application is what is important. A friend said he went to a small group in a church and heard that we need to help folks time and time again, but we never helped folks. OneWisePerson says—That is why groups are soooo hard to work with and in; they have toooo much bureaucracy and difference of opinions that nuttin ever gets done. It’s easier to take the bull by the horns, call a couple of folks or just do it the lone ranger style, and get it done. You know that! But some folks like bureaucracy (i.e. big talkers but not doers)!

John Byron, an English poet who coined the phrase ‘Tweedledum and Tweedledee (i.e. in connection with what?) wrote, “The point is plain as a pike-staff.” Lewis Carroll wrote the nursery rhyme and Tweedledum and Tweedledee are the characters.  Tweedledum and Tweedledee     Agreed to have a battle;  For Tweedledum said Tweedledee      Had spoiled his nice new rattle.  Just then flew down a monstrous crow,      As black as a tar-barrel;   Which frightened both the heroes so,    They quite forgot their quarrel.   ~   Isn’t that funny and complete reality?  Sooooo something more important seems to make us refocus as to what is important or at least takes precedent.  Sooooo some stuff really doesn’t matter much now does it (i.e. does it really make much difference).  It is just trivia stuff, maybe!!!!  Such is life.

WorldClassLarry says—Hope is great, but hope is not a plan. Hope surely isn’t the America’s Game of the Week on NBC. Too make a big change takes a big plan (i.e. a big plan is a lot of work which most folks don’t want to do; it’s easier to kick the can down the street).  This attitude is especially easy to have in non-profit organizations (e.g. churches).  This is my opinion.  I had a person who is a professional and has experience suggested to me—Jesus is not the problem, but some churches are.  If sooo, it would be a good time to find out where the problem is (i.e. identify it) and then make a change of plans; get rid of the can! (i.e. my opinion). The past has soooo many traditions, family histories, beliefs, opinions etc. that change is soooo hard (i.e. the management doesn’t want to change—scary for sure). It appears many times that new starts are way easier.  Did this paragraph stimulate you negatively or positively? haha  CanKickerBestie says—I really don’t care as long as it doesn’t affect my money! That is what I thought. TopShelfExecutiveWithTheMBAandExperienced says--There is an old statement that says, "If what you have done the last 5 years have not gone well, why do you think it will be different the next 5 years if you don't change?"

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Man’s mind once stretched by a new idea never returns to its original dimension.

October 24, 2020

nah, not today

This “It’s Saturday” is dedicated to MyFriendCaleb.  For years Caleb would greet Arlene this way—Nah, not today!  She didn’t know why he did that until his parents told her.  Arlene directed the church choir for years.  The choir didn’t sing the last Sunday of each month.  Soooo that is why he always greeted her—Nah, not today!  Caleb, you touch us.

JaneSuperSwift, who has a body like a stripper and an IQ of the pole, says—Come on man! I don’t have all day!  We're burning daylight! I read this recently in the paper soooo it must be right--By the end of 2020, the population of the world will be more than 7.8 billion people—of which you are one individual. If that isn’t humbling enough, consider this: Recent estimates show that the total number of people who have ever lived on planet earth range from 90–110 billion. You think all those folk thought alike?  Sooooo why would all of you think alike now.  Nah, not today! You may interpret what I am writing in this “It’s Saturday” any way you want and if you can’t figure out what I’m saying, just make it fit your thinking.  That will work.  For sure don’t worry about it (i.e. or as a friend tells his grandkids—hurry but don’t worry).  For sure, Nah, not today!

I paid my green fee at a golf course recently.  The young gal ho took my money mentioned (i.e. because of what was said between me and my golf buddy/friend) that money is the root of all evil—and I said—no, the love of money is the root of all evil—she said, you are right.  Now that is a lot to think about in that saying and also in that short conversation I had with that young lady (i.e. a single, young gal with a child who is trying to make a living by working at the golf course for probably a very low wage). It appears that this is one of many very complex problems our country has (i.e. my opinion). And I seem to like this gal. My heart hurts for her.

The other day I had “my plan for the day” all figured out.  I was going exploring on my Yamaha XT 250.  I had no idea where I was going but was heading out.  Then when I got up, it was a windy day.  That wind takes a lot of fun out of riding especially when my bike is rather light and has no faring or windshield.  Nah, not today!  That is ok, there will be another day.  I have toooo roll with the punch.  It is ok.  This is such a minor problem compared to many problems all of us have to face.  Many of you folks have to say—nay, not today!  I just can’t do it today for many reasons.  I encourage you to be courageous, strong, and do the best you can considering your situation you are in today.  I wish I could snap my fingers and fix all your situations.  Yes, I do. If I could, I surely would (i.e. I would be in big demand for sure now wouldn’t I!).  And I would do it for free, yes I would! Now that would be a great national health care plan! But the medical area and pharmaceutical area would protest and lobby the government for me not to do that (i.e. they would go broke).  They would tar and feather me and run me out of town on a rail. The bottom line is--It’s all about the money folks.  All about me! It’s all about how does it affect me a.k.a. uno UNO. Com’on folks, don’t act soooo dumb! Maybe we could at least compromise! Nah, not today! 

