November 14, 2015

my mood

Presto!  It's Saturday again. And how do I find you this Saturday, LisaTheMotherQueen?--I have been better and I have been worse.  Well, LisaTheMotherQueen, I hope I don't pick at any of your scabs in this "It's Saturday!"

I facility a dementia support group.  We meet the 4th Tuesday of each month.  I went to church at 1:25 for the 1:30 get-to-gather and no one showed up.  They are very loyal in coming (i.e. it is a good group with good discussion).  What is going on?  My mood was of disappointment.  Then I discovered that it was the 3rd Tuesday and not the 4th Tuesday.  Da!  My mood changed to laughter at myself.  My mood changed.  Bingo!

Moods can change for many reasons.  Many many many and you know most of them.  And some folks are just moodier than others.  Why?  Probably for many many many different reasons and you know most of them. BadAppleEd says—I know myself better than anyone let me tell ya! I’m an expert about myself.  And most of you have no idea what I’m all about; I’m a world class moody person!  Really!

TheOtherWarrenFromOmaha says--Behavior Modification -- Stop acting like your mother!!

Fill in the blank
I am in a very good mood now because________________________________.
I am in a not a good mood but not a bad mood but a neutral mood because______________________________________________.
I am in a bad mood because_________________________________________.

Multiple Choice
a.  I am usually in a good mood
b.  I am usually in a neutral mood
c. I am usually in a bad mood

Now don’t get all aflutter!  Answer this question in an essay form. Why am I usually in the mood I am and why am I in my current mood.  I suggest you write it out—it’s much more productive in seeing ourselves.  Women’sClubGloria says—Data shows that many of us don’t want to tackle our own weaknesses. We would rather eat chocolate or drink beer!

CadillacJack says--If you do something positive for someone, it probably will change their mood and probably will change your mood as well! Does that make sense to you?

Saturday question--Are you a mood changer (i.e. good or bad)? Do we have folks in your life that are positive mood changers?  Maybe we should take a few moments today to appreciate those who strengthen us and give us courage. Thank God for the blessings that abound and for the people who surround us. Anne Frank said--Whoever is happy will make others happy too. Such is life.

This was my setting last Saturday morning doing some reading and just sitting and thinking (i.e. my Shangri-La). I enjoy being alone and everything being quiet.  In one of my readings, it talked about being forced into hard places and how it gives us a whole new perspective on life (e.g. some things aren't as important as they use to be).  Experiences let us see things differently and understand things differently (i.e. we seem to relate to folks and situations differently). It might even change our mood.  LuckyEddie says--If you have never been there, you have no idea what's it all about.  

StuckInTheMudJake says—Change is sooooo hard for many folks.  It’s almost an impossibility.  Why that is I don’t know but it is.  Try to change a friend, a child, a parent, a spouse, your boss, a person with a bad attitude, a non believer, etc.  You get it.  Or try to change yourself.  It’s not easy folks.  BUT  change does happen sometimes. Usually ‘cause of some special event in their life. Bingo, it then happens.  Sometimes it just happens.  It’s much like getting friends--Friendships cannot be structured or programmed. They form unconsciously. They work mysteriously. Maybe we don’t intentionally select our friends (i.e. not acquaintances but friends). We just realize one day that a person is our friend and how blessed we are because of it. “Two are better than one,” says Ecclesiastes.  Amen to that. I had the opportunity to have breakfast with a good old friend (i.e.  just short of 90 years old).  Our friendship just happened because……!  When we left each other’s company, we sorta kinda patted each other on the shoulder.  It was an unspoken communication of “you are my friend.”  That’s a good feeling.  Mutual true feeling of appreciative friends.  

A mood exterminator! The word on the street says that CrazyMarvin is caught in transition between his personal ambitions and his spiritual nature (i.e. tossed to and fro).  He’s living the dream but unhappy. BigDaddyPitBullWade asks—Now how can that be. It looks like he’s got everything a person would want.  Well zip-a-dee-doo-dah zippity day!

WorldClassLarry says—My life is very byzantine.  I really think that helps me maintain a good mood. BigLyierAlbert lies and then he doesn’t know what he has lied about—now that is a complicated life folks.  Real folks with good hearts, it seems to me, are always in a better mood.  What do you think? CrabbySara asks—Does success change a person’s mood?  It appears it does CrabbySara.  Ok, then if success might change a person’s mood does a good mood make a person more successful?

MissPerfect says—I try to stay away from toooo many negative folks.  They drag me down and give me a bad mood.  I try to be around positive folks who lift me up and give me a good mood.  Good choice MissPerfect, good choice.  Have you noticed how negative folks drag down positive folks sooooo much easier than positive folks lift up negative folks?  I asked my breakfast waiter the other morning, why folks are negative?  He thought it was because of their bringing up (i.e. their family).  Or it could be ‘cause of a negative event or events that happened to them that made them that way.  Like my mentor use to says—erv, we are programed by our past!  Such is life.

It is my opinion that exercise is a great mood changer.  I just bought some new running shoes on line from a big box store (i.e. free shipping, free return shipping if I don’t like them, and at a good price--very customer friendly).  I think that free return shipping and free shipping a good price is a mood changer.  They know what they are doing.   I usually run one day, walk one day and bike the third day.  But, I started running on the golf course and I think it isn’t as hard on my knees and body.  I think I will run more.  New shoes also help I think.  Besides, it’s good for my mood to look at different shoes.  Besides, I plan to play a lot of pickleball this winter and want good shoes for my knees (i.e. they all sound like a good excuses).  Besides, I get bored easily. Sooooo like the song goes—After you been having steak for a long time, beans beans taste fine! 

A friend told us at breakfast recently--My wife is gone to see the grand kids soooo I have the TV as loud as it goes and the have the stool lids up were they are going to stay!

Have you ever been not received very well?  How does it make you feel?  Does it make you feel like “I will never go there again”—“I’ll never do that again?”  I will go somewhere where I am received better, more welcomed.  I don’t need to spend my time, energy, talent with folks who aren’t appreciative of me.  I can put up with their “none welcoming spirt” if they are paying me for it but if I’m doing it free gratis, I’m out of there.  Their attitude can change a guy’s mood alright.  I read in the paper that there is a company that wanted to start a wind farm in a county next to ours.  The folks put up a lot of negative pressure a.k.a. push back.  Soooo the company just went somewhere else where they were well received and were the folks were happy to take their money.  Bingo.  They didn’t fight those folks but just went where they were appreciated (i.e. something like brush the dust off and move on).  Such is life.                              

WorldClassLarry says--We treat people like ladies and gentlemen, not necessarily because they are, but because we are.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Plan your work, then work your plan.                                                                                                                                                                     

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