October 22, 2016

riding the bus

What I say really doesn’t matter—It’s like when the suitor asks the brides-to-be’s father for approval for marriage.  Most of the time it doesn’t really matter what the old man says.  It’s going to happen!

You ever ride on a bus that is on a bumpy road. It’s not much fun now is it.  Especially if you are in the back of the bus (i.e. when I was a kid I liked it).  I might have had a touch of that experience with my life lately (i.e. it seems the world brought the house--like a jail break!). But it’s not been as bad as I make it sound. BUT I might have learned a lesson bouncing around on that bus on the bumpy road.  I might have.  I can be stiff necked and have a hard heart at times. But it has been a humbling experience, Crazy!  It’s just part of stew folks.  My human way of thinking might be defective.  I was reminded once again that I’m not as important as I think I am (i.e. not indispensable for sure).  Huh, interesting. 

It’s baseball playoff time folks. I was talking to a friend recently about his high school baseball career (i.e. he’s a Dodger fan).  We laughed a lot.  He’s a couple of years older than me.  He was a catcher in high school.  He told me that he could throw the ball hard but never could make the ball curve very well.  My Daddy, Chester, always wanted me to be a pitcher.  He would sit on a 5-gallon pail in front of the barn and I would pitch to him.  I would knock the windows out of the barn; I could make it curve but had no control.  In fact, I wanted to please my Daddy soooo much that I painted a strike zone on the barn and practiced and practiced but never got very good.  I always felt bad about that for my Daddy. I wanted to please him sooooo much.  Such is life.

The Cubs who use to ride the bus in the minors now are the stars. The Cubs are having some success, sooooo far.  They probably won’t be considered really successful by many unless they win the World Series.  ANYWAY all those players once played minor league baseball (i.e. many with the AAA Iowa Cubs in Des Moines).  They rode many a bus before becoming rich.  A minor league player gets paid very poorly, very poorly.  Of the 455,300 high school baseball players in America, only 5.6 percent wind up playing on a collegiate team. Of that 5 percent, only 10 percent are drafted by an MLB team. And of all minor leaguers, only 10 percent will ever make it to the show. All of which means the odds of making an MLB roster are long. And then if you make it, the average life in the big leagues is 5.6 years. 

It’s fall folks.  I really like fall. I really like sitting in our sun porch and watch the last of the sun light of the day.  There is something magical about that; especially in the fall.  Fall reminds me of duck hunting.  A friend and I didn’t leave the marsh early enough and it got dark.  We had a tough time finding our way back.  A fun memory now. Another time I was with a friend and a bunch of mallards came in over our decoys. We stood up and emptied our guns.  Didn’t hit a one.  A guy in a boat near us shouted at us—You guys couldn’t hit a bull in the ass with a scoop shovel.  We sat down rather humbly.  But after a little while, we had a good laugh. Such good memories.

You can’t be thankful and depressed at the same time! My couzLuther told me--My feet go Numb, my toes feel cold, bottom of my feet hurt. They order an MRI of my brain and spine. They do 24 different blood tests. They cannot figure out what is wrong. I go to neurologist in Mpls and he says buy better shoes. 🙂 Life is good. So 5 years ago I had rotator cuff surgery on my right arm. Now my left arm is feeling like my right arm did. I go back to Mpls to a surgeon who only does shoulders. He says with your history you may need surgery. So we do an MRI and he calls me back with results and says You are just getting old.  No surgery necessary. I guess that was good news. ~ You better be careful couz, they might call the rendering plant for a pickup next!

Sucker bus! Do you know how powerful the thinking of getting something for nutten is?  Everyone wants something for nutten.  We are suckers. Just get on the bus and everything will be great; it’s free.  Suckers! It has worked a lot in the past and probably will work a lot in the future.  Suckers! SusieQ says--Nutten is free folks.  Yabut, we fall for that trick many times (i.e. a great marketing ploy which through history works time and time again).  That bus ride is important in getting votes folks. Don’t kid yourself. I forgot what the dollar figure is (i.e. maybe it was like 66% of our budget--does that sound right) that was mentioned in the debate that is for entitlements.  I was surprised how huge and massive it was (i.e. at some point many think this can not and will not work--it will be a ugly bumpy bus ride--it seems like it's just common sense folks unless you are the ones receiving and wanting more--I can understand those folks--why not--it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out--it's something for nutten--just get on the bus). And it appears that there is talk about growing that figure! What! Where is the breaking point? There has to be a point. Doesn't there? Such is life.

Spooktacular! It appears that Crooked Hilary as Donnie calls her and Faker Donnie as Hilary calls him will jump on any bus going anywhere (i.e. they seem like they are down from the moon).  What is the difference between being two faced and being a hypocrite? MissPerfect says--I don’t believe half of what they say and the other half isn’t true! This is really crazy folks. Just crazy. This is soooo unreal, worse than “As The World Turns.”  And one of them is going to be our President of the United States of America. CadillacJack says—Is there a word “de-evolution?” If you who believe man came from animals, you might know.  Soo is there such a word?  I’m just wondering if we are just turning back to basic animals who only care about sex, food, and ourselves.  CadillacJack, you are asking the wrong person; I believe in creation.  Did you know that President Thurman said in 1947—We are a Christian country?  Did you know that Obama said in 2010—We are no longer a Christian country? Now that is a different bus ride!

Have you ever been thrown under the bus by someone or some company?  GeorgeTheCrook says—It appears that there are folks who will throw their family, health, faith, relationships under the bus to gain power and money (e.g. Wells Fargo threw their customers and employees under the bus to make a little more money).  It appears that it is becoming a very acceptable practice—screw everyone; it’s all about me.  LuckieEddie says—Maybe it’s the new American way.  Maybe there soon will be self-help books to help folks to be really good at throwing others under the bus. Why not? If they can make some money doing it, they will probably do it. Such is life.

I believe in miraculous circumstances.  Do you?  Some of you folks told me about the miraculous circumstances in your lives—unbelievable, just unbelievable; unexplainable.  Sorta kinda like Paul’s experience on the road to Damascus (i.e. a huge massive turnaround—180 degrees). Now that is getting on a bus going a different direction!  Sooooo I pray for miraculous circumstances in your lives.  If the hair on the back of your neck starts to stand up straight and your ears tingle, you know what’s going on.  ~  Happenstance, na, I don’t think sooooo folks. ANYWAY after I wrote the above, I had my oatmeal with a half a banana on it and read this by Oswald Chambers—It is by God’s Spirit that changes the atmosphere of our way of looking at things, and then things begin to be possible which before were not.  It sounds crazy folks, but it happens. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Minds are like parachutes, they only function when open.

P.S. Please send me an email telling about your miraculous circumstance that has happened to you. I would like to hear it. 

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