If you are an actuary, prophet, soothsayer, prognosticator, or a coffee shop bull shitter, you are in your glory these days.  You can say anything and make up any anything you want, and you are just as accurate as the any other person (i.e. some figures can be polar opposite).  You are very accurate for sure based on your mind and if you can get someone to believe you.  Actuaries are accurate as they work for companies that make money off their results that come from accurate information (i.e. as best as they can get).  Mathematicians can calculate risk and we see that in sports, money making decisions, odd makers for betting, etc. (i.e. we try to put the odds in our favor). That is why casinos won’t let card counters play—it skews their odds.  It appears that emotional decision makers have trouble in life (i.e. believe anything and everything).  A golf buddy on the fifth tee box the other day told us that he is soooo happy his father taught him to work hard.  He said it really worked for him.  He made his kids work hard and they are all hard workers as well.  Saturday question—Are you a hard worker? GeorgeTheCrook, who likes to chase the wind at times, says—Nah, not today! I just complain to the government or throw bricks! It’s the new modern way!  I can’t imagine how hard all the immigrates to our country worked, how hard my parents worked, how hard many folks work today.  I don’t work very hard anymore.  I think I use to maybe but maybe not as hard as compared to some of my ancestors or some of you (i.e. many folks think they work hard but really they have no idea what hard work is).  They wear a big cowboy hat but own no cattle! Such is life.

CoachB says—"Much discouragement is because people listen to themselves instead of talking to themselves.  I mean encouraging yourself; speak positive to yourself; tell yourself uplifting stuff that will move yourself in a different direction instead of listing to your negative talk.”  CadillacJack says--Sounds soooo easy CoachB but when you are really discouraged, it is hard to get out of the big hole.  I would guess that some of you can speak from experience having been on both ends of the perspective.  I realize talk is soooooo easy but it isn’t always that easy.  BUT I do realize that positive stuff is better than negative stuff (i.e. much more encouraging—my opinion).

When I went through Arlene’s decorating stuff in the basement, I found many candles.  Some were never used and some were slightly used.  I like candles and saved some of them.  Suggestion—When the day or night is gummy (i.e. either in my mind or the weather outside is), I light a candle.  It just makes me feel, oh soooooo much better.  It lifts my spirit.  Try it.  

While eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it, I read this—"Without self-control, we can be easily distracted and start chasing stuff that is far off track from our calling or purpose.”  I think that is when we really become suckers (i.e. like wet wash rags).  We have no idea what we are doing (i.e. no experience).  Sooooo my suggestion is we need to self-evaluate ourselves.  Do what we have knowledge in, good at and have some experience.  When we branch out, we need to do a lot of research and ask a lot of questions.  BUT we can have success both ways and fail both ways.  No question.  And sometimes stuff happens that is out of our control (i.e. both good and bad).  We need to understand that and accept that (i.e. which is very hard to do, especially bad stuff). Such is life. 

AverageJoe, who has a tendency to hit a lot of homeruns, says—Because of many reasons, we all don’t think alike. Nah, not today! I agree 100% AverageJoe.  I don’t think we can count the reasons why we don’t think alike.  They are just too many.  Saturday question—Are those reasons adjustable or are they in concrete? Are they negotiable or non-negotiable? Are they because of our past environment, current environment or genetic or a combination? I had an experience with a professional person the other day about some business he does for me.  We didn’t think alike.  I think he was trained to think his way or was told by his company to think and represent their thinking a certain way.  We parted company.  I had the last say as it was my money and not his.  We did not think alike.  Here is another example of not thinking alike—I asked the nurse who gave me my flue shot if she will get the virus shot—I might not have a choice if I want to keep my job; but I think I will quit my job if they force me to take the vaccine—really!  She might change her mind if she needs the job to support herself but maybe she has other sources to support herself and she can quit.  Seeee, not everyone thinks alike—others can’t wait to get the vaccination. For sure. Such is life.

A long-time family friend and I meet occasionally and discuss our situations.  We both spent several years together in a Dementia Caregiver Support Group and now both of our spouses have passed on from dementia.  She has really amazed me as how she has gone forward (i.e. seems to grasp the big picture).  Sure, she has emotions and feelings but is really strong and has taken charge (i.e. seems very positive).  I asked her how her faith in Jesus is—very strong was her reply).  I am very happy for her.   She seems to be doing a good “bounce back” (i.e. my opinion).

Do you like ice cream, chocolate, a big meal with second helpings?  Or it might be something else you like.  In fact, your body graves it.  Then there are addictions that your body just thinks it needs, it has to have.  I have things that I like and my body seems to grave at times.  It is a real battle to say nah, not today.  That is self-discipline (i.e. the best form of discipline).  It appears that some folks have better self-discipline than others.  Just look around, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.  A controlled environment (e.g. military) can control or force certain disciplines.  Stan, my host in the Sandhills told me how important it is to have a good bull with a good blood line to produce a good heard.  Probably the rest (i.e. who are not soooo good) are made into hamburger or dog food.  Also, he said--If a bull or cow is mean or honorary, they are usually culled (i.e. no one wants to be around them--huh, interesting). Stan told me that he was treed once by a new bull he bought; he was gone the same year.

RadicalWilma, who seems to always have a low QBR, says—I found out the hard way that companies don’t usually hire extreme radical extremists.  Probably most companies do not.  Probably most extreme radical extremists don’t get along in most families, churches or organizations but not in all (e.g. public universities seem to like them or at least tolerate them).  For the most part, do normal average folks like to be around extreme radical extremists?  SusieQ says—Extreme radical extremists seem to flock together.  ItchieBitchie says—We have two children who are extreme radical extremists and I love them; they are our kids! BUT we might be supporting them the rest of our lives or the government will. Saturday question—Are the extreme radical conservatives more tolerable or are the extreme radical liberals?  

