July 6, 2024


Disclaimer: All stuff in this “It’s Saturday” are opinions and are not validated soooo be careful what you believe. Personally, I’m just another bozo on the bus and the other folks are bozos on the same bus. If you want to validate anything, I suggest you go to social media and find someone who agrees with your opinions. NaiveBetty says--And what is said on social media is fact, because they say it is soooo it has to be soooo! And if you believe that you have a problem (i.e. which is my opinion)!

A friend at church told us this story about her parents. My parents lived in a comfortable house and accumulated all the necessary stuff plus more during their lives; they had a good life. Then as they aged Dad called me and said that it was time for them to go to assisted living. Soooo they had to down size and got rid of much of their stuff. After being in assisted living for some time my Mom had to go to a care facility soooo Dad also went along which made them down size more again. Then one day I was visiting them and Dad who was now in in his mid 90s, told me to take a pair of shoes along as he had no need to have two pairs. He died two days later. 

ValvetElvis says--"Obviously we think our interpretations are the most correct; otherwise we'd change them. Or as one of my favorite writers, Anne Larnott, put it, "Everybody thinks their opinion is the right one; if they didn't, they'd get a new one

MeatloafFred says--Oh it’s soooo good to have good friends especially during tough times. Good friends laugh with you and cry with you. They are sad with you and happy with you. They just don’t change (i.e. these good friends are probably not social media friends), I validated a friendship by working with a person over a period of time; I found how for sure that she was the real deal; in fact she was even better than I thought and I had her on a high pedestal before (i.e. the cream of the cream). It was such a great feeling! I said to my 16-year-old granddaughter—You sure seem happy—Grandpa, I am, I’m much happier than I was a couple years ago—how come—I changed some friends and am around friends who have the same values and morals that I have; it made a big difference. Bingo!  SusieQ says—For many folks it seems like it’s real difficult to be committed to substance rather than the superficial a.k.a. skin-deep stuff a.k.a. peer group pressure a.k.a. fluff! MissPerfect’s actions validates something, but I don’t know what her something is!

I called an acquaintance to get his experienced opinion on something (i.e. he has knowledge in this area but did admit that he has been removed from the reality of the current culture for some time—out of sync). I listened to him and took mental notes.  BUT I didn’t completely follow his advice as I thought he wasn’t current with his information. I just added different research and used common sense to make my decision which seemed to work.  I used Marketplace some and discovered that the culture we live in has change (e.g. no one is hardly interested in pianos, desks, grandfather clocks, grandma’s dishes, dining room sets, rocking chairs, some types of antiques, etc.). Ya can’t hardly give some of that stuff away anymore. And the new thing is on-line auctions where folks can sit in their recliner and buy stuff. A friend validated this to me by saying—My generation no longer eats off grandma’s dishes, we eat out of card board boxes meaning pizza from Casey’s). Oh, the world is changing folks! Right in front of our eyes!

I have discovered once again that different types of personalities don’t mix very well. They just don’t it seems (e.g. example highly motivated folks don’t enjoy being around low motivated folks and vice versa. Takers don’t enjoy being around givers and vice versa. Slackers don’t enjoy being around workers and vice versa. Conservative folks don’t enjoy being around liberal folks and vice versa. Folks who have low self-discipline don’t enjoy being around folks that have high self-discipline or vice versa. Folks with high confidence don’t enjoy being around folks who have low confidence and vice versa) It appears that many folks make no bones about it (i.e. other folks who are not like them can intimate them). I recently experienced this firsthand; a difference made a person very uncomfortable soooooo they just left (i.e. they were almost rude). My opinion was validated by their action. No question! But maybe I misinterpreted their action in that it was more of an action of independence, could be maybe I don’t know. BUT flip the pancake, I just read this:  Social psychologist Eric Hoffer once said, “Rudeness is the weak man’s imitation of strength; it takes no intelligence at all to be rude.” MrUnknown says--Be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant. Mr.Unknown, that is like waking the tight rope ain't it!

