March 7, 2015

How about we what?

Disclaimer:  ItchieBitchie says--Most folks keep their cards close to their chest. It's a lot safer (i.e. a lot less risk).  Some of you might think that part of what I'm going to talk about today is risky.  Could be.  It might make you uncomfortable.  If you have a problem with that, you might want to skip that part.  Go get a beer instead and sit on the couch and watch TV during that part of this "It's Saturday".  I have no problem with that.  You don't have to be bothered or be challenged.  Ya got it?  I will let you know where that part is.  Ok, lets get going.  We are burning day light.

WorldClassLarry's word is the word.  He is not wishy-washy.  And he's very positive.  He knows what to say, when to say it, when to back off.  DuaneTheWorm is just the opposite; he's wishy-washy.  He almost always talks about himself and just plain drives me crazy (i.e. a fake).  Saturday question--Who would you rather want to be around?  Da!  CrazyMarvin asks--"How about we do what" to those two guys?  What would be the appropriate medicine for each?  What do you think?

Riddle  I don't expect any of you guys to get this riddle.  I don't.  You guys are smart but...!  Maybe my expectations of you aren't as high as they should be.  Let me know if you can get it?  It's from WarrenFromOmaha (i.e. not everyone can be a WarrenFromOmaha).  These 7 words all have something in common.  See if you can figure out what it is!  1. Banana 2. Dresser 3. Grammar 4. Potato 5. Revive 6. Uneven 7. Assess.  Ok, here is the answer if you can't figure it out (i.e. I didn't think you could)--No, it is not that they all have at least 2 double letters...Try again (i.e. how about we what--you heard me, try again)! Answer is--In all the words listed, if you take the first letter, place it at the end of the word, and then spell the word backwards, it will be the same word.  Really, be honest, did any of you guys get it?  I have no idea what WarrenFromOmaha expects from you folks.  Really! His expectations are higher than mine.  Hope you can prove me wrong!

You are doing what?  A senior friend told me that they sold part of their land holdings at the advice of their children.  They sold those land holdings, I am sure, for big bucks.  She told me that now she doesn't have to buy the cheapest cheese in the story any more (i.e. she had been doing that for many years, more than the years Methuselah lived). She also said--We can now live more affluent (i.e. how about we what?).   Soooo I said to her--You are doing what?  After living a conservative life style for all those years (i.e. programmed), I doubt if they will change much.  But ya never know now do ya. They might "stick up there nose" to us the next time they see us. Could be!  It happens. But, I hope they ratchet up their life style some if that is what they want to do (i.e. they deserve it).  They ain't spring chickens any more.  Such is life.

This is the time you might want to get your beer!

Popeye The Sailor Man!  Do you remember Popeye and Bluto, Olive Oyl, and Swee'pea?  I watched Popeye when I was a kid and really liked him. Do you remember his famous saying--I yam what I yam and tha's all what I yam! Well blow me down! That's all I can stands, cus I can't stands n'more!  Saturday question--What can't you stand anymore in your life or in our environment?  How about we what?  Really!  Joesixpack, are you ever going to take some action or just sit on the couch and eat chips all your life?  Are you going to make a difference in some one's life?  LuckieEddie says--What we share today, we have forever and what we put off, we've lost.  Such is life.

Happenstance, na I don't think soooo folks!  I have a huge massive interest in improving folks' lives who are depressed (i.e. that's maybe 1 out of every 10 folks, a huge massive #).  Depression is way over my head, I realize that (i.e. I'm in a bit of a pickle). I don't exactly have the answers (i.e. have no hocus-pocus!).  But, somehow, someway maybe I can make a little difference in maybe one person's life. I would like to placate one person or many (i.e. get them out of the stinkin' toilet). Sooooo I asked a pickleball buddy what he did in his real life--He was an executive for a large company and he was a safety and wellness person.  He would travel to the different plants and help employees who were depressed (i.e. mentally ill).  Large sums of money are lost each year in business because of mental illness.  He told me he would go into a break rooms where there would be maybe 40 employees and introduce himself and his mission.  He would ask them to raise their hand if any of them were affected directly or indirectly by someone they knew who had cancer.  They all looked at him and raised their hands.  Then he would ask them to raise their hands if any of them were affected directly or indirectly by someone they knew who had mental illness.  They would look at the floor and did not raise their hands.  He told them that reality is, the numbers are the same.  Ouchy ouchy!