The numbers do prove (i.e. although some may dispute them based on something like false positive results) that we are all going to die.  You say—Nah, not today!  Well, who are you to know?  You ain’t that smart no matter how much money you have.  The rich and poor and those in the middle all do.  Look around folks, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.  And some of you will die sooner than you should because you worry yourself to death!  You have been listening to toooo much news and looking at toooo many surveys and figures.  All that stuff has an agenda (i.e. my opinion—usually about money or are political which might be related) and maybe none of it is very accurate.  All that stuff is the same; don’t kid yourself.  It’s laughable to me (i.e. very funny).  It’s like this—An elementary school teacher noted. "Joey, your theme about the family dog was nearly identical to one written by your brother" --  Joey's response -- "It's the same dog, ma'am.”  

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Good examples have far more value than good advice.

October 17, 2020


Do you ever need a nudge to do something? Psychologists claim that twenty percent of people are habitual procrastinators, and the other eighty percent struggle occasionally with putting things off. CadillacJack says--Several books have been written to help people overcome procrastination, but those who need the books never get around to opening them! Procrastinators need a nudge. AverageJoe says—I think everyone needs a nudge once in a while and some of us need a kick in the butt (i.e. more of a major nudge).  Could be for sure! Using football terms—When the game is on the line, its time to start cookin’!

I had the opportunity recently to have lunch with friends which came about because of good ol’ Northwestern College.  They are good folks with good hearts; my kind of folks (i.e. I told them that I would rather be with them than play a round of golf at the Des Moines Gold and Country Club).  ANYWAY, TheCliveWordLady told me that she can remember Jabberwocky.  I never heard of it.  Its a poem by Carell Lewis (i.e. who wrote Alice and Wonderland) which is considered one of the greatest nonsense poems written in English which uses playful, whimsical language.  She recited it to us.  She is an English major and has very good control of the English language but that has nothing to do with remembering it (i.e. maybe it does).  Her husband said he can remember many numbers maybe because he has a minor in math). Soooo there you go!  Soooooo I knew TheCliveWordLady's mother and asked her if she is as nice and sweet as her mother—no, I’m not a sweet person; I think I’m maybe nice but not sweet—why do you say that—maybe I’m more of in charge person and that takes some of the sweetness away.  Her husband said he thinks she is nice and sweet.  What else could the poor guy say!!!!  haha  Here is something really interesting to me.  She said that her 92-year old mother-in-law is her best friend.  Wow! I would guess not many would say that.

What do you think of the Bible? Is it just a product of the religious imagination, or is it a revelation from God, given through human witnesses? About a third of the world population call themselves Christians soooo, obviously, that makes the other two thirds non-Christian.  Sooooo I assume that not even the one third of the population, who claim to be Christians, all believe in the Bible (i.e. maybe believe in part of it but not all of it or maybe not much of it).  Yet, it is the most read book in the world.  AverageJoe says—There might even be some folks who say they believe the Bible but don’t live their lives like they do (i.e. who what me?—that is what our son said when he was young when we accused him of something he claimed he didn’t do—it always made us laugh—I accused his son, Rookie, of something at our evening meal and he said—who what me? A regular chip of the old block). 

Recommended with a nudge.  I receive information from the Cedar Valley Hospice, the hospice we used for Arlene, about grief.  They wrote about Four Tasks of Grief created by William Worden.  I respect them but especially thought the last task was very good—To Emotionally Relocate the Deceased to a Place of Memory.  Not always easy to do for sure for many. I have no idea if this is accurate or not BUT it appears that I am living my live differently than I have before.  Maybe it’s my imagination.  Maybe.  BUT it feels way different.  It’s way slower and much brighter.  It feels way different.  I sense things more and see things differently.  I appreciate things differently and enjoy different things and in different ways.  Folks affect me differently.  Maybe I ate some bad beans last night.  Could be.  Or maybe I have been nudged.  Alzheimer's is a terrible disease!

I listened to an anxiety counselor recently, pretty much by accident.
One thing he talked about was—The old saying, “If it’s to be it is up to me” is a lie.  He said--We are only in charge of how we react to the
circumstances.  Yes, I believe that but not entirely.  I think we can surely control our life in how we live it and the choices we make.  I do.  Everyone has an opinion on that, I guess.  Maybe he is working with sick folks (i.e. which we all are but to different degrees) and that is more therapeutic (i.e. takes the guilt off of them).  Don't kid yourself. A deceased friend would say--erv, Decisions have consequences; there is no question about that. And guess who makes the decisions. Da! BUT I do think our past environment, our current environment, and our genetics do make a difference.  Our past environment and genetics can't be controlled but our current environment can.  Again, that's my opinion.  If you don't like my opinion pick an opinion you like. It's your decision. Such is life.. That pic is in Chet and Jessica's home. I like it. What do you think? That is what I thought. 