A missionary talked in our church recently. He spoke about being in silence and listening to God. Just be quiet and listen in complete silence. I like to do this. I guess maybe because I don’t know much sooo I just listen maybe. It works for me. I really enjoy it. He also talked about folks who are going forward with a new life and are just soooo happy (i.e. just soooo refreshing and exciting). We can live the past over and over but if we go forward with a new life, wow! now that is exciting. A completely new adventure (e.g. removing the same old stuff around us and doing great new stuff). Personally, I think that validates life. I think it sure beats just coasting on out! But that is my opinion, and your opinion might be different! Such is life.

When I move to Yakima, WA I think I might buy some new clothes. I haven’t bought any new clothes for years. I need a change or do I really! I need to go forward. Do you folks have an idea of what type of clothes I should buy? Hardly anyone knows me soooo I can start a new image maybe. Maybe the Great Northwest Look, whatever that is!  I have no idea! I do know that it appears to me that the folks are more active in nature and enjoy the great outdoors more than Iowans. Again, that is my opinion. But I cannot validate that in any way. BUT when our 16-year old granddaughter was her vising me, she went down town A'town and shopped at the little consignment store. She showed me the cute little Levi shorts and a cute little top that she bought for $15. Hey, 16 year-old girls wear the same type of cloths all over the place!

Erenia, not everyone can be a Erenia, validates it because she wrote it—"Mental and emotional health increasingly are reasons for great concern for every aspect of life.  The causes are complex. Sometimes, however, solutions can be surprisingly simple. In his studies on emotion and social interaction, Dr. Dacher Keltner, a professor of psychology at the University of California-Berkeley, highlights the value of using a stress reliever many of us would not consider: Nature. Keltner’s research reveals the direct effects of immersion in nature on people’s cardiovascular and cerebral systems. This experience, he says, not only has a profound impact on our bodies but also influences how we think about ourselves and understand the purpose of our lives.” I do think that nature affects my body, mind and soul; I think it does in a very positive way! That is my opinion though! But if it works for me, sooo does it really matter much what you think!  hahaha

All we have to do is ask! AverageJoe says--Oh, they will never do that sooo why ask? You don’t know AverageJoe until you ask; you might be surprised but you will never know until you ask. You can ask in a nice way; you don’t have to do it in a sour way or unpleasant way but in a cheerful way; just ask. If they say no, well then, you have validated your thought. You haven’t lost anything but now you know for sure. How many times have we said to ourselves—I wish I would have asked; I didn’t think they would and they will but I didn’t ask!

In the movie National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation do you remember the scene when Clark finally gets the lights to work and the dialogue between Art, Clark’s father-in-law, and him that went like this:  Art says--The little lights... they aren't twinkling Clark. Then Clark says--I know Art, thanks for noticing! I had the opportunity to be invited for dinner at some good friend’s’ place recently (i.e. I always enjoy having a meal and conversing with them). ANYWAY, we got talking about stereotyping certain groups of people (i.e. maybe we are right and maybe we are wrong). One group of folks that was brought up were folks with a similar type of hobby. It seems that these folks never pay their bills very well, sooo it seems anyway. My host said he worked with a gal that became part of a group of folks who had that similar interest and said this about the folks associated with this hobby—they are all liars and thieves! Soooo I had breakfast with a friend the other morning and asked him what he thought about this. He said he has always had the same thought about the folks with this hobby. Sooooo, if he validated it, it must be right (i.e. this person is smart let me tell ya)!  But flip the pancake, I think of another group of folks that I trust a lot to always pay their bills and who I think are not thieves and liars.  Maybe my thinking is just not true but only a stereotype that I have. Could be maybe I don’t think soooo!

We are in Pure MI a.k.a. The Middle of Everywhere! We had a big Mellema Fourth of July party at my kid sister and brother-in-law’s place with my other sister (i.e. my big sister only in age) and brother-in-law and most of their children, their spouses and families (i.e. a huge massive group it was). Jeanne got to meet them all and vice versa. It was a hoot! All of us are just who we are! In this case, all very good folks, my opinion! We have been blessed with a very good family and we very thankful!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—In the game of life heredity deals the hand, and society makes the rules, but we can still play our own cards.

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