January 14, 2017

theoretically or hypothetically

Driver7ironwedgesandwedgeputtputtputtputtDick says—erv, what you write has a chummy atmosphere of robust lies, fake information and sure-fire opinions (i.e. that is your opinion bad golfer Dickie).  MissPerfect says--It appears that it might be impossible to astonish anyone with our opinions living in the world we live in today; everyone thinks they are smart and think they know all the answers. Such is life.

Did you watch any bowl games?  It might be my theoretical or hypothetical thinking but it sure seems to me when football teams go into “prevent defense” (i.e. soft and sagging give away defense; it’s just plain give away folks, just plain give away) they don’t seem to function very well (i.e. it seems like it never works).  Iowa is the worst (i.e. my opinion); they just drive me crazy!  OnesmartfriendfromMN says—Prevent defense is really a prevent from winning. I noticed Clemson nor Alabama didn’t play any prevent defense.  Huh, interesting. CadillacJack says—erv, is there a correlation between prevent defense and how we live our lives?   Why do you ask me CadillacJack; what do I know; I’m just a little old farm boy from a mile and a fourth south of Roseland, MN.

We used the service provided by our natural gas company to have our house checked as to how we can save on our heating cost.  I learned a few things that could help (i.e. they will pay up to 75% up to $1,000 if I elect to do them). Huh, interesting. A cooling cost tip he gave me—Clean out the vents in your soffit. BUT what I really learned from him that was much more important was this—He told me that his 31 year old son does not work hard and feels like he just deserves everything—sooooo how does that make you feel—TERRIBLE; I can’t believe he is our son; that we raised a son like that; but I need to be careful that I keep my mouth shut or he won’t want to be around us; I tell him he doesn’t have to agree but just listen to me and others, just listen.  I’m hoping someday he will wake up some morning and get it (i.e. there are probably a few other parents that feel the same way). JoeBlow says—Folks, ya got to remember that is a dad’s opinion (i.e. what his theoretical and hypothetical proper focus is) and his son has a different opinion.  CrazyMarvin says--Maybe the son is right and maybe the dad is right. LuckieEddie says—It’s hard to talk about politics, religion and money; especially with family! 

A friend and I had breakfast recently and our waitress (i.e. maybe about 20ish+ and about 6 months pregnant) had a horse shoe in her nose and also a ring in one nostril.  My friend asked her if that hurt having it done.  We then asked her why she did it—rebellion against my mom when I was 17—sooooo how did that goooo—not good; she kept preaching sooo I went and got married against her wishes to rebel even more; but we are the best of friends now!  Crazy. AbRipperCharlie says—Folks don’t seem to react very well to preaching but if it’s their idea, it seems to work better (i.e. sooooo it seems). Interesting.  My friend asked her what kind of parent she is going to be—don’t know; don’t think anyone knows until they are a parent.  Huh, interesting. One of the Pope’s suggestions for 2017 is—Befriend someone who disagrees with you. 

Soooo I say to HouseCheckLeonard—When I sit on the stool In the bath off our master bedroom, which is next to the wall and a window, it always seems cold.  Soooo we go in there and he puts his hand next to the window and says—ya, it’s cold; it feels like there is no insulation around the window.  Soooo I took the trim off and sure enough, there was no insulation.  What!  I checked the other windows but they seem to be ok.  We built our house 43 years ago—can you imagine how much money I would have saved if I would have asked some questions earlier (i.e. and how much warmer I would have been sitting on the pot)! I think HouseCheckLeonard thought I had half a bean by not thinking of that myself.  He probably got in his truck, shuck his head and had a good laugh!  He probably wonders how I get my oatmeal with a half a banana ready in the morning. Such is life.

Have you ever talked to someone who is just generic?  HouseCheckLeonard was real to me, very real.  MurkyMud says—Murky folks are just murky; I delight in listening to an unedited self; but it takes a good friend to talk unedited to or someone who don’t know you at all.  Yes it does.  A pickleball buddy sat next to me as I was putting on my shoes.  She said I haven’t played very well this morning.  How come?  I think I drank tooooo much beer last night.  She just made me laugh.  ItchieBitchie says—Many times folks reveal only what they want and usually that’s not much!  Does that make any sense to you? And of course there are always those who keep themselves removed; unknowable.  SusieQ says—And of course a few toooo many beers might change that!  Crazy but true! 