I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--To stop the monster, say “NO.” Now that is a nudge that works for sure. NO! I’m not doing that; NO, I’m not going there; NO, not for me; NO, I’m not walking with that parade; NO, I’m not getting on that wagon; NO, it’s not for me; NO, it’s not what I believe.  WildWillie says--Three things we are all concerned about in our life more than anything else: to be loved, to be accepted, and to be chosen. MissPerfect says—And there lies the battle. I saw the saying in the Southfork housing division when on a walk in Waukee while helping with the grandkids recently. I sorta kinda managed them before school and after school for several days.  I think they took me on a joy ride but I didn’t know.  What I don’t know I don’t know.  That is sorta kinda like life—what I don’t know, I don’t know!!!! SusieQ says—Ya gotta make your decisions based on something like your emotions or your heart or your mind or what your friend thinks or what your dog thinks!! A lot of folks tell me that their dogs are really smart. Soooo there!  At church recently I talked to Tommy about his showing of his show pig.  He told me that pigs are really smart and have different personalities.  Soooo there is another option for help in your decisions; ask your pig! I asked Tommy if pigs can be house trained—he didn’t think soooo! Oink oink! I asked Tommy what his showpig's name was--Dean!

I learned that it seems it bothers parents when their grown kids and their spouses are not like them.  Some have even changed from what they were earlier in their life.  Something seemed to nudge them which changed them.  It appears that money, education, work areas, spouses, geographic living areas, bitterness, and God only knows what else seems to change the kids from their parents teaching or example.  That can really be hard on parents I hear.  Me toooooo!  BUT flip the pancake!  Some children have gotten way better by changing themselves.  Way better than their parents.  Some parents are maybe way off in la la land (i.e. my opinion).  Maybe some parents are soooo opinionated or goofy that they have driven their children and spouses away from them (i.e. they would rather not see them).  That of course have driven the contact with the grandkids away toooo.  Ouchy ouchy! CrazyMarvin says—My wife is wacko and it has hurt our family’s dynamics, for sure (i.e. she is a political radical, a religious freak and a money managing boss). SusieQ says--Maybe that is why our kids don’t answer the door when we knock!!!!!  A wise, smart friend told me recently—My Mother was a worry wart; but my sister and I are not; we just put our heads in the sand!  Another wise, smart friend told me recently—I parent just the opposite of my father!  Hey listen, everyone has defects!  Don’t kid yourself.  Progressive Insurance advertises that they can protect you from many things but they can’t protect you from becoming like your parents! 

Sherry impressed me.  I had a photo printed at Walgreen in Waukee, Clive, West Des Moines or was it Urbandale.  They all interconnect it seems in a certain area.  That really doesn’t matter.  The gal who helped me was wise.  I said—It amazes me how I can plug my iPhone into your computer and within a short time I have a printed picture—ya, but we can’t solve any real problems like world hunger, a health care or stuff like that; the leaders just like to get rich and it is all about themselves. I’m starting to think that everyone is starting to figure this out.  Well, most folks anyway except for a few of you folks.  You must know if you are one of them.  BUT maybe you don’t know that you are one of them. JoeBlow says—Now that is even a bigger problem.

Last Saturday morning (i.e. relatively early) I went for a jog on the golf course.  Already there were several groups playing.  Why not! It was a beautiful fall day and the trees were just gorgeous. Maybe years ago I might have been out there playing for a few quarters but not anymore; things don’t stay the same for sure. ANYWAY, I was jogging through the aggressive long rough with me head down as I didn’t want to sprain an ankle or worse yet fall and get hurt more serious.  I thought about a senior friend who recently was going for her morning walk in her neighborhood. She had her head down watching for uneven sidewalk sections.  A young neighbor lady was backing out of her drive (i.e. maybe late for work, putting on makeup and texting) and hit her.  She got a big knot on her head, a bruised hip, and an abrasion on her elbow.  The young lady was very emotional.  It made me think to reset my brain.  This seniero could have been way different (i.e. long-term very sad implications that could have been very serious for both of them—affected their lives forever).  

Have you ever done anything stupid?  Of course, you have.  We all have.  Sometimes other folks have done something stupid that has really impacted our life (i.e. somethings beyond our control).  BUT by far the majority of the time, the stupid stuff that that has really impacted our life, we did to ourselves.  Don’t kid yourself folks.  Sooooo if we can eliminate our own stupid stuff, we will be better off.  Suggestion—Get around good people and watch how they do it and ask a ton of questions.  BUT as stupid as we are, we probably will still do stupid stuff!  Well, I’m speaking for myself here.  You seem a lot smarter, BUT some of the stuff you do, I wonder about you at times! Especially one of you.  You know who you are!!! haha

Do the opposite.  I saw an IL license plate on a big pickup that had a license plate frame that said—Proud to be a red neck!  Soooo what does that mean to you?  Like this person is rebellious, like opposite how others think, a problem person, chews tobacco, has a gun in the pickup, thinks different than society?  How do you define a red neck?  Are you a red neck and proud of it? Am I a red neck?  One of Warren Buffett’s suggestions of investing is to do just the opposite of what everyone else is doing.  Saturday question—Are you a crowd follower or a red neck type of person?

Last Sunday morning I had a very good conversation with a couple of friends who happen to attend the same church as I do.  One is 68 and has been retired for 9 years and the other is 63 and is still working.  The friend still working said he has no idea what he would do if he would retire.  He likes his profession basically and asked us what we thought.  I told him he should keep working until something changes (i.e. that was my nudge).  The other friend and I had no problem finding stuff to do after retiring.  BUT all three of us seem to been fortunate to give ourselves options (i.e. financially).  It appears that those other two guys are good money managers.  They both said that all three of us are not “excessive wanters.”  We are satisfied with our lifestyles and don’t want a lot or need a lot but do have good lifestyles but not excessive.  We all seem to be happy the way we are and what we have (i.e. basically a simple, satisfying life).  Soooo what does all this mean?  I have no idea.  I do like these guys a lot—good guys with good hearts; for sure.

