July 2, 2016

Let's go

ItchieBitchie says--erv, where are we going? Not certain folks where we are going but we are going! We are on our way folks!  One thing that I'm certain about is my uncertainty!  Now you know one thing for sure. Mr. Heineken with a cigar says--We know that life is a life of surprises (i.e. life is full of spontaneous, joyful uncertainty and expectancy).  Now that is exciting.  I love it.

A friend told me--The hardest part of any project is getting started. Some things have urgency in my life and some don't.  How about you? You know what I'm talking about? Some things I just put off.  I now have time to get after many things that I have put off.  I have time and actually I have enjoyed doing them.  Crazy ha! I think soooo!  BigTimeJoyce says--After events in my life, I understand what you are saying erv!  Such is life.

Really folks, I am really uncertain about myself.  I have a new Toshiba lap top.  It is a nice computer (i.e. recommended to me by a nephew-in-law who is a "onesmartguy--certifiedsmart."  ANYWAY one thing I didn't like about it was that when I used the keyboard, it would jump to a different line or sometimes just delete a sentence or a whole paragraph.  Soooo I called Toshiba's customer service.  In soooo many words they said--Idiot, you have your palm on the cursor pad (i.e. it is soooo touchy). That was it alright. Chet has told me many times--Dad, it isn't the computer that has a problem but it's an "err error!'  Such is life.

There are many family getting together this summer.  What a fun time it can be.  Cousin Luther sent me this (i.e. shared with his permission). My family enjoying a little time up north. My son in law asked if it was all inclusive. I told him for every one but me. Time with family priceless!

Saturday question--Are you an idealist, realist or a pragmatist? I asked LuckieEddie how he was doing.  He said--I could use a little more frosting!  In rural America, farmers like to go to the grain elevator to drink coffee and talk.  The stories might be true and they might not--God only knows! Some like to complain how bad they have it even when they have it good.  It's some farmers' attitude. I say some.  We just had a 2.5 inch soft rain--perfect. Our crops look terrific.  A retired farmer (i.e. golf buddy who is just a landlord now) was telling us that another retired farmer's (i.e. also a landlord) philosophy is--You have to pessimistic all the time and then if something good happens you can be happy. Crazy huh! I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Have you ever known someone who lived an outcome-based Christian experience? This means that their decisions are made based on the positive or negative outcome. If they get more frosting, they believe more. Crazy huh. Everyone seems to like frosting!  Such is life.

I love summer! I love the lazy hazy crazy days of summer; the days of soda pretzels and beer! ItchieBitchie says--Ya gotta take a break once in a while and summer is a good time to do just that.  I was watching the guys paint the new water tower which is about a block from our house.  I can watch from our sun porch.  It looks like its hard and dangerous work to me.  They work long days, 7 days a week and don't take a lunch break (i.e. Paul says they take their lunch along and eat where ever they happen to be). They are a owner operated brothers company and have a son and a friend who work for them--now that might might a difference.  They very seldom take breaks but I did catch them taking one.  They don't have a water cooler to go and talk around sooooo they just lean on a trailer.  That works tooooo. Such is life.

When I was a kid, I got a slinky for Christmas. I really liked that sucker as how it could go down the steps.  It fascinated me. At least until I sprung it and then it didn't work anymore. Life can, maybe at times, be like a slinky--ups and downs (i.e. just keeps going that way) until it gets sprung! SusieQ asks--Have you ever got knocked on your butt or get hit soooo hard that it knocks the crap out of you? Either that brings you back to reality or makes a person retreat; folks seem to react differently.  Why, I guess for many different reasons.  And decisions have consequences! AverageJoe says--I have made some decisions that I'm really proud about and some decisions that haunt me! My Daddy, Chester, would say--Everyone has problems it's just that people handle them differently!  Such is life

The female phlebotomist (i.e. age 25) who drew my blood this week at the Red Cross blood drive asked me why I don't do the double red cell--it takes another 20 minutes and I'm impatient--all men are impatient--sooo do you know a lot of men--I was engaged to one; we owned a house; I broke the engagement; we sold the house; I have no idea what my future is going to be; I might go back to school; I'm back living with my parents; they have always been sooooo nice to me; I love them soooo much; I'm back to square one; God will never give me more than I can handle--take your time and make some good decisions--that is exactly what I am trying to do.

Saturday question--Are you a balloon or a brick? I mean do you lift folks up or drag them down? I had a special opportunity to worship with a church in our community last Sunday.  I was walking to the church when Gracie (i.e. age 94) came out of her house and joined me on the sidewalk.  Gracie, you sure look pretty this morning (i.e. she had on white slacks and a pink top)--well thank you erv--you are going to church rather early this morning, aren't you--we have a special speaker and I want to get a good seat (i.e. she made me laugh)--should we walk to church together Gracie--sure--Arlene doesn't walk very well on uneven sidewalks; she likes me to hold her hand--I like someone to hold me hand toooo; will you hold my hand erv--sure.  Sooooo Gracie and erv walked the block to church holding hands.  What a hoot! Gracie is a balloon.

Early Tuesday morning I went on my favorite 13.5 bike ride on the Cedar Valley Bike Trails.  It was a gorgeous morning.  I came up on another senior riding his bike.  As I got closer, I said--on your left. I scared the crap out of him!  He said--I was daydreaming.  I said--It sure is a good morning to daydream. He said--Have a good day buddy.

SusieQ says--I can't believe it's happening. Oh it's happening sweetheart, it's happening. It might feel like gypsy magic SusieQ, but it's happening. It could be a while knuckle thrill ride but it's happening. Soooo grab ahold and hang on. Let's go.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--A good teacher is a lot better than a barrelful of books.

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