December 1, 2018

could be

This “It’s Saturday” might give you a weird kind of headache, the kind of headache that stings a bit, goes away for a while, then comes back with a vengeance. I’m sorry if it does.  BUT maybe part of the problem might be because of you (i.e. I realize that for some of you this will be hard to understand). BUT it could also be all my fault (i.e. probably that is a better chance). RealisticJoe says—Sometimes we need to bite the bullet and move on what ever the situation is.  Bingo! 

CheezieLouise (i.e. who puts hot sauce on life) says--Adulting doesn’t come with a set of instructions. If you haven’t already, you’ll soon realize how much you didn’t learn in school. Now that could be! TommyRight says—We sure have a lot of options in life and those options sure do affect our life.  No question! And some folks never do really become adults in many ways and some just take a lot longer and some become adults before their time (i.e. some by necessity and some it seems like it just happens). I have a teenage friend that thinks and talks like an adult (i.e. great maturity); he just amazes me.  Why, I have no idea (i.e. he is a great kid in my opinion). I had a great conversation with an elderly friend this week. She told me that she never had a childhood; she was raised in a dysfunctional home.Such is life.

I realize that some of you folks are really smart; yes you are but you don’t know everything, no you don’t!  WorldClassLarry (i.e. who is a heavy weight) says—Although you can live well and die well, and know somethings truly, you cannot know all things completely. You aren’t that smart!

CousinEddie says--Clark, save the neck for me! I heard a couple of sports announcers talking about their family get-to-gathers for Thanksgiving.  They were saying that all families have an AuntWilmaGoofy and an UncleBobWeirddo!  Sooooo who in your family would qualify for those distinctions (i.e. hopefully it isn’t one of us, but it could be!).  BUT flipthepancake, some family members are much more fun to be around than others.  Some are really boring and some exciting, some obnoxious and some soooo nice, some you just like to talk to and others, well, you just don’t.  AverageJoe says--Some family and friends and acquaintances are soooo funny; they just make me laugh; I just really enjoy being around them.  And who enjoys being around constant complainers?  Christmas can really be difficult for many families because of their family dynamics and can also be really be enjoyable for others.  Such is life. 

My deceased business partner/friend of 34 years did not like Christmas (i.e. I don’t like parts of Christmas either—way to commercial for me and the real meaning is not celebrated near enough as far as I’m concerned—way toooo much about money and impressing which I’m not much for).  ANYWAY, I told my friend’s son recently that his Dad doesn’t have to fret about Christmas anymore!  He just really despised the whole commercial setting; he would have rather worked or played golf; he was soooo happy when it was over.  I realize that some of you feel the same and others of you just can’t get enough of all the hustle and bustle and eating and drinking and the razzle and dazzle.  Soooooo Arlene and I drove over to Wal-Mart Thanksgiving night at 6 (i.e. time means nuttin to us).  I wanted to buy some tires that were going on sale and the sale started at 6.  It was a huge massive savings.  I had no idea that there would be the huge massive number of folks in the store (i.e. I was very naive); the lines were unbelievable with folks with their carts full and overflowing (i.e. crazy to me and surely it would have been to my deceased partner and friend).  I have never seen anything like this (i.e. I have been missing out on this part of Christmas! ha ha). Seee, there are a lot of folks who really like this atmosphere; I’m just not one of them and surely my deceased friend was also not one either. 

Yogi said—It ain’t over until it’s over. But part of “the jolly ol’ Nicklaus time” is over: oh yes, we are through black Thursday, black Friday and cyber Monday.  Soooo those gift purchases are in the bag, tied up and secured in a safe place until they have to be wrapped, given or exchanged (i.e. another “jolly ol’ Nicklaus time”).  Of course, some folks will be reminded of them when they get their credit card bill.  That’s another “jolly ol’ Nicklaus time.”

“What is the meaning of all this gluttony, this waste, this self-indulgence? Where did you get all these things?”  Said by The White Witch in the youth book by C.S. Lewis The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Now this book might be a good Christmas present; it’s a classic (i.e. and write something in the cover).  I even have read it (i.e. paperback for about $7).  I think it beats some of the junk I saw in the carts of the folks waiting in line at Wal-Mart (i.e. my opinion).  BUT then what do I know?  I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN. WalleyChristmas says—Yabut erv, my grandkids want all that throw-away junk stuff that they see on TV; they don’t want books! If I give them books and the other grandparents give them the throw-away junk they want, well, the grand kids won’t like me as well.  That could be WalleyChristmas, that could be!  Soooo the solution for you LuckieEddie is to buy your grand kids a lot of throw-away junk; that is an easy solution! But WalleyChristmas, after they get and open the 30th gift, do they really know who gave them the gift or what it is (i.e. is it special anymore?).  How about the kid who gets no gifts or maybe just one!  Life isn’t fair; the only thing that is fair is the Butler County Fair and that’s in June!

Here is something to think about (i.e. some of you won’t like it I’m sure; it will bother you).  You don’t have to be a Christian or go to church to think about this.  It could just be the right things to do.  Maybe! Dr. J says--If you want God to bless you, bless others—particularly the most vulnerable in our society. The Bible says, “God blesses those who are kind to the poor. He helps them out of their troubles. He protects them and keeps them alive; he publicly honors them and destroys the power of their enemies” (Psalm 41:1-2 TLB). God makes many amazing promises to those who give to the poor, but here’s one of my favorites. The Bible says in Proverbs 19:17, “If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord—and he will repay you!” (NLT). God considers it a loan to him every time you give to the poor. It’s not a gift; it’s a loan.     

