July 10, 2021

pack of lies

JoeBlow, who lives in Cinderella land, says it’s easy to be a dummy! Oh ya!  I read this in the paper sooo it must be right--Dennis Miller claimed that “being a coroner is the easiest job in the world. He asked, “What is the worst that can happen? You realize that the corpse still has a pulse!” It’s similar at the bridge table, where the easiest job is being the dummy (i.e. all ya have to do is eat the treats; that was my favorite part other than talking).  In French, the dummy is called “le mort”, the dead, but most bridge dummies have a pulse.”  Awisepersonfromwestoftown says—I think I know some folks who appear to be dummies but don’t play bridge (i.e. my mother-in-law is one of them)! Sometimes I even wonder if she really has a real pulse! She lives in a different world! BUT she is a sweetheart who I love dearly!

CrazyMarvin, who wants everything easy, says--What you can do, what you want to do, and what you need to do and what you actually do are many times way different. That is pretty much in everything in life, I think.  Some of what we are told by many folks about almost everything is a pack of lies; don’t kid yourself folks.  Our world seems to be a mess influenced by false information (e.g. everything is free but it ain’t).

Recently, our grandkids, Charlie and Rookie were in the backseat of my vehicle and talking about if they were dead they wouldn’t know pain soooo it doesn’t make any difference (i.e. they were talking about holding their breath).  Sooo Charlie, age 11, said--I don’t believe in afterlife do you Henry, age 8; Rookie said—I do.  Then they went on with the conversation of something else.  Soooooo at this point in their lives, they somehow decided about afterlife.  Where do you think they got their information or who do you think influenced their current thinking? How do they know if what they heard is a pack of lies? What do you think about afterlife? How do you know it isn’t a pack of lies that you heard or think? Well, I believe there is an afterlife.  Maybe you don’t. I have a friend who is smart, but thinks when he dies, he will die pretty much like a pig (i.e. I really don’t think he really believes that).  One of us is wrong for sure and one of us is right for sure! I surely like my hope better than his, for sure.  For sure, we are both going to die!  My Mom, Anna’s favorite Bible verse was—For me to live is Christ and die is gain!  That is what she believed.  She definitely influenced my thinking! She lived what she believed for sure.

An atheist was walking through the woods.  "What majestic trees!"  "What powerful rivers!" "What beautiful animals!" He said to himself. Suddenly, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. He turned to look…and saw a 7-foot grizzly bear charge towards him. He ran as fast as he could along the path. He looked over his shoulder and saw that the bear was closing on him....He looked over his shoulder again, and the bear was even closer....and then...he tripped and fell. Rolling over to pick himself up, he found the bear was right on top of him...reaching towards him with its left paw...and raising the right paw to strike...At that instant the Atheist cried out, "Oh my God!" Time Stopped ...The bear froze....The forest was silent...A bright light shone upon the man, and a voice came out of the sky..."You deny my existence for all these years, you teach others I don't exist and even credit creation to cosmic accident...Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament?" "Am I to count you as a believer?" The atheist looked directly into the light ..."It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask you to treat me as a Christian now...but perhaps you could make the BEAR a Christian?"... a pause..."Very well," said the voice...The light went out. The sounds of the forest resumed...And the bear dropped his right arm...brought both paws together...bowed his head and spoke..."Lord, bless this food, which I am about to receive."

Wellness tringle of physical, spiritual, and mental. They have to be balanced properly, my opinion (i.e. holistic health is very important many folks think).  If they get out of balance, Houston, we have a problem! Saturday question—How do we spend our time here on this earth?  Do we use our time doing stuff that improves our life or just the opposite.  Are we just killing time getting ready to die or are we trying to help folks which in reality makes our lives better and theirs toooo.  Do you exercise, do something each day spiritually, and also try to do something that improves ourselves mentally (e.g. being around good folks).  Spending time at the casino doesn’t do much for our lives, my opinion.  It sounds like I’m preaching here!  That’s enough of that, for sure.  Go get yourself a 6-pack of Bud Light and sit in front of the TV and watch sitcoms; that will fix you right up!

Viktor Frankl wrote the book, Man’s Search for Meaning, which I have read multiple times (i.e. I think it’s that good, but what do I know, I’m just a little old farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN).  He said once—A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is a visible labor and there is an invisible labor. Now that is pretty deep.  It’s easier to just think you die like a pig! As the saying goes—He who dies with the most toys wins!

Sooooo I was at the local grocery store and met an old acquaintance (i.e. old more ways than one) who might be about 85 (i.e. women can be very hard to know how old they are sometimes). She was gettin in her Jeep.  She loves her Jeep; My standard statement to her is always the same—let’s take that sucker out in the mud and see what she can do! She always scolds me that “Her Honey” doesn’t get dirty and then we laugh. She has a very unique thinking on life and death that she explained to me one time; she is very convinced. 

Soooo I purchased a car hitch for my vehicle on line.  They took my money and said it would be delivered in about a week.  Then they sent me several emails saying my delivery date would be delated and then after about a month they said that it was out of stock and would return my money.  It was all a bunch of lies from the get go (i.e. my opinion I think).  Why didn’t they just tell me the truth upfront or not advertise it that way?  They did ask me to call them and talk about ordering a different hitch that they had in stock. Sooooo I did as I was wondering how they were going to suggest giving me customer service; they didn’t call me back.  Maybe I am being tooooo harsh in my thinking. You ever get gun shy about some folks or what they say? SusieQ says—After I got burnt, things just aren’t the same anymore! Believe me!

