August 3, 2012

I mean

Sometimes we don't listen very well. Sometimes we misinterpret the information. Sometimes we only hear or see what we want. Sometimes we don't see the whole picture. Soooooo don't take any of this "It's Saturday" tooooo serious. We were on the hole #4 tee box and a guy in our foursome said he took a golf lesson this afternoon. I asked him how much did the lesson cost. He said--$25 for a half hour lesson. He then went on to say, I thought, that it has cost him already $2,500. I laughed but really didn't understand what he said. The next morning I called Russ, my teammate, and asked him what he met about the $2,500. Russ said--He meant that it will probably cost him $2,500 to get a game. Oh, I missed part of the picture! So don't assume I know what you know or you know what I know!  Such is life.

Technically speaking, he's an idiot! I mean MurkyMarivn just talks and talks and talks and no one really cares what he says.  He think he's sooooo important.  They all wish he would just shut up!  But he doesn't see it that way.  Joesixpack says--Maybe the best way to influence folks is by your actions and not your talk.  You can talk a good game but too play a good game is a different story.  Let's look at MurkyMarvin's current life and his life of the past.  What does that tell us.  Talk is cheap folks.  And maybe some of the most influential folks don't even know they are that important.  My Daddy, Chester, told me--The great folks don't even know they are great and many of the folks who think they are great, aren't!  Get around great folks erv, they will help you a lot and also make your life much more enjoyable.  That is what he meant folks.  "Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand." ~Colin Powell~

Oh...oops!! MyFriendJan said--Your sins will find you out! Ouchy ouchy! Ya can sweep your sins under the rug just for sooooo long and then they'll come back and bite you in your butt! BerthaTheGnat says--Do you ever notice the hotter you get the more gnats are attracted to you? Cool down and watch the gnats diminish.  Saturday question--Do the gnats of the world really bother ya?  They sure can be irrigating at times can't they?  I mean it seems the more you get upset and the more crazy you get, the more the gnats show up.  I mean it seems that way!  SusieQ says--If you keep those sins (i.e. they are like wounds) open and festering, they are like nagging gnats.  Not confessing sin actually shortens our lives.  Soooo folks, we need to fess up and ask for forgiveness.  It feels soooooo good.  God says He will forgive us and remove our sins from our lives.  Isn't that great!  I mean, very encouraging. 

I mean, who does that stuff anyway?  Joesixpack says--A lot of folks do.  There are folks who have fibbed sooooo much for sooooo long that they don't know they do it anymore.  There are folks who are soooo arrogant a.k.a self centered for soooo long that they don't even know it anymore.  There are folks who argue about everything for sooooo long that they don't even know that they do it anymore.  There are folks who have listened to half-truths or propaganda for soooooo long that they don't know what the Truth a.k.a. Light is anymore.  I mean, a guy has to be careful about those folks and what they say.  I have relearned recently again that folks see through these folks even if we wonder if we are the only ones who see them that way.  I have been reassured that many folks see right through these folks.  The suckers don't. WilmaWonder says--I hate to see the aged and the innocent swindled quite soooo brazenly!  They are thrown to the wolfs!   Ouchy ouchy!

I mean I just didn't feel like running (i.e. I try to run 2.5 miles every other day).  I went for a run the other morning and ran a short distance and neither my mind or my buddy wanted to run.  I stopped and walked home.  You runners know the feeling.  I mean I just couldn't run.  It was both mental and physical I think.  I heard the Olympians say that everyone is good but the difference is the mental element.  Oh the mental element.  The last couple of golf league nights, there were new, young golfers in our foursome.  They both told me that they can do soooo much better during the week but in league they can't do very well.  And I want to do soooo well but can't!  I mean at any level of any type of competition, the mental element can be an issue.  Some folks just can't handle pressure.  They just can't.  They pee in their pants!  And others strive under pressure.  GeorgeTheCrook says--Some folks can just "nail it" under pressure and other just "crumble"!  Huh, interesting. 

I mean -- The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat!  MissPerfect says--Nobody, I mean nobody, knows to the same level as you do of your thrill of victory and your agony of defeat.  Folks just don't understand how I completely feel.  I believe that MissPerfect.  Folks just can't completely understand your emotions, feelings and reality since they have never been where you are.  And if they seem to be where you are, they have their own victories and agonies to deal with.  Yours are important to them but not as important as their own.  I mean it can't be any other way sooooo don't be surprised when folks don't show you much attention when you have victories and agonies.  And sometimes, folks seem to understand but don't know how to react to you.  They are puzzled at times soooo they say nutten and do nutten.  Such is life.

EngineerJames (i.e. I like this guy) says--I like to get up before sunrise (i.e. the early bird gets the worm).  When hiking Falcon Mt. early yesterday morning, I had these thoughts.  Are you awake, sleeping or somewhere in between?  I mean I don't wake up instantly so I'm sorta kinda in between.  I know some of you are wide awake at 4 a.m.  I mean wide awake.  And I know some of you are still sleeping at 9 a.m.  I mean we are all different aren't we.  Some of us are night folks and some are morning folks.  I use to be a night person but now I'm neither.  I am a good sleeper most of the time.  A friend says--He sleeps well 'cause he has a clear conscious.  That's what he says.  But of course some nights I have to get up and go to the bathroom.  I mean I really have to go!  I have no choice.  Joesixpack asks--Why are some folks good sleepers and others are not.  We are in CO with our family for a few days.  Our little Erin gets up early and doesn't like to go to bed.  Our little Easton a.k.a. littleJimmer likes his mommy to put him to bed.  And he sometimes wakes up during the night.  Our little Charlie goes to bed easily and likes to sleep in the morning too!  I wonder if those patterns will stay with them as they get older.  What do you think?  AverageJoe says--There are two type of folks, the givers and the takers.  The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better.