This is what he emailed me--The whole issue of depression is very complex and unfortunately there are no easy fixes.  BUT there are lots of things that can help those suffering and their families.  Just being there is a big help, listening and reassuring.  There is a huge stigma around depression but thankfully more and more people are talking about it.  The proper medication helps and people on prescriptions must take them for the prescribed time, often people stop taking them when they feel better and don't complete the full regiment.  Too many people 'blame' themselves for their condition (others too!) and people don't understand/accept that it is a real illness that must be treated.  Again no easy remedy but the biggest step is recognition and support and let those suffering know that they are not alone.  There are lots of good people out there wanting and willing to help.  The more people openly talk about depression the sooner there will be more support (financially and otherwise) to battle this terrible disease. ----- How about we what?!

I have had sooooo many good things happen to me that's it almost embarrassing.  They just fall into my lap.  It doesn't make any stinkin' sense but...! My interest in helping folks who are depressed is another opportunity (i.e. my opinion). I have learned that when I try to force things, they don't happen.  It's when I just let them happen is when they happen (i.e. why is that do you think?).  Does that make any sense to ya?  I have told you before that I pray for opportunities, pray that I can recognize them (i.e. sooo they don't just fly over my head) and pray for the courage to act on them.  My wish would be to vet these situations and help in small doses, if at all, and at the right time (i.e. an excessive amount of something usually doesn't work very well).  Advice to depressed folks is surely an area that excessive amount of advice would apply.  Oh ya!  Especially when I don't know what I'm doing.  I have never been severely depressed sooooo I'm surely not an expert.  But sever depression surely doesn't look much fun.  Sooooo, how about we what? I had breakfast with a friend recently.  He's a recovering alcholic.  He has been sober for many years (i.e. I really admire this guy).  He owes his sobriety to AA where he says--first you have to admit you have a problem (i.e. usually have to get to rock bottom for that to happen) and also believe that there is a Higher Power who will help you.  Bingo! But for some/maybemany, it ain't easy.  I'm sure much like recovering from depression.  DepressedNate says--Every turn I make, it's like I'm turning into a double black diamond!

GoodHeartedMary says--How about we encourage others!  How about we what?  A friend is starting "an encouragement project".  I sent her this encouraging email--Hey, a bit of encouragement for the encourager from another encourager! Don't get discouraged by the discouraged as the discouraged will not respond the way you the encourager thinks the discouraged should or will. You must remember the discouraged are discouraged so they're thinking is rather discouraged compared to you the encourager. Soooooo, stay encouraged when the discouraged discourage you. How about we what?  OldNeighborTom says--Example  has more followers than reason!

You can join us again you beer drinkers! 

How many shades of gray do you have in your mind?  Really!  I was told by an expert (i.e. soooo it must be right) that 95% of us is "unconscious". Where did all that "unconscious" come from folks. Really! I also was told by the same expert that--You are what you think.   Really!  That expert also said--We have choices as to what we think!  Really!  Also she said--You can change; you have the power and the ability. Really! Warning--Usually folks quite when into a change after 3 to 4 days.  It ain't going to work; They will quite and will just go back to the old way. It takes 21 days to have a chance with a change.  Maybe your past proves that.  Could be!  Such is life.

Maybe our archenemies! The teaching of the Talmudic sage, Rabbi Elazar Hakapar (i.e. folks to seem to listen more to a Rabbi than erv the insurance salesman/real estate salesman): "Envy, lust and honor-seeking seem to drive a person from the world."  Yabut 50 Shades of Grey sold a lot of copies Rabbi.  It's all about the money--it must be what folks want. I bet the movie makes a lot of money toooo!  Soooo what does that mean anyway?  Rabbi Elazar Hakapar tells us that these three character traits are not only morally wrong, but also physically harmful, as they harm the person who engages in them. A person who has envy, lust and a desire for honor will be a very unhappy person.  These traits drive people to jeopardize their health, which in turn, "drive a person from the world". Ne'erdowellFran says--Hooey phooey! That movie ramped me up.  I really liked it and I suggest you all see it (i.e. how about we what?).  Wow!  It aroused me!  Ne'verdonewellFran, it appears from your past track record, you have been aroused a lot! Soooo folks, who do you believe in this world anyway, the Rabbi, ervtheinsurancesalesman/realestatesalesman or ne'verdowellFran? Joesixpack says--There sure is a lot of stimuli a guy can listen tooooo out there alright.  Ne'verdowellFran maybe has made a lot of good decisions but maybe that one wasn't one of them.  But it seemed to stimulate her (i.e. she seems to be lathered up folks)!  Bingo! She sure seems excited!  Such is life.

