October 8, 2022


I will be happy to answer all your questions in the order they were received; you are number 643 in the queue. I ask you to be patient! I will be with you shortly. Ya right!

What do you think are the all-time great manipulators?  How about love, affection, attention, security, freedom, money, sex, alcohol, guns, power, ego, more stuff, more money, etc.  Saturday question—Do they ever change. Well hokey pokey. Do you folks know how to do the hokey pokey?

OneSmartPerson, who seems to see the current situation like it's hindsight, said—"A bulldozer is a great manipulating machine, but skilled liars are great manipulators of people. So on a grand scale I’d say politicians and the media are the greatest manipulators of all and that follows the lying or misinformation thought I mentioned previously.”  Ouchy ouchy! That’s hitting the nail on the head! CharlieGoodShoes, is a regular parrot who just repeats everting he hears, says—I maybe shouldn’t believe everything I hear like I do now, or I did in the past! That OneSmartPerson seems to think maybe that some folks are hokey!

I bought a new SIM golf driver a few years ago.  It has an adjustable head that can be adjusted to favor a draw/fade and also the loft.  I always thought that was just hokey. BUT the other day, I thought I would mess with the adjustments as sorta kinda something fun to do. It appears that the adjustments I made seemed to help my driving. I don’t know for sure but if I think it does, then does it really matter (i.e. maybe it’s just a head game or it does work)! I really think it maybe has more to do with the archer than it does the arrows for a person of my ability. Many years ago, I was getting gas and an acquaintance asked me if I got a different car—yes, I did—erv, did you get a good deal on it—I think I did—well that is all that matters, as long as you think you did—I had to laugh!.

JoeLiar, whose pants is on fire, says--Everyone seems to be a liar these days—at least, that’s how it feels! Parents tell their kids there is a Santa Claus, a Tooth Fairy, an Easter Bunny, the Cubs are the best team, the Lutherans are the best, and God only knows what else. Soooo someday I bet they wonder what else have they told me that ain’t the truth.  And some parents say--Now kids, always tell the truth, don’t lie. But what is” the boy” supposed to think when their parents lie (i.e. maybe what they say is hokey).  GeorgeTheCrook, who is just like his mom, says--History sorta kinda proves that propagandizing children and adults really works. Ya, it seems toooo but it is soooo hard to distinguish between the truth and what is false (e.g. from cult leaders to the real great leaders). EasySylvia, who is flexible and teachable, says--Folks like to hear something that will make their lives better and for sure if it’s free (i.e. especially when they are desperate; that is when we are really suckers).

Dr.J says—"When Paul discovered the true object of worship, it changed his life. The more we worship our Triune God, the more our life will change. If it is not your practice already, worship on your knees and see how it changes your heart.” You believe that? I do. Do I believe that ‘cause I was told that from birth by Chester and Anna (i.e. more from my Mom, Anna, than Chester) and Roseland Reformed Church.  Maybe, but I believe that with my heart. Saturday question—What is the most radical change you made in your life (e.g. I changed my eating habits as the doctor said if I don’t I will die). A friend told me about her college friend who one day packed her car and moved to a different part of the U.S. I asked her why she did that—she wanted a different environment, I guess. Or I know another person who as a teenager quit high school and joined the Marines. Soooo what causes us to make radical changes? The adage from years ago informed us the only things certain in life are death and taxes. Those two remain constant, at least in most countries, but there is at least one other certainty we all must confront: Change. Just as surely as the sun will rise in the east every morning, each new day will bring with it changes of some kind, whether we like it or not. Sooo don’t be surprised.

