March 12, 2021

ya bet'cha

Houston, we have a problem!  Publilius Syrus was a Latin writer who was born in Turkey in 89 B.C. One of his “Senteniae” was:  “Many receive advice; few profit by it.”  JoeTeacher, who is like an exotic eastern bird, says—I wonder how many teachers feel like that.  None would be an ideal number, but that would be far too optimistic.  I heard a pastor say that he had two kinds of seminary professors; some who said I’m right and you got to believe it and others who gave the information and let the students decide.  Holy smokes! BettyLouStudent, who has a quirky personality, says—I have had college professors who were that way (i.e. they were not math professors); in fact, I also have been around some fellow human beings who are that way! JoeSmug says—My neighbortothesouth is that way! What way is she?  That way! Well, roll out the carpet! Ya bet’cha!

My mentor would say—erv, it’s never as good as it looks and it’s never as bad as it looks.  When folks look at what many call entertainment on TV of watching the life styles of the rich and famous, it always looks soooo clamorous and many think if only they had that life style.  I have thought that already.  I don’t even have to watch TV, there are folks I see in my life or especially when I travel that make me think that at times.  BUT, we know that their lives are not always any happier than ours, sometimes much less.  Saturday question—If you had all what they seem to have, how would your life change to be happier? If there was no virus, how would your life be soooo much happier or as a friend suggested I ask that of a friend who is depressed claiming it’s because of the virus?  ItchieBitchie says—There is a thick line between those two, not a thin line but a thick line.  It’s called reality!  MissPerfect says—erv, you’re full of baloney, if I had a huge massive amount of wealth, I would be way happier, I’m sure of that; how could not be any different! Ya bet’cha!

This is what the boys talk about at the shed deep in Butler County when drinking their coffee in the morning—Who are you? Do each of us know who we really are?  The old statement is “If you have never been tested by fire, then you don’t really know who you are.” It also says—"If you don’t know who you are, you can’t be a leader to lead others to who they are.”  You believe that? Soooo do we really know who we are and who we are not?  Are you and I in grips with our inner self?  JoeBlow says—I really don’t want to know who I am; I might be disappointed; I will just stick with who I think I am; I don’t like that fire stuff! Holy macaroni! This life is confusing enough without trying to figure myself out! And you might think I’m confusing, you should meet my sister-in-law!  She’s from Mars for sure!

I have been given a unique opportunity; very unique; sooo unique that I can’t tell you about it!  Now that is unique!  But it’s a great opportunity.  I have told one person about it and that will be the extent of me exposing it.  Crazy huh, ya bet’cha!  ANYWAY, it is exciting for me and it will be a lifelong opportunity.  And what is interesting, no one will ever know what it is or recognize it.  And I’m excited and happy about it.  I’m soooo happy someone exposed it to me, and they didn’t even know they did.  Crazy!  They will never know.  You ever have something that changes the scene of your life?  It’s like you are bored and then an opportunity comes along that really stimulates you?  A change of scenery is good for me; puts some spark in my life.  I like it.  It energizes me.  It could be a person, an event, or an opportunity.  I didn’t even look for this one; it just fell in my lap. Ok, I pray for opportunities, and pray that I can recognize and pray that I have the courage to act on them.  Sooooo now what is ervie going to do?  Talk is cheap but it takes money to buy whiskey!  BillyBoyJoe, who is really smart but doesn’t have a clue what he is doing, says—I have a huge massive praxis. 

Some stuff is just hard to share.  MissPerfect who some call the loud and the proud, says—Now that is true; I know that for sure!  “Grief can’t be shared. Everyone carries it alone, his own burden, and his own way.”—Anne Morrow Lindbergh    WorldClassLarry says—It appears that men and women might think differently at times; at least it appears that way to me (i.e. seem to have different styles maybe).  Christopher Morley who was a journalist novelist, essayist and poet, claimed that something “is a wonderful training for girls, it’s the first way you learn to guess what a man is going to do before he does it.” SusieQ says--What was he talking about? Saturday question—Is it possible for a man to have the motherly instant? Flip the pancake—Is it possible for a woman to have the fatherly instant?