Before the service I talked to a young lady who has become a friend.  She told me about her temporary job between jobs that she has been educated for.  She was soooo happy and I was for her.  We just enjoyed each other. She was sitting in the back where I usually sit (i.e. not her normal area).  I asked her why? I want to try something different (i.e. a regular red neck--haha).  Another friend and I talked about the sermon after the service.  She told me that she always doesn’t witness her faith as much as she should (i.e. Da! Isn’t that all of us).  She said she needs a kick in the butt.  Soooo I kicked her in her in the butt!  She too is such a great gal.  Also has a heart of gold.  My kind of person.  I miss not going to church and having these experiences.  I pray that our church can grow into a family that all feel this way.  We have a chance.  Oh ya! Suck it up cupcake and let’s get going.  We’re burning daylight!

BUT, I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN who now is older and sits in the back of church and keeps his mouth shut. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Happiness is not perfected until it is shared.

October 10, 2020


Many folks and businesses attract attention a.k.a. advertise themselves or their businesses or whatever they are pushing.  Sometimes we are attracted by the bangles and baubles and sometimes we are not.  This “It’s Saturday” has no bangles or baubles soooo maybe it will not get your attention (i.e. loosely translated).  There is no shiny, gaudy glitter soooo if that is what you like, you will be disappointed.  BUT remember, you get what you pay for.  And the price is right! It’s your lucky day; you get all the breaks!

Amazon says—We just don’t think big, we do big! SteadyEddie, who seems to follow rules others don’t, says--Under promise and over produce seems to work very well.  It always has.  I was talking to a company executive recently.  I asked her how her company’s business is going—very well; we are really growing—why—all by referrals; we haven’t done any advertising for two years; we try to treat folks well, give them value for their dollar and it seems to work; we have a product that they like and want.  Bingo! ItchieBitchie, who is soooo uplifting, askes—Have you ever tried to cram something down someone’s throat that they don’t want?  How did that go? Have you ever treated someone really bad and then tried to engage them again?  How did that go?  Sooooo what does this tell us anyway?

I saw a girl that had this written on her sweatshirt the other day that is no overexaggeration (i.e. my opinion)—Look like a beauty but train like a beast! I was at a friend’s mother’s funeral recently.  The pastor read some quips from some of her writings.  This one made me smile—If the corners in your house are dirty, your house isn’t clean.

Do you and I ever try to “over impress” others?  I see other folks doing it but do you and I?  I mean folks go way overboard in trying to impress someone.  Sometimes it is soooo obvious that it is funny.  Why do folks do that.  CadillacJack says—Everyone has their reasons.  It appears from my vantagepoint, they usually are found out who they really are after some time (i.e. usually it doesn’t take long).  It usually always shakes out! But not always it appears!

WorldClassLarry says--Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of all the folks we come in contact with.  Yikes.  Are you familiar with the rule of 72?  It is about compound interest.  You divide the interest rate that you receive on an investment into 72 and that is how many years it takes for the principle to double using compound interest (e.g. interest rated of 6% will take 12 for the principle to double).  I believe (i.e. my opinion) that is the same way with being kind to folks.  Kindness seems to accelerate and increase with time.  JoeSmuck says--The larger the principle, the more it increases (i.e. maybe for both the recipient and the giver—could be)!  I think it is especially feels good toooo be kind when kindness does not seem to be appropriate (i.e. rudeness would seem more appropriate—now that takes a big person—it is easy to be a little person).  RickyRick says—"One of the greatest tests of your character is how you treat people who are trying to serve you. Whether it’s a waitress, a waiter, a clerk, an employee, a secretary, your children, or your spouse, how you treat those who serve you tells me a great deal about you.” Social psychologist Eric Hoffer once said--“Rudeness is the weak man’s imitation of strength.” MissPerfect, who says it as it is, says--It takes no intelligence at all to be rude. I don’t think any of us can overexaggerate kindness (i.e. my opinion).

Is winning overexaggerated? Our grandson, Jimmer, likes to run and seems to be sorta kinda a natural it appears (i.e. it appears sometimes that we seem to enjoy something we are better at (i.e. it seems). He ran in this Healthy KIDS Running Series over the weekend.  They split kids up in different ages.  He is 8 and ran half a mile.  I was Facetiming with him and he said—Grandpa, it’s not about winning; I just like to be first!

I was riding with a golf buddy, who we call “thedownthemiddleguy” and told him now that the sun has changed it’s angle, the sun makes the windows in my sun porch look smeary, dirty, and unpleasant.  What do you use to clean your windows?  He got all excited and told me about these miracle clothes that are the real deal.  Ya, I heard this story before.  No really, they are the real deal.  Soooo I went online and ordered them.  They seem to work.  Yes, they are called Holly Molly!  Maybe he didn’t overexaggerate them!!!