I mean it must be right as I read it in the Denver Post--Colorado tops nation in breastfeeding rate; The nationwide rate is 16.3% compared to CO's rate of 26.6%.  Research indicates that breastfeed babies are less likely to become overweight.  I mean this is interesting.  Such is life.

On I-80 @ 80mph going to CO I passed 3 motorcycles from IL.  The drivers and passengers were seniors.  The gals sitting behind their husband wore sandals, capris and tank tops (i.e no helmets).  ANYWAY what really was amazing to me, I mean, I have never seen that before was all three were reading books on Kindles (i.e. I couldn't believe my eyes).  I mean you don't see that every day.  I bet it happened this way--BettyTheRingLeader said to her husband, WimpyPaul--I'll go on the road trip but I want a Kindle to read while riding.  WimpyPaul thought that was a good compromise so he agreed.  The other 2 guys were had!  Such is life.

I mean, "if itches, itch it"!  I mean it's not always that easy.  I had a young teenager a.k.a. laddy ask for my advice.  He impressed me (i.e. a sign of maturity to ask for advice at that age).  He was in a dilemma and really didn't know what to do.  It was a real crises for him in his situation.  We talked about the pros and the cons.  He asked me if I ever had this in my life at his age.  I did sorta kinda but not quite the same.  We had a very nice talk with no conclusion.  There are always more parts of the equation than are spoken and understood.  I mean, I sorta kinda felt sorry for the laddy.  I will pray for him.  Yes I will.  This laddy impressed me!

SusieQ says--There are unfortunates and the fortunates and some in flux!  I mean some ladies sure seem to have the world by the tail it seems now don't they.  Some guys too.  I was told by a buddy on a golf course recently that a certain guy retired at a very early age.  I asked  what he did to make soooo much money to enable him to retire at such a young age--married money!  So there you go!  Soooo some of those ladies married into money tooooo.  GeorgeTheCrook says--Marrying money or inheriting money are a couple of easy ways to make a lot of money.  WilmaWonder says--I mean, yabut ya gotta play the cards that turn up!  Or do ya? Yabut WilmaWonder, I wonder if you cheated a little with the cards!  I mean you manipulated the deck.  MissPerfect says--When ya tell the card girls how you did it, they will understand.  But remember, if you tell them, it's probably not a secret anymore.  I mean you have your ways maybe!  Ah-choo!! Ah-choo!! Ah-choo!! A bit toooo much pepper or something!  Oh ya!  Maybe that's why it appears that the $$$$ fortunes seems to shine on some more that others.  You think sooooo?

Let's put it all on the table and not be a roundabout person.  It's time to lance the boil folks.  AverageJoe says--Just use some common sense dude!  Did you hear that MrCommonSense died recently?  This is what it says;  He was proceeded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion, one daughter, Personal Responsibility and one son, Reason. He is survived by two step-brothers, My Rights and Ima Whiner and one lost relative, Non-Sense. There was no funeral since very few people even noticed his demise.

It's sooooo easy that anyone can do it. NoseyKate says--I mean ya just gotta get something rollin' down hill and let it go.  The momentum will just keep it rolling.  It's hard to stop.  MagicMike knows how to do it.  Yes he does.  DuaneTheWorm winds folks up (i.e. gets them all excited) and then steps back (i.e. he's good at that).  I mean don't those folks every catch on to his tactics?  He just stirs up the folks and they do his dirty work for him (i.e. some folks are easy to stir up to yet) and he just skedaddles out of there.  I mean that lots of things can affect folks.  Oh ya!  LuckieEddie says--I mean money, whiskey, tempers, and women don't mix very well.  Most folks are crazy when they drink whiskey.  They don't think soooo but they do.  FancyPantsCarol says--I mean, some folks are crazy when they are not drinking whiskey.  Such is life. 

CadillacJack says--Sometimes we don't see the whole picture.  A guy from Cottonwood County MN with a bucket full of live fish was approached recently by a game warden as he started to drive his boat away from a lake. The game warden asked the man, "May I see your fishing license please?"  "Naw, sir," replied the redneck. "I don't need none of them there papers.  These here are my pet fish."  "Pet fish??"  "Yep. Once a week, I bring  these here fish o'mine down to the lake and let 'em swim 'round for a while. Then when I whistle, they swim right back into my net and I take 'em home."  "What a line of're under arrest."  The Minnesotian said, "It's the truth, Mr. Gov'ment Man. I'll show ya! We do this all the time!!"  "WE do, now, do WE?" smirked the warden. "PROVE it!"  The redneck released the fish into the lake and stood and waited.  After a few minutes, the warden said, "Well?"  "Well, WHUT?" said the redneck. The warden asked, "When are you going to call them back?"  "Call who back?"  "The FISH," replied the warden!  "Whut fish?" asked the redneck.

Here is the whole picture!  And you thought it was just another ol' stripper!  Now you see the whole picture.  How crazy is that anyway! Ya, sometimes we don't see the whole picture now do we?  SusieQ left a note on the fridge for her husband-- "It's not working, I can't take it anymore!!   Gone to stay with my Mother".  WildWillie opened the fridge, the light came on and the beer was cold.........I mean what the heck is she talking about?

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.

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