February 24, 2024

reference points

GM advertises that we need to use genuine GM parts. GM says there is a difference between their parts than the aftermarket parts. You think soooo! Is there a difference? A friend said to me—erv, that person is not genuine, she’s a fake, she has a lot of aftermarket parts in her head let me tell you; she's not genuine, not the real deal (i.e. she's not made of original parts for sure); I don’t have a lot of faith in her. Yikes! I like genuine folks! Not the cheaper knock off brands. That is one of my reference points. Oh ya!

Hats off to you if you haven’t done something stupid in your life. Other folks can do something stupid which can really affect our lives such as a drunken driver running into us. BUT most of the stupid stuff that happens to us is created by us. How stupid can we be anyway!  The answer is—pretty stupid! Do we use reference points as what we should do and what we should not do?  And how do we determine the reference points?  MissPerfect says--Ya gotta have proper perspectives! And perspectives are formed by our past environment, current environment and our genetics. 

I had the opportunity to play golf with some of my old buddies here in the Valley of the Sun (i.e. old in more ways than one). The golf seemed expensive but the price was a bargain as I got the same old, fun crap I heard for years!  ANYWAY, I said to them on a par three--Do you think I can get there with a 5-iron. One said--Ya, you can! Another chimed in--Ya you can erv, but you'll will probably have to hit it three times! 

Saturday question—What are our reference points in comparing our happiness, joyfulness, usefulness, completeness, satisfaction, life’s enjoyment, etc.?  We can’t compare if we don’t have a reference point. How good is our marriages, our friendships, our family relationships etc.?  We have tooooo have reference points. Now think about this, those reference points can be either worldly or spiritual.  Does that make any difference?  Are they different? Of course, if we don’t believe in God, then the only reference points are worldly soooo there is no thought about having two sets. Bingo! Soooo who sets our reference points? AverageJoe says—I set my reference points as I go along; whatever works and makes me feel good; many of those reference points depend how they affect my checkbook and my social status; that is what is important to me. Sooooo there AverageJoe, you have answered your own question! That wasn’t hard (i.e. not a backbreaker at all)! SusieQ says--Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it.

I’m in the process of making a new friend. He happens to be a retired financial advisor and still has his head and hands in investments, especially in the stock market. He told me that two things he really advises clients, ya gotta save and maybe buy good stuff and hang unto them. He said he can’t time when to buy stocks soooo he just keeps buying. He thought Costco stock was toooo high at $50 and now it $719. Sooooo there. Now that is a reference point. erv, when we get to our age, we are happy we saved! Life is a lot more fun playing golf together here in the desert (i.e. we seem to have more options).

What is a reference point toooo how much you love someone? Can it really be measured by metrics or analytically or quantitative?  I don’t think soooo, it's uncalculatable! Sooooo I was buying some roses for Jeanne on Valentine morning and the prices were double compared to the normal prices. Another guy and I were talking about that, and he said to me—It’ still a good investment; don’t kid yourself (i.e. that was his viewpoint a.k.a. reference point). Soooo I was checking out and I mentioned the price increase to the clerk about how they get us on Valentine’s Day. He said—You should’ve bought them a month ago! I thanked him for his advice. We had a good laugh! Studies show that touch is very important in expressing. And holding hands is one great method of touching. BUT we can’t measure the effect but only guess, I guess (i.e. it's uncalculatable)! Saturday question—When is the last time you held hands with the folks you love!  SusieQ says—I wish my husband would hold my hand instead of giving me a box of chocolates; God knows I don’t need more calories, but I really need the feeling of him holding my hand! JoeBlow says--And it is cheaper toooooo, but she sure loves chocolate!

What eats your lunch? Maybe we have a demon or demons that eat our lunch continuously! Could be, probably, maybe, I don’t know. Obviously folks have demons that do, they also eat folks’ hearts out and make folks miserable (i.e. those darn demons). Why do we let those suckers do that to us anyway? I think it helps me to regularly do personal evaluations of myself (i.e. do a self-test like an employer does tooooo their employees, like a litmus test). I find some stuff I like and sometimes I find stuff I don’t like. I have to have a reference point, a line in the sand, to measure myself with. Saturday question—How do I determine that reference point?  How do you? CrazyMarvin says—Ya but my reference point keeps changing soooo it doesn’t mean much anymore! While eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it, I read what Dr.J said—"One of life’s paradoxes is how self-discipline gives us freedom. People without self-control live under the tyranny of whatever desires master them—pleasure, sleep, sex, indulgence, addictions, or hatred.” Ouchy ouchy!

A senor guy said to me—erv, did you watch the half-time show of the super bowel?  He said he did but didn’t understand one word. Maybe it was geared to the younger generations. He went on to say that the actions he thought were not very good for younger girls to see. But then again, they were maybe relating to the younger generations who aren’t soooo old fashion and enjoy the provocative suggestions they expressed. We all have different reference points now don’t we. No two folks think alike it seems. It’s all about the advertising money sooooooo take that into consideration! Maybe they weren’t targeting the over 65 crowd. You think soooo?

Another senior buddy told me that they have a granddaughter who has a lifestyle that they don’t approve of.  We have tried to help her in offering financial support to correct it but she has not accepted it and it seems that her lifestyle has even gotten worse (i.e. that is his reference point but he is probably right as it will affect her life’s activities and also her life expectancy).  They feel bad but can’t fix it for her he said; if she doesn’t want to change, what can we do.  Besides, he said, I shouldn't judge her, I have gained 8 pounds since we have been here this winter.  I need to get rid of that, I have my own problem! I told him he looks ok but just needs to grow a few inches!  I like this guy!

Are we right all the time? Da! Are we right 50% of the time? A buddy told me that he inherited the idot gene; in fact he said it seems that all humans have that gene but just some seem like they don't know it! AverageJoe says—"There is a lot of pressure in our society to have it all together, to be successful in every endeavor, to be everything to everyone. But those expectations are unrealistic. Why? Because we are human. None of us are super-human no matter what we think or believe!” Ok, one of you might think you don’t have the idot gene, you know who you are! It all depends what reference point we use! MissPerfect says sorta kinda—No matter how bad that idot gene makes us look at times, God will forgive us! I believe that! BUT here is a tough question I ask myself—Can and will I forgive folks who have the idot gene and who hurt me? I question if I pass muster! Yikes, I think my idot gene has showed up again!

Here is a suggestion!  If you don't like suggestions, I suggest you don't read this by TalkingEd but if you are open minded, give it a read, maybe! ANYWAY--TomSmart says--In the next few months, the economy more than likely won’t change. Your work situation won’t change. Your broken relationships may not get healed. But your mindset can change. That will be the difference between a life of self-destruction and a life of peace. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you better thoughts—thoughts that bring peace, not frustration. You need to look at your situation differently: in the Holy Spirit way. As my decease friend said to me--erv, decisions have consequences and guess who gets to make the decisions. 

One smart person said to me—To assume makes an ASS out of U and Me!  Another smart person said to me--The whole process of mental adjustment and atonement can be summed up in one word, gratitude. They both might be good reference points. What do you think. That is what I thought. "Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either." ~ Albert Einstein 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Love always finds a home in a heart of a friend.

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