July 16, 2011


Joesixpack says--A friend is more valuable than a fortune yet many folks spend more time trying to make a fortune than making a friend.  When it's done, meaning life here on this earth, FriendJesus will be what we want, not our fortune in $$$$$$$ (i.e. my opinion).  A friend keeps coming to my thoughts this morning.  He's smart, has a lot of money and goes to church some but seems to do stuff mainly for himself.  I mean I wonder if he's self-centered and thinks mainly about himself and does stuff to just puff himself up (i.e. he might be a rodeo clown).  When you talk to him he is always telling me what he has done and how great he is.  I never see him or hear of him doing anything for someone else.  One of my sisters were talking last weekend that as we get older, stuff doesn't mean as much to us.  Huh, interesting. 

SusieQ says--Stick a fork in her, she's done!  I had the opportunity to have a lady in the orientation session for the hospitals the other day who expressed her life amazingly to me.  I give all the folks a chance to tell a little something about themselves and why they are going to be a volunteer.  She was maybe 70 and said--I have lived my life as a taker, self-centered, money hungry, and demanding (i.e. something seemed to go terribly wrong).  I joined a Bible study and realized this and now want to be a giver before my life is done!!!!  Her expression to herself was--Oh you're kiddin' me that I was really that way!  I really was and I didn't even know it.  SusieQ says--She had a smart phone but did stupid stuff!  Life has a limited warranty--very limited folks.  ItchieBitchie says--This gal has been in a fog for 70 years!  Such is life.

When we left from MI last weekend, niece Lauren gave me a container of fresh MI blueberries (i.e. she knows that I really like MI blueberries).  I got a Maure #7 shirt from a nephew in law and his boys as I give them a hard time that the Twins are going to come from from 8 back and overtake their Tigers.  Their hearts are massive huge!  But probably the best gift I got was from one of my great nephew Wil who said--Thank you for the marshmallow shooter and all the other gifts you gave me.  It was said without any prompting from his parents (i.e. that is a tell tell sign of good parenting).  And how can you not like what my great nephew Nickolas Ervin says by sitting on my lap. Sooooooo kids and adults like to be remembered and given attention toooooo.  Oh yes.  My Daddy, Chester, told me, good folks are nice to kids and other folks who the giver has no alternative motive to be nice to other than just being nice.  As the sun was going down, I was walking on the golf course the other night.  There was a mother and her son out there.  The young boy of maybe 10 was playing and the mother was in a cart some distance away.  The boy and I intersected and he said--Hi erv.  I have no idea who he was.  Some where we have crossed paths but I don't know where.  That young boy really made me feel good.  As I was typing this, Heather called and told me that our little Erin (i.e. age 3) wanted oatmeal with blueberries on it for breakfast.  She said--It's grandpas' favorite, he will be jealous.  Isn't stuff like this touching and fun.  I sure think so.  You can't buy this stuff.

Friendships are soooooo neat--I was talking to a friend/businessman and he was telling me about friends that I have made through different situations who he does business with.  Just think about all the friends you have made thorough the years.  Some for a shorter time than others and some you have been friends with for ever it seems.  Some friends come into you life and leave.  Friends are soooooo  special.  Well, we have been friends with the Jungling family for many years (i.e. maybe 35 to 40).  Our family and their family are just friends (i.e. special friends).  I really think it's 'cause they are soooooo nice and accept us as we are.  ANYWAY JerBear married Claire last night at their lake home (i.e. it's a done deal).  It was a very special evening for them, their family and our family (i.e. our kids were invited and came for the special occasion).  I wish all of you could have special friends like they are to us.  Like I said, it's mainly 'cause they are sooooooo nice (i.e. massive huge hearts--real folks--my kind of  folks).

Talk about getting married being a done deal.  These good folks with huge massive hearts have been married for like 14years.  When they went into counseling with their pastor, he advised them not to get married.  I asked them why.  They really didn't know but he thought it wouldn't work for some reason.  Maybe the pastor too is a rodeo clown!  They done it anyway.  Now have three kids and seem very happy to me.  Sooooo what did that minster know.  The male part of this marriage was telling me that he told his boys' teachers that they can discipline his boys if they misbehave and they will get it at home too.  These boys have such a huge massive advantage to have the parents they have. 

I was around a guy who normally doesn't mow his lawn on Sunday.  He just doesn't think it's right.  BUT he said--the ox fell into the ditch.  He had to get it done so he mowed it on Sunday (i.e. he done it).  He's an Xlerator compared to the World Dryer.  GeorgeTheCrook says--It's easier said than done to keep those oxen out the ditches!  Such is life.

It can be done folks!  Oh ya! Many folks have done many good things (e.g. done good things at their churches, golf courses, communities).  I mean many folks have done many good things.  My hat goes off to all of you who do such good stuff.  And many times no one even knows you did it (i.e. you didn't do it for attention or fame; you just did it).  You folks know you did it.  I hope you continue with your attitude.  For those who do nutten good except for yourself, I would suggest you think about changing your attitude.  My Mommy, Anna, use to say to me--erv, givers are always happy and takers are never happy. 

WidlWilly says--It's done different ways boys (i.e. there are different ways to skin a cat)!  Oh yes.  AverageJoe says--Why do I always have to do my best.  Why can't I just be lucky!  I was in Casey's the other day and a previous client (i.e. a good guy was in there).  This was the first time he sold his calves instead of feeding them out (i.e. the price was high).  Then to top it off corn that he usually feeds to the caves went over $7 which he sold (i.e. now that's a double money maker).  I told him he always did things right (i.e. He's a Xlerator compared to a World Dryer).  He said--You either got to very lucky or super crooked!!!!  It's like a sign I read outside a bar--Slender Girl Martinis!  I bet you wouldn't sell too many selling Fat Girl Martinis!

I don't remember ever seeing turkey vultures in Iowa.  But the last several weeks I have seen many of those vultures eating free lunches at the road kill while riding my bike.  They are massive huge and sink their beaks into the guts of those dead raccoons on the road (i.e. their lives are over--done).  I then figured it out.  They came from Minnesota as their free lunches are done there.  They have used up all the free lunches there and now have came over the border to get free lunches here in Iowa.  They have used up all the money there.  The free lunches are done there for now.  Maybe those Minnesotans will pay more taxes so those vultures will go back to Minnesota for their free lunches.  I hope soooooo, they are ugly!  Such is life.

Talk about free lunches.  This guy in A'town has found a free lunch all right.  He walks the highway and streets each day picking up cigarette butts (i.e. he has done a good job keeping our streets clean of cig butts).  He should get the citizen of the year award I think for his community service.  I was told that he takes them home and recycles the tobacco from those butts and uses it to roll his own smokes (i.e. now that is innovative and a money saver).  I guess he's done it every day for some time.  Such in life. 

This "It's Saturday" is done!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--In solitude we give passionate attention to our lives, to our memories, to the details around us.

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