July 6, 2019


Innuendo is an allusive or oblique remark or hint, typically a suggestive or disparaging one, a hint, a suggestion, a whisper, an undertone, an insinuation, an implication, an aspersion, a slur, an implication, or an overtone.  Maybe I always don’t tell you what my real feelings are, and my thinking is.  Maybe I just using innuendos.  How will you ever know! Such is life.

Yogi Berra said--A lot of guys go, ‘Hey, Yog, say a Yogi-ism.’ I tell ’em, ‘I don’t know any.’ They want me to make one up. I don’t make ’em up. I don’t even know when I say it. They’re the truth. And it is the truth. I don’t know.

Lookie here folks, this “It’s Saturday” might be false evidence appearing real!  Sooooo be careful when you read it.  It might just be just one big innuendo and you might not know for sure what I’m really trying to say.  But what is nice about that is, there are no incorrect answers or thoughts; you are 100% right in thinking whatever you think. Not like taking a test and you need to answer the question according to the philosophy of the professor to get a good grade even it might be really the wrong answer. GeorgeTheCrook says—Many think education has a history of brainwashing students to believe in what they think is correct which might not be correct; students will go into debt over $100,000 to get brainwashed sometimes.  GeorgeTheCrook, do you really think it’s that bad?  A friend, who is a very hard worker, told me—To teach a person to be a worker, they need to work alongside a good worker; just telling them does not cut the mustard.  Do those two things sorta kinda tie together?

I had breakfast with a friend whose wife also has dementia.  She is getting worse and doing things that are pretty close to dangerous and things that are becoming really intolerable to him.  He has a hard time with the process.  He asked me about what the next things will be—every person is different and will do different things at a different pace, but I can tell you for sure about one thing my friend, she is going to get worse.  He told me that it is really hard on him; the other night he just balled for a long time.  I asked him if he has a plan for the future.  He does and it sounds like a good one.  But as you folks all know, the best made plans always don’t work out especially with folks with dementia.  One of our granddaughters, Erin, is working on a bucket list.  One item on her list is to eat 10 ice cream cones this summer.  Now that is a good plan.  I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

Soooo much of stuff in life is like hiking on a ridge—I have hiked Dinosaur Ridge by Morrison, CO a couple of times.  It is part of Dakota Ridge a.k.a. as Hogback Ridge located near the Red Rocks.  I’m sure many of you have seen it and even also have hiked it.  It has historical information; it is one of the world’s most famous dinosaur fossil localities.  On that ridge I can fall off on either side.  And there are many contributing factors for us to fall to either side.  Usually it’s best to stay on the ridge.  Did you see the picture or video of all the folks on the ridge attempting to Summit Mt. Everest a while back? I think several of them died.  They said one of the reasons was inexperience (i.e. toooo cocky).  I think that inexperience causes a lot of problems when we walk a ridge in our life (e.g. most folks have no experience in being a caregiver and most don’t know how difficult it is).  SusieQ says—That statement is not an innuendo, it’s the real thing.  Again, if folks have not hiked on such a ridge, folks have no idea like I have no idea how it is to try to hike the ridge to summit Mt. Everest. 

My big sister, only by age, gave us a lot of frozen food when they stopped to visit.  She said—I can’t make you meals soooo this will have to do.  One thing she gave us was supplies to make “dippity dos” or something like that.  I will have to find the correct name. They are called Crescent Chicken Squares. She said—Anyone can make them!  That was no innuendo!  I don’t think. ha ha  ANYWAY, I made them; another experience in my life.  I really have good and nice sisters.  Growing up, I don’t remember them being that good and nice.  ha ha  I was the middle kid soooo my big sister dominated me, and I had to play house etc. but I dominated my kid sister soooo she had to play boy stuff!  What good memories. Oh, by the way, the most fun part of making those Pillsbury Crescent Chicken Squares was popping open the Pillsbury Crescent dough tube.  That really made me laugh; I have never done that before; I have a very simple life folks.  What a hoot! If you have never popped open a tube, you have no idea what I’m talking about. Such is life.

Everyone thinks I have more ability than I do.  Our dental hygienist suggested that I use G-U-M soft picks to clean between Arlene’s teeth.  She said I wasn’t doing good enough job brushing them, especially her back teeth. Her gums also need massaging.  I said—Now that will be a challenge in which she said—erv, you can do it.  Soooo I put Arlene in the love seat, recline it, put on my head lamp and went to work.  Now I’m her personal dental hygienist (i.e. I’m a lot better at it now than when I started).  What a hoot! 

While eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it I read what RickyRick says--Your faith journey is a long one. Too many people start off well in their spiritual journey but putter out before the end. God wants you to go the distance. You’ve got a marathon ahead of you, and you can’t run the marathon with a barbell in your hands. Often people quit their faith journey early because everything they’re carrying wears them out. We need to de-clutter. Well RickyRick, it seems burn out is a major issue in our modern culture.  It’s seems it is hard to keep our faith journey fresh and exciting.  Of course, I get bored easily.  That can even make it harder.  I need to be motivated by new ideas.  The sameO sameO seems to bore me. 

