July 7, 2012


I hope this "It's Saturday" doesn't wake up the demons that have been sleeping in your mind.  If you are concerned, you might not want to read this.  Joesixpack says--If you don't get rid of those demons but just put them in the back part of your mind, they surely will come back to haunt ya.  Those demons can really be a distraction in a person's life. 

I was golfing with Frank recently and he told me that he and his wife fish for Northerns UpNothMN using cane poles.  They troll fast over weed beds using Suicks a.k.a. jerk baits.  That brought up a demon that I have had in my head for years.  Maybe 25 years ago, a friend, made me a couple of Suicks to fish in Canada with.  I said thank you to him but often wondered if he wanted to be paid and I never offered (i.e. I maybe offended him).  Sooooooo this week I saw him, told him about my demon, and offered to pay him for the Suicks.  He didn't even remember making them for me.  Huh, interesting.  He said when I left--Now you can sleep better at night.

MissPerfect, how is your life really going anyway?  Are you happy?  Well, here is some advice for you that might help you with all the distractions that you face each day.  It was written by OldDeadJohn about 85-95 AD--Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good.  Maybe you need some "hybrid thinking".  What do you think MissPerfect? 

Saturday question--Soooooo what's really an irritation in your life (i.e. a major distraction).  What just keeps irritating you?  What just makes your life miserable day after day?  Ya, distractions can cause us to pull us away from what we want to be and what we want to do and where we want to go alright.  Sooooo is it possible to change the irritation in your life?  If not, then one needs to change our attitudes and adjust our lives accordingly.  Now that isn't always easy either is it folks. 

MurkeyMarvin says--I'm trying to make a lot of money.  Money, money, money, ...money!  My family and God seem to get in the way (i.e. distractions).  I just try to forget about them.  It seems to work okay now anyway.  I'm making a lot of money, money, money, ...money!  OldDeadManJohn also is recorded as saying this--Do not love the world (i.e. distraction) or anything in the world.  If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.  For everything in the world--the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does--comes not from the Father but from the world.  The world and its desires pass away but the man who does the will of God lives forever.  MurkeyMarven says--Don't tell me those things.  You are just trying to mess with my mind.  I know what I want and I want money, money, money ...money!  It's all about the money folks!  Such is life.

When I was walking the other day, a Killdear bird gave me the broken wing distraction.  She acted like she had a broken wing and flopped around in front of me.  It's her method of protecting her chicks who were near by.  She would just stay in front of me far enough out of danger but distracting me from her babes.  When we got far enough away, she just flew away.  She was good at it folks.  Very good.

DuaneTheWorm's one hand is doing something while you are watching the other hand.  He deceives ya, fools ya, tricks ya.  Sleight of hand a.k.a. prestidigitation (i.e.quick fingers) or a.k.a.legerdemain, is the set of techniques used by a  magician and con artists to manipulate things secretly.  DuaneTheWorm says--Most folks are pretty easy to fool.  Oh ya!  Most are suckers.  I fool them all the time. JoeBlow says--Let me tell you something DuaneTheWorm, not everyone is fooled.  You just think so.  Many see right through you.  Abraham Lincoln once said--You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.  Soooo DuaneTheWrom, you are just fooling yourself most of the time.  Such is life.

Have you ever associated with MagicMike?  He's an interesting guy.  He might be patting you on your back with one hand and taking your wallet with the other.  Or even worse, he might be patting you on the back with one hand and getting to insert a dagger in your back with the other.  JoeBlow says--Be careful of what others say.  Some like MagicMike are manipulators and distractors (i.e. only think about themselves).  Their motives may be different than you think.

Let us, then, be up and doing, With a heart for any fate; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait. ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow~

There is a gal who I know who has been in a major funk for years.  She is very negative, constantly complaining, and whines and whines and whines.  She is a distraction to herself and others.  And worse of all, she is like a weed--she just keeps coming back!  I don't think she will ever change.  There is very little hope.

ItchieBitchie is in a terrible funk as well!  So how do ya get ItchieBitchie out of his terrible funk?  His funky attitude surely is a massive huge distraction to his life right now.  I wonder if many times we just blow smoke up folks' bloomers when we should be telling them the truth.   Really, if ItchieBitchie doesn't chance, his life will be one disaster after another (i.e. very predictable).  We have seen this type of person time and time again.  LuckieEddie says--You can't continue to live a certain life style and expect things to change.  Ya gotta change your life style and then things in your life will change.  Such is life.

