July 16, 2016

whatever whatever

This is not a lure of Pokemone Go! But it could be!

MissPerfect says—This “It’s Saturday” is for righties and lefties! I swear by it and I’m a good swearer! Just ask anyone!

ItchieBitchie says--In the world of physics, it is asserted that two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Likewise—though less able to be proven—the mind cannot focus on two thoughts at the same time. We can change our thoughts so rapidly that we have the impression of being able to have multiple thoughts simultaneously. But we also have the freedom to choose which thoughts we stay focused on. ItchieBitchie says—What you think is what you’ll be! Saturday question—What do you think about?

Crazy! Just crazy!  Arlene and I were having brunch at Todd’s Neighborhood Grill recently when a guy came over to our booth and said—Hi erv and started a conversation.  I have been around him some at the golf course years ago but have not ever really talked to him. He was a good player when I was just learning the game. He carried on a conversation like he was my best friend. Crazy!  He is 86. Why and why now? I have no idea.  Crazy!  He did lift me up though! 

Arlene’s Dad was Art.  He loved the Cubs.  He would have liked this year (i.e. so far anyway—up in their division by 6.5games at the all-star break but slumping--seriously slumping). I remember Art sitting in their porch smoking his cigar and listening to the Cubs on a Sunday afternoon.  That is what he enjoyed.  Arlene and I took him and Cora to a game one time (i.e. I think the only game he ever went tooooo).  Art was a man of few words.  But he did say to me—erv, you sure paid a lot for parking!  A fun memory.  If the Cubs win the world series, Art will roll over in his grave!  Hay hay!

I talked to a guy at church recently.  He is a unique guy.  Aren’t we all unique—some appear to more unique than others depending what normal is.  And who decides what normal is.  It’s like we are all mentally ill but to different degrees depending what the normal is.  Who is normal? Ok soooo this guy is different than me!  I like to talk to folks who think different than me sometimes; it stimulates me.  ANYWAY he seems to be a smart guy but very opinionated.  I said to him—you seem very smart—I’m smart but also dumb!  Sooooo there you have it folks; all in a nut shell!

My golf buddies were telling my about some unhappiness of hs softball and baseball.  I guess some players are unhappy, some parents are unhappy and some coaches are unhappy.  Isn’t this supposed to be fun folks or am I missing something here.  I was told that a couple of parents got into it to a point there was blood and the police had to be called (i.e. parents of the players of the same team).  What!  I also heard that the coach of another team just quite; had enough.  I heard a lot about how some parents think there is a lot of politics involved as far as who gets to play.  At least some parents feel that way.  Crazy huh!  Such is life.

AverageJoe says—Any one is 100%! I had breakfast with a couple of friends recently.  What a hoot!  One friend a.k.a. a brander started telling us that his uncle died; he was a nut. Come on, was he really a nut?  Ask anyone in our family and they will say the same; he was a nut.  Then he said his sister is “way out there.”  What does that mean? Ask anyone in our family and they will tell you the same; she’s ”way out there.” He said that his son’s in-laws call him “unfiltered.” Soooo what does unfiltered mean—he just tells it like it is. Oh! He asked us—Soooo when so and so talks I put my mind in neutral; how about you guys? He said, I think others do to; just ask anyone. Then he called another guy an ignoramus a.k.a. a regular sheepherder.  Are you sure he’s an idiot?  Ask anyone and you will get the same answer.  And so and so is arrogant? Are you sure?  Ask anyone and you will get the same answer. He told me—erv, not everyone has a mind like you—what! I was scared to ask him what he meant about that as he probably would say—ask anyone!!!!! Then we saw another guy who we all know, that seems to struggle with life.  My other buddy said—We probably need to accept him as he is as he will probably never change.  He’s probably right.  Soooooo the conclusion of the matter is, maybe—if we think a certain way maybe others do tooooo or just because they think different than us, we think they are wrong but the reality might be we might be the goofy one. CrazyMarvin says—You really think sooo? CrazyMarvin, just ask anyone! Whatever folks. But folks, this friend is sooooo honest that I just have to love him! He might have a touch of hypochondriac in in him. I don't know for sure though. Whatever!