JoeBlow asks—Are some experts really experts or just goof balls.  Or are they just hired goon experts to produce a point to make strong their side of the argument? I don’t always believe some so-called experts anymore.  Where do they get their information? Did they pull it out of their hat or had a dream?  Evan Esar defined statistics as the only science that enables different experts using the same figures to draw different conclusions.  Now you gotta be good to do that.  Not just anyone can do that.  Oh, those emotions in figures!  Emotions can be skewed the way you want them to make a point.  Skew them for what purpose you are pushing (i.e. usually about money or power). We don’t seem to very analytical anymore.  Ture analytics just are not true anymore it seems. They are based on numbers and percentages that are made ambiguous, for sure.  Numbers are now objective.  They are influenced by forces we have no control over (i.e. forces like money and power).  SlimySlick, who seems to be inept and spineless at times, says—Get on the wagon you want.  Any wagon is right. There is no absolute right or wrong.  The attitude of, if it feels good to you it must be right, seems to be the current attitude. Holy smokes! Yippy hi ah, get along little doggies!

I am no expert by any means but could be considered goofy by some.  ANYWAY, maybe we overexaggerate the negative and underexaggerate the positive.  Here is an idea for you—Write down two positive things of your day each day.  Ok, if you are soooooo busy that you can’t do that, say them to yourself when you go to the bathroom. We all go to the bathroom and have some dead time!  Maybe say them out loud.  Better yet, if you are with someone, share them with each other (i.e. maybe not in the bathroom). We gotta put positive stuff in our minds.  We are what we think (i.e. my opinion).

I wonder if the Chinese are working right now as we talk on a virus that will infect cats and dogs.  And also working on a vaccine to prevent the virus and another to cure the virus.  Now that would make a lot of money.  This virus in humans is starting to get boring and they need something else that is another money maker and disruptive. I am just kidding folks.  Some of you take me way to serious.  I’m just trying to stimulate you.  Don’t start a business for face masks for cats and dogs quite yet.  And don’t worry about it.  LuckieEddie says—erv, you’re thinking is just ridiculous!  Just ridiculous! That would never happen unless they could get paid to disturb the election! 

Some of you might think this is an overexaggeation.  AverageJoe says--If you are way excited, you need to control your emotions (i.e. all of us do). Try this.  Inhale at a rate of 8 seconds and exhale it in 8 seconds. Now that might be an overexaggeation for some of you, ok, how about 6 seconds!  Try it, it works.  Your heart rate will go down.  It will. You will function much better.  I talked to a friend the other day on my jog and she was excited; I mean excited about thinking her rights are being taken away (i.e. she might have been watching a bit of toooo many campaign ads).  She needs to work on her breathing for sure. I thought for a minute that she was going to pass out and I would have to do mouth to mouth.  Scary for sure. I just couldn't see me doing that to her!

Have you ever seen photographs that use the concept of forced perspective? It’s a technique that employs optical illusions to make objects appear closer or further than they are—or to make them appear smaller or larger than they are in reality. It is a very good form of overexaggeration.  It really works.  Don’t kid yourself.  It is used on us all the time and we don’t even know it.  Things get blown out of proportion.  haha Sucker, remember that next time when the world is trying to tell you something that is probably not true.  

Overexaggerated they did.  Our daughter is a RN for the Denver Children’s Hospital.  With the virus excitement, the hospital did many things to keep their employees.  They had to make some adjustments in benefits and because of this, they didn’t have to lay anyone off or furrow anyone (i.e. pretty remarkable but they still took a huge, massive financial hit). Well the recovery is going much better than they thought and they have now reinstated many of those benefits and some were done retroactive (i.e. pretty neat—it wasn’t as bad as they thought it was going to be).  ~~  A financial expert gave me his personal opinion as toooo why the stock market continues to do soooo well.  He thinks the virus was an opportunity for some large companies to use more technology and use different methods of operation (e.g. work from home) which actually made these companies more money (i.e. bigger bottom lines).  The virus sorta kinda gave them an opportunity to retool (i.e. they were fat and outdated). Interesting to me.  I would guess somethings will never be the same.  What do you think?  That is what I thought. I read this in the paper as an example. 

Are you exasperated by people who repeat themselves?  BUT it seems to work as folks seem to do it often to make sure the other person hears it or understands it.  Even speakers do it.  They say—Let me repeat that.  The weather folks repeat the weather time and time again and the folks love it.  I have heard some folks’ stories hundreds times.  Sometimes in the same week.  They must really think they are good stories.  Soooo how can we not become one of those type of folks.  Maybe write it on our arms or maybe have a digital memory system attached to our brain that says—You have already told that story to that person. 

I called my family doctor’s clinic to see if I could stop later in the afternoon and get my flu shot—they said my doctor was not working this afternoon—can’t some nurse just do it—well yes, but that is not our procedure; can you come tomorrow—no, I’m from out of town and will be in town today; that is ok, I will go to Target or Hy-Vee—hold on a second—can you come in at 2—no, I have another appointment—hold on; how about 4:15—perfect.  Sooooo I was leaving the clinic when there was a lady who was maybe 90 outside holding onto her walker waiting for her ride—she said, watch out, my granddaughter is coming and she is a wild, crazy driver.  Just then a Jeep with a pretty blond about 19 comes screaming around the corner.  I jumped aside as I thought she was going to run me over.  I looked at her and smiled and she smiled back.  The grandmother said to me—I told you soooo! We both laughed.  What a hoot.

This “It’s Saturday” was over the top, overkill, over cooked, way toooo much noise!  Just remember what IchieVickie says--Toooo much of anything is toooo much overbearing.  Soooo I suggest you erase everything you read in this “It’s Saturday” from your mind.  The sooner the better.  Just listen to more Presidential debates; they will make way more sense to you. haha

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—However far the stream flows, it never forgets its source.