I like to do experiments; do you? Try something and see how it goes; usually some experiments go better than others unless they are proven experiments done before and you know what the results should be but they always don’t go that way; sometimes they blow up in your face (i.e. something went haywire).  Some of you think “It’s Saturday” is toooo long, tooooo long winded (i.e. like many of you have nuttin else to do other than pick your nose).  ha ha     Sooooo I will have a short “It’s Saturday” and then a long-winded version a.k.a. will-it-ever-end version a.k.a. Sisyphean version a.k.a. TL;DR version after I close the short version. What I don’t understand, if it’s toooo long for some of you, why don’t you just stop reading and pick your nose or you can do both at the same time.  This is not mandatory reading.  You will not be tested; you won’t lose any money!  You could have some “brain defect.”  It could be related to your environment, or it could be genetic (i.e. your grandma’s fault).  First question the experts will ask you if you get tested—Do you watch the news?

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—With a good hobby you can find yourself and lose yourself at the same time.

Now the long-winded version a.k.a. will-it-ever-end version a.k.a. Sisyphean version a.k.a. TL;DR version.

Sooooo many events and feelings and experiences, and happenings happen that are inexpressible for me and you.  I just can’t explain them to anyone; none of you can totally comprehend and I can’t totally comprehend yours; it can’t happen.  I really want tooooo express myself to others sometimes, but no one can totally understand them but me.  Crazy!  I can try but “it just ain’t going to happen” (e.g. I received a letter and wanted to share the joy it gave me with someone).  I finally did share it with a friend who I thought would best understand it.  I don’t think they really could totally as they didn’t have the same emotions that I have about what was written—it was personal).  And another thing: I always say that you can share bad news with almost anyone, but you can’t share good news with most folks.  Why you ask. Well, you have tooo have a special friend who is happy for you; truly happy for you.  I wonder if most really are; they think you are bragging or they are jealous or envious or really don’t like to hear your good stuff.  Isn’t that sad.  Sooooo are you happy for others (i.e. big folks are and little folks are not).  My mentor used to say to me about hearing bad news about folks—half the folks don’t care about your bad news and the other half are glad it happened to you! I think he meant that tongue in cheek, maybe! I wonder how many folks really care if good stuff really happens to you and me; are they more concerned about themselves.  I wonder as I wonder through this world.  Soooo that brings it all back to me again and me alone mostly. Boy, we have to be strong. This ain’t easy for any of us, for sure! Folks sure seem to like themselves! You bet’cha!

A friend told me a couple of sayings his father used to say to him.  “Sometimes it’s good to be hard of hearing.” “Sometimes it’s good to be like a duck and let things run off your back.” You think folks talk about you? Do Do folks talk about you?  AverageJoe says—Are you kidding me!  If they talk about me half as much as I talk about them, it’s a lot.  Folks like to talk about other folks.  I heard recently some ladies talking about their church ladies’ mid-week coffee—It’s just a gossip time.  Yikes.  And that is the church ladies.  Sooooo if you are talking about others, they surely are talking about you.  Surely.  Don’t be so naïve.  If you are saying not soooo nice things of others, they are probably saying the same things about you.  Soooooo let’s try to say nice things about folks.  Soooo here is something to think about—Are obnoxious folks with very high opinions of themselves better off than the humble folks?  They could care less what others think of them.  They’re the best and could care less about others.  Their inflated egos make them superb a.k.a. the best. They are not tender or loving or kind. They might not be liked by others, but they really don’t care and really don’t know it.  As I heard a guy say one time—I’ll just stomp on you and buy you out!

