May 8, 2021


JonnyJohn (i.e. anybody can be a John) says--The paths of glory lead but to the grave.  LuckieEddie, who is full of jet fuel, says—Yabut erv, it’s soooo hard to detox yourself from self-glorification.  Just ask DuaneTheWorm, he loves promoting himself.  He might be the champion for doing this. Everything is about him. When I think of DuaneTheWorm I say—Ugg! He kinda sorta makes me do the “splits.”  Ouchy ouchy! Can you do the splits?  I can’t even touch my toes!  Senior Citizen Alice says—And it ain’t getting any easier with age and an additional 50 pounds! I can’t even cut my own toenails.  I had a senior friend tell me that he was working under his car recently and he had a hard time getting up!  I had another friend tell me that if folks watch me get up from being on the floor, they would just laugh! She made me laugh! These are good folks with good hearts; and tell it like it is!

Missperfect, who there is no doubt about it, says--I’m confused.  Am I trying to get what I want instead of what I need?  It appears that many folks are making their decisions on their feelings and not facts.  It appears that way to me anyway.  I wonder if folks’ philosophy of life is changing.  I look around and there seems to a different direction.  If I am right, is this a temporary change or a more permanent change.  Then I wonder if this observation is just me from my perspective or my age or my situation (e.g. tolerance for cold weather is inversely proportional to age-haha).  Maybe I’m maturing or maybe I’m becoming an old coot or maybe even gaining some wisdom or maybe I don’t have a clue what’s going on.  Maybe the younger folks think I’m just another old fart who thinks he knows the answer and he really doesn’t.  I really don’t know.  But does it really matter.  I maybe just should go my way and let others go their way.  That just might work! Such is life. Oh by the way, MissPerfect ain’t the only one who gets confused; oh no, I was checking out at Fareway the other day and this 40 year-old all dolled up babe said to the checkout gal—Oh my God, I’m confused!  She made me laugh!

Soooo at church I said to a friend who was having a health issue--Brother Paul from a different mother (i.e. using that saying of a brother-in-law) it is good to see you!  He said--It's better to been seen than viewed!

You every have a different thinking with a person? Maybe you and the other person disagree or maybe just don’t understand each other? That seems to happen a lot in life in all types of relationships.  It can be problematic alright and hard to solve sometimes. Or as a friend said to me—"That question is very difficult to reply to considering I have no idea what you‘re talking about. Which, I suppose, not realizing there is a problem might be an answer in and of itself.” So there lies the problem (i.e. maybe a problem of understanding each other could cause the question harder to solve). Maybe I just need to bite the bullet even if it leaves a bad taste in my mouth (i.e. or take a different approach)! Now that is a lot to think about. JoeBlow, who can be a coiled rattlesnake at times, says—Com’n erv, there is a solution to every problem and that is death to the relationship (i.e. or any type of discontinuing of the relationship or a change in the relationship); once that happens, there is no problem anymore! It’s over and done with! Never to be seen or heard of again; solved (i.e. with or without fries)! Bingo. YaBut I don’t want to quit the relationship and won’t. I will solve this complication. It’s an opportunity for me!

Some folks who are addicted go to detox centers.  Sometimes they work and many times they don’t.  For some folks, detox centers change their lives and for others, detox centers never do.  Soooo I asked a friend the other day (i.e. she is maybe middle to late 80s and lives on the farm that she owns—I go by your farm and wonder why you still live in your modest farm house when you can afford to build any house you want or buy any house you want—erv, I have lived here since we were married many years ago; yes you are right, I can afford to do anything I want (i.e. she has options) but I’m happy here; I’m very satisfied; I’m good!.  Sooo there you go! She would be a good low maintenance woman for some guy!!!  TheMoneyQueen says—Yabut erv, we made it, we saved it and now we get to spend it! 

Soooo the other morning I was jogging down the street to cut across some folks’ yard to get to the golf course.  Their two girls about 14 and 10 were heading to school.  I said to the oldest one who I have got to know some and we are getting to get to know each other better—I see you mowed the lawn (i.e. she has to do it with a push mower or maybe self-propelled walk behind)—ya, I did it last night—you probably get paid $20 for doing it—erv, no no, I live her; I don’t get paid! She is a neat gal. 

A golf buddy told us that one of his sons just got married.  He got to meet her for the first time and got to know her. He told us--She seems to be a very nice gal; she seems toooo nice for him! He made us all laugh.  I guess that is called marring over your head.  Have any of you married over your head?  Or have you married under your head like WHAT WAS I THINING!—I was having lunch with friends and Billy said that his family says if they get a divorce, his family wants to keep his wife!  She is a sweetie but the real reason is that she is from Wichert, IL, where they raise great, sweet gals and where all the last names end with “ma.”  Another one of those sweeties was Arlene Schaafsma.  Wichert was once the gladiola capital of the world (i.e. sandy soil and the water table is not very deep plus those Dutchmen worked hard). Things change!  Toooo much hard work or something!

