October 11, 2014

A little of this and a little of that!

Disclaimer:  Most of the stuff in this “It’s Saturday” you’ll probably forget before you get done going to the bathroom soooo don’t get toooo excited about anything that might offend you.  It ain’t worth it folks.  It’s like a news flash about DuaneTheWorm!  There is a good explanation as to why DuaneTheWorm acts as he does but it escapes me at the moment!  DuaneTheWorm has a very bombastic and theoretical style.  Do you know any DuaneTheWorms?

MissPerfect a.k.a. LRP (i.e. limited role player), you haven’t moved since I left the house 5 hours ago wts.  MissPerfect’s reply—Excuse me, where do you think these chips came from! I think wts is called an acronym, isn’t it?  Sorta kinda like ACTS is for how we should pray—Affirmation, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication—in that order.  I would guess most prayers are 80% supplication—give it to me God and NOW!  I use to learn stuff for tests by using mnemonics.  You ever do that.  It worked for me.  I needed all he help I could get folks.  This may or may not work for you but wts it can’t hurt. 

The litmus test!  Good friends are the folk who see you at your worst and still love ya.  I guess bad friends would sorta kinda be the opposite.  That may or may not make any sense to ya.  I wonder if it would depend if you are a good friend or the opposite.  What do you think?  We have some good friends, I mean really good friends (i.e. you guys).  Saturday question—Do you think sometimes the right folks come into your life at just the right time?  Happenstance, na, I don’t think sooooo folks!  This question I read while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it—Who would be the best person to have come into you life?  They think Jesus! Bingo!  It could be a life changer (i.e. a real play maker they say).

Opportunities!  You have heard me say this many times—I pray for opportunities, I pray that I can recognize them (i.e. soooo they just don’t fly over my head) and I pray for courage to act on them.  Sometimes it takes guts to “get out of the boat” and “walk on water”.  But, I believe that if I don’t act on them, future opportunities will be limited (i.e. reasons are many and varied).  That is my opinion.  It seems that some folks have many more opportunities than others.  Why is that do you think?  ItchieBitchie says—Play makers make plays! LuckieEddie says--I don't need opportunities, I just work on the necessities of life.  Most living creatures, are motivated by three things (i.e. no surprise)--food, sex, and shelter, not always in that order folks!  Such is life.

Makin’plays!  MissPerfect says—Sometimes I make big plays and sometimes I don’t!  My big sister, big in age only (i.e. I want to make that clear) said this to me—A “wrinkle” that I’m sure you will iron out erv.  I’m not a magician big sister.  I can’t pull a rabbit out of the hat and I don’t have magic in the bottle.  I don't have magical staff like Moses! I just do what I can when I can but some things I just can’t do.  By the way, I just took my white shirt to the cleaners at Hy-Vee to get cleaned and ironed!  Don’t wear that sucker very much; only if someone dies and then I always don’t.  Soooo that is less ironing which I’m not very good at and don’t care to do.  Such is life.

There are a lot of different wrinkles in saying that a person died.  Some are a person expired or passed away or kicked the bucket.  Or “bought a pine condo,” “a dirt nap,” “tipped over” or “at room temperature”  Obits use all sort of words and phrases for dying.  LuckieEddie says—I want mine just to say “died.”  And none of this “brave struggle” or “courageous battle” with whatever stuff.  Just put down that I wasn’t very happy about it!
Intimidated! WildWillie says that “the rumor trail” says—When you are intimated you can’t perform very well.  A golf buddy said he gets intimated when he plays with real good golfers.  He just can’t perform to his ability.  Soooo I said to him—Do I intimate you?  He said—I said, I get intimidated by really good golfers!  My ex-business partner/friend for 34 year is a pretty good game player in two ways.  He is pretty good under presure and also can be pretty good at being a “game player”.  He is good with his little quips and actions to get into guys’ heads (i.e. he makes me smile).  CadillacJack asks—Is this good or not sooo good?  CadillacJack, I don’t know but it is entertaining to me.  He doesn’t seem to get into my head toooo much that I’m aware of (i.e. I’m pretty dense and if you don’t get it, it doesn’t bother a guy).  A mutual golf buddy said to us —Maybe he got in your head erv all those 34 years you were in business together but you didn’t realize it!  Hee hee!  Could be!  We had a very good 34-year run together.  Such is life.

