September 18, 2021


LuckieEddie says--Successful people are very lucky, just ask any failure. JoeBlow says—It seems that successful folks have a good foundation.  Marilyn Monroe said—To put it bluntly, I seem to be a whole superstructure with no foundation. But I’m working on the foundation.

SusieQ, who seems a little edgy at times, says--There are many sources to get help but the first thing we need to do is admit we need help.  Now that is a problem with mankind for sure; admit that we aren’t perfect and ask for help.  Some folks have a tendency to think they know all the answers. Missperfect, who might have tunnel vision, says—Not me soooo much but the folks I’m around surely think they know all the answers. Da! I have to nudge them all the time!

My pickleball partner the other morning had this on his tee shirt—It was a pic of a ship and written around it was:  I’m the captain that makes it move! Recently I got a call from a friend who wanted to talk about a common interest that he is involved with.  He said he wanted to discuss the situation with me.  We had the most delightful conversation maybe ‘cause he was a business person who was in charge of a major division and made a lot of important decisions.  He is not radical and is a good listener.  We had a discussion in which he didn’t have his mind made up; at least it didn’t appear that way. He was very refreshing to talk with.  Soooo later in the day I texted him this message—It felt good to have the opportunity to express my opinions.  Of course, I don’t know if my feelings are correct or if they agreed with his; maybe not; now that could be and if not, that is okay.  It appears that he and I might be in the minority in this discussion methodology.  I heard a statement in MI that made me smile—Folks talk that they want to change but they won’t, and they really don’t want tooooo; it’s just talk. Also, I heard a guy in MI say—80% of communication is body language (i.e. not talk). Will Rogers said—If you are ridin’ ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it’s still there.

I have had lessons that taught me lessons which I learned from and the only way I could learn from them was toooo experience them personally.  I can’t read about them or see them on TV, but I actually have to do them (i.e. and then evaluate them open mindedly).  Some of those lessons and experiences were fun and some not soooooo much but they all affected and manipulated me. Some affected me big time! Yes, for me experience can be a mean teacher but many times a good teacher (i.e. a breakthrough).  AverageJoe says—BUT we have to be receptive to want to learn. 

I texted a friend an article stating how some farmland in our area has sold for; sold for an all-time high (i.e. huge massive amount).  He responded—I’m getting richer…lot of good that does…rather be younger. A friend years ago gave me a motivational tape called It All Goes Back in the Box. I was reminded of what it said once again at the funeral of a friend this last Saturday.  A friend sent me this--Old Italian proverb...After the game, the King and the pawn go into the same box.

CadillacJack says--In the United States there is a great deal of lukewarmness a.k.a. “business as usual.” It appears that folks are very interested in enjoying their luxuries. A hiker from MA told me that students who were the top of the high school classes in their area use to be Asians but now are Africans who are black.  Why—they have a strong desire to succeed, and their parents work like crazy to give them the opportunity (i.e. they are nudged). He said they don’t feel that they are mistreated in America but totally enjoy the opportunity (i.e. don’t feel entitled).  Think through that. It appears that it’s the way they look at it. 

I like to write notes. I don’t need a certain kind of note pad but like some better than others, but some folks really enjoy a special notepad (i.e. I can understand that, yes, I can).  Why do I like to write notes you ask.  Well, it stimulates me and makes me look at things in a different way.  It also is proven that I retain the information better.  Besides, it makes me feel good.  But I do throw many of my notes away.  Sometimes I can’t even understand why I wrote a certain note down in the first place; my thinking is different at a different time.  Crazy for sure!

Yes, we are different aright!  In a breakfast discussion in MI one morning, I was introduced to “Synesthesia.” I never heard of it before.  About 5 to 10% of folks have it it says on google soooo it must be right. You might have it and you don’t even know it (i.e. you think everyone is like you soooo you don’t even know you are different).  It’s not a disease and it’s not bad but it’s how different folks think differently.  It is very fascinating to me.  Google it. You might learn something.  Are any of you aware that you have it?

Saturday question—Do you actualize your thoughts! LuckieEddie asks--What does that mean anyway? I like that word; that is an action word to me.  That is an exciting word to me.  Some of you are truly actualizers and others not soooo much maybe.  GeorgeTheCrook says—I don’t even want to think about it!  As long as the government keeps sending me money, I’m good! I surely live in a great country; I can go camping and the government sends me money to pay for my hot dogs and beer!  What more can a guy ask for!

