May 7, 2011

Walked where Jesus walked

103 years ago Tel Aviv (i.e. which means old new) was nutten but a sand dune compared to Jerusalem, which was there before Christ. I can’t hardly imagine that. LuckieEddie says—Tel Aviv is the new dog but with the same ol’ problem! But I think it’s a-changin’ folks (i.e. maybe). Israel is 65% desert and 10% mountains leaving only 15% for agriculture. Guess what their biggest problem is—you are right—water. Did you know that tourists don’t pay the 15% sales tax but locals do (i.e. they want tourists to come to their country)? If you talk to Jews, it’s a lot better to say you are a follower of Jesus and not a Christian as Christians have a bad connotation from the Crusades. I was reminded that the fish was the earliest mark of the Christianity, not the cross (i.e. it was a secret symbol as Christianity was underground). Also in Hebrew, Jesus was maybe not referred to as a carpenter but more likely a mason as building was 95% masonry work and 5% wood. Our guide told us that we will only remember about 1% of what he says but all of what he says and what we see will affect our life forever (i.e. I think he’s right)! Joesixpack says--Travel is seeing, experiencing, feeling and understanding.

Our guide says—I ask you a question. Just give me the wrong answer, it’s okay. He also says—I’m going to ask you a question and I’m going to answer it! A gal in our group keeps asking questions (i.e. me toooooooo). She kept quizzing him and he couldn’t seem to answer her question and said—After that, I can’t help you! I want to tell you something—look at me! SusieQ says—We are newbees, we believe anything and everything! Here are some answers to some of my questions--In Israel there are about 5.8 million Jews and 1.6 million Arabs (i.e. of a total population of 7.3 million). The size of Israel is about the same size as New Jersey. Israel is Socialistic. There is only one golf course in Israel--it's at Caesarea.  All male Jews must serve 3 years in the military after high school graduation and the females must serve 2 years. The Arab citizens of Israel don’t have to serve (i.e. but can if they want too). Now that doesn’t seem fair now does it (i.e. I guess the thinking is that Arabs won’t shoot other Arabs)! Nazareth is about 75% Arab Muslims. Nazareth when Jesus was little was maybe a fourth of a mile by fourth of a mile if that (i.e. nutten good comes out of Nazareth—that’s what they said). There is a Catholic Church called the annunciation church when the Angel came to Mary and announced what was going to happen. In the church, there is the house of Mary they say. Outside of the church was this sign (i.e. you might have to click on it to enlarge sooooo you can read). I was taking the picture when three gentleman asked me what I thought of that—I said, I was a follower of Jesus and don’t much care for it. One of the guys said, he was a follower of Moses (i.e. Jew) and he thought it was disrespectful. I asked him if he was a practicing Jew—sorta kinda he said, I don’t go to the Synogue but pray direct to God. He asked me where I was from and even what town in Iowa—he was from Tel Aviv and was in the movie business and did a move in Pleasantville, IA. Huh, interesting.

We had a whale of a good time at Joppa! Jonah didn’t think sooooo—but the big fish got him! Look behind the Arlene and see the wall to the city. About half of the wall was A.D. and the top part sometime after that. Isn’t that old. All the cities are built on a hill with a city gate next to the lowest part of the city (i.e. guess where all the cities got attached first). At the city gates is where the activity of the city really occurred. The king would sit there with his wisest group and discuss and the people would come and ask questions. The culture was pagan with many gods and sacrifices of life etc. (i.e. crazy crazy folks--not pretty folks). And the ruins are still there. There are many digs. Saturday question—If some day they dig up your notebook or a jug with your writings in it (i.e. like the Dead Sea Scrolls), what will they read about you?

Tourism is the #1 moneymaker for Israel, 2nd is agriculture and third is diamond cutting with 61% of the diamonds going to the U.S. Wherever we go there is a gift shop connected to it – it’s about the $ folks. They build a church or something as an approximate spot of some event to draw the tourist. Many times they can’t say exactly that a certain even happened at a certain spot but very close.

Moses was given the Promised Land flowing with milk and honey. Joshua led them into the land. God did not tell them who their neighbors were going to be! Ouchy ouchy! Israel, as our guide says—Is a sittin’ duck! Lebanon to the north, Syria to the East and Egypt to the south with the Mediterranean to the East. They have no real defense so an offense becomes their defense (i.e. maybe you remember that Israel bombed the Egypt and Syrian air strips a 7:45 am (i.e. by great surprise)—the war was basically over). I really enjoyed the history of the 6-Day war (i.e. lasted 16 hours). We went to the area where the ground war was fought. They won it with strategic planning and a huge motive to win as they have no place to retreat (i.e. get pushed in the ocean). They also claim they won ‘cause God was with the Jews (i.e. some folks think that’s just a righteous jingle). Sooooooo what does the Bible say?

We stayed three nights below see level! Now I never did that before—maybe we did in Holland (i.e. I’m not sure). The Sea of Galilee is 700 feet below sea level and the Dead Sea is 1,300 feet below sea level (i.e. the deepest point in the world where you will weigh the most and have the most oxygen). The Sea of Galilee has 33 miles of shoreline and the average depth is 85 feet. It produces one third of the water for Israel. LuckieEddie says--It’s just like any other lake; it has 5 good fishing spots (i.e. the same spots as the time when Peter and James fished it I bet). The Dead Sea a.k.a. as the Salty Sea (i.e. the place where the phrase “ the salt of the earth” came from. It’s soooooooo salty that we floated on the top (i.e. that just amazes me). The Dead Sea area was much prettier than I expected it (i.e. I really beautiful and inspirational sitting on our little balcony watching the sunrise over Jordon). A lot of history here as well--we saw a cave that maybe was where David caught up with Saul but decided not to kill him and the ruins of where the Dead Sea Scrolls were written and found and Masada. To get to the Dead Sea we drove through the West Bank (i.e. no rockets), Samara and Judie. Israel is soooooooo interesting (i.e. soooooo many conflicts in the country and around the country. Much has happened here and much will happen here in the future (i.e. my opinion). I think the Bible says that tooooooo. What do you think?

We did an aliea to the The City on the Hill a.k.a. Jerusalem. Oh Jerusalem, the place that has special meaning to the Christians (i.e. also many other religions of the world). Jesus was crucified, buried and rose from the dead. It’s a very special place. Hitler thought he had the final solution in the Holocaust (i.e. very tender event for the Jews with a total of about 6 million people killed) but the true Final Solution is Jesus dieing on the cross to give anyone and everyone who believes in Him every lasting life. The Final Solution is beyond total comprehension for me. Smelling the air of Jerusalem makes me smile! The empty tomb says it all—He is risen, He is risen! It is finished and Jesus is Lord. When I walk where Jesus walked, I get goosebumps.  Such if life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


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