February 26, 2022

right or wrong

Disclaimer—Maybe much of what is written in this “It’s Saturday, is not correct. And I have no idea if anything what my sources say is correct.  Much of what they say might be embellished and outright fabricated.  JoeBlow, who dribbles around a lot but never scores, says--Everyone has toooo many opinions about almost everything.  BUT it might be much more accurate than the news that some of you think is God’s word. In fact, I know some folks who I think lie half the time, and the other half of what they say I don’t believe, but they are great spinners! 

Have any of you been on a jury?  Have you ever been part of a court case in which the jury is involved? The jury has the power to judge a person right or wrong.  Have you ever been juried by others in your personal life?  I’m sure we all have.  They decide in their minds if we are right or wrong.  The jury could be your friends, family, spouse, neighbors, strangers, a church, etc.  They either find us guilty or not guilty a.k.a. right or wrong! 

I’m not always right; I am right about 51.3% of the time according to Buter County Analytical Company with their home office being in The Shed deep in Butler County on the near west side of town (i.e. and who knows what they say is accurate—as money and beer are popular lubricants).  But my mentor use to say—erv, If you are right 51% of the time, you will be a success. Money Market Fund Managers who are successful are right about 51% of the time; that is right just 51%.  My mentor would say—erv, you got to be right more than you are wrong.  According to goggle, about 12% of the financial managers make it.  12% folks; why do you think they don’t make it?  I suggest you find one of the 12%!  I had a golf buddy/friend who when he sold his farm personal property, he invested the proceeds himself and by his own admission, said he didn’t have a clue what was doing (i.e. I don’t know if I believe him; he might have been pulling my leg).  He made a mint! Of course, good timing and good luck never hurt! BUT also, he might have listened to his wife and never told me that!

Coach B says—It’s impossible to be honest from a dishonest position.  If the core of anything is dishonest in any way, it is almost certain for failure at some point (i.e. maybe not today but someday it’s ugly head will show up).” A person who isn’t honest and claims to be is like a duck—if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. Of course, that is my opinion.  GeorgeTheCrook says—Once if anyone is dishonest and is exposed; it is hard to get the respect of honesty back again (i.e. a person’s reputation is tarnished and is near impossible to get it off a person’s expression.  LuckieEddie says—GeorgeTheCrook, I don’t know about that.  It seems like folks forget pretty quickly and sometimes forgive (e.g. politicians). And sometimes folks just move out of town and start over. Or if their dishonesty makes some folks money, then many folks really don’t care.  They like the money. They just turn their heads. Some even call it good business.

This is a sticker I saw on a side window of a BMW in our park while walking recently.  It might be right, or it might be wrong, but I had to laugh.  What do you think about it?  That is what I thought. The women of our modern culture sure have life much different than of cultures of the past.  There are many women who are in the south wintering that are doing it on their own because of many reasons.  Most seem to be very capable of handling most any situation.  The right way or the wrong way for a woman to act is thrown out the window.  BUT it appears that we still have dual standards in certain parts of our subcultures (e.g. some religious denominations who say they take the Bible very literally, maybe for some parts and maybe not for others—sorta kinda a pick and choose which is hard for a non-believer to understand maybe). ItchieBitchie says—erv, you are thinking tooooo liberal. You might be right ItchieBitchie or you might be wrong. It seems like folks have different opinions. I read in the paper again, soooo it must be right, that 80% of our communication is our body language.  Sooooo I guess what folks say only counts for 20%.  Little 6-year Billy said to his mom—Years ago men really had it great; they were in charge and ran the show!

Missperfect says—Rumors are more powerful than facts. I knew a state senator years ago.  He told me that if he wanted something spread through the capital, he would be at a urinal and another government leader was at the next urinal and he would say—Don’t tell anyone but, then he would tell him whatever he wanted spread.  It would spread like a wildfire in the CO foothills with a 90 mph wind (i.e. it didn’t really matter if it was right or not—sometimes the craziest stuff and most unbelievable spreads faster).  BigMouthEthel says—There is nuttin more fun or powerful than a good rumor; they are soooo much fun. Sometimes I even like to embellish them a little bit to spice them up even more; it’s a hobby of mine and I’m good at it!

A pickleball buddy/friend/pb partner for a game said to me—I can’t play worth a darn this morning—what’s with that—didn’t sleep last night—how come—stuff in my head; self-imposed—not good my friend—you got that right. Obviously, the self-imposed jury isn’t in yet! Saturday question—What keeps you up at night?  JoeDough says—I worry about my money! Like what am I going to do with it all. Really!  Folks are concerned by many many things which we sometimes have no idea what they are worrying about.  And they don’t tell anyone.  I have dreams that wake me up at night (i.e. every night). Not real bad dreams but dreams that get my attention (i.e. some are even positive—last night I caught the biggest walleye of my life; it was a huge massive one).  And I have to go to the bathroom sometimes.  Other than that, I sleep well.  How about you?