I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--One troubled man finally said, “I’m tired of being sad.” Sometimes we have to make an emotional stand, buttressed by prayer. It appears that many or most changes in our attitudes will not happen until we include God.” Miller Lite just doesn’t cut the mustard in making changes even it’s the popular choice by many.  Oh those choices that we have produce soooo many opportunities for us.  Then to make it even harder, many times we are corrupted by bad stuff.  To detox ourselves of bad stuff (i.e. and we don’t even know what is the bad stuff many times) can be very difficult but can really change our lives.  No question. 

I have an acquaintance who I thought was cool, calm and collective until she got started talking about something that tripped her trigger.  She went berserk (i.e. got all juiced up, like way juiced up)!  Like off the wall berserk!  Reached her flashpoint! She was close to throwing bricks! Maybe it was the beans she ate from yesterday’s evening meal, I don’t’ know. She has toooo much time on her hands for sure.  She needs a job. I read in the paper soooooo it must be right—BookWormSally, who seems to make right choices, says--When I am attacked by gloomy thoughts, nothing helps me so much as running to my books.  That seems to work for a lot of folks, get away from your emotions and facts and cool down a.k.a. detox.  Some like to drink, eat, exercise, complain, watch more news, listen to music, sleep, work and God only knows what else.  Folks, but for gosh sakes, don’t buy a load of bricks!

Do you have or have had disasters in your life?  Sooo what is a disaster (i.e. it surely is different to different folks).  A broken shoelace to one is a disaster and another person it is something funny.  Why do each of us handle different situations differently?  Is it because we were trained by our past environment or current environment differently or is it our personality or what?  A friend always says—Problems are just opportunities.  They surely can be but many times we can’t see it that way.  I remember when we had the farm crises, and some farmers were forced to quite farming.  I had several clients tell me afterwards that it was the best thing that ever happened to them but at the time it was a disaster.  Go figure. 

AverageJoes are called AverageJoes ‘cause they are average; just ordinary folks; not flashy or over the top; probably don’t get much attention; pretty steady; an All-American type of folks; not flamboyant; the run of the mill; average of the litter.  I have friends, many of you, who are AverageJoes with good hearts.  What makes many of you special is that you have an open mind, have a great radar, make good assessments and make good decisions based on your good assessments, are good problem solvers, have good guides who can figure things out based on your experiences, not extremely opinionated, have good track records in decision making, etc.  That is why I enjoy being around you and call you all the time!  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Flip the pancake—TomSmsart says—erv, detox yourself from folks who are just the opposite! 

I recently had a friend tell me that there is a person in her church who she thinks they think are better than everyone else (i.e. we probably all know folks like this in our churches, amongst fellow employees, families, social networks, etc.).  And maybe they are! It ain’t nuttin new.  It has always been that way and always will be.  BUT if we are that person who thinks that, well, that is another story! And maybe we don’t even know it.  Missperfect, who is mostly all nose not ears, says—"Doesn’t everyone want to be better than the rest?  I always thought that was the goal of everyone. Like richer, more powerful, more impressive, etc. soooo you can strut your stuff around." SlimmySlim asks--Have I had my ladder against the wrong wall all this time?  ANYWAY, I asked my friend if she thinks others feel this way about this person—oh ya, many. Do you like this person? NO! Do you think this person knows others think this way about them? I don’t know she said. Maybe this person has worked soooo hard to be better that the rest only to find out no one likes them!  Holy smokes! Now they have to detox! Maybe this person won the battle but lost the war! But maybe they don’t care!

CrazyWillie, who can be like an indeterminate tomato vine at time, says—Don’t let beliefs get in the way of facts.  I really think that beliefs of many of us come about because of our past or current environment (i.e. I do, I think).  I think many folks who are real radical might have had a really bad experience (i.e. or think they have had) and have a huge massive chip on their shoulder that they can’t get rid of it (i.e. and some even could be mentally ill).  They feel that they haven’t been treated fair and can’t get over it (i.e. and we all know that the only thing is fair is the Butler County Fair and that is in June).  I think, my opinion, that all folks have this experience, but it’s that some go forward and some don’t (i.e. keep wallowing in the mud).  Saturday question—Is it possible to detox from this mentality?

My humor isn't always funny to you (i.e. I realize that BUT what you make up in your mind between the lines is)!  Really funny! And only God and you know what those lines are! An engineer friend from MI who always has three pens and pencils in his shirt pocket, says--"I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh."  I had another friend tell me recently that he laughs a lot at himself; he said he's learning to do that more; try not always to be sooooo serious all the time.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Everyone wants progress, but few want the change that progress requires.


The tip of the day comes from a Wyoming mountain elk hunter friend (i.e. you just never know where tips come from now do ya).  If you are experiencing a lot of static electricity in your house, the first thing to check is your furnace filter to see if it is dirty.  I asked why; he didn’t know. He might have just thought this up while huntin’ elk up ‘er in ‘em mountains and maybe the high altitude got to him.  Could be!

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