June 12, 2021

yes and no

WorldClassLarry says—Time advances:  Facts accumulate; doubts arise. Faint glimpses of truth begin to appear and shine more and more unto the perfect day. The highest intellects, like the tops of mountains are the first to catch and to reflect the dawn. They are bright, while the level below is still in darkness.

Should we listen to what others say?  Yes and no!  Opinion, methink, is most of what a lot of what folks say; maybe it is just their opinion (i.e. just like what is mostly said in this “It’s Saturday”). RickyRick says—"You can listen to the opinions of others—but never overvalue what they say. Other people are not God, and their opinions aren’t going to last.”  Although some think they are God it seems!  Recently I had the opportunity to give a ride to some folks for a medical test and I had some time to kill.  I went for a long walk.  I was amazed at a group of purple martins on some houses and cords someone made for them in their yard.  The couple came out of their house, and we talked a long time about purple martins.  Amazing what I learned; they are people friendly, eat only insects, winter in Brazil, only 20% of the chicks will live to come back, live in colonies, depleting population as a result of less habitat and less insects to eat, hawks and owls are big predators etc. These folks and folks like them spend a lot of money each year on their hobby.  None of this was opinion, they gave me facts (i.e. they have worked with purple martins for years). We had a great time.  They told me if I want to try to start a colony they would help me; but get the facts how to do it from experts with a lot of experience (i.e. they know the tricks). They said that very few folks have success in starting a colony. Did you get that folks, get the facts how to do it from experts with a lot of experience and who have expertise!  Not opinions of “hot shots” who are here today and gone tomorrow but who think they know everything!

I say yes and no to that statement in the pic (i.e. but that is my opinion).  I think that
is an opinion of a person and not a fact.  I think we need to try to change folks for the better.  Here is an example how a person or persons changed a person for the better.  Our grandson, Jimmer, didn’t like school for the most part and was struggling with his reading (i.e. maybe that was the reason why he didn’t like school).  Many folks took the incentive to help him change.  Through their efforts he became a much better reader and now likes school.  A combination of all those folks probably might have changed his whole life (i.e. facts show that once second and third graders get behind in reading they very seldom ever catch up again).  Soooo I asked him per our phone conversation if he is happy school is out--grandpa, I’m kind of sad in fact I almost cried but I am also very happy toooo! Did you like your teacher Jimmer? I liked her very much grandpa. Probably his teacher was the most influential of all the folks who helped him.  Think about that folks. The Master Teacher once said--An educator (i.e. we are all educators) must above all understand how to wait: to reckon all effects in the light of the future, not of the present! A friend who is in education management said to me recently—Probably the most important thing we can do for our students is to hire good teachers. OneSmartTeacherFromMI'sEastSide says--“The mediocre teacher tells. ... The great teacher inspires.”

John, who has a lot of horsepower, says—"As you pray, ask the Lord to give you wisdom to know where he is directing you to testify for him.” I find that statement interesting not just in testifying my faith but in talking about other stuff as well (e.g. like not putting foot in mouth).  To know where and when.  Sooooo should I or should I not?  The answer is yes and no! Sometimes I think I do more damage by opening my mouth than if I would keeping it closed.  But how do I know?  The if, when, and where is problematic for me at times, for sure!

A friend suggested I check out Martzahn's poultry processing deep in Butler County.  Soooo I rode my trusty Yamaha XT250 over there the other day.  What a hoot.  They process chickens and turkeys in a sole proprietorship operation (i.e. the business has been a family operation for years).  They are the only state approve processing business in the sate the owner, Logan, told me.  Logan was a neat guy and told me the history and dynamics of the business.  He also gave me a short version tour and explained how it works (i.e. he employees 7 folks).  The attached garage is the kill area where this gal electronically stuns the birds and then cuts the veins in their neck while in a shoot.  They bleed out and then are put in scalding water and then in a tub that looks like a washing machine that takes the feathers off.  Then then are put through a little opening into the processing area where the guts are sucked out, cut up, cooled down and packaged.  Pretty slick. I asked Logan what is the biggest problem he has—getting workers and then having them show up. If you want to have some poultry processed, give them a chance. $2 a bird under 4 pounds and birds over 4 pounds, $2 plus 70 cents per pound over the 4 pounds. That’s better than you getting your hands bloody and you pulling the guts out!

These folks seemed to act like chickens with their heads cut off!  Anyone with any golf etiquette would not drive their golf cart in the no mow but they maybe didn’t know any better (i.e. if it was teenagers we would probably think differently; we might say, who are their parents).  I was jogging fairly early at the golf course and my normal route takes me through some no mow.  These folks were in there driving around looking for their golf ball. It was a couple maybe in their 50s (i.e. very nice folks who I didn’t know).  She was driving and I asked her—looking for your ball—not mine; his; mine is in the fairway; he’s always the problem!  We both had a good laugh!