Had the opportunity to golf with some friends the other day.  One friend who I don't get to see enough, lost 40 pounds.  He did it 'cause his friend, a doctor, suggested he do it as his dad and granddad both died at the age of 60 and he's 63.  He used the Medifast Diet.  He lost the 40 pounds in 2.5 months.  He said his only distraction was food!!!  MissPerfect's doctor told her she should give herself a gift for her birthday--the gift should be a membership to Weight Watchers!  Ouchy ouchy!

DuffnerDuff says--You gotta change!--I like to get involved, but not actively.  I have a young friend who lacks motivation and desire.  According to sources, he needs to get on his horse and get going!  That is not good (i.e. a great distraction).  I told him he had to change.  I told him he had to detasel corn and make some money.  He didn't want tooooo!  I told him--You can't just sit on the couch and expect folks to give stuff all the time.  He didn't like to hear that of course.  If  he doesn't get some fire under him, it's not going to go will with his life.  I talked to a friend who told me that he didn't have much desire or motivation at his age either but he changed 100%.  Soooo there is hope.  Why do some change and others don't?  Is it heredity or environment you think?  Or what is it.  Or is it just luck?  A friend told me the other day that there is less than 1% change (i.e maybe halfa%) of folks changing.  Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing. ~ Abraham Lincoln~    CadillacJack says--Quit trying to change things erv, (i.e. keep your nose out others lives).  It will all work out!  If it doesn't work out, we have a massive huge welfare program for those folks. 

It appears that folks who don't have confidence will act different than those who do.  They have to put on an act, prove to folks that they are as good by buying more and bigger stuff, always try to impress others that they are important, etc (i.e. aren't the same outwardly as inwardly).  Their actions are a distraction to themselves.  Maybe that is the case.  Some folks who are not confident just go home and hid.  Some just buy a 12pack.  Go and order a double burger and surper sized fries and a larg soda.  Sooooo how do you get confidence?  How do you pull it off?  Maybe if you look at something long enough you start believing it.  You think soooooo?  I think (i.e. my opinion) if folks tell you good stuff about yourself repeatedly (i.e. true stuff like you have the ability to succeed), confidence can be built.  Then ya get a little success and "bingo", you become confident.  BUT to be too confident can cause a problem too.  I saw a dead vulture next to a road kill raccoon on the Butler County black top road T16 yesterday (i.e. free lunch).  I think he thought his take off was faster than it was!  Over confident--smash dead by Barbie driving her SUV about 85 mph (i.e. we live in an age of speed up--the vulture didn't get the email)!  Ouchy ouchy!

A senior friend told me that her husband when they were young was bossy, demanding and used bad language (i.e. his whole family was that way).  Maybe he didn't know any better as he was raised that way. Later in years, he told his wife that she changed him.  Sooooo change can happen folks.  I guess folks first to need to realize who they are before they want to change and then decide that they want to change (i.e. determine what the distractions are).  What do you think?

A client of years past died recently.  I remember him for what he told me maybe 15 years ago.  I said to him one day--you seem much different than you use to be.  He told me that he  had a heart problem which changed his demeanor completely.  He said he is much nicer person than he use to be.  He made a massive huge change in his life.  Some how he figured something out and made some adjustments. He really seemed to enjoy his life after that heart problem.  Maybe he got rid of many of distractions of life.  Huh, interesting.

LuckieEddie says--I wish I wouldn't have done it.  Saturday question--Is your faith in God a distraction or a chief component of your life or do you waver at times?  Joesixpack says--I take faith seriously when it offers some advantage, but ditch it just as quickly if it seems it may become a burden.  RoseyRose says--"I shouldn't of done it," was the thought that bounced back and forth in my mind. I knew I shouldn't but how many others have known the same thing. Knowing that you shouldn't do something usually doesn't stop you. It takes more than that.  Soooooo RoseyRose, what does it take to not get distracted by those "oh it looks soooooo good" thinks of life?

I read this while eating my breakfast of MI blueberries, half a banana, and strawberries (i.e. my summer breakfast sometimes)--For Satan a.k.a. the great deceiver himself masquerades as the angel of light.  Now that is a major distraction.  Be careful folks.  He's even better than DuaneTheWorm and MagicMike. When I take the strawberries out of the container, the best looking ones are on top!  Huh, interesting.  That's called marketing.  My mentor would say--It's never as good as it looks and never as bad as it looks.  The Devil is a great marketing guy.  Oh ya!  Watch out for his distractions.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans.  (-:


MyFriendJean says--A man is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has.

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