July 18, 2020


Ronald Reagan quipped, “I have left orders to be awakened any time of a national emergency, even if I’m in a cabinet meeting.”

ItchieBitchie (i.e. who can be sooo sweat and a jerk all in the same day) says—Many folks compare their needs to others’ needs. I think that each one of us can be nonchalant when it comes to a certain life area. Because motivation stems from the unmet needs we have we tend to become motivated only when we believe that the activity we are doing can help us meet one of our important needs.  We talk a lot about the needs of others, but realty is, we are by far much more concerned about what we think our needs are and how we can get them.  And we don’t know what are needs compared to our wants.  Look around folks, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. JoeBlow (i.e. who might have a short shelf life) says—Our international neighbors ask—What are you Americans doing anyway.  The snowball is rolling down the hill at a fast pace and we can’t stop it and it’s getting bigger and bigger.  GeorgeTheCrook (i.e. can be a real genius at times) says--We are going to stretch this sucker out as far as we can and as long as we can.  Let the good times roll. Live today and die tomorrow! Besides, we can always make a bunch of noise and the government will take care of us (i.e. it seems to work).  And who is the American government? LuckieEddie asks--Are we fooling ourselves? MissPerfect (i.e. who can at times be full of cotton bluff) says—Probably we are but who cares; I don’t! Such is life.

CadillacJack says--Nonchalant can be either negative or positive. The word describes someone who is relaxed and calm in a way that shows that they do not care or are not worried about something. If someone is nonchalant about another person's pain or trouble, the word has a definite negative connotation.  I was thinking of being nonchalant in a positive way (i.e. a good quality).  BUT, if you want to think of it in a negative way, that is your decision.  Such is life.

I have a friend who seems to always be nonchalant a.k.a. always even keeled (i.e. a very good quality, I think).  I heard her once or twice get a little excited and raise their voice in exasperation.  I wonder if she is always that way or just when she is around me.  I would need to ask their family; they would know.  haha I text her and asked her—her response-- I am sure family could point out my many moments of exasperation but the older I get and the peace and contentment Jesus affords me perhaps helps to keep things in check. 

Are you a nonchalant person or more a hyper person?  I am maybe more a “let’s get after it” type of person but don’t think I’m over the top but I could be at times.  That is my opinion.  As a friend says—Moderation is good in most everything (i.e. but there are exceptions for sure).  He is probably right; when we get radical and crazy about almost anything, it doesn’t work.  We maybe do need to be under control.  What do you think?  That is what I thought.

SusieQ asks—How can I become more nonchalant?  Experts (i.e. that is anyone who says they are) says--Well, when everything is comical is a good start. Just like most things have a silver lining, most things have a comedic edge to them, too (i.e. don’t be soooo serious all the time—loosen up a little folks).  I am in Westbrook, MN visiting long-time friends Gene and Jan Lindaman.  They were hosts to our family for years as Gen and I played in Rolling Hills Golf Club’s member/guest tournament for maybe 23 years.  The last years I was unable to play with him because of Arlene’s Alzheimer’s.  Well, he invited me back this year.  We used to be able to compete and even won it a few times but not anymore for sure.  Soooo I need to remind myself to be nonchalant when I can’t play as I could in those “good old days” (i.e. don’t be soooooo serious erv). It is hard for me to accept reality (i.e. time takes its toll). Sooooo suck it up erv and move on.

I was going for a jog the other morning and Doug hollered out of the front door of his Mother’s house.  He and his wife, Karen, were here to visit Doug’s Mother a.k.a. MyFriendJean as she is in her final days of her life.  They invited me in and we had such a good visit about many things.  I told them that this is what life is about.  I soooooo much enjoyed them and their wide range of opinions and views (i.e. they are from CA—haha). It appears that Doug might have changed some because of his education, being in big business and living in many parts of the U.S. than from his growing up years on the farm west of Bristow in Butler County IA.  BUT, they both have good hearts, my kind of folks for sure.

This new time of the virus situation will really change maybe many things.  We might have to change if we like it or not.  Yikes. I really like the spies’ story which includes Caleb and Joshua (i.e. if you don’t know the story, goggle it—it’s a good read—my opinion).  I will try to paraphrase it in real short version (i.e. or you won’t read it—changing times).  The spies were sent to look at the new land—all said it was nice but most said it was to toooo much work to conquer except Caleb and Joshua.  That’s it in a nutshell.  Maybe, we are in that situation now, just maybe.