 There are a lot of pretty gals.  Pretty gals might be different to me than to some of you, but they are still pretty (i.e. maybe our specifications are a little different).  I might be different than you with this specification.  I think gals are pretty who don’t make themselves primadonnas or trophies.  What I mean by that is I think gals are prettier when they are just themselves and don’t have to be soooo perfect (e.g. can sweat and let their hair down).  Of course, I like real folks and don’t care much for phonies (i.e. magazine checkout pretty).  AverageJoe says—erv, there is more to being pretty than a painted face!

The other day I observed an acquaintance’s wife.  I have never met her and know very little about her.  She didn’t look happy.  Now that’s not good.  BUT that was just an observation of one short time in her life.  She might be very happy generally.  I have no need to meet her and no reason to know what she is like. She is an acquaintance’s wife.  I just don’t like to see folks unhappy.  It is easy to see unhappiness in body language (i.e. it doesn’t take an optometrist with a head lamp to see that).  I said to an acquaintance recently—You seem happy all the time—she said—erv, I do my share of crying!  She was being soooo honest with me. 

Lady Randolph Churchill, the mother of Sir Winston, said, “Treat your friends as you do your pictures, and place them in their best light.”  I have a friend whose motto is “Be Happy.”  I have never seen her when she isn’t (i.e. she is very consistent and posed it appears).  Do you know folks who walk into a room and make everyone happy?  Do you know folks when they leave the room, they make everyone happy?  I am trying to separate my mind from my heart (i.e. who I want to be).  Does that sound crazy? Well, it is crazy.  It is like having two sheets of note paper with how I am and how I want to be on each sheet.  Then I try to change my mindset; change my thinking.  Actually, it appears I’m having some success in doing this.  It has been fun and rewarding.  Challenging, yes, very much soooo.  We will see.  Like I said, I have a simple life.

I was riding my Yamaha XT250 coming home from pickleball this week and had to make a call soooo I pulled over into a housing development on the west edge of Cedar Falls, took my helmet off and made the call.  All of a sudden this guy is beside me in his golf/garden cart and said—you need help? I explained what I was doing and he said—I was working on my roof and saw you; thought you needed help.  Wow!  That is a great guy with a good heart.  He told me that he does a lot of gardening for a hobby—what do you do with all your produce—give it away. I said—You seem to be one happy person—I am. There are a lot of great folks in this world; don’t kid yourself. 

ItchieBitchie a.k.a. a real bulldog says—A profound cliché is so simple it is easy to ignore: “Fame is fleeting.”   You and I could do something that we think is rather important but in reality, it really isn’t.  Who really cares a month from now?  Even folks who do something really great become a “one-hit wonder” a.k.a. one and done, and no longer appears in a “Who’s Who” listing of famous people; instead, might find themselves relegated to “Who’s He?” Yes, this stuff is an innuendo! FamousDave is remembered well into the period after his death; oh ya!  CadillacJack says--People seem to remember folks much more if they did something really bad instead of something really good. Folks like to read and talk about bad things.  Soooo if you really want to be remembered, do something really bad!  MissPerfect says--Some folks are on track to be remembered alright! Ouchy ouchy!  WorldClassLarry says—Good folks with good hearts would rather do something good, get no public fame, have no one really know about it, and do something good again tomorrow (i.e. I like to be around these type of folks-- these type of folks are you guys—except for one of you and you know who you are ha ha!

OneTopNotchBusinessPerson (i.e. who sees the big picture and doesn’t over-think—I really like this guy) told me that business figures out what you covet and then they got you.  You are toast; you can’t control your emotions; they got you.  Soooo they profile folks and then target the suckers that covet certain things and then provide them what they covet.  They call it good business and it probably is.  80% of new-start businesses fail.  Why do you think?  Maybe it’s the presentation, or the timing, or the product or the advertising or something else like not giving the folks what they covet (i.e. trying to sell them something they don’t want). I was told about a local business that appears is doing really well but who can’t wait for their lease to run out (i.e. they are done; out of here).  Why, well, it’s a lot of work and according to what an inside person tells me, another reason is that good help is soooo hard to get.  Soooo it all adds up to what they covet in an easier life where life is better for them. I was told recently that a friend who was a self-employed person in a certain vocation said—I never want to go back to work again (i.e. I think he was saying that reality is, he’s got it made). Guess what, he’s back to work again; his plan didn’t work out as planned.  Ouchy ouchy!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—The boss ain’t always right, but the boss is still the boss.

P.S. A friend sent me this advice about my slow running—erv, here's motivation for you while you run.  You have a younger friend who is a multiple Ironman that you can run circles around (i.e. he had a bike crash during his last iron man competition and is on crutches—had a serious injury).  Just remember the old story, you don't have to outrun the bear just the other guy.

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