January 7, 2017


Do you know what the Thematic Apperception Test is?  Some of you who are psychologists or who are very smart might.  I didn’t but I’m just a little old farm boy form a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN.  I found it quite interesting.  It deals with the deep caverns of your subconscious. Now that is way deep folks!  Such is life.

Quit beating around the bush WimpyJanet! Speak from your giblets. I ran into a long-ago business account in CF at breakfast recently after pb. His wife died of MS after a long battle (i.e. he was her caregiver for a long time). He told me to take care of myself. A lot of folks say that. BUT here is what he said to me that touched me--erv, remember Arlene as when you married her and not like she is now with her Alzheimer’s. He spoke from his giblets folks.  He is a good guy; always has been.

Take care of myself. Huh, interesting.  I had a lot of house time during a recent weekend because of the snow and cold.  It was ok. Really it was ok.  I took a nap, read some in front of the fireplace, sat in the quiet some, exercised some, visited some neighbors, tried to eat right (i.e. did some different cooking—made shepherd’s pie, my favorite), and tried to slow down.  Make any sense to you?  BUT probably the part of the equation that really helped me take care of my self was folks who uplifted me.  Yes, uplifted me.  There was several ways they did that.  I talked to a friend who called from MN the other Sunday morning (i.e. he has home run speed). It was -27 degrees.  Yesterday they got another 6 inches of snow and strong winds.  He blew out 16 driveways for mostly widows with his tractor.  I told him he uplifted them folks. Yes, they were appreciative of them blowing out their drive, but probably more than that, he showed them that someone cared about them.  Now that is an example of an uplift (i.e. my opinion). BUT probably my friend got uplifted by doing it.  I think soooo (i.e. my opinion). 

This could be way over the moon.  I recently read this--As a worldview, postmodernism is skeptical of historical, sweeping, or traditional truth. It says truth is defined by social and historical contexts. Therefore, what was true yesterday may no longer be true today. Do you believe that?  Obviously many seem to think that. That is very interesting to me.  That might have quite an impact on the future of mankind if true.   Saturday question—Sooooo is there anything that stays true forever (e.g.  like there will always be gibbets)?

SusieQ, how many fingers do you see?  Three, why do you ask?  Well some folks can’t see things when they are right in front of their nose.  SuseiQ says—I don’t get it!  Well SusieQ, we all see things differently.  That is because we all see things from different perspectives (i.e. my mentor would always say--we all have different genes and are programed differently by our past).  Saturday question—Do you think like your parents?  Do you wish you did? Do you wish you didn’t? How about do you act like them?  Do you wish you did?  Do you wish you didn’t?

As a kid, we use to eat the heart, gizzard and neck of the chicken but I don’t think the liver (i.e. catfish bait).  Did any of you? We didn’t throw much away back then sooooo maybe they were in the soup we ate but Mom, Anna, didn’t tell us.  Now that could be.  We ate beef liver soooo…! The giblets are sorta kinda gross. Arlene never liked to touch them.  Arlene never liked to touch any ducks or pheasants I shot either.  But she would touch chicken and turkey.  I told a friend the other day that my Mom, Anna, cleaned most all my pheasants and ducks that I shot as a kid.  Now that is a “mom” folks.   

Soooo the other day I was buying some ham loaf and some pickled herring at Fareway and saw this sign.  I asked the meat guy if folks really buy chicken liver--oh ya, we sell some--really; how much do chicken liver sell for--$1.29 a pound.  I didn't buy any!  

I play some pickleball at a church on Sunday afternoons.  I really enjoy it and really enjoy the people (i.e. very nice).  Recently I played at the Rec Center in Cedar Falls.  I got to know a guy who I only know by his first name.  A person from that church asked me if I was playing Sunday.  He asked me about what that was all about.  I told him and welcomed him (i.e. told him about the little devotion at the beginning etc).  He said--If I would show up in church, I think God would strike me dead.  Why do you say that? I lived tooooo long with the devil.  Hey buddy, you aren't any different than the rest of us.  God loves you; you are a good guy. He gave me a very puzzled look (i.e. acted like I was talking in code; I wasn’t). I think his giblets got nervous maybe.   

Someone sent me this sooooo it must be right--Prometheus was a minor Greek deity who decided to help the starving human race by bringing them fire. When the other gods found out, they chained Prometheus to a rock, where his liver was torn out and eaten by an eagle every day—for eternity. The ancients didn’t think much of compassion. They saw it not as a virtue but a weakness. Huh, interesting. I was just reminded recently how some folks are very compassionate and other are not. Folks just amaze me being both ways.  Folks, it really doesn't matter much what others think or say; what matters is what is in their giblets (i.e. my opinion). Such is life.

before the holidays
after the holdays
I'm going to go waaaaaay out on a limb and guess you got a Christmas gift (i.e. or five!) you just don’t like or will never use. Today I’m giving you FULL permission to unload it before it turns into clutter (i.e. re-gift, return, or throw it away)!  LuckieEddie says—These last couple of weeks are probably pretty good weeks to be a dumpster diver!  You know, folks get sooooo much stuff for Christmas that they maybe throw away their good old stuff or maybe even their new gifts (i.e. got tooooo much stuff and didn’t like the gifts anyway).  Or, can you believe all the good food being thrown away from all the Christmas and New Years Parties (i.e. folks have a tendency to eat way toooo much over the holidays)?   I would guess a lot folks; very good stuff tooooo.  More than just the gibbets this time of the year folks.  BUT it’s back to normal sooon soooooo Move ‘em on, head them up, Rawhide!

IchieVickie (i.e. who has been more places than Johnny Cash) says—Some things, it seems, are revolutionary and countercultural.  I really don’t know if I know what she meant by that.  My 89-year-old friend said to me—erv, things have really changed in my life time; I don’t know what is normal any more.  BUT, erv, 100 years from now it won’t make any difference to you and I now will it!  You got that right my friend!  Such is life.

I have friends/acquaintances who are like Swiss army knives.  I also have friends/acquaintances who are like academicians (i.e. very book smart in just a certain area).  ItchieBitchie says—Those two groups of folks are way different; way different but all have the same giblets. They both have a place on this earth.  LuckieEddie says—I’m not always compatible with all folk but that is ok.  SusieQ says—I have two dogs and they are different toooo but I like both of them, most of the time!  Zig Ziegler says in his book, See You at the Top—Attitude, not aptitude will determine your altitude. Decoded it means, what is in your giblets is what you really are.

This “It’s Saturday” is a thematic apperception test.  Oh yes!  It’s a self-perception of yourself (i.e. looking holistically at your psychological makeup).  AverageJoe says—That is tooooo deep for me erv! I don’t understand your code you are talking in. 

I talk to some folks and it's like talking to a fence post; they don't understand me. I have friends/business associates/church friends/family members/golf buddies who really understand me (i.e. we are not only in the same book but on the same page). And I also have some folks in the same categories who don’t understand me very well at all (i.e. we just don’t think the same it seems).  I find that very interesting.  Soooo don’t get tooooo excited if you don’t really understand what I’m saying in this “It’s Saturday.”  Many of you don’t think like me.  It doesn’t make me better than you; probably makes me less than you. We might have different motors, different educations, different parents, different abilities, different objectives in life etc. You get it. We are just different and think differently. That is soooo crazy but it is what it is! Such is life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.

P.S. WorldClassLarry says—In 2017 seek out good folks to be around--folks who are wired right—folks who have the right heart, the right spirit, and the right attitude.  It makes life a lot easier and a lot more fun. The goal of every leader should be life transformation. Great outcomes are the result of great people. Be in the business of people.

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