I went for a bike ride to Kesley Corner and back on a beautiful fall Sunday afternoon  I scared up a pheasant beside the road.  It reminded me of all the pheasants my friend, Blackie (i.e. my dog) and I shot a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN on our family farm.  How about this, my Mom, Anna, cleaned almost all of them for me.  What a Mom!  There were also a lot of huge grasshoppers on the road.  They reminded me of this:  I was maybe 12.  I had a friend, Jerry, over on a beautiful fall Sunday like the day I was riding bike.  He and I and my kid sister who was maybe 8, were on the hard surface road that ran past our farm.  We were catching those giant grasshoppers and throwing them at cars to make them splash on their windshields.  We were having a blast until one car slammed on the brakes and backed up.  We started running across the field (i.e. no fleet can go faster than it’s slowest vessel).  It wasn’t long before they caught us.  One guy said he was going to knock our brains out.  The other one said he was going to knock the living… out of us.  My sister started crying and Jerry said they couldn’t hit him as he had glasses on.  That left me!  They pushed me around some and made more threats.  They finally left.  I still had my brain and my living…!  My kid sister peed in her pants! Such good memories.

I see squirrels acing like squirrels.  They’re scurrying around storing their nuts for the winter I guess.  Does that mean that there is going to be another tough winter in the Midwest or are they just being nutty?  Joesixpack says—Squirrels gathering nuts in a flurry will cause snow to gather in a hurry!  I don’t know about that.  Maybe we just try to read tooooo much into the “squirrely” stuff.  What do you think?  I wonder if we just have good years and have bad years.  Unlike the Chicago Cubs who seem to never have a good year.  Wait until next year Cub fans or the next or the next.  Epstein, president of the Cubs, said—Expect young talented team to compete for division next year (i.e. I heard that before; it’s called marketing folks). I hope that good year comes before the end of time.  We will see!  I think the Cubbies need to get on the “fast track” boys and girls. 

Saturday question—Soooo how do you know when the squirrels are normal?  A golf buddy told me--The more weird folks there are (i.e. the weirder the better) makes us look closer to normal!  Soooo there you go cupcake!  And who is normal in this world anymore?  Really!  Are you normal?  Normal compared to who?—Your neighbor, your friends, your parents, your siblings, your class mates, your golf buddies, the bridge girls, the folks at church, the folks at the bar, the folks you work with or who?  Ya got to have a bench mark.  Da!  My mentor use to say—erv, after you get to know someone better, you find out that they all have warts!

A buddy told me recently that he worries way toooo much about stuff that he shouldn’t worry about.  How come you worry soooo much I asked.  He didn’t know.  I had another buddy tell me that he’s not very peaceful.  How came.  He didn’t know.  Huh, interesting.  I was agitated recently (i.e. the flame was fanned).  It was over something that hurt my ego.  I thought I was snubbed (i.e. I think because of my age).  Now they want my time and money, they are friendly to me now.  Da! I thought I would tell them what I  thought!!!!  After some thought, I decided not to tell them what I thought (i.e. ya never win by doing that).  I probably won’t have much to do with them in the future.  I’m not going to worry about it and not going to let it ruin my peace.  That should do it folks!!!  that's my final score--until further review, of course!  So far, I think it's a good call.  What do you think?

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--It costs nothing to say something nice about somebody.

PS KenThePung says--Good old egg coffee. Our church dinners served egg coffee. It would be made in those large coffee pots. Get water boiling hot, then add a mixture of coffee and eggs to the hot water. Turn down heat and stir in mixture, then turn off heat and let brew. After 5 minutes add cold water to settle grounds. Now you have the best tasting coffee bitter free.

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