February 3, 2018

whatcha doing

You might want to call me Smoke.  LuckieEddie says that I have a propensity for raising soooo much smoke where there is not even a fire.  Take that into consideration when reading this “It’s Saturday.” ItchieBitchie says-Most of the guys are likeable around town except for a few gray-whiskered old patriarchs who belong to another day.  Some might say I’m one of them.  Some even think I’m in the “insane mode.”  Soooo again, take all these factors in consideration when reading this.

Whatcha doing erv? I did an attitude adjustment on myself this week.  Yes I did.  I evaluated myself and I thought I needed to be humbler (i.e. get off my high horse).  It feels a lot better now but to get bucked off wasn’t soooo much fun.  I was around a neat young man and we were talking about investments. We both sorta kinda agreed that there is more important investments in life than stuff.  Then I heard it again in church Sunday.  It takes a lot of pressure off when I don’t have to think I’m important or need to try to be important.

I heard this third hand from Rocky soooo I assume it is right. ANYWAY, Albert Einstein wrote this quote on a hotel notepad in 1922, "A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness." Would you believe that this note recently sold for over a million dollars at a Jerusalem auction house? Crazy, yes.  Suggestion—You guys better pick up your notes at hotels or someone will sell them for a million bucks after your are dead.  My notes will be worth zero to nutton; but I’m not you guys.  Such is life.

RickyRick says--Decide it’s time for change. Nothing is going to happen in your life until you get dissatisfied with the way things are, until you can say, “I don’t like this. I’m tired of being stressed out all the time. I’m tired of being frustrated all the time. I’m tired of being overworked all the time. I’m tired of feeling distant from God.” So there you go!

I-can-do-attitudeEvan, who once killed two birds with one stone, says—It’s a long and crazy story folks a.k.a. my life.  I have had the feeling of having my heart ripped out.  Have you ever had that feeling?  If soooo, you know it’s no fun.  SusieQ says—That sounds just terrible.  It sounds way toooo complicated for me.  I don’t think I could handle it.  But the fact is, it happens to many. It can make a person a little loopie let me tell ya.  Ya just got to go forward with a wing and a prayer. Most folks don’t have their life gift-wrapped. Such is life.

But sometimes good comes along when we don’t expect it (i.e. even out of something that looks bad at the time).  A friend who is a retired airline pilot for a major airline (i.e. he flew the big birds all over the world) told me this—He piloted with many military trained pilots who retired and then flew for the airlines.  The fighter pilots a.k.a. top guns where the smartest of the smart of the class and just the smart ones flew the big cargo planes.  The top dogs called those pilots of the cargo planes “tankers” (i.e. sorta kinda a derogatory title).  But in the airline business, the tankers were better pilots than the top guns as they had more experience flying the huge massive big cargo birds and not flying a fighter.  Interesting.   GiantRumblebuffin says—Good can happen when you’re not looking for it. AverageJoe says—Many folks are only great in the area they are great in; when folks get out of the area they are great, they aren’t soooo much fancy pants.  Such is life.

I read in the paper soooo it must be right that great folks don’t smoke marijuana! I think the reason is that marijuana a.k.a. a gateway drug can lead to other drugs.  I think, no I know for sure, that I’m naive as to what is going on in the real world pertaining to illegal drugs. JoeBlow says—California just made marijuana legal as well as some other states!  I had a grandfather tell me about stories his granddaughter told him about all the drugs at the university she attended (i.e. she is transferring—drug use is part of the reason).  And the folks want the government to fix it!  Da!  Fix it by helping all the addicts have free recovery programs and then paying them for disability.  What!  That’s is not going to work; you can't have your cake and eat it tooooo .  This is crazy to me.  But, like I said, I’m naive about the drug situation.  Folks want legal drugs but then they don’t want them.  You can’t have both.  WildWillie says—The government can’t stop some of you becoming your parents.  Besides, it’s all about the tax revenue that is associated with legalizing drugs.  Again, it’s all about the money. IncredibleSara says—Folks. It’s just incredible! No question in my mind.