October 3, 2020


Some of you at times tell me that you can’t follow my train of thought in my writings of “It’s Saturday.”  Having a smooth train of thought is maybe orthodox and maybe I’m nonorthodox at times and do that on purpose (i.e. I jump all over).  Like I have said many times, I get bored easily.  BUT if you are maybe extremely orthodox in your thinking, you maybe don’t especially like a nonorthodox approach.  I understand.  This “It’s Saturday’s” salvo might exasperate some of you (i.e. it might be “crystal clear” that it is “unclear”).  Well, hang on to your underwear, you’ll be ok, believe me.  I had a college roommate that went without underwear when he ran out of clean.  He made it! In fact, he was “the teacher of the year” and then got in the junk business and made a ton of money (i.e. now there is a lot to think about and interpret in that sentence). We called him Ding Ding!

I was going down an aisle getting groceries the other day and had to go in front of a guy who was maybe 50 who was looking for something.  I said—excuse me and he said—Rock on brother!  Soooo I say to you folks—Rock on brother or sister! Rock on!

I listened to a pastor talk recently about “transitioning from the old testament to the new testament.”  Short version—The Jews were all old testament and Jesus came along (i.e. very unorthodox) and gave us the new testament.  There is a lot to think about in that sentence.  And now we are still in the process of transitioning.  Lot to think about in that toooo.  Transition is much like how our culture is in a constant transition.  You all have opinions about all of this.  Some of you are very orthodox and some nonorthodox and some really don’t care or some of you are hybrids. OldTestamentBill says—I don’t like change and won’t change and don’t try to make me unless I can make more money and then I will change. NewTestamentSally says—Somethings don’t really change but the methodology just changes.  And then there is I-ReallyDon’tCareBobby who says—Some things aren’t worth talking about; they make no difference in the big picture.  SusieQ says—Generations come and generations go and they all seem to change things; sometimes that is the only way anything will change (i.e. when old Pete and Nellie kick the bucket) or when they no longer can make any money.  It’s all about the money.  Quit kidding yourself folks!!!!

Make today sooooo good that yesterday gets jealous.

In America, advertisements of different sorts are constantly wanting our money and we have to decide who is going to get it and they seem to get it alright (i.e. even when folks don’t have money, they get their future money like on credit cards).  How do you decide who you will give your money toooo?  Really! I personally like the formula—some to others, some to savings and the rest I can spend like I want.  Chester and Anna taught me this as they did it religiously and they didn’t have much money.  BUT the other day I had a friend call me “tight”.  I have tooooo admit, for the most part, I like value for my dollar but not always, it depends what it is and my priorities. That toooo might be nonorthodox! Again, some of you will understand that and others of you won’t. For sure.

Trust everyone but cut the cards!

Do you think whoever wins the Presidency will affect the stock market?  Really?  For the poor folks, it really doesn’t make much difference. The extremely rich, it doesn’t really make much difference either but it might affect the middle class who have their 401K retirement funds in it.  They might have to work another 10 years or have a less retirement.  But some of you will inherit a pile of money, soooo maybe it won’t affect you (i.e. but many of you will not inherit a pile of money).  BUT if the market goes down 25% to 50%, it will affect some folks for sure, maybe.  This is going to be interesting now isn’t it folks. The future is soooo uncertain.  BUT remember, This toooo shall pass. BUT maybe not in my lifetime!!!! haha Is the future exciting to you or nerve wracking?  AverageJoe, who might have spiders in his head, says—It all depends on how this affects each of us personally!!!!  It’s all about the money folks.  My money!!!! I want to keep my current life style or I want my life style to be better.  TheGuyNorthOfTown says--I don’t want to lose my lake cabin or my wintering in the South. I have it pretty darn good right now. 

Charles Schwab said—"All successful employers are stalking men and women who think, men and women who attract attention by performing more than is expected of them.” LuckieEddie says--Charles, not in a socialized form of operation; there it doesn’t make much difference; everyone gets the same burger. 

Soooooo really folks, what do you want to do before you die?  I have to admit that I am happy with my life and what I have done.  Sure, there are a few things that I would like to maybe see or do or accomplish but really, they aren’t that important (i.e. I have seen a lot and done a lot—come a long way).  I am happy.  I hope you are toooo. If not, try to do somethings that will make you happy.  More soooo do things that are very important that makes you who you want to be. That is my opinion, whatever that is worth! Probably not much.  Such is life.

I got a copy of the Denver Post from the Corner Store while in Morrison, CO.  The paper said that the Nuggets think that LeBron James gets all the calls (i.e. gets all the breaks). There seems to be politics in everything. It does seem that way but that ain’t nuttin new; the stars usually do get the breaks. I have told many of you folks that you get all the breaks and you do soooooo you must all be stars.  That anin’t nuttin new. There are some folks who act like big old ornery bull moose during rutting season up’erin’emRockymountains (i.e. the worst part is that those folks don’t have a clue that they act that way). I was talking to a retired pastor in NE.  I asked him what was the hardest part of being a pastor—church politics (i.e. probably referring to those bull moose who are in a consent rut in the churches). Such is life.

MyNeighborDownTheStreet, who is a real bubble machine, told me that because of covid-19 this was the first year that they didn’t go to Hawaii.  Other years it was because they couldn’t afford it!