Our pastor at the Thanksgiving eve service said—Genuine Christians have sorta kinda a light in their eyes; I can walk in a room and tell if they are Genuine Christians or not; there is something different about them.  You believe that?  That is what I thought.  You want my opinion?  Here it is if you want it or not—I agree, I think it shows.  WorldClassLarry says—You can even tell it in different churches that there is a difference (i.e. a way different feeling). 

It could be that I have learned soooo much from some folks without even asking (i.e. folks are such good teachers).  You have no idea how much I learn from folks (i.e. some because of how I want to be and some how I don’t want to be).  I learned from a friend recently that we need to be humbler and more patient.  I learned from some other friends that I talk toooo much.  I learned that many folks don’t like to talk about anything important (i.e. makes them nervous) but only like to talk about stuff that has no importance (e.g. talking about themselves as tooooo how great they think they are). And I learned all of this “free of charge.”  Now that is a good deal (i.e. like a Christmas special on Black Friday)! JoeBlow says—I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, “where’s the self-help section?” She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose. I heard onesmartperson say--Leaders need to understand how profoundly they affect people, how their optimism and pessimism are equally infectious, how directly they set the tone and spirit of everyone around them (i.e. I believe that; do you?).

I’m sooo proud of myself, yes I am. I kept my mouth shut.  I soooo much wanted to say something but didn’t.  Have you ever been in that position?  It could be that I did the right thing! I will never know for sure, but I do feel good that I kept my mouth shut.  I have toooo admit that I really wanted to say something.  Have you ever felt that way? LuckieEddie (i.e. who is a one-man band) says—There seems to be soooo much leaking and distortion in most everything these days.  I many times wonder if I understand things correctly.  My understanding might be wrong.  Could be and maybe not.  BUT, I’m still happy and proud of myself that I kept my mouth shut.

She could be but says she’s maybe not! I was getting something at the dollar store (i.e. when I was a kid it was the Woolworth Dime store in Willmar). When I was walking down the aisle and a lady was coming on a cross aisle pushing her shopping cart and we almost collided.  I said—go ahead; I’m for once not in a hurry but I usually am but I really don’t need to be—she said—I’m never in a hurry; I’m way laid back—you must be very easy to get along with—I wouldn’t say that! We both laughed. 

She didn’t know the answer!  I stopped at Kwik Star Thanksgiving evening to pick up some bread.  I asked the female clerk, who I know some—did you have a busy day—very busy and it seemed like no one was happy; in fact they seemed grumpy—we always say, have a happy Thanksgiving soooo how come they aren’t happy—I have no idea!  I was happy and had a happy Thanksgiving.  Did you?

On Black Friday, some great, long-time friends from MN stopped and saw us.  It was soooo much fun as we have such a great relationship that goes back for many years. ANYWAY, we laughed a lot about all the great and funny things we have experienced together (i.e. great memories are soooo much fun).  We talked about a couple of mutual friends who we have had soooo much fun with through the years.  One likes Windsor and water! He says—Winsor and water and strong on the Windsor or 2 fingers of Windsor or I don’t want to see through it sooo make it strong!  We laughed talking about this friend.  I could tell you a million more stories as we had soooo much fun with him (i.e. we like this guy). Another mutual friend who we also shared a lot of fun with, is such a great guy with such a good heart who has gone through some real tough situations (i.e. he is a real fighter with a good heart—we like this guy).  It was soooo much fun thinking of these guys.

We are starting a study in our church called, One Minute After You Die by Erwin Lutzer.  The idea came from a golf buddy/friend as he is facilitating it in their church.  I also asked him if I could use his jokes.  Soooo you are going to get to read them (i.e. some maybe you have heard, and some you haven’t).  You get what you pay for! Man gets to heaven and is met by this very impressive angel with large clip board – Angel "you get to heaven by grace through faith, but  "to determine accommodations we review what you did on earth that was kind and unselfish"…"frankly there is not much on your list …if there was something you did that was purely unselfish and out  of kindness you could tell me" – Man  "well there was this time when I saw a lady being mugged by a biker gang – I ran over and kicked over their bikes – kicked leader in shins , punched him, grabbed his nose ring and ripped it out and told the lady to run for help –Angel "Wow! – I don’t have that down, do you “know “about when that happened" – man answered "oh, yes!.... about one minute ago!

I decorated our home for Christmas.  I tried to do it much like Arlene use toooo but I don’t do it near as well as she did.  She loved to decorate and did such a good job making our home feel “oh soooo good.”  ANYWAY, maybe some of you won’t understand this and I understand that, it’s ok, really it is.  It feels sooo good to decorate it somewhat like Arlene use to.  She seems to enjoy the Christmas decorations, at least some of it even though she doesn’t really understand it very well it seems (i.e. you might not understand that either).  It makes me feel soooo good.  It probably means not much to you but does a lot to me (i.e. even though it’s a lot of work, I think).  It could be that my emotions are hard to explain.  Some of you will understand and others might not. Such is life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Meaningful human contact is an antidote for depression.

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