July 23, 2022

it can't be

A couple of friends told me that they don’t believe anyone anymore.  Sooooo that “anyone” includes me I suppose.  Soooo if you are like them, no one believes what is in this “It’s Saturday.” Johann was saying that already a long time ago soooo it ain’t nuttin new!

RickRick says—"For most people, the mind is like a freeway. They let anything drive through it. They watch shows that are full of junk and nonsense, scroll through social media sites that are polarizing, and listen to gossip that makes them envious. Then they’re surprised when their mind’s freeway becomes polluted with all of these things. And they wonder why their stress is so high. The Bible offers another way. Philippians 4:8 says, ‘Think about the things that are good and worthy of praise. Think about the things that are true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected’.” As my deceased friend use to say to me—erv, decisions have consequences and guess who gets to make the decisions.  ItchieBitchie says—I can’t believe some of the decisions that I have made!  What was I thinking anyway!

One of my neighbors works at a jail and I think processes folks who are to spend time there (i.e. maybe like a Wal-Mart greeter haha). I would never guess she would have this job as she is young and pretty. ANYWAY, I said to her the other day—You probably have heard everything—Ya, I have, everything but they basically all say the same thing and that being “it wasn’t my fault but it’s the cops’ fault; they got it wrong” (i.e. it can’t be my fault). Lawyers never ask their clients if they are guilty. First of all, the clients all lie and secondly, they don’t want to know. Teachers tell me that parents can be very hard to work with; it’s never junior’s fault (i.e. it can’t be his fault but must be you the teacher’s fault).  Ouchy ouchy! A friend at breakfast recently told me—Even good folks lie! Soooo don’t get soooo cocky! SusieQ says-It can’t be, not me!

Are you a good problem solver? Do you think you are? Do others think you are do you think? Does your past life show you are? I don’t know if I am or not but I did make a good decision the other day, I think anyway. I was going to trim two bottom branches off a pin oak tree that has grown over some other trees.  They are about 16 feet up soooo I needed to use my electric chain saw on an extended pole while standing on my 8 foot step ladder. No problem: I have done it before.  Both of those branches needed to be cut three times.  After doing the first one, my whole body was just tired; it took a lot of strength and I thought: what am I doing, this is dangerous a.k.a. ridiculous. Soooo I asked my young neighbor to cut the last branch (i.e. he's one good guy). Great decision. I’m just not as strong as I use to be, I admit it.  When I had a physical recently my doc asked me if there was anything different.  Yes, I'm not as strong as I use to be and I’m not as tough as I use to be.  Well, erv, you aren’t a spring chicken anymore he said (i.e. it can’t be). BUT he suggested I might try CoQ-10, an over-the-counter drug that helps some seniors.  By gully, it seemed to help or it’s just in my head but either way, I’m back to jogging again and my body doesn’t get sore.  Try it, you might like it tooooo! I got new life!!! You say, erv, it can’t be that easy.

I heard two friends talk recently about a certain person who they called goofy.  I always thought that about him but didn’t never say that to anyone and didn’t say it when they were talking about him.  But from what they said about a current business situation he was involved in; it reassured my thinking.  He’s goofy from most folks’ perspective, maybe.  Hey, if those folks think that and I think that, then other folks think that tooooo; we ain’t that smart! BUT those two other folks are pretty smart let me tell ya! It can’t be that all three of us are wrong and are the goofy ones!!!! Can it? Surely not!!!! But it could be, and we just don’t know it (i.e. it can’t be!).  How goofy can a person be!

It's goofy to her but not to me.  I heard a mother say about her two adult boys—I can’t believe how different they are, they have the same genetics and raised in the same house.  I know both of these boys and would agree.  I think one is like their dad and the other isn’t.  Maybe she doesn’t see that, but I do.  It seems like some children are just like their parents and some are not.  Goofy for sure.  How do children decide?  How did you decide? Children don’t sit down one day and decide.  But how do they decide anyway? How did you decide?

My opinion is that good fiction is when we know it isn’t true but yet it is soooo real to us or our lives that it seems real.  You understand that?  I just read in a novel in which two attorneys were talking about one of their lives.  He said our marriage was not good for years soooo we decided to have a couple of kids to fix it.  How many times have you heard that he asked the other attorney—many.  How many times does it fix the marriage—never. Ok, maybe that is personal to your life and maybe not, but you get the hang of it.  It’s sorta kinda like the expression—If the shoe fits, wear it.  Can and do we ever learn from other peoples’ mistakes?  It sure is a lot less painful.  Sooooo, I suggest we get a good mentor and watch and listen.  Or get a bad mentor and don’t do what they do.  Now that would make sense to me. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out!