I read and have just read another book of Louis L’Mour. I like to read one of his books occasionally.  He has written a lot of them.  I know some of you like to read his books as well. Some of you have read them all.  Wow! That is a lot.  They all are about the same—usually out west when it was being developed, bad guy turns good, saves the oppressed folks, always a pretty girl, wins the girl, gets the ranch and they live happily ever after.  Folks like to hear that.  It’s uplifting. That is why we like to read them I guess.  BUT the fastest gun wins until they aren’t the fastest gun anymore; the fastest gun always dies unless they retire with the babe on the ranch!  Soooo FastestGun, how do you know when it’s time to put away the guns? .45FastGuns always gets in trouble, always.  Look around folks, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

I think I think; therefore, I think I am right.  Now that could be one of my problems, I think. I think I’m pretty cocky now that I figured out something to save myself some time.  Ya bet’cha!  I figure if I only sleep on half the queen size bed, why can’t I just rotate the sheets and not have to wash them as often.  Am I missing something here? BUT some of you were pretty cocky walking on the ice but after you fell you aren’t soooo cocky anymore!  Ouchy ouchy! My Daddy, Chester, would say—erv, a lazy person is very creative! Or even more time saving, maybe I should just sleep on the other side! I could turn my pillow over toooo!

My feelings come and go!  How about yours? Oh those feelings; they are really something else. Some friends are getting or have got their second vaccination and feel they are “good to go.”  Are you good to go?  What is your feeling? It appears that some are going to paranoid the rest of their lives.  And some who got COVID might never be the same again.  And some folks never changed their lifestyles at all and never will.  Aren’t we really something.  Soooo I got my second shot.  How if at all will I change?  I guess time will tell.  I’m uncertain at this point. 

This happened yesterday and is an important lesson for our age group. A friend had his 2nd dose of the vaccine at the vaccination center. Afterwards he began to have blurred vision on the way home. When he got home, he called the vaccination center for advice and to ask if he should go see a doctor or be hospitalized. He was told NOT to go to a doctor or a hospital, but just return to the vaccination center and pick up his glasses.

Friends have had COVID.  Both had a tussle with it.  My buddy hasn’t fully recovered.  He has lost 30 pounds and still has issues.  He was tested from both ends and doctors think it’s stress and anxiety; not COVID related.  Simple fix, just quit be stressful and eliminate anxiety.  This guy isn’t wired that way.  He’s a fixer.  Will he be able to change?  Time will tell.  I told him they will just dope him up; that ought to work! And quit watching the news! And buy a new driver to get an additional 10 yards!

CadillacJack says—If a man is poor, he is stupid: if he is rich, he’s a crook; if he goes to church, he’s a hypocrite; if he stays away, he’s a sinner.  If he’s in politics, he’s a grafter; if he takes no interest in politics, he’s an unworthy citizen; if he dies to young, there was a great future ahead of him; if he lives to a ripe old age, he’s a burden to society.  The only man who is never criticized is he who has never been born. 

Many years ago when I started in the business world, I asked a hand full of business folks who I respected, who I thought were successful, who I thought were leaders if they would come over to my house and discuss with me what they thought success was (i.e. rather unusual some of you might thing).  They all were excited about doing it.  I still have my notes in a file.  And here they are: Money isn’t the real measure of success; Have reasonable goals and accomplish them; Successful if you can sleep peacefully; Must have faith and trust; Must keep going—keep trying; Always, always, be honest—don’t take advantage of people; Be patient—don’t expect things to happen fast; There will be good days, and bad days—look at total picture and not just one situation; Keep working and work hard; Some people have more talent and abilities—don’t expect more than what you are capable. These guy are all dead and have been for some time.  I wonder if their ears are ringing! Do you think an expensive casket and an expensive water proof burial vault would have anything to do with their ears ringing!  I think none of these guys could care less about those two items.  LuckieEddie says—What is important to some isn’t important to others, I guess; each their own! Or as a friend told me this last week—We will be remembered by others by how we made them feel; probably not soooo much as what the minister and others say to make the dead person sound good!  But my mentor use to say—erv, everyone gets better after they die!

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