I gave a friend a big thank you.  He reminded me that I was not going to get involved in a situation and I did.  If a situation can’t be fixed (i.e. he sorta kinda told me it can’t), then we have to accept it or eliminate the situation from our thoughts and life.  We have options (e.g. if golf is toooo frustrating, tooo expensive, or tooooo time consuming, a person can just quit which many golfers have done or if the leadership of the golf club a person is a member of is not in tune with their philosophy, a person can join another club which folks do—folks have options). I don’t need or want the frustration which this situation is causing me.  Make any sense to you? Thank you my friend for pointing this out. Whatever!

LuckieEddie says—I read recently that 9 out of 10 dog owners take more pictures of their dog(s) than their partners.  Some of you might think that is crazy—looks like only about 10% of dog owners might think it’s crazy! Talk about crazy, Jay the bag boy at HyVee the other night asked me if I had plans for the rest of the evening—oh I think I will go for a run and then read while watching the end of the Cubs game; how about you—my buddy and I will probably play video games—you like video games—oh ya, the other night we started at 12 and played to 8 the next morning—how old are you—17! Whatever!

ItchieBitchie says—Think about your thinking!  Researchers says—80% of our thoughts are negative and that needs to change to get past life’s obstacles.  Imagine having 80% positive thoughts! Whatever! It will improve your position to get past disappointments.  And we all (i.e. everyone) has disappointments. LuckieEddie says—Maybe folks who think positive get past disappointments better and as a result are more successful (i.e. whatever success is).  Could be. Just maybe.

A friend (i.e. age 88) told me that a friend from childhood came and saw her.  They haven’t seen each other for about a year.  My friend said—I talked my head off! That’s right folks, she talked her head off! I have another friend who says he gets up at 3:30 every morning.  What in the world do you do at 3:30—hour and half of exercises, help get my wife up and make her breakfast, go for my 4 mile walk, study, read and then it’s already 9 o’clock.  Oh!  This guy is 83!

I went for an idyllic bike ride Saturday morning on the Cedar Valley Trails.  Saturday mornings have a way different culture and feeling than during the week. Different type of folks and different attitude (i.e. it’s Saturday). I really like it; soooo much fun. I rode along the river down town Waterloo. On the patio of the Wateloo Community Playhouse (i.e. right next to the Cedar River) there was a group of folks doing exercises.  I stopped to watch and a guy came over to me and explained that each Saturday morning they do this for about 45 minutes. He asked if I wanted to join—so I did for a while. Then I rode through Exchange Park.  There was a lot of folks playing disk golf soooo I stopped and asked a guy if there was a tournament? Yep, Iowa Team Championship (i.e. 12 teams of 8 players).  They were having a good time (i.e. it’s Saturday). I rode farther and there was a guy and gal who were fixing a flat (i.e. they had very expensive bikes and dress—about 25 years old). I stopped and asked if they needed help—no no, they were fine.  We talked a while and she told me that she was going to compete in a triathlon Sunday. Very fun conversation (i.e. very uplifting). See what I mean!

Some of you folks know Jesus only as a part of someone’s cussing and swearing and taking the Lord’s name in vain (e.g. like Jesus Christ Son of a…). Some know Jesus the same as Godzilla. Some know him as a good man. Some of you know him as your Savior.  Some of you might be surprised, but we talk about a lot of different stuff on the golf course (i.e. some of us do, some are obsessive score guys). This is what one of my golf buddies told me--Jim Elliot wrote many things but one that sits on our kitchen window sill. “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” You know who Jim Ellliot is?  Quite a story, goggle him if you have time. My Mom, Anna’s, favorite scripture was—For me to live is Christ and die is gain. She was quite a lady folks. Living in a society where “upward mobility” is the highest goal, it might be hard for many of us folks to understand this maybe (i.e. in our society most folks have a hard time being second fiddle). Such is life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Burning the candle at both ends is the worst way to make ends meet.

P.S. Saturday question--What would you do as ruler of the universe?

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