August 27, 2022

the big rat race

ProgressiveJeff, who always runs in high gear, says--The church I used to attend is not in a rat race; it just didn’t seem to be going anywhere, it was stagnated. It’s slower than a turtle race. My neighbors were in northern MN on a family vacation.  Their kids participated in a turtle race.  They caught turtles (i.e. you could rent them as well I guess) and the local town had turtle races for the kids on main street. They had a circle with a little circle in the middle where they put their turtles.  The turtle who crossed the big circle line first wins.  I guess they have done this for years.  Isn’t that a fun thing for kids.  It was a promotional for the town and businesses (i.e. innovative and creative).  Great idea, I think. And you don’t have to be a rat to win this race!  haha   Or as the French say, C’est la vie!

Have you ever been in a race but came soooo close in winning but didn’t?  Maybe in a sports event, completion for first chair in the band, close in getting an employment position, being valedictorian, becoming the homecoming queen, being the girlfriend of a boy you had a crush on in 8th grade, almost buying the farm on an auction, soooo close in getting some award, etc.? Close but no cigar!  BUT soooo close that you might have cried. SusieQ, who is a real sweetheart, says--Close doesn’t count expect in horseshoes and necking! I’m just curious, did you ever have a hicky? ANYWAY, I remember at the 4th of July celebration in Roseland when I was a kid, they had games for us kids. One game was a foot race.  I always was the fasted runner in my age division until this Ammerman kid from MI who was visiting his grandparents beat me when I was 11.  It was a close race, but I didn’t win. I was heartbroken.  Winner got a quarter, second place got a dime and third place got a nickel to spend at the concession stand in the pastor’s garage (i.e. back then you had to win to get a prize).  Soooooo why do I remember that anyway? I have been beaten many times since that race, but that loss seems to stand out for some reason. Soooo do you know what that formula means on that tee shirt I saw?  I didn’t.  I had to ask a real smart person who referred me to a real real smart person.  Hint, it’s a math joke. Just checking to see if you are a real real smart math person.  BUT I understand the saying.  I think! BUT sometimes I think I know stuff but there is more to the story than I know or understand.  It happens to me. Yes it does. Have you ever had the experience of it’s all fun and games until someone loess an eye?  Now that changes the picture real fast now doesn’t it! It’s part of the rat race maybe!

When the rat race gets vicious and money is short, that is when some folks cheat, lie, steal, do illegal stuff, etc.  Oh, when the pressure is on, folks can change.  When they are winning the rat race and cash is plenty, it’s a different story.  GeorgeTheCrook, who might be potential spam, says—We need to be careful that we don’t sell our soul to the country store. I read in the paper soooo it must be right, that folks are changing—The first thing most folks do when they wake up in the morning is to check their social media accounts.  It used to be the first thing folks did when they woke up was pee!!! It’s a rat race folks for sure! C’est la vie!

Sooooo a company wanted to know the technology of their competitor's product that was just killing them.  They contacted a high ranking engineer of that company and asked her if she would share the information for 250k. She said--I'm not that kind of person. How about for 500k.--like I said, I'm not that kind of person--How about for 750k--I will think about it.  How about for 1 mil--she said she would do it.  Now that we found out what kind of person your are, we just need to negotiate a price. 

Our Waukee grandkids were at my house for a few days.  I asked them what they wanted to do—play pickleball, go fishing, drive the golf cart and go on a bike ride.  Sooooo what did we do? You guessed it. What fun we had. Rookie was getting out fished by his sister and was impatient.  I told him that he had to be patient to fish.  He said—Grandpa, I’m not a patient person; but at least I know it and admit it! Their Daddy told them when I picked them up—Remember now kids, you are representing our family.  I thought that was an interesting statement. I asked Charlie and Rookie if their parents tell them that statement more often—We have heard it many many times.  We are usually representing someone or some group now aren’t we.  SusieQ, who is a 5-star player, says—Our actions speak louder than our words.  TerrySlick, the son of WillardTheBluffer and the grandson of RodneyTheWeasel and the great grandson of BigMouthFred says—I never did understand this statement—The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! Soooo there you go! Now that is an eye opener!  The picture shows that Charlie needed an eye opener!  haha

I was jogging/walking on the golf course the other morning and talked to a couple of senior guys.  They said—Summer has really gone fast—it seems like the rat race goes faster every year—my mother lived to 95 and said life is a blur—it seems that way—His conclusion was, I just wonder if I have done enough in my life!!!! Hey, friends invited me to go the state fair soooo I went!  Why not! Soooo, now school can start that the fair is over. Put the campers, golf clubs, boats, and motorcycles away and lock up the cabin and get in the fall routine folks. It’s football season! Go Hawks! Put the petal to the metal and let’s get going! LuckieEddie, who reminds me sometimes of a bush hog, says—It’s just a different rat but the same race! C’est la vie.

Now this will make the rat run faster and longer. Oh ya! A friend told me this story of his brother-in-law, Melvin, who is a big tough guy but has a big tender heart. Melvin’s senior mother is moving to a different house. She is having a most difficult time getting rid of her junk that she has accumulated for many years. To her it is memorable treasures that she just can’t get rid of.  Melvin said that when his grandmother died, she left him a box of her memorable junk with a note in it that said—My Dear grandson Melvin, don’t throw any of the contents of this box away or give it away. She put the “grandmother curse” on Melvin; sorta kinda managing her memorable junk even after her death!   Melvin nor his kids don’t want any of grandmom’s memorable junk, but he still has the box of memorable junk! Most of us know that Melvin’s grandmom’s gift wasn’t a true gift as it had strings attached which makes it a business deal.  I give many gifts to my family and to friends with this note attached—You may regift it, give it to a street person, sell it on a garage sale or throw it away; I will never know! C’est la vie! That is why I give cash a lot, it is always kept, and they really like it (i.e. it fits everyone toooo a t)! MissPerfect says—erv, do you know how hard it is to please anyone these days? I gave Charlie and Rookie each a $2 bill and let them go in Dollar General and buy anything they wanted. It worked.  I did put a note on each of the $2 bills (i.e. a string attached) that said—Spend me wisely. Of course they did! What a hoot!

I have eaten breakfast at a local restaurant several times recently. The gal who waited on us seemed frustrated, unhappy, and out of sorts (i.e. looked and acted like she was in a big rat race—gals are never as pretty when they are this way, my opinion).  I thought about it a little bit and decided that I would try to cheer her up. I remembered maybe a year ago she mentioned to me that her daughter was studying to be a navy attorney. When she came to fill our coffees, I asked her about her daughter and if she accomplished her goal.  Her whole face and disposition changed. C’est la vie!

Suggestion:  Sometimes there are some strategies in the big rat race that when we sit down and count the cost, we may find the war is simply not worth it. Decisions have consequences and guess who gets to make the decisions. DollyShowoff says--I'm soooo jealous and envious of others and I just can't stop myself.  Shakespeare famously described jealously as "the green eyed monster."

And the conclusion of this “It’s Saturday” is—Your life is an occasion a.k.a. an opportunity soooo rise up toooo it you chicken liver or the rats will get your liver!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—God doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called.

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