April 15, 2017


LuckieEddie says—I don’t leak nutten toooooo nobody! 

What is the world’s opinion?  What is the opinion of folks of the United States? What is the opinion of  your family? What is your personal opinion (i.e. your opinion today might be different tomorrow)?  I would guess there are a lot of different opinions.  OnesmartpersonfromCottonWoodCounty who lives on the near east side next to the big wood pile says--If you don’t know when you’re wrong, you certainly don’t know when you’re right! Well hopping Easter Bunny!

I read it in the paper soooo It must be right—Many folks make no distinction between opinion and research findings (i.e. yabut you can buy most any answer you want folks—don’t kid yourself—it’s a joke; a big joke—research can be tweaked by money).  Donald (i.e. anybody can be a Donald) went on to say—Both sides may see the same thing.  Both sides may even know the same things but they arrange what they know differently. Any given observation or idea is filtered through their believe structures and methods of thinking (i.e. processed by their past personal environment or how it affects them financially). We have gone beyond epistemology into an outright ontological conflict.  What do you think folks? DebUltimate responded—Once in a while some folks understand “the big ‘ah ha’’’ while others get their goose cooked!

ItchieBitchie says—Gravity is the truth for everyone everywhere.  No question.  Water chilled to a certain temperature will freeze is the truth to everyone everywhere.  Oh ya!  Does that make any sense to ya?  Come on folks, it’s the truth to everyone everywhere.  Don’t kid yourself. It’s the truth.  Many have asked me who ItchieBithcie is.  Well, now you know folks (i.e. looks like you?). You can’t deny the truth. Such is life.

We were waiting at a restaurant when a waitress looked me right in the eye like she knew me (i.e. she didn’t). I played along with it—Hi Jean (i.e. she had a name tag on); how ya doing—great; two weeks left—like you are retiring for good—yep, going to volunteer up in the national forest—your husband tooo—ya, he is retiring tooooo; but I need to teach him the difference between wants and needs now; see ya, take care!  What a hoot! I bet she is still wondering how she knows me!

Dictionaries usually define “conviction” as a fixed or strong belief. WorldClassLarry says--Conviction is really much more than that. Your convictions include your values, commitments, and motivations. GeorgeTheCrook says--Everyone is convicted to something.  Everyone lives a life of conviction. Whatever we give our greatest time, our greatest energies, and our greatest resources to is a good indication of where our convictions lie. Some live a life of conviction about sports. Some live a life of conviction around pleasure. Still others live a life of conviction about very little that matters at all. MissPerfect says—I just like to sit on the couch and eat chips and watch “as the world turns.”  That will work Missperfect; that will work.

One morning when in AZ, I came back from an early run un’erin’emmountains and stopped at Dollar Tree for a 3-way light bulb.  It was 8:05 and the store just opened. The gal at the checkout seemed very happy.  She asked about my hike as I had my hiking boots on I guess.  I asked her what time she got up this morning—4:15—wow, that is early—I get up that early every morning—what do you do that early—drink my coffee; it’s my quiet time. I wondered what she thinks about; I didn’t ask her.  What do you think?

That same morning, I thought I was the only person on the trail.  I just got to the pinnacle of my hike/run when this lady came from behind a rock on the trail.  We visited. She was a Vietnamese boat person.  Maybe 55-60 and was full of life.  She came to the U.S. and couldn’t speak any English.  She met her husband who also couldn’t speak English. He became an engineer.  She worked in schools, first as a volunteer and later for pay.  She was a Buddhist—sooooo you believe in incarnation—ya, if you are good.  Do you believe in God—yes, the same God that you do. But you don’t believe in Buddie as your Savior—no, he is a guide like your Jesus is.  I’m not a staunch Buddhist like most Vietnamese—I even sing in the choir at the Catholic church on Sundays.  She told me that finally their two children are out of the house and are getting no financial support from them.  Sooooo she asked me—Are you always happy how your children live?  She said she does her praying while hiking early in the morning; I just really enjoyed her (i.e. a great uplift).  We departed and she hollers back at me—erv, I pray for you. I hollered back—I pray for you toooooo Na! 

DownTheMiddleRon a.k.a. DTMR asks—Soooo what is the truth about Easter?  Is it a ham dinner at mom’s, an Ester egg hunt, or the celebration of Jesus raising from the dead?  Rickie says--Truth can be discovered, but first we have to have an attitude of openness that says, “I want the truth more than anything else.” Once you choose that attitude, you can discover the truth.  Maybe RickieRick doesn’t always want the truth.  I noticed in the pickleball circles that most folks want to be rated in a high ability group sooooo they can tell their buddies about it.  But they play in lower levels in tournaments ‘cause they want to win sooooo they can tell their buddies about it.  TheChampfromWY says—If you can’t win, either you aren’t as good as you think or you need a better partner (i.e. that is the truth).

SweetMary or was it PreparerMartha who said--Easter is a tradition like no other.  Hey SweetMary or PreparerMartha, that is how they advertise The Masters.  Arlene and I have been with Chet and Jessica and now Rookie and Charlie to watch the final round of the Masters for years.  It’s our tradition like no other.  What a hoot.

As a police officer moonlighting as security for a popular nightspot, I stood at the front entrance. As it happens on weekends, the crowd inside grew larger than the square footage could accommodate. Seeing the longer forming line to enter, the owner told the doorman, "Just let in the people we know, not the idiots." Tommy, the burly doorman turned to the owner with a helpless expression and said, "But Angello, those are the people we know."

Mr. Nobody who thinks he’s somebody says—I think Easter is all hooey, but who am to say? Stranger things have happened (i.e. slim to none). I just finished reading the book of John again.  It’s a great story with soooo many interesting thoughts in it.  It’s very intriguing to me; it’s Easter!  I believe it.  Yes, I do! Is that just my opinion or is it the truth?  You decide folks; you decide!  This ain’t no new leak folks! Such is life.

Here is the rub! OneSmartGuyfromFayette and KingJames got together and they think—Supposedly, somewhere, and perhaps hidden in a secret vault, are the actual rules of the game a.k.a. the truth!  BobtheCenturion said—Surely this must be…Most folks want the heaven-on-earth benefits without using the real rules (i.e. Barabbas liked to use his own rules). Why not if it works he said!  Saturday question—Soooo how do we take care of business? Isn’t there a song called, Taking Care Of Business?  I think sooooo.

I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Whatever became of Barabbas? Nobody knows. In the old 1961 film Barabbas, Barabbas becomes a Christian in the end. But that’s Hollywood, not Scripture. Whatever his outcome, Barabbas may have been the first person ever to glimpse a great Christian truth: Jesus died in our place.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—If there was one thing I could change in my life to lift it to it’s highest level, what would that one thing be?

P.S. PontiusPilot said--It is better to be punched in the face with the truth than kissed with a lie.

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