In the book of Kings in the Bible, King Solomon (i.e. termed as the wisest man who ever lived) prays—God, give your servant therefore an understanding mind a.k.a. wisdom that I may discern between good and evil. In the book of James of the Bible it says—Ask God for wisdom and He will give it to you. We as humans have a hard time defining what wisdom and discernment are, and also how to get them. To me it looks pretty simple but still hard to understand the results sometimes.  Honestly, if we can figure out what is right and wrong, life is a lot easier, my opinion. It appears we do a lot of bird walking when defining what’s right and wrong or we just wink at it.  Yikes!

Right or wrong.  I watched some of the Pheonix Open Golf tournament.  It’s crazy when 200,000 folks hoot and holler all the time.  A late friend/golf buddy did not like folks to talk or make any noise while he was playing; he told us several times, “Be quiet, this game is hard enough without your noise.”  I don’t think he would have liked all that noise on the 16th hole or in this tournament.  He would have told them to be quiet!!!  The only thing is, this crowd wouldn’t have listened to him. What a fun memory of a good friend. 

The Emperor Marcus Aurelius said—"He who lives in harmony with himself, lives in harmony with the universe.” CoachB says—"When we get peace on the inside, we’ll be surprised how all of the stuff that’s going on outside in the world doesn’t make much difference to us, we have an internal peace. He who is in harmony with himself or herself, is usually in harmony with the universe.” Do you believe those guys?  Or is their talk just their opinions?  Maybe you think differently and have a different opinion.  Could be maybe.  Sooooo Saturday question—How do we get inner peace? SusieQ says—For me it’s a lot of money and a lot to eat; those are the tricks!  The Christian religious leaders say—Accept and believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  I think Jesus, folks. That’s my opinion. AverageJoe says—When folks find inner peace, they become very calm and comfortable in their skin.

I did something that I don’t think I ever did before (i.e. a new adventure). I went to a movie in the morning. Wow, I’m really adventurous!  haha  I played some pickleball first and then saw American Underdog about Kurt Warner. The picture show theater treated me like a king. I went to the 11:25 movie and it was $4.50. They let me use one of their leather recliners. And guess what, I was the only person there (i.e. a private showing)! Very good movie about their incredible underdog lives and their testimony about their faith and belief in God.

Are you a futurist?  A futurist tries to predict the future.  Sure, we all are futurists, especially the coffee drinkers at the coffee shop.  Maybe there are some folks that don’t think about the future (i.e. maybe many folks are oblivious to the future). I think about the future in a lot of different ways and for different reasons.  Actually, there is an association of professional futurists.  Candidates to join the APF must be recommended by a member and must meet two of the six selection criteria, which span employment as a consulting or organizational futurist, obtaining a postgraduate degree in futures studies, or demonstrating competence in teaching, writing or speaking on futures theory or methodology. That sorta kinda leaves me out!  BUT, I believe that our future is ours to shape to some degree anyway, maybe.  I think I will try my best to keep my future simple and enjoy the moment.  BUT, I could change my mind anytime.  What do you want your future to be? LuckieEddie says—My future is not promised but it is probably based maybe a lot on what I think and what I do and what I believe! CrazyMarvin says--My future looks like it's hard to figure out, much like the picture. This is my opinion of my future for what ever it's worth--God's purpose for me is around the next bend even though it doesn't seem that all the ducks are in a row. Or I could not go around the bend and just play it safe.

I had the opportunity to have lunch with some long-time friends last week.  These are good folks with good hearts, my kind of folks. We had such a good time.  And probably why, is that we shared stuff in our lives that folks maybe normally don’t share (i.e. stuff that is personal and is very real). It really is a great opportunity to be able to share such stuff.  We trust each other. I’m guessing maybe our relationship even got better. And we laughed a lot, mostly about ourselves! Or was it at ourselves?!

This guy really made me laugh.  It was posted to folks in our park.  This guy is honest.  I am an idiot for taking my new $400 electric bicycle, just bought at Costco, apart and now can't put it back together.  I broke the throttle grip.  So what I have now are all the parts of a new ebike for sale to anyone who like to piddle, wants to build their own custom ebike, or has this same bike and would like all the new parts to keep as a spare.  The Lithium battery $150+ own its own, not to mention the new brakes, tires, wheels, motor, etc.  Will sell to interested party for half its new cost.  So for $200 you get all the parts to build or put together a new ebike, minus one broken part - the right throttle grip.  You could order a new grip from Jetson, they do sell them, and put it all back together yourself or whatever you want.  It is more than I want to deal with at my age and lack of pleasure in and experience with maintenance and putting things together.  Every time I try to fix something I seem to just break or ruin it.

JoeEducated, who is the CEO and President of the Board of the Butler County Analytical Company, and who has more degrees than the number of rattle snakes in the Superstition Mountains says—Our prediction is 93.4% sure that this “It’s Saturday” has as much validity as a flying pig. When JoeEducated was quizzed about if he might be wrong, his response was—Naaaaa! I don’t think sooo. I’m never wrong about this stuff! We have done the analytics.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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