July 7, 2018

critical thinking

Some of you might think this “It’s Saturday” is toooo much sugar for a nickel. And it could be!  Remember folks, you get what you pay for! BUT this “It’s Saturday” could be an “uplift” or a “drag down.”  I guess it all depends on your mindset.  A golf buddy (i.e. who can hit ‘em deep) was telling me that he was on an uplifting fishing trip in Canada.  It was a beautiful day and he had a large walleye hooked and was playing it out; it got off.  He put his pole down to take a leak and the pole hit the side of the boat in such a way and it broke.  While getting ready to take a leak, his new iPhone fell out of it’s holder and the face hit a rivet perfect and shattered the face (i.e. $300 to replace). He didn’t tell me how his leak went!  From the sound of his luck, he probably dribbled on his pants! As a friend says—My luck!

I stopped and saw some super-senor friends (i.e. super nice and super age) from church last Saturday morning.  She told me that he is always soooo positive and I’m not.  Well, maybe it’s his job to lift her up.  I try to lift her up but I can't do it (i.e. I think he was insinuating that she weighs tooooo much)! He and I both laughed but I don’t know if she thought it was funny.  I think she thought it was funny but I don't know for sure.  After some “critical thinking’’, maybe it would have been better that I would not have laughed.  But I did.  I will never be homecoming queen that is for sure! Such is life.

ItchieBitchie (i.e. who says "uncle" a lot) says—There doesn’t seem to be much open mindedness anymore. There is more of the zealot mentality regarding your position on most everything. We seem to live in a closed-minded world; a world pretty much that is all about me (i.e. how everything affects me).  GeorgeTheCrook is soooo full of hypocrisy; it even seeps out of his ears (e.g. he places others before himself unless he wants what others have and that is all the time). JoeBlow says—That pretty much sums up the situation now doesn’t it.  Is it maybe that I have  “critical thinking” or is it that “my thinking is just being critical?” Or is all this talk just my imagination based on my one-sided thinking?  It could be, and I don’t even know it. It is good that that some of you are soooo open minded to figure it all out (i.e. at least let’s just let you think you are).  What would the world be without those folks who know all the answers!  I can only imagine! It would probably be a mess and all mixed up!

In Ecclesiastics it says this—Ask God for wisdom and He will give it to you.  I prayed for wisdom and I got some, but I didn’t like it.  Yep, that is right. I have been complaining that my golf game isn’t as good as the past.   I realize that I’m not as strong anymore.  I realize I’m not as mobile and agile as I use to be either.  BUT the wisdom I received this week is—I might have to accept it (i.e. I’m ok with it—maybe but I still complain)!  I think that is wisdom.  Now I need to apply that wisdom.  I quite don’t have the application figured out yet (i.e. need more wisdom). Saturday question—What do you think God is?  Some think He is a cosmic cop, some think He’s the celestial Santa Claus, some think He’s the grand old man, and some think He’s the force. What is your version of God?  I would guess all of our thinking is different.  My version is—God is God and that is just the way it is; His understanding I cannot fathom.

Question for you CrazyMarvin (i.e. who is a mixture of good and bad)—Are you a Democrat or Republican?  Is there a difference?  I think by listening to you I pretty much know! I read this in the paper soooo it must be right—About 99% of professors in the top 66 universities are Democrats except for two universities and they are U.S Military Academy and U.S. Naval Academy. You think that is true? A friend who was just shy of his PHD was in education.  He said—I was a die-hard democrat; even protested and marched in a picket line.  Then I become an entrepreneur and business person and became a Republican.  I didn’t ask him why he changed.  You have any idea why he would change? Runnin’noseFrida says—Do we have any Americans anymore or just Democrats and Republican?  SweetsweetMary says--You Can Disagree Without Being Disagreeable. GeorgeTheCrook asks—Who is the most disagreeable, a Democrat or a Republican or are they about the same?