TheGuyNorthofTown says—We all mess up; but it’s what we do after the mess up that really important.  Sooooo do we learn from our mess-ups or do we just do them again.  Do you say to someone we are sorry or not? Do we change our mentality or just stay the same. I sometimes need to be nudged to get the point.  Ouchy ouchy! If I continue to do the same mess up stuff, my life won’t get any better.  Will it? Many times we all need a nudge.  Oh ya!  My neighbor says—erv, what we often do the least is what we need the most.  Yikes, I hate that when my neighbor says that.  Here is an analogy that I read while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Jesus says there are two ways of trying to approach God. One, like the Pharisee, who tells God about his goodness, thinking God will surely bless such a wonderful person as he. Or like the publican (i.e. that's not Republican folks--not a misprint haha), who cries out, “God be merciful to me a sinner” (Luke 18:13). When you repay evil with a blessing, you are carrying out the earliest mandate for the people of God: You are blessed to be a blessing.   

CoachB says—Many times we believe but what we believe isn’t the truth (i.e. we are brainwashed, sucker). We believe all kinds of things but maybe all those things aren’t all the truth (e.g. the news).  Could be. Mark Twin said—Nothing lies it just messes us up, it’s the things that we think are true, it just ain’t true. Oh but to determine what is true and what isn’t is a challenge now isn’t it. Abraham Lincoln said—You can fool all the folks some of the time, some of the people all the time but you can’t fool all the people all the time. We might even think we are right when we are really the wacko one.  Could be.  But we don’t even know it.  Holy smokes.  CadillacJack says—Most folks around me are real wackos but I know the complete truth for sure (i.e. and he might); I know the truth for sure ‘cause I watch my favorite news channel 24/7 which has all the truth. Da! OrdinaryJoe says--A lie detector test only tests what you believe but does not test what the truth is. You might believe something which you think is the truth (i.e. totally convinced), but it really isn’t!  On this date in 1895, an ad in the Phoenix Daily Herald stated that “good meat is the basis of civilization. A man whose arteries and veins are filled with rich blood made with choice meats from Hurley’s Central Market has pluck, courage, endurance and noble impulses.” A friend/engineer from MI sent me this to ponder (i.e. he always has three pens in his shirt pocket sooooo...haha)--America is the only country where a significant proportion of the population believes that professional wrestling is real but the moon landing was faked.

I have to nudge myself to do certain things that are good for my mind and body.  Sometimes I don’t like doing them, but I force myself to do them.  If I don’t, I fall out of the habit, or my life might deteriorate (i.e. my opinion).  And I have the opportunity to make the decision what those things are for the most part; I’m one lucky dog as many folks in the world don’t have that opportunity (i.e. don’t have options).  Sometimes my decisions are not the best I find out later and sometimes they are very good. What you think is what you’ll will be folks; no question about it!  And we all have the opportunity to think what we want and what we think we need; we make that decision.  No question. It's the truth for sure!

I think most folks pray in one form or another, I do.  Probably the most popular prayer is asking God to help us, like bless us.  That is because we are in a tough spot and have no other place to go for help (i.e. if money can fix it, we don’t need God—it’s when we are in a situation that only God can help that we become humble and pray). Zarephath says--If you ask God for His blessing a.k.a. a nudge, consider what you will do with that blessing when it comes. God blesses us so we may become a blessing to others. I seriously pray that God may bless you, each one of you.  Now isn’t that a great opportunity that God gives to us to be blessed to be a blessing.  I think soooo. What do you think? That is what I thought.

WorldClassLarry says—"You can’t lead from a stuck place.  Get around some folks who are moving and who aren’t stuck.”  A nephew-in-law from MI suggested to me and others to read Think Again by Adam Grant.  He uses it in managing his team of employees.  Someone asked him if it’s fiction or non-fiction—I don’t read any books that are not non-fiction. Soooo I tried to get an eBook edition from the library though Bridges; I am 45th on a waiting list of 3 books.  It’s popular.  Flip the pancake.  He also told me that the James Bond movie,  A Time to Die, is opening October 8th—are you going—on the 9th; I love James Bond movies; I get soooo wrapped up in them that I forget where I am or what is going on around me; totally mesmerized. I don’t think James Bond movies are non-fiction, are they!  haha I’m just nudging him in the ribs a little. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Those that flee temptation generally leave a forwarding address.

The tip of the day is from a friend, who was the top of his class and who seems to have had a successful life—You can control your decisions, but you can’t choose the consequences of your decisions, but you can increase the probability of better consequences by choosing better decisions. That's the truth some think and others not sooooo much!

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