CadillacJack, who is free wheeling, says—You can interpret anything to make it what you want it to make it.  It’s done all the time. Oh, the interpretation.  If you don’t like a certain interpretation, talk to someone else or you can get another and if you don’t like that one, find one that you like.  SlimmySlim says--And some interpretations are a pack of lies and sometimes we don’t even know it (i.e. and sometimes we really don’t care).  AverageJoe says—I guess we believe pretty much what we want to believe! Although we are persuaded and influenced by our environment an awful lot (i.e. we are bombarded with stimuli constantly).  LuckieEddie says--Soooo when someone says they are 100% certain I don’t always buy into that statement. WorldClassLarry says—Many times we are told by supposedly experts on a “need-to-know basis!”  We don’t need to know all the truth but just part of the truth; that way we are always right and easily fooled!  That philosophy was used and maybe still is in the military. It is soooo if a soldier was captured, they couldn’t tell everything about the plan (i.e. if you don’t know, you can’t spill the beans). Think about that folks! 

A pickleball buddy had two different kind/color of shoes on the other day. I asked him what the deal is with that.  He said—It was dark when I dressed this morning. Another person asked him and he said it was a fashion statement and another person said to him—I bet you have another pair just like them at home.  He never did tell us why he did that.  We probably will never know. Sooo I asked another pickleball buddy if he still writes psychology text books (i.e. he has written 4 editions).  He said he quit as it is too much work. Soooo what is the latest trends in psychology I asked him—going back to how important genetics and environment are (i.e. da, I have been saying that for years). Also the big, modern buzz talk now is about racial/cultural issues that cause psychology problems. Sooooo I think my pb buddy with the different shoes was just trying to get in my head but the book writing pb guy knows what is going on in my head! Maybe those two guys have been around each other toooo much!  Could be!

RickyRick says--What would Jesus do? What would Jesus do for that person who’s hurting? What would Jesus do at the office, on the golf course, or in a relationship? When you ask what Jesus would do, your answer will always be a humble one that builds harmony and happiness rather than difficulty, defeat, bitterness, and resentment. So, what does it mean to act like Jesus? 1. Don’t demand what you think you deserve. Philippians 2:6 says, “Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to.” 2. Look for ways you can serve. Philippians 2:7 says, “Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being.” 3. Do what’s right, even when it’s painful. Philippians 2:8 says, “He humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.” Jesus is the ultimate model of humility.

Soooo you want to be the king of the hill!  Are you sure? Why do you want to be king of the hill? Why do you want to own the most shoes? Are you ever content? Why do we always want more? What about us shows who we really are? Can folks see us and say—that is just who she or he is? I had an experience recently that did just that; I was invited to a friend’s house as he just had surgery and wanted to talk.  That is just the way that person is (i.e. no pack of lies; no fake persona; it was quite refreshing, that is why I like this guy).  Does it take a lot of confidence to be this way?

LuckieEddie says--The world continues to tell us a pack of lies. When we are considering a decision usually our ego comes into pay it seems (i.e. aren’t we something else).  Here is the question we might want to ask ourselves—Will it matter in five years?  How about five days? Maybe in five minutes? Sooooo that can really take the pressure off and relieve stress.  Like my Mom, Anna, use to say to me—erv, always do what is right! OneSmartPerson, who wows folks, says—I like to ask myself, how will my decision affect my inner self forever? Not my instance gratification! Huh, interesting. PrettyAmanda says—I like instant gratification and that is why I do things that give it to me; I like to be stroked alright; I will pay big money to have that feeling even if it is a pack of lies! I just love it!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Patience is a virtue. Virtue is grace. Put them together and they make a happy face.

The tip of the day comes from Helen from Helena, MT (i.e. not related I don’t think but could be).  Helen says—If you are serious about offering an invite to someone don’t say something like, let’s get together some time or give me a call when you want to get together and end the conversation; that’s like saying I really don’t care to get together with you, that is just saying something to be politically correct, but the statement is pretty much a bunch of baloney a.k.a. blowing smoke. If you really want to get together with a person, say something like—May I take you out for breakfast next Monday at Big Wally’s at 8, my treat?  A sincere invite is real and genuine and meaningful to folks.  If you can do the invite in person, it is even better (i.e. one-on-one looking the person right in the eye)!  Helen says—I will bet my crochet hooks that it is the better way to do it, that is if you really want to get together with that person!  If you don’t really what to meet with that person, use the other method; they both are effective!  No question!

A golf buddy told us this story this last week on the #5 tee box that is relevant to the above.  He was working in the Kiwanis’ caramel popcorn stand to raise some money.  4 UNI volleyball gals were helping them as a community project. He said they were workers, polite and probably pretty toooo! ANYWAY, a member of their club is 85 and has been a season ticket holder of UNI volleyball for 20 years.  They told the gals that he probably would really appreciate it to have his picture taken with you gals.  They got excited and went over to him and said—We hear that you have been season ticket holder for 20 years—yes, I have—may we have the honor to have our picture taken with you! Think through that folks!

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