Have you ever had the $hit kicked out of you?  Maybe all of us had some of it kicked out of us (i.e. made a bad decision or just bad luck). My mentor would say—erv, you got to make more good decisions than you make bad ones.  I recently had a friend say something to me that hurt me; he didn’t mean tooooo I don’t think, but I’m not sure. If he did mean toooo, that is ok; this person is a good friend; I can accept it; I really can.  No question. I wonder how many times I have said things and have hurt others and I didn’t mean toooooo.  I have a friend who says I don’t have very think skin.  He might be right. I am going to forget that situation; it is my responsible to do that.  I will.  It isn’t that important.  I realize that. He wasn’t hurt by what he said; I will get over it and forget it. I can and I will. I don’t have a problem with it; it’s the right thing to do.  Such is life.

Is it theoretically and hypothetically to think it’s a possibility our grand kids will never drive a car?  Can you believe that!  About 20,000 truck drivers will lose their jobs.  ItchieBitchie says—Pretty soon we won’t need humans any more.  Everything will be done by artificial intelligence.  Maybe no one will work but the government (i.e. one big computer run by droid k-2s0) will send us a check each month.  GeorgeTheCrook says—Come on erv, the world will come to the end before that happens.  Now that could be GeorgeTheCrook, now that could be. Every good business and business person has an exit plan. 

FastFreddie says--There is artificial intelligence and there is emotional intelligence a.k.a. EI or emotional quotient a.k.a. EQ. Emotional intelligence is a great ability to have in being a leader and in one’s personal life.  It appears to me that it is a gift almost like IQ intelligence.  I wonder if it might be even more important than IQ intelligence for the happiness in a person’s life.  What do you think? It is obvious that folks who don’t have it have a hard time in relationships. BUT with social media and artificial intelligence, maybe it’s not very important (i.e. different methodology).  Research it and see what you think.  It is a fun area to study and think about.  SusieQ says—The good ones all have it!

I asked a onesmartfriend if emotional intelligence is genetic or learned.  His response--I don't think I have enough basic intelligence to answer this. These questions make my brain hurt....my brain would rather just tread water....and float.  Oh well, I will go out on a limb n say "both", since u can be born with some n u can learn it also.....unless u r just to d_mn stupid!

JoeBlow says--The way you think determines the way you feel, and the way you feel determines the way you act. If you want to change the way you act, you start by changing the way you think. In addition, if you want to change the way you feel, you must start with changing the way you think. Let me sum it up this way: You are not what you think you are. Rather, what you think, you are. Jimmer says--Shalom.  This is what “onesmartguy” says--For change to happen in any area of your life, whether it’s financial, vocational, educational, mental, or relational, you have to begin with the physical. Why? Because your body affects your behavior. Your muscles affect your moods and your motivation. Your physiology can actually affect your psychology.

When at Chet and Jessica’s place on Christmas day, our 7-year old granddaughter, Charlie, was soooooo nice to Arlene.  She would play with her, hug her a lot, hold her hand, and help her (i.e. great empathy).  She was coached by her parents about Arlene’s situation).  I told them that this might have a longing impact on her life—they said—maybe soooooo!

This is not theoretically or hypothetically but it’s were the rubber hits the road kind of stuff folks.  I asked a super senior caregiver who her “go to person” is.  She said—It’s our granddaughter’s ex-husband.  What?  He is sooo nice to us.  He calls us every week and asks what he can do for us.  Now that’s a wow!  It is; we always don’t have anything for him to do for us but if we do, he does it for us.  It’s also very nice to know that someone cares about us (i.e. he calls every week).  LuckieEddie says--What a good lesson for life. I read in the paper soooooo it must be right—You can talk all you want but your actions really do the talking!  Such is life.

I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it (i.e. it might be theoretical and hypothetical folks and for some of you, it’s fact).  ~  Service comes from self-esteem. Until you overcome your insecurity and feel good about yourself, you won’t feel like helping anyone else. Be secure in who you are so that you can effectively serve others.  A friend who winters in Mesa and is an Alzheimer’s caregiver for her husband text me this-- In recent years my prayer has been to be a servant. Now I am praying to be a "delighted" servant. Some days my attitude needs adjusting!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul. 

P.S. Saturday question--How do you keep in touch of “right now?”

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