Yes and no!  I was riding with a couple and the wife said twice to her husband—put your hands on the steering wheel—she is always bossing me he said (i.e. the car was driving itself; I thought it was a good idea haha).  A golf buddy and his wife are moving off the farm into the metro.  They were talking about where they were going to put furniture in their new place.  He said—I would like to put my desk in the corner of the sunroom—she said, there you go again; you always think you need your way (i.e. but I only heard one side of the story--haha). I drove over to see a college friend and his wife who live in Orange City, IA (i.e. where if you are not Dutch you are not much).  Had such a good time. Some of you think I’m crazy driving 7 hours to spend 3.5 hours with a friend.  I have been called worse!  ANYWAY, in our conversation we talked about a mutual college friend whose girl friend who became his wife, was rather bossy when they dated. We think maybe she was in the marriage as well (i.e. like run the show; call the shots).  Soooo if he and I think that than others must think that toooo; we ain’t that smart to be the only ones to think that! But we don't know for sure. Such is life.

I read it in the paper soooo it must be right that folks who have been married 25 years or more were asked if they would marry the same person again.  50% said yes and 50% said no!  Sooooo I started thinking about that 50%. Do you think that 50% is about average for everything we do?  Would we not do about 50% of the stuff again if we could do it over? Soooo are we only right about 50% of the time and just live with that %? Well, is flipping a coin for our future the best we can do? How many decisions have you made in your life? A lot for sure! Have you only been right 50% of the time? Missperfect, who has a big vision, says—I know I would have done a few things differently and made some different decisions!  Oh ya! But it’s tooooo late now! But at least I have been right 50% of the time maybe! It could be worse! That’s right sweetheart!

Soooo how many pray request does God hear in a day?  In a year?  From the beginning of His creation?  I think the number is unfathomable!  Some He says yes to and others He says no, it appears.  Some folks want sunshine and some want rain. Some are sincere and some are rather egotistical.  Many are very selfish and self-centered.  Many prayers are for what we want for me me me!  I would guess many times we have no idea what is good for us and what isn’t.  BUT, my opinion, methink, that pray changes us no matter what we say or how we say it or how it is done.  It makes our heart softer and makes us better folks even if some might be crazy prayers.  Some prayers are sorta kinda funny probably. God must have some good laughs!  Some of mine even make me laugh.

No and yes!  I heard the speaker say—I want to be seriously ridget about always being flexible.  I know folks who are seriously ridget about being seriously ridget.  How about you? I was invited by peeps to attend church with them and have lunch.  Sounds normal but it wasn’t.  The church that two of the friends attend is Hope City Church in Waterloo.  The church has a black pastor and worships a diversity of races, a diversity of social groups, a diversity of ages, a diversity of financial levels and a diversity of education levels. It was extremely interesting to me. It appears that they were all on the same page (i.e. same agenda—believed the same). Then we had lunch at a Bosnian restaurant.  Now my Sunday morning was a little different than Butler County.  We were talking at lunch and a friend said—I was taught growing up that I was saved by grace but had to live by the law! Another friend said—I was taught growing up that I was going to hell if I didn’t obey the law. How ridget is that? I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it written by Tony Dungy--“God’s grace versus our own merit—it’s a universal struggle."

I-KnowItAllBetty, who is either a narcissist or a super narcissist, says I can be ridget ‘cause when you know everything you just know everything.  I had a grandma tell me that she has a granddaughter that does very well in school (i.e. probably very smart).  The teachers say that it helps that when she doesn’t understand something she will ask questions. Soooo if a real smart person asks questions, how important is it for me to ask questions when I’m not a real smart person?  Go figure!  LuckieEddie says—Maybe the real smart folks are real smart because they ask questions.  Could be!  And maybe I-KnowItAllBetty really isn’t that darn smart but just thinks she is. Ouchy ouchy! You think soooo? Answer me that!

I was invited for a Memorial Day dinner at some friends’ place.  I commented about my friend’s big, new fancy black watch.  He laughed; he said he bought it for $31 online (i.e. he jokingly said that it was advertised to work 30 meters below water).  He told me that he went with their son to see his brother in CO last week and his son asked him why his watch peeps on every hour—no it doesn’t beep every hour; dad, I have been riding with you for two days and believe me it beeps every hour—really, I can’t hear it!  We all had a good laugh. Soooo if we can’t hear stuff in life a.k.a. facts won’t affect our lives now will they!  We just keep kicking the same can down the same road! My opinion is that we seem to miss the boat sometimes!

You ever notice it is a lot easier to give advice than to take it? JoeBlow says—The good ones all take advice; they all do it! That is in our personal lives, business lives and in everything.  Soooooo do we ever take our own advice? Or are we stiff-necked and stubborn?  Who what me?  The answer, I am guessing, is probably yes and no! Aren’t we really something else!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—In a crisis, rise to the occasion but don’t hit the ceiling.

The tip of the day. When you give someone your attention and focus, it’s like you give them a piece of your life. Slushies don’t hurt either.(i.e. nothing but the best; it's what champions drink)!  Hey, it was 90+ degrees and I don’t get to see them that much.  It’s part of summer.  Yes it is.  Soooo on the way to day camp, Charlie, age 11, says she hopes she is the camper of the day—what’s that—the camper who is the nicest the day before; Henry, a.k.a. Rookie, 8, won’t for sure get it as he is trouble sometimes like yesterday he farted on everyone.  Is that true Rookie—well yes and no; I only farted on most everyone—that’s a lot of farting—grandpa, I have my ways!

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