RickyRick says—"There is no halfway house between heaven and hell. There’s no intermediate state. There’s no limbo. There is no purgatory. Did you know that the word “purgatory” is not in the Bible? It’s not a biblical idea. It’s something that was created 800 years ago in the Middle Ages. In fact, Catholics don’t even believe it anymore. Pope John Paul II stated publicly that purgatory is not a real place, and the word ‘purgatory’ isn’t even in today’s Catholic catechism.” I checked with some friends who are devout Catholics and very smart and they said these remarks:  Soooo all those years I believed it and now I don’t; I guess so if the pope says so; I was taught there was soooo I still believe in it, I will go with that; I have no idea; Of course there still is; I don’t really know what purgatory is; My wife says we do; I believe in what the priest says; Absolutely there is; I don’t know and really don’t care; Maybe we will find out some day; We Catholics don't hear about Purgatory any more,.....but it definitely was a concept taught as part of our Catechism; Purgatory: I’ve never heard of anyone doubting purgatory.

Did I read it right that Russia shut off the gas to Germany? If they did, that wasn't nice! This might really sound hokey to you, but I think that this is great advice, my opinion. A great military technician says—The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. Now then, now we have to decide what the supreme art is (e.g. in a constant fight with a child, how could the art of battle change the war). Of course, we would have to change our mentality now wouldn’t we.  We might have to be innovative and creative (i.e. make it a game, games are fun). SusieQ, who is ridiculously imaginative, says--Many times the opponent that is the smartest, wins (i.e. out smarts the opposition and they don’t even know it). Well, hokey pokey!

Have you heard that before, like how many times.  You are special as you are preselected to get a new phone, but you have to pay for it over 36 months and sign a high-cost service contract, but they say it’s free and you are preselected. It sounds hokey but it must work as it is used a lot. It has to be a form of manipulation. It just like advertising. When in business we always had a tough time deciding how, where and how much to spend on advertising. My mentor always said—erv, the best form of advertising is the word of mouth. If a company, church, non-profit organization doesn’t have a good product or doesn’t have good service or has a bad reputation or isn’t friendly to do business with or is overpriced, their chance of success is limited. I am working on a bird project and was talking to bird experts and they said—birds like to around other birds and birds attract more birds. Advertisers can advertise all they want saying how great they are, but it doesn’t help much if they are blowing smoke, like where’s the beef (i.e. you can tell folks that you smell good but if you don’t smell good, you don’t smell good). It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

I was up early the other morning and meditated about much stuff.  I enjoy that but also, it’s perplexing. I was thinking how I have soooo many positives to be thankful for BUT one negative thought can seem to wipe the good stimuli away.  It shouldn’t be that way. I thought about David in the Bible and Abraham Lincoln, who are heroes of mine and wondered if they thought that way.  Of course, they both did. And they were great, humble folks.  They wrestled with many of their thoughts a lot. Maybe even it could be called struggled. Do you think they every knew how great they were.  You probably don’t know how great you are?

This might sound hokey to you but why don’t you try Jesus? Herman, not everyone can be a Herman, says—"How often when a person has been surrounded by problems and perplexities, have we heard them say: ‘I’ve tried every-thing—but nothing helped’? How often have you and I thought or said the very same thing. BUT how many of us have said, ‘I’ve tried every-thing, but...’?” I believe that the Holy Spirit can warm hearts! That is my opinion. I was having breakfast with a friend recently and some how we got talking about how when we are troubled, we ask Jesus to help us (i.e. fight the battle for us).  AND many times, we get results surprisingly real fast.  Sound hokey to you! Maybe the situation doesn't change but we do!

A friend called me and asked me what was I doing--I was reading some boring business stuff and fell asleep soooo I was taking a nap!  We both laughed. Did you know that our bodies are born to die, and the decay starts to kick in after we have turned 55. This is the point at which our DNA starts to degenerate. Mmmmm, I'm on the slippery slide!  Maybe that is why my doctor said, erv, some of this stuff doesn't make much difference anymore.

If you think that sounds hokey, well, try this on for size. A friend told me that every fall she automatically gains weight. She thinks it 'cause of her Northern European heritage.  Sooooo, I asked her what country is that! Netherlands. I have to gain weight to get ready for the cold weather.  I didn't dare to ask her how much she gains each fall.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--Conscience is the nest in which goodness is hatched.

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