IckieVickie (i.e. who is a big splasher) says—I like to stay in anonymity when voicing my opinion. I like to be a mug-rumper (i.e. have my rump on one side of the fence and my mug on the other side of the fence). I don’t like repercussions.  I like to lay in the weeds; stay in the shadows; I like to waffle, I like to speak out both sides of my mouth.   I like to have everyone like me; I am hoping someday to be a homecoming queen.

GeorgeTheCrook says--Soooo when you communicate with someone and they don’t respond, why is that?  I have no idea but maybe they don’t think your communication merits a response, they are obnoxious, they don’t want to communicate with you, maybe they have something not going right in their life or don’t want to talk to anyone right now, maybe they missed it, maybe they forgot, maybe they are just not in the mood, maybe they are in their little world, maybe they are the same folks who park in front of the mailboxes, or maybe we have no idea.   SusieQ asks—Should we continue to communicate with them or just give up on them?  I have no idea!  What do you think?  That is what I thought.  

I saw a gal that I haven’t seen for a long time.  She used to be quite pretty.  I don’t know what happened, but she looks like “a horse rode hard and put away wet.” It looks like she has had a hard life.   Flip the pancake! I talked to a gal who grew up down the street that I haven’t seen for 25+ years.  She is now in her 40s and really looks great.  She was a very common gal growing up in our community.  She now seems classy, poised, and attractive.  What happened? I have no idea.  Maybe her environment changed, or education, or married the right guy.  I really don’t know but maybe she has an easy life. And maybe I have both of those gals all wrong.  BUT that is the impression they give me.  Saturday question—What impression do you give folks?  And you know what folks, maybe the impression we have of our self might be way different than the impression others have of us.  Could be! AverageJoe says—When my wife puts on her face, she looks way different (i.e. shine ‘em up and show ‘em off)!  Way different!

LuckieEddie (i.e. who is the brother of LuckieRustie who by his own admission says he was born lucky) says—Maybe you view each situations differently than someone else but it doesn’t change the fact that in every circumstance principles are laid to waste to glorify one side and to vilify the other.  LuckieEddie, is that critical thinking? It’s like, should I buy the large chocolate malt or not! SusieQ says—I can justify anything!  Oh ya!

All spring I don’t think my golf game has been as sharp as I think it should be.  I don’t have as much power as I think I should (i.e. I seem weaker like I said and I complain a lot ). My Doc said—erv, you are not 25 anymore.  ANYWAY I complain all the time about my shots; seems like every shot (i.e. I have a good reason; my shots are bad). My scores are not much different but I have to play a way different game (i.e. don’t hit the ball crisp and my game is ugly).  Sooooo one of the guys we play with said to me last week—erv, you sure do complain a lot; like on every shot.  Sooooo I decided I was not going to complain anymore.  I didn’t complain until I hit my first bad shot!  ha ha  BUT, I really didn’t complain as much.  I told my buddies that I wasn’t going to complain anymore.  Well I shot a good first nine (i.e. even hit the ball better--all because of a tip from a golf buddy/friend).  They all gave me a hard time as to how successful I was when not complaining.  The back nine I had a super great score (i.e. ended up shooting my age for the 18--how lucky can a guy get). I heard more crap.  Soooooo, the moral of the story is—don’t complain. I rode with a buddy in his golf cart.  He is a good golfer but is in a funk with his 3-metal.  He can’t hit it right now.  He hits a short low snap hook (i.e. real ugly).  He complains all the time every time.  Soooo we get to the last hole (i.e. par 5). His second shot called for 3-metal.  I say to him—you going to hit it?  He said—I’m going to hit it until I can hit it.  He hit it and it was another short low snap hook (i.e. just as ugly as all the times before).  I said to him—One thing for sure is that you are very consistent.  He complained!

Then I get this text from a golf buddy/friend who hits the ball a mile and always has a good score--Hi erv. Congratulations again on your good golf. Here's a thought: if a shot isn't quite what we want, it's not complaining to say something about it. You are merely diagnosing the dynamics of the shot. That sounds more positive,  Folks, what do you think--Is that wisdom, “critical thinking” or golf bullshit crap!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out.

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