October 20, 2012

Ya just know

Socrates was put on trial for treason.  He said I know more than the people who are judging me.  I know nothing and they don't know that they don't know nothing yet!  Such is life.

This reminded me of the presidential debates.  I saw a huge massive billboard by Kearney, Nebraska on I-80 advertising Pioneer Village.  It said--They had 5,000,000 satisfied visitors.  How do they know that.  Sounds sorta kinda speculative to me.  Ya just know they can't be accurate.  Sorta kinda like the promises I hear at the debates.  Somethings you just know stuff  is a bunch of hooey and sometimes you just know stuff is true 'cause you heard it from a cousin of a co-worker's sister's uncle's best friend's son-in-law's niece's hairdresser's neighbor's ex-boyfriend's oldest nephew (i.e. is's gotta be right then).  

After you have been around folks for some time, ya just know what they are going to say and do (i.e. pretty predictable).  No surprise.  That's just the way they are (i.e. and us too).  And if you know folks very well, you know why they act the way they do and say the things they do.  As my mentor use to say--We are programed by our past much like a computer is programed.  AverageJoe asks--Sooooo is that our character then?  Is our character constantly changing do you think?  Can you and I change our character?  Can we change to become more like some one's character that we would like to be more like?  What do you think? 

MissPerfect says--My normal might not (i.e. more than likely) be the same as your normal.  I'm not sure that any of us understand why some folks act the way they do, but they seem to always do the right thing even if it's not what others would do and maybe not the most popular.  Hey, I know folks like that and I really like them.  Sooooo why do they act that way and others react just the opposite.  Two brothers might be just the opposite or two sisters.  Now think about this--you go to a meeting and if you know the folks pretty good, you know who is going to complain, talk, object, criticize, praise, have a solution, go overboard, have wisdom, say things that you will wonder about, drag the meeting on forever without really saying much or knowing much, say nutten, say very little, get it figured out, don't have a clue what's going on etc (i.e. and they know how we are going to act too).  And for the most part, you know that before you go to the meeting.  Ya just know it.  Huh, interesting. 

Negative folks are just negative folks and positive folks are just positive folks.  No getting around it. Ya just know who they are.  Complainers are just complainers and doers are just doers.  Folks who do little just do little and folks who do a lot just plain do a lot. Some folks just talk about it while the others have it done before the others get done talking.  Ya know that.  Ya just know who all those folks are. 

And ya just know who the fakers, phonies, and smoke blowers are (i.e. DuaneTheWorms of the world).  It doesn't take no brain scientist to figure those folks out.  Ya just know!  Ya know who the real folks are with the huge massive hearts (i.e. my kind of folks).  Ya just know!  Abraham Lincoln said--You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

Ya just know it.  We were in Costco in Littleton, CO last weekend.  I was waiting for our family (i.e. patiently).  There was a gal standing beside me waiting too (i.e. about 30 or soooo).  I said to her--you have some important cargo in your cart (i.e. she had her little baby boy).  She said--I sure do; he is sooooo precious--how old is he--6 months--what's his name--Benjamen--that's a nice name; is there a special reason why you named him that?--it's a Bible name and we liked it--Are you a Christian?--yes we are--Are you--yes we are--do you have family--yes, those over there are our family; children are frustrating at times but parenting is the most joyous think we have ever done--we just are soooo blessed with little Benjamen and are sooooo happy.  Then her husband came and I said--I am soooo happy for you guys.  I said I had to go.  The gal stuck out her hand and shock my hand.  Huh, interesting.

SusieQ says--Some folks seem like they are always living in Pleasentville and others are always living in Dumbsville). Ya just know when tragedy (i.e.speed bumps) strikes how folks will react (i.e. pretty much anyway).  Ya just know when good stuff happens to folks how they will react (i.e. pretty much anyway).  If you know folks well enough, you probably won't be surprised.  Our character, what we believe in, our personality, our heart, our mind are all developed through the years by many things (i.e. genetics and environment).

Change is hard.  All change is hard.  Ya all know that.  JoeBlow says--It's hard to change your spouse, child, pastor, president, neighbor, self, parents, siblings, besides trying to change folks from a a different culture or part of the world.  It can be done.  Money, power, world success seem to get folk's attention to change them.  With jr high girls, it's being in the group (i.e. the elite group considers themselves the best, but we know they aren't!).  I guess that works for women of all ages even when they are seniors.  Many who want to be the elite group and will change to be there (i.e. will almost do anything to be popular and be part of the so called elite group).  Ya just know who they are.  But I think folks (i.e me included) can change).  I think if we really want to change we can but we really really have to want to.  If we really don't want to, we won't.  That's my opinion. 

I know folks who are very powerful and rich who are very good folks.  I know folks who are powerful and rich who are jerks.  I know folks who are not very powerful nor rich who are very good folks.  I know folks who are not very powerful nor rich who are jerks.  Soooooo folks, power and money does not make the person who they are.  It has to be something inside of them.  Inside their heart and mind.  There is something intangible that make those folks good and not sooooo good.  Ya just know jerks and ya just know the good folks. It doesn't take to long to figure that out.  But again ya have to be careful as everyone has a different measuring stick as to who is a jerk and who is a good person (i.e. or do they).  Such is life.

Sometimes we get to a point where we think we know everything and plan our lives that way (i.e. ya just know it all).  But then something happens which we have no control over that reminds us once again that we are not in charge of the universe.  JaneTheOlsen says--My parents remember the letters that used to follow announcements in the church bulletin: "The church picnic will be next Saturday, DV. "DV" stood for Deo volente, "God willing."  Arlene's Mom, Cora, use to say to me a lot--If God is willing.  I sorta kinda laughed at that.  But now I understand it more.  That is what age does maybe.  Does wisdom come with age?  Socrates once said--True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.  Huh, interesting.

CadillacJack says--Ya just know it's time to quite something or give it up (i.e. make a change).  Or you know it's time to start something or move on.  Ya just know.  It's just not working out the way you are currently doing it (i.e. self-evaluation).  Sorta kinda knowing when it's time to have knee or hip replacement.  They say ya just know it.

Ya just know that you have no idea what Joesixpack is going to do next (i.e. he's a real character).  He is sooooo unpredictable.  One thing you do know is that you don't know what he is going to do.  You know that 'cause that the way he has always been.  I had a friend say to me in church recently--I like being a little different than all the others a.k.a being a little weird! 

You just know the answer already but...Who/what dominates the presidential election?  The paper says that about $1,000,000,000 will be spent on campaigning.  Now that's a lot of money.  Where does that money come from?  1. Poor black folks 2. Poor white folks 3.  Middle class Americans 4. The rich white folks.  Well it doesn't take no rocket scientist to figure that out.  Why do the big givers give to both parties?  Da! 

Talent is God-given, be humble. Fame is man-given, be grateful. Conceit is self-given, be careful.
~John Wooden~  You just know!  GeorgeTheCrook said this about his wife--I married Miss Right but didn't know her first name was Always!  It didn't take long to flush that out of her let me tell ya! 

ItchieBitichie says--I can't understand some one's character who is a big advocate for saving all the pets but is pro-abortion.  That person's character seems a little shallow to me.  What do you think?  Maybe they have a peek-a-boo character. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans.  (-:


MyFriendJean says--There plenty of rules for attaining success, but none of them works unless you do.

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