May 13, 2017

Mother's Day

Much or most of this ‘It’s Saturday' is non-proven facts (i.e. even my own facts could be non-proven).   SuperMomJulia says—When you believe your own facts…you got a problem erv.  LuckieEddie  says—Yabut what my mom said was fact; she was always right; at least she thought she was! SuperMomHeather says--There is always pushback a.k.a. splashback when moms try to mother their children by teaching them what is right   Such is life.

Sooooo folks, you go to a paint store to purchase a gallon of paint to match a paint sample that that you had taken. The clerk takes a gallon can of white paint and begins mixing in drops of other colors to achieve the specific paint color that you requested. He was following the computer specifications that tell the clerks how to blend the correct proportions or amounts of different paint hues necessary to create the desired color. Soooo does this happen to us on a daily basis? We all are subject to the influences or contamination from the environment around us, for our good or for our detriment (i.e. that stuff can permanently affect us).  Ouchy ouchy!  Soooo has your mother or you as a mother permanently affected or affecting your children?  I think soooo folks (i.e. just my opinion).

I was talking to a friend who is in her 80s.  She was telling me of her family.  Her mother was of a large family.  Her grandfather was not a nice person (i.e. actually very petulant).  As sooooon as the children could leave home they did because of him.  The children did not keep in touch.  As a result, my friend never knew hardly any of her cousins.  I asked her how it affected her mother—my mom had a lot of talent and ability but never got an opportunity to use them; she was hindered by her father which affected her.  I asked my friend if her mother affected her—I’m sure her situation did but maybe I didn’t realize it nor did she.  She said her granddad was a strict follower of a certain church’s beliefs and traditions to a point that it was intolerable; to this day she has bad feelings to that denomination.  Ouchy ouchy.

I believe that moms quite often are like a compass to their children; moms many times point their children in the right direction (i.e. or at least try).  Moms are soooooo important in the lives of their children.  Now that is a great responsibility (i.e. my opinion).  Many moms are the religious leader of the family (i.e. a huge massive responsibility).  It appears in many cases  that moms have more faith in God than fathers (i.e. if there is a father in the picture).  Why that is I don’t know. BelieverMomBetty says—It appears that more women go to church than men.  Explain that to me please. My Mom, Anna, was more of a faith leader than my Dad, Chester; no question.  Many guys just don’t buy into this faith stuff or at least hedge on it or maybe don’t expose themselves.  Why is that do you think? I was very fortunate to have my Mom as my compass.  I wish I could tell her that.  I never really had that opportunity; I was tooooo young to appreciate that when she died. Such is life.

My Mom, Anna, is almost like my heartbeat; without her, I don’t think I would have been able to do many things in my life.  I think my ethics, morals, beliefs, work ethic, and much more are directly related to her (i.e. I think she was a special mom).  I wish I could be more like her.  The picture is of our Mom holding her first and only grandchild, Lauren, that she got to hold or meet. The picture was taken in 1969 on Mother’s Day.  She died that the next year of cancer at the age of 56.  Such is life.

I have to admit that my Mom, Anna, treated me very very nice.  I really think I was spoiled.  I really do.  I almost feel bad about that.  I remember coming home from college late on Friday night.  She was waiting up for me and made me something to eat.  This was the first time that I didn’t bring every piece of clothes I had home to be washed (i.e. I washed clothes before I came home).  I felt sorry for my Mom as she didn’t have the most modern washing facilities). She asked where my clothes were.  I told her I washed them.  She cried.  She soooo much wanted to wash my clothes for me.  When she did wash my clothes, I would get back to college and empty my launder bag and in the middle some were was a bag of chocolate stars (i.e. my favorite).  She was a neat Mom.  I miss her.  Anna was special; very special.  She just didn’t live long enough.  Such is life.

BUT I don’t always follow her advice. Oh no!  She always told me not to be cocky.  Soooo the other day I went to take my written test for my motorcycle license.  I skimmed the manual thinking anybody can pass that test (i.e. real cocky).  I flunked.  YaBut, by only one question!  I LOL!  Sooooo we were having  breakfast with friends the other day.  I told them I sharpened the lawn mower blades and mowed for the first time.  I made a couple of rounds and it didn’t mow very well. Da! I put the blades on up-side-down.  I LOL.  My friend told me he just did the same.  I LOL at him tooooo.  His wife told me later that he mowed the whole lawn before he realized it.  He didn’t tell me that!  I think that is the first time he has ever made a mistake (i.e. or at least admitted it)!  ha ha

Mother'sDayAdvice from PickleballMotherShuts--BIBLE is the acronym for "Best Instruction Before Leaving Earth! 

OneSmartMom said this--The human body needs time to stop, hold still, and recover from all the activity that it's been up to! It's the greed factor that drives us; It's time to sit down and shut up, as my mother used to so eloquently put it and take a priority re-evaluation! AnotherSmartMom says--Money would be much better spent if we'd make less of it and use it instead on taking the family out on a no-phones, no-TV, no-video game, no-laptop camping/fishing trip instead. I have no idea if that mother knows anything about anything; it’s her opinion folks (i.e. it doesn’t seem like the America Way; but then what do I know).  Such is life.

SuperMomJessica says--Words and actions are sure indicators of mothers' priorities.

I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it—Ricky says--You are a product of the way God created you and of the relationships in your life. Your identity is also influenced by two other factors: your circumstances and your consciousness. Circumstances are the things that happen to you and around you — none of which you control. You are a product of the trauma, troubles, suffering, shame, shock, pressures, and pain that have shaped your life. Perhaps even abuse has affected your identity. If you’ve ever had a series of failures or a catastrophe, it has left an indelible mark on who you are. Consciousness is how you talk to yourself. And you know what? If you talked to your friends the way you talk to yourself, you probably wouldn’t be friends anymore, because our thoughts are filled with the lies we’ve heard from other people that we’ve let simmer and fester. When we repeat other people’s thoughts in our head, they go deeper and deeper into our consciousness, and they begin to shape our identity. In Proverbs 4:23, the Bible says, “Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts” (GNT). Your thoughts don’t have to be true to hurt you; you just have to believe them. If you tell yourself your marriage won’t last, then it won’t. If you’re afraid you can’t do something, then you won’t. Your thoughts run your life!  WorldClassLarry says—What you think is what you’ll be!  Such is life.

OneSmartMom says--There is more to life than me (i.e. a bigger picture)! When mothers get better (i.e. crushs it, kill it, live it), everyone wins.  Good wisdom OneSmartMom.  Folks, I'm screaming proud of many of you  mothers.  Yes I am.  You are very special folks (i.e. you are fully embraced).

At pickleball the other day, mrs J (i.e. a retired teacher and and a mother) said to me--ITS NOT WHAT HAPPENS To You THAT MATTERS ITS HOW You DEAL WITH IT. Now folks, that is some good motherly advice. No question.  My hat goes off to mrs J.  

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—To preserve a friend, 3 things are necessary, Honor them when present, Praise them when absent and Assist them in their necessities.

P.S. Have you ever tried to preach to your neighbor’s dog?  How did it go? That is what I thought.

My podcast is with Heidi, our neighbor, who is a mother of three girls.  We will be talking about the joys and challenges of being a mother.  I hope you listen.

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