October 14, 2023

riled up

I have learned once again that the opinions of the folks in Butler County IA, population of 14,175, a county that still does not have one stop light, and is 81.8% white, may have changed a little through the years, but not the fact that they still think that they are 100% right! But then again, it seems that everyone thinks that!

Thanksamillion to all you folks who have helped me paddle in my life. You know who you are! I would never have had such a great life if it wasn’t for you folks. No question! I was once again reminded of this when reading Make Your Bed by William H. McRaven (i.e. you might have read his little book or heard his speech). It’s good and was given to me by a friend. William says this—“Like the small rubber raft we had in basic SEAL training, it takes a team of good people to get you to your destination in life. You cannot paddle the boat alone. Find someone to share your life with. Make as many friends as possible, and never forget that our success depends on others.”

We get riled up about seemingly good events and good stuff in our lives and about seemingly bad events and bad stuff in our lives. I don’t have to tell you what they are in your life, you know, we all do. But here is what I find hard to understand, how can we really express our emotions and feelings to others. I really don’t think we can completely understand other folks’ emotions and feelings but just a portion of them and then another person can’t really understand ours as they have not ever experienced the same situation and also their mind is different than ours. We are all programed by genetics, our past environment and our current environment.  We are all programed differently.

I was introduced to the study of neurodiversity by a friend. I have never heard of it or had any knowledge of it. It ain’t nuttin new but I have found it quite interesting and researched it some. Basically, we all don’t think alike, and we can’t make others think like us; we are different. We enjoy others who are similar to us but none of us are exactly the same. I hear folks say—I have no idea how they can think that way!  Well folks, they think different than another person. AverageJoe says—Well, some are brainwashed, that’s for certain! Now that could be AverageJoe, it seems like some folks are brainwashed easier than others. And why is that? I really think we are all mentally ill but just to different degrees! 

Coaches, political candidates, parents, religious leaders, news casts, teachers, unions, business leaders, etc. all rile folks up.  Sometimes it is for the better and sometimes not soooo much for the better. They might be messed up themselves and think way differently than normal folks do (i.e. and who is normal). But as long as they can influence folks and get them riled up and get a following, they have an army. In a democratic form of government, it is much easier to do than in a communist form of government it appears. But then again, if folks get desperate enough, history proves it can be done.

CadillacJack says--And we all get riled up about different things and at different excitement levels. Sometimes it’s fun to be around riled up folks and sometimes it just isn’t (i.e. at least I’m talking about myself in regards to radicals; they can be a pain for me). ItchieBitchie says—The only folks who enjoy radicals are other radicals and they don’t even seem to really like each other!

I think we all have different minds just like we have different fingerprints.  We are all unique alright.  GeorgeTheCrook says—For sure no one has a mind like my sister-in-law; not even close; I have no idea what God was thinking when He put her mind together! Yabut GeorgeTheCrook, she might think the same about you! A friend told me that his father called him " the different one in our family."  He said he took that as a compliment from his father. 

And of course, there are folks that have all kinds of excuses about themselves, and others have none.  What a difference for sure. Some never think their bad actions or thinking is their fault but always someone else’s fault.  But some give others credit for their good actions and thinking. Again, big difference in folks. My neighbor works as a register of prisoners at a large county jail. She says that they all get riled up and say that it was not their fault but someone else’s fault why they are going to jail. Da!

A golf buddy told me that if politicians tell the same lie 7 times, then the folks believe it’s the truth.  MissPerfect says, that’s the truth, it works when speakers want to get your attention and want you to remember something, they use repetition. Now that is how politicians get folks riled up!  Now that is psychology at its best! They know what they are doing! Oh ya! RickyRick says--If you don’t live a life of love, then nothing you say will matter (i.e. repeat that 7 times).

CoachB says—The two most important controllable factors of health are exercise and eating habits (i.e. enjoy life more by being in shape).  I have a friend (i.e. is it you or could it be you) who is “living poetry”—poetry offers examples of language and stocks the mind with images and ideas expressed in unforgettable words and phrases and actions. Soooo how can we live a life of living poetry? Get riled up folks!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Don’t save so much for the rainy days that you can’t enjoy the sunny ones.

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