I was looking at this guy’s trailer with the signs on it.  He then appeared and asked me which sign I liked best—The Fort Madison one (i.e. where IA has its state pen)—me toooo—were you a resident there—no no, just like the sign—I see you have a cross on your chain, are you a Christian—(i.e. he nonchalantly said) yep, a born again Christian, are you—yes I am—good for you brother.  He and his two grandsons got in their pickup and left. 

I text a friend to see if he wanted to do breakfast (i.e. we do it maybe every month).  He didn’t’ respond for about three days and then called me—I thought you forgot about me—I’m probably dog shit—yes, the worst stinking kind; I wouldn’t even pick you up!  That is how friends can and do talk to each other (i.e. maybe not girls and surely guys wouldn’t talk to a gal that way—there isn’t equality there for sure).  I hope this never changes, I like to treat gals differently (i.e. my opinion).  BUT the world culture is changing for sure.  It is and yet it isn’t the same!  I was having coffee with the boys in the shed deep in Butler County (i.e soooo deep that the revenuers can’t even find it). A retired farmer, now a landlord, told us that he had their kids and grandkids over for Sunday dinner (i.e. some do that in Butler County).  There was a rabbit that made a nest in the lawn and had babies.  He shot the mother and gave the babies to the cats.  The grandkids thought that was terrible.  That is how our parents’ generation who grew up on the farm did it folks; it was our normal way of life (i.e. old school).  The next day, I had breakfast with a friend at his house (i.e. his wife made a very delicious breakfast for us).  He told me that one of their grandboys called him yesterday while riding his bike.  He has a phone on his wrist (i.e. now that’s a gizmo).  He is 4 years old!  The world is the same and yet it isn’t.  Such is life.  

A friend was telling me this week that he thinks there is something wrong with his head.  I laughed and maybe took it tooooo nonchalantly.  I told him I think there is and laughed some more.  BUT I think he might have been serious; I wonder if he is concerned about it.  He has a lot going on (i.e. way tooooo much in my opinion besides having sever physical health issues and he is 74 years old).  I did tell him he needs to slow down in which he said he won’t.  He doesn’t need to be doing all that stuff; he is financially wealthy! Soooooo there. I’m guessing he won’t change until he dies.  I really don’t know if he can.  It’s in his head!!!

I have another friend who this last week put in a bathroom for a couple who couldn’t afford it.  He got a couple of his buddies who are also talented in this area (i.e. not me haha) to help and they did it for a fraction of the cost.  He told me that it is a good feeling helping others.  He’s about 74 toooo.  Winston Churchill said--“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Dr.J says--As you pray, seek guidance on how you use your time, talent, and treasure.  RickeRick says--How do you know what your ministry is? Look at your talents, gifts, and abilities. When you use those talents and gifts to help other people, that’s called ministry—nothing fancy or scary about it. It’s just helping others.

A golf buddy/friend told me a couple of weeks ago while golfing that he has a business situation that seems wrong (i.e. it involved a pretty good chunk of money).  I have experience in this type of situation from my former occupation and told him that something doesn’t sound right; there is something wrong.  I suggested he contact the owner of the company and see what’s up.  He said he might do that.  He was just nonchalant and cool about it.  The next week he told me that he text the owner three times but got no responds; that didn’t make since until he checked and I found out he had a wrong number for him!  The owner responded instantly and assured me that it would be taken care of it and he would be treated in the proper manner.  He didn’t tell me the details of why there was a  problem in the first place.  ANYWAY there are some lessons and opportunities that I can learn from this experience.  How about you?  Bingo!  It makes my life a lot better that he will get that “chunk of change” as now we don’t have to look soooo long for his golf ball when he hits it in the crap.  He always says—YaBut erv, it’s a new ball!

A long time friend (i.e. she was a student of mine maybe 45 years ago who is a neat gal who lives in the Great Northwest) send me this advice via email.  I think she is soooo much on the money (i.e. a big chunk of money). “It takes time to put the pieces of your life back together, erv. Don't rush it. Enjoy the ride.” It has been sorta kinda hard recently for me to be patient.  I need to refocus on this.  I have never been a very patient person; tooooo much of a type A personality.  I will work on it more.  I need to be more nonchalant. BUT reality is…!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—A role model is a better teacher than an instruction manual.

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