September 9, 2023

should have done it years ago

A nephew-in-law says—Someone actually complimented me on my driving today. They left a little note. It said, “Parking Fine."

A very smart person told me—erv, we are just a little bit of news to others.  Think about that folks. We might think we are big news but in reality, we are just a little bit of news in other folks’ lives (i.e. we are about as important as others are to us on the freeway going the other direction). Wow!  I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it, but I don’t remember ever reading it before--In William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, Polonius says to Claudius, the King of Denmark, “Brevity is the soul of wit.” In Hamlet, Polonius is verbose. But regarding brevity, Polonius got it right: Powerful points can be made with just a few words." Sooooo in this “It’s Saturday” I will try to use brevity and not verbose! Yada yada yada!

ItchieBitchie says--What was I thinking? In hindsight, I should have done it years ago. What was I thinking. My life would have been way better if I would have only known! What do you think ItchieBitchie was talking about?  Do you have anything in your life that you think that way about?

While eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it, I read what Jay Danzie, an author and brand strategist, wrote, “Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after an experience with you is your trademark, and whether others aspire to be like you is your brand.” I guess we can make it our personal brand as well. Or you can make it your family brand maybe too. Saturday question—What is your brand that you show to folks? SusieQ says—I wish I would have learned to smile at folks years ago! 

JoeBlow says--I should have started saving years ago, Now I’m 55 and have no savings but I have drank a lot beer that I have just pissed away. A friend told me that when he was in his 20s, he hired a financial advisor who helped him set up a systematic savings plan for his future. When he retired, he had a nice amount of money and said he was good for life. He told me that if he had not had help, he would have spent it all (i.e. that is pretty much the nature of the beast). My Daddy, Chester, would say to me when a kid—erv, divide the saving interest rate into 72 and that is how many years it will take for your money to double which is called compound interest.  It ain’t rocket science! CrazyMarvin says—I thought saving was a crazy idea but now I wish I would have done it years ago!  What was I thinking!

WackoGinger says—I wish I would have done it years ago. That being more loving of others instead of being soooo selfish and always thinking about myself. What was I thinking anyway. I have no idea what you were thinking WackoGinger, I have no idea but I’m glad you figured it out. I bet you will be a much happier person. I think faith isn’t an add-on; it’s integrated into every aspect of my life’s experiences. Anyway, that’s my opinion. And that is a choice, and we all get to choose. Such is life. Saturday question—Do you think some folks are happier than others? My opinion is that givers are much happier than takers.

A friend who is a retired second grade teacher and now is in her late 70s tells me that she runs into her former students in her community. Many she might not have seen for maybe 50 years. She remembers many of their names and maybe something about them but those little folks probably all remember her name, not maybe what she said, but probably all remember how she made them feel. It’s sorta kinda like reading someone’s obituary, AverageJoes aren’t impressed soooo much with others' title behind their names, or supposedly what they accomplished, but all are impressed and remember how they made them feel. ShowOffBetty says—I should have thought about that years ago!  The old saying is you can’t fool little kids and even AverageJoes no matter how hard you try. They see right through a person. Such is life.

I tell my grandkids that the cumulative grade point average is not only what you did the last semester of your senior year, but it starts and runs from day one of your freshman year. Soooo hit those decks a runnin’ and spin those guns around, it’s time to get to work. That’s pretty much the way our lives go as well. It’s our cumulative grade point not a flash in the pan! GeorgeTheCrook says—I wish I would have thought about that years ago. Jeanne said to me—180 erv! She meant that our lives have taken a 180 degree turn. Sooooo, we all can do a 180 today by hittin’ those decks a runnin’ and spin those guns around and get after a new life if we want. I guess; it’s all up to us. Such is life.

I like the quote of Kirk Cousins, quarterback of the Minnesota Vikings--"I'm not entitled to anything. If I can't produce then I don't deserve to play. I'm not any better than my last pass." I think that is the same for me and you as well, maybe. We can't sit on the couch eating chips and think we are really great because we did something 20 years ago. That is my opinion. MissPerfect says--It appears that some are just chatter boxes and don't have the same opinion!

When in WA with Jeanne, I had the opportunity to meet some of her friends and family. I felt I was always myself and they seemed to be themselves as well. Sometimes there are folks who act different when the camera is pointed at them maybe. Maybe a little fakey or phony, but I don't know for sure.  Dogs and little kids seem to be able to see right through them and many adults as well but not all. Abraham Lincoln said—You can fool all the folks some of the time some of the folks all the time but not all the folks all the time. Some seem to cover up their defects big time with a façade. I read in the paper soooo it must be right that we really need to self-evaluate ourselves and then work on ourselves to make ourselves better folks.  What do you think?  That is what I thought. I really like real folks with good hearts. They are my kind of folks.

We were yakkin with one of Jeanne’s friends in Yakima when I was there.  She was a very delightful, attractive gal in her 70s who was married once and divorced many many years ago like 37 years or so.  I asked her if she ever wanted to get married again—no no, I had  boyfriends, one for 7 years but he was unmarriageable (i.e. I have no idea what that meant); I like companions, as companions like my cat, Tom, who is “a come and go”, they are here and then they go (i.e. low maintenance and not like a dog that always wants attention). But she said--If the right dog came along, I might be interested! Oh, I said! What an enjoyable gal! What a hoot! She said that her son encourages her to find a man; she said, "I think he doesn’t want to have to take care of me!" Such is life!

Have you ever gone overboard with your talent?  We had a discussion of how folks can be talented but then go overboard and then their talent(s) becomes a determent (e.g. a person who has confidence can be a good leader but if that person goes over board with their confidence then they become very cocky which is a determent to their leadership ability). Is this concept called something?  If soooo, I don’t know what it is. Maybe it is somewhat the same as the Peter principle. SusieQ says—I wish I would have comprehended these principles years ago; it might have made me a better person and prevented problems in my life. If only!

Folks surely have different opinions. Some of folks' opinions make me laugh  (e.g. example of the headline in the Seattle Times that I happened to see at Jeanne’s sister’s place in the Seattle area). She told us that we should be careful as there is an article every day in the paper of someone who got shot. You guys be careful. I really enjoyed Seattle and did not feel any more danger than being in Butler County.  Maybe it was were we were, could be. Seattle is really beautiful, in my opinion. I really enjoyed all of Washington, very beautiful.

Dr. J says-- When a lawyer asked Jesus to identify the greatest commandment in the law, Jesus replied succinctly that the greatest commandment is to love God with all one’s being—a summary of the first four of the Ten Commandments. Then Jesus went further and named the second most important commandment: to love one’s neighbor as oneself—a summary of the remaining six of the Ten Commandments. Then came the jewel of brevity: “On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” The entire Old Testament can be summarized by loving God and loving other people. And in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus put it in practical terms: Do to others what you would like them to do to you—“for this is the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 7:12).

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Wisdom is knowing when to speak your mind and when to mind your speech.

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