Puff the magic dragoon! WorldClassLarry, who always generates a little reaction, says—You can’t see where you came from unless you look down your trail (i.e. this is what I use to be, this is where I came from, and this is where I am today).  Remember folks, two folks can be at the same location on their paths, but one has come a lot farther than the other.  Soooo every morning, wake up and do the right thing.  I was just a little old farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN.  Where did you come from? Many of you folks just amaze me where you came from and where you are today.  Above amazement.  Thank the Lord.

If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.  You just can’t make a duck something else no matter how hard you try.  You need to accept that duck the way it is, tolerate the duck or decide not to be around that duck (i.e. the duck ain’t going to change, a duck is a duck folks).   

RickyRick said—"You can disagree with someone without being disagreeable. Honestly, some of the rudest people I’ve ever met were overly zealous people who were so committed to the truth that they didn’t really care about people.” That might seem nonorthodox to you but think about it folks.   

I talked to a friend recently.  He was the one who had a severe heart attack and almost died.  He just had an echo done of his heart.  His heart did not improve any and probably won’t the doctor said (i.e. it’s functioning at 30%).  He asked the doctor if he can give any good news.  Yes, you are lucky to be alive; you should have really died.  This friend is a good guy, but it has been a struggle for him and his family.  The virus situation doesn’t help either.  There are folks with battles out there for sure (i.e. like all of us). Don’t kid yourself.

Calvin Coolidge said—If you see 10 troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you.

I had breakfast with a friend recently and they were telling me that their group is studying C.S. Lewis’ book Screwtape Letters.  I think I tried to read it maybe 30 years ago and didn’t finish it.  It seemed to be over my head.  Yet, it is C.S.’s probably most famous book.  The pastor who suggested it to me warned me that it is heady.  He said they studied it in seminary and the students couldn’t understand it and the professors couldn’t either.  Yet, folks keep reading it.  It is very stimulating.  It surely was for me as I only had to read half of it! haha  I said to an acquaintance who gave me some perennial flowers recently from his garden—Your pants are dirty and he said—if your pants aren’t dirty it means you aren’t working. 

What are the seven deadly sins?  It depends on whom you ask.  Tradition has it that they are pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy and sloth.  But George Bernard Shaw proclaimed them to be food, clothing, firing, rent, taxes, respectability and children. 

Because of the recommendation of one of you big time readers (i.e. but I can’t remember which one of you), I listened to the book Virgil Wander by Leif Enger on my trip. I enjoyed it and recommend you give it a try.  Of course, you might not like it.  That happens all the time.  We all don’t like the same stuff.  For sure. Some folks are more orthodox than others (i.e. different kind of ducks).  For sure.

Who said this? “Acting is the expression of a neurotic impulse.  It’s a bum’s life. Quitting acting, that’s the sign of maturity.”  I am who I am and that’s the way it is.  I never need to worry.  It is what it is.  I enjoy folks who are real and I don’t enjoy folks who are fakers.  I have said that many times.  Many of you are real folks.  Some aren’t but that is the way it is (i.e. that is why they sell make up).  haha  Abraham Lincoln said—You can fool some of the people all the time, you can fool all the people some of the time but you can’t fool all the people all the time. Or as my mentor would say—erv, everyone has warts. It’s just that we can’t see them. If I think some folks are fakers and if you think they are fakers, then others do toooo.  You and I ain’t that smart that we are not the only ones who can figure that out.  But they might think no one else can figure that out.  Da! When in Roseland Elementary, Donnie had a scope like lens that he claimed he could look right through peoples’ clothes.  I begged to let me look through it, but he would never let me.  I did figure it out that he was faking it. 

AverageJosie, who always seems to be happy, says—Some folks are really funny and they don’t even know it. And some folks try to be funny but aren’t and they don’t even know it.  And some folks try to be funny and they are. 

JoeBlow, who seems to throw hand grenades at times, says—When there is a conflict between tradition a.k.a. old testament and something new a.k.a. new testament, which one usually wins? History proves that tradition usually does.  Why?  It’s easier and folks like status quo.  And where does most of the pushback of change come from do you think? It is what it is folks. Quack quack quack!

Some folks’ humor I don’t understand and some of my humor others don’t understand.  That is why humor is soooo dangerous.  Humor can be really misunderstood and can really hurt folks.  I like humor soooo I risk hurting some of you. Sorry!  Don’t take me or others soooo serious (i.e. and especially yourself).  A late friend never did understand my humor soooo I never used humor around them (i.e. just learned that and it was a lot safer).  They never used much humor and when they did, I didn’t understand their humor at all.  Sooooo many times folks who don’t understand others’ humor just laugh anyway to be polite.  Sometimes I just stand there and act dumbfounded (i.e. that works toooo).  And that isn’t just in humor, many times we just don’t understand certain folks and they don’t understand us.  Such is life.

For sure no one understands another person really very well.  We just don’t.  That’s just the way it is (e.g.  Were all his hopes “shrunk to this little measure,” as Mark Antony said over the body of Julius Caesar?  Sooooo what does that mean?  I would guess we all interpret it differently).  Aren’t we really something else!

This “It’s Saturday” might have disturbed you or even confused you.  Some of you it wasn’t really that hard and others of you it didn’t even affect you.  Folks are strange and seem to be all different.  That is for sure.  Some of you have no idea what I was trying to do or say and others of you are with me and it was refreshing.  I love it!  Or as a friend says—Just put more butter and salt on it.  It always tastes better. Why are you scratching your head!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Do your best, leave the rest.