FlipThePancake  I read in the paper, sooooo it must be right, that thoughts of appreciation and gratitude almost instantly lowers stress levels, blood pressure and heart rates to their healthiest and calmest rhythms.  Gratitude  is not only an emotional and spiritual practice, it's actually a physical and scientific phenomenon.  And it if you are a Dutchman you really appreciate it as it cost ya nutten--what a deal!  ItchieBitchie says--Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance (i.e. how about we do what?).  Do you guys really believe that?  Saturday question--Do you think more about the good in your life or the bad in your life (i.e. what you think is what you'll be).  Huh, interesting.

Country Club Approach  Does'tgotochurchanymoreBill says--I really wonder if churches spend more time on traditional and religious stuff than on what is really important to the health of individuals (i.e. maybe blind as a bat).  GeorgeTheCrook says--I wonder if maybe some churches shoot their wounded (i.e. knock the pickle juice out of 'em)!  SusieQ (i.e. she looks very smart--like one smart cookie) says--It seems like the important stuff, toooo many times, get sent to a committee (i.e. sure death) as the leaders don't want to deal with it (i.e. kick the can approach).  They would rather spend their time debating who are the holy elite of the holy huddle (i.e. where there is no answer and no one really cares--you can't go wrong on that--that sounds religious). Oink oink! LeaderSusieQ says--I make a motion that we take a collection (i.e. how about we do what?)! ChurchLadyWanda says--I will make cookies! That will make us feel good!  Holy smokes, here we go again!  Some business companies help the depressed.  You know why?  You are right.  It's all about the money (i.e. a half trillion is lost in the U.S. economy due to mental illness)!  Such is life.

Experts  I asked for advice from a church grue and the business grue of what our church can do to help the depressed.  The church grue gave me "the rodeo clown advice{distraction}" (i.e. watch this YouTube).  The businessman gave me this workable, direct bullet points.

  • I think a good way to start this conversation with your group is to start slowly by saying that there is an illness that affects many people.  And our group likely has likely some members who may be suffering and as a group that is a 'carry/supportive' group we can offer some support.  
  • I would get some general information on depression and distribute or at least have available as a handout.  I'd get some info out and then set up an informal meeting to see if there is interest to set up a support group.  See how much feed back you get and what the level of interest there is, you may be pleasantly surprised that you have some internal resources.  If you can get some good reading/online material out and get people thinking/talking about the problem it would be a good start.  
  • Addressing the stigma of depression needs to be addressed and let people know that they are not alone and there are resources out there.  I think if you can firstly just get people talking and then gauge the level of interest...start from there and develop a plan with your own group.  Pretty much every family will deal with this issue sometime and now more and more people are prepared to talk about it and deal with it.
Holy smokes! The business grue said--It was a win win situation, I had the opportunity to help folks and their families and also make the company some money.  Now that is a good deal (i.e. a good deal is when it's good for you and good for me!  

Pope Francis has proclaimed (i.e. sooooo it must be right) that fasting must never be superficial. No act of virtue can be great if is not followed by advantage for others. So, no matter how much time you spend fasting, no matter how much you sleep on a hard floor, eat ashes and sign continuously, if you do no good to others, you do nothing good.   ---   How about we what?

Just a figure of speech! After hours of testing and therapy, a guy sits in a room waiting for the psychiatrist's evaluation.  The psychiatrist comes in and sits behind his large desk.  "Well, ItchieBitchie, I have good news for you.  You're not paranoid."  "Whew," ItchieBitchie says, wiping his brow.  "I'm sure glad to hear that."  "Yes, well, the tests defiantly show that the world is out to get you!"

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFreindJean says--Discussion is an exchange of knowledge, argument is an exchange of ignorance..

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