CadillacJack says--Rising overhead and declining income is not good! When it gets up-side-down, it ain’t good for sure. That is a business situation that is not good. BusinessPersonBob says—An upside-down situation can’t continue, and it won’t (i.e. something has to give). SuperRichRita says—What’s the problem, I’m fine and will be fine; I married rich and inherited a bunch from my parents! And you know what, probably she will be fine.  For many of you folks, the huge massive inflation won’t affect you, but many of you it will. Sooooo what will happen? It will be very interesting.  What do you think? That is what I thought. Such is life.

A friend at breakfast the other day told me that he and his wife were meeting with their financial advisor. The advisor told him and his wife that they don’t spend very much money.  His wife thinks she can help in straightening that out. They are frugal, hardworking folks who grew up that way.  I doubt if they will change.  But maybe! If not, their kids will spend it. 

A friend called and apologized to me for being rude.  I didn’t sense the occasion when she was rude and told her that.  She went on to tell me when she thought she was rude to me.  I didn’t take it that way, but she did.  That is the kind of person/friend she is.  We are in some ways likeminded.  Friends are that way.  Many folks never think it could ever be their fault; we live in a very self-centered world.  Friends who gave me some sedum are big volunteers (i.e. good folks with good hearts, my kind of folks).  He is a member of the Kiwanis Club and there are very few members left he said.  She spends a lot of volunteer hours at the Arboretum which there are hardly any volunteers left and the ones that are left have a bunch of body replacement parts and are old.  Oh, by the way, she is a Master Gardener and told me this—Ground cover’s first year they sleep, second year they creep and the third year they leap.  I know a person who says—That is just like a friendship.

Okay, I’m going to challenge you tooooo think.  I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it.  It might not be what you want to hear and maybe it might be just what you want to hear.  I don’t know.  It’s an opinion of David’s.  Just that, an opinion that might be backed up by his belief and your belief might be different based on your genetics, past environment, or current environment.  ANYWAY, think through this and ponder, okay?  Are you ready? “One of the biggest mistakes we make in thinking about the justice and goodness of God is jumping to premature conclusions. Who wins and who loses, who’s had it good and who’s had it bad—that’s not decided in this life. Only the final judgement will reveal all.” Now that is pretty deep.  Like the verse I like—His (God’s) understanding I cannot fathom! I realize that some folks think they can, but I don’t think soooo folks (i.e. my opinion).  Now that is pretty exciting to me.  DollyShowoff says—It can’t be that I can’t understand God; I’m equal to Him or maybe even better in some ways! HumblePieCharlie says—I can’t understand his greatness; I just stand in awe of Him! To me, this attitude gives me hope.

Some of you think I’m crazy. That is ok, I don’t care.  I got up early last Saturday morning and drove 7.5 hours to MI to attend a wedding of my brother-in-law and sister’s grandson at 3:30.  I spent the weekend.  I had a blast!  Incredible! Much excitement and laughter.  Many of my family was there and many of them told me amazing stuff about themselves and their families.  Some I may share, and some are soooo private that I won’t ever.  I had a hoot! My sisters and their families treated me like a king. I had an unbelievable experience, unbelievable! Soooo how important is family to me and how much do I love them, they are beloved!  Dink ding ding!

All of my family members are different because of genetics, past environment and current environment; I am certain of that, no question, it’s for sure (i.e. we are all programed)! I sure did enjoy them. One Example:  I was seated at the wedding reception with one of my sisters, her husband, and one of their daughters, husband and three children from pre-school to a junior in hs.  I asked them each questions and asked the junior boy if he was going to take the typical test for college this year—yes, I’m taking several of them—you have any idea what you are interested in when you grow up—ya, I think I want to be a chemical engineer (i.e. not surprised as his parents are both chemists)—Soooo you have any idea what kind of person you would like to be when you grow up—did you think about that when you were 15—no, I didn’t but I now want to be as much like Jesus as I can.  My niece then said—Sooooo what does that pay? I think she was being sarcastic in referring to what the world mainly cares about and that is THE MONEY! This is just one of soooooo many conversations I had with my family members (i.e. we didn't talk about the weather and the price of gas).  I also enjoyed observing how we all interacted differently with our different personalities. I would guess our family isn’t much different than your family.

A friend, who is not average bear, says--Bob Dylan wrote a song called "The Times They Are a-changin'." (I know because I Googled it)  My friend is right! This friend is always right! Ok, maybe one time he was maybe wrong, but it was questionable! My friend has written on his forehead—World Book Encyclopedia! This friend is one smart person let me tell ya!  That is why I like to be around him.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Friends and family are the most important in the recipe of life.

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