September 24, 2016

the walk

I want to point out a few things to you.  I realize that you probably won’t pay any attention to my pointing.  Most folks don’t. LuckieEddie says--erv, they are worse than a class of third graders!  BUT hey, I can try can’t I! I don't want you to use the excuse that the politicians use--I didn't know; no one told me! Excuse me please!

We were having breakfast when three gals walked over to our booth.  They asked me what I knew—I said I know very little—one gal replied, that is better than me, I know nothing! Correct me If I’m wrong but maybe we are at times just a face in the crowd; a no body!  There was a senior trying to help his wife get through the exit door. She had a walker/seat thing.  They were both rather large folks.  I went and helped them.  She said—Today is not a good day for me; I can’t seem to walk very well at all--Well, tomorrow is another day--Yes it is. I asked one of our favorite waitresses if she had days that aren’t as good.  Ya, I can tell within the first hour that I’m up!  Crazy!

GeorgeTheCrook says--There are many ways of saying something.  Soooo folks, this “It’s Saturday” is a paraphrase of my mind maybe. A paraphrase can come as a smile, hand shake, hug, scowl, indifference, stomping of your feet, silence, disappearance, withdrawal of support, a look in someone’s eyes, just showing up, etc.  Most of you “get it!” For those of you who don’t, it really doesn’t make any difference.

Ricky asks--Let me ask you this question: What matters most in your life? What are the top three or four values in your life? Can you name them easily? If you ask me, I’ll tell you real simply what they are for me: integrity, humility, and generosity. I decided more than 30 years ago that that’s what I wanted to build my life on — integrity, humility, and generosity. I know that some of you guys have these qualities. Yes, you do!  I thank all of you who contributing to Chet and Jessica, the “Mellema” team, in support for the Alzheimer’s “Walk to end Alzheimer’s.”  You were very generous.  The Mellema team raised $7,540  because of some of you guys.  Wow! Ms. Anonymous, you must really have a good heart as you gave time and time and time again! I hope that none of you ever have the disease, none of your family or friends ever have it and I hope that you never have to be a care giver; it’s a terrible disease. Terrible! Your generosity is summed up best by ItchieBitchie who says—The lives that have been the greatest blessed by your generosity are the folks who themselves will never be aware of your blessing. My hat goes off to you folks.  You folks have good hearts. Thanksamillion.

Some of you say I like it when you are personal erv. Well folks this is personal. Arlene walked about a mile and a half (i.e. some of it holding hands with Chet, our son with his friend on his left and a long time family friend on his right).  The last half mile up to the IA State Capital Building, she had to ride in a light wheel chair that we brought along.  Rookie and Charlie took turns sitting on her lap. When I look at these pictures, I get teary-eyed yet.  I’m maybe a wimp.  Could be! I hope you never have to experience this situation.  You might be a whim tooo.

SweetMary (i.e. anybody can be a Mary) says--The fact is; great people are really just ordinary people with an extraordinary amount of determination. Great people don’t know how to quit. They have huge massive motors that run and run and run.  They are some great folks.  No question.  I know a lot of folks like this (i.e. you guys). Your walk is different than others. No question. 

I read in the paper (i.e. soooo it must be right) that 37% of Americans oppose same-sex marriages and 55% favor same-sex marriages. Wow! A few years ago it wasn’t that way. It also said that most folks consider it ok to live together before marriage including having premarital sex.  It appears that many religious denominations turn a blind eye to it (i.e. don’t like it but accommodate it).  I saw a TV piece of the Democratic National Convention when the folks who were there went wild in support of abortion (i.e. I can’t understand that). I goggled it and it said that about 60% of the Americans are opposed to abortion and that figure hasn’t changed much.  Sooooo maybe not all those folks at the National Democratic Convention are for abortion.  Some folks have changed their walk through the years and some haven’t. IncognitoRaymond says—I think it makes more sense to euthanize every one over 80 than to kill a new life.  Wilt Chamberlain, an icon of the NBA said that he bedded 20,000 different women during ages of 15 and 55 (i.e. that’s 10 a week for 40 years’ folks).  He never was married or had children.  His walk was more than a walk folks, it was a fast run!  Do you believe that?

I woke up the other morning and while drinking my coffee in the sun porch, I sorta kinda seemed to have a different perspective.  Why, I don’t really know.  But it was different. It seemed to give me a different balance in my life and maybe more of a proper acceptance.  Hey folks, It might have been the coffee! Might have been folks; might have been! Did you know that the Bible talks about coffee?  Oh ya!  It has a whole chapter on coffee—He Brews! ANYWAY back to this “jet sweep” feeling I had.  Os says--Do you need a paradigm shift in some area of your belief? The Lord still intervenes in the lives of His people every day. Don't be surprised when God begins to change your paradigm by giving you a vision or sending you a messenger of His choosing. Do you think that is possible? I do!

AverageJoe says--There are a lot of things that can change our walks of life—alcohol, drugs, meeting the right person, education, money, reading, accepting Jesus as your Savior, bad decisions, travel, physical or mental challenges, age, exercise, disasters, etc.  You get it.  Saturday question—What would you say would be the #1 thing that affected your life’s walk (i.e. sooooo far anyway)?

WorldClassLarry says--If you’re going to be wise, you’ve got to get some wise people in your life…If I stand on the edge of a stage, and I’m trying to pull you up while you’re trying to pull me down, which is easier to do? It’s always easier for somebody to pull you down than pull you up. People who pull you down are not your friends. Friends pull you up. Friends encourage you in your pursuit of godly wisdom by offering their own. I think WorldClassLarry is pointing us in the right direction. What do you think?

TheZinker says--We make a living with what we get, but we make a life with what we give. In everything you do always give 100 %; except when donating blood. 

Some of you ask if I have read a good book recently.  I have.  I want to point you to this book. It has historical fictional and is about traditions, accepting folks, parenting, thinking, and philosophy (i.e. that is a lot folks). You might not like it but I did.  Let me know what you think of it if you read it. Our niece, Rachel,has a MA in library science sooooo she is is important and knowledgeable.  Oh ya!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans.


MyFriendJean says--Worrying never solves any thing but it gives you something to do until the trouble starts.

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