A person asked me the other day – whatcha doing erv?  I was people watching.  It’s sorta kinda fun.  Some of the folks I knew and some I didn’t.  Can I tell what they are like by watching them? I mean, does their presence tell me about them or maybe give me an impression of them? Sooooo when folks look at me or look at you, what do folks see (i.e. their opinion)?  When I see a certain person, I always see this person as happy; when I see another person, I always think of this person being arrogant (i.e. but I know them and those evaluations are just my opinions). But folks, I still think my impressions are pretty much like other folks’ impressions.  We are not that great that only we can see that.  I had a certain impression of a person and one day on the golf course, the guy riding with me, out of the blue, starts talking about this person.  His impression of this person is exactly the same as mine.  I asked him if he thought others think like we do about this person—of course, we aren’t that smart erv that only we can see that!   Do you think he was saying something positive or negative about this person?  That is what I thought! ItchieBitchie says—It appears that most folks say more negative stuff about others than positive.  You think soooo ItchieBitchie? 

Saturday question--Have you ever been a jerk? Kevin Durant got two technical fouls and was thrown out of the game against the Knicks recently.  He was fined 15k by the NBA for complaining about the officiating (i.e. Kevin has an annual salary of 25 million).  He later apologized to the fans and the official.  He said—I watched the footage of the incident and they were right and I was wrong.  I was a real jerk.  I was wrong 100%.  I like Keven Durant; I think he is a class guy.  And he is a very good NBA player—Maybe the best.  He’s usually quite humble compared to some NBA players.  Money can make those NBA players arrogant sometimes.  SusieQ says—It does to many of us who aren't NBA players. I personally like folks who can control their egos even if they are very rich or have a lot of power.  Now, I think, that is a great person (i.e. my opinion).

I was on my run the other day when a friend pulled up beside me.  We talked about a lot of stuff (i.e. like did farmers make any money this last year—he’s a farmer).  Then I asked him how he thinks things are going in our church (i.e. we attend the same church).  He stammered and stuttered without giving me a real answer.  Just then a gal come walking by (i.e. a gal who also attends our church).  He said--ask her—He did!  She said something positive (i.e. she always says positive stuff).  My friend said—She is a great gal with a great servant attitude.  If you would ask 111 folks, 111 would say that she is a great gal!  We all think the same about her (i.e. we are not fooled—we are right on the money).  Such is life. 

Whatcha doing erv?  Not much!!!!!  Have you ever felt that you want to be invisible (i.e. like not wanted to be seen)?  I felt that way the other day—wanted to be invisible and I sorta kinda made myself that way.  Is that being obnoxious?  I just wanted to be alone and not see anyone.  I pretty much did it tooooo.  In my business I was always around folks but I’m a people person soooo it fit me well.  Now I don’t have to be around folks all the time soooo sometimes I’m not.  I like that tooooo.  I have friends who have occupations in which they don’t talk to anyone all day (i.e. they prefer it that way).  I have a friend who has no problem being alone for long periods of time. She said she grew up that way.  I think being alone and being quiet for periods of time is good for a person (i.e. anyway for me it is). It’s good for my mind and soul.  What do you think of that?  That is what I thought.

Whatcha doing erv? I’m wondering if my attitude is changing.  I’m wondering folks.  I wonder if I’m right about stuff.  I think my principles are correct and strong and, but I wonder if my methodology/administration is in tune with our culture.  Should I even wonder about this. That is another question I ponder.  All this stuff is momentarily much like life on this earth (i.e. compared to eternity).  Now think through that folks.  Thinking about this stuff also makes me humble (i.e. gets me off my high horse).

Folks, the other night, I was thinking about all the great experiences you and I have had that no one knows about or really cares.  We are really an island to some degree.  I guess if you are big on social media, others might know about some of your experiences but even at that, they know very little about all your experiences.  Sooooo what does that mean?  I don’t know. Probably nutton!  I guess I just need to live my life as I want and cherish my memories, even though others don’t know about them or really care about them.  I guess why I was thinking this stuff was because I was sitting here watching basketball with Arlene (i.e. she can’t remember any of those experiences) and thinking about all the good times we had together. Many of those fun times were with some of you guys.  Really only I and you know what I’m talking about.  Oh man, I/we have had so many good experiences with many of you folks.  It makes me smile (i.e. the memories of some of those experiences even make me lol--some were really crazy but sooooo much fun). Thanksamillion.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Others may be deaf to our words but they are never blind to our actions.

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