February 4, 2017


OneSmartGirl told me that pie is like music; they are both universal languages.  This “It’s Saturday” is not pie or music sooooo….. Listen folks, don’t kid yourself, that onesmartgirl can flat out play!  Yes she can! 

JoeBlow says--Perception is reality for many people, regardless of the truth. Ouchy ouchy! Saturday question—What is the crucible in your life?  GeorgeTheCrook says—Some folks seem to handle problems different than others.  My Daddy, Chester, would say to me—erv, everyone has problems, some just handle them differently.  Sooooo is that attitude genic or because of past experiences?  I have friends who struggle with cloudy days; they become sorta kinda depressed.  They seem to not be able to control this anxiety.  They don’t like their position but it’s realty folks.  Can any of you relate to that?

A friend has said for years--I don't get stressed but give stress.  He just had a heart attack and had two stints put in.  Maybe his statement was perception and not reality. ha ha Just maybe.  His cardiologist (i.e. probably onesmartguy told him to eat eggs and bacon for breakfast, marbled meat, 80% lean hamburger, vegetables that grow above the ground except for sweet potatoes, butter, berries, and no margarine, no tropical fruits, no sugar, no artificial sweeteners, etc.  He should live to 100 if he can keep that position + lowering his stress which he thinks he doesn't have!  

I follow the Chicago Bulls some.  A couple of their stars made some strong comments recently (i.e. positioned themselves) which caused havoc with the team and the organization. I asked a “onesmartguy” who follows NBA some what he thought about this.  He said—“Never ceases to amaze me how much the ego of the professional athlete tends to detach them from reality. They are acting like children in my opinion.” Oh that ego.  SusieQ says--A big ego can put a person’s life on skates!

ItchieBitchie says—It’s pretty much like putting lipstick on a pig;  I discovered there is a dangerous flaw when we attempt to position ourselves by promoting our own attributes. I discovered that positioning is a by-product of who we are and what we do, not an end in itself. Rickie says--Christians believe in a reality of purpose. Evolutionists, atheists, and secularists do not. They may embrace short-term fulfillment, but without an eternal Creator there’s no ultimate purpose in life and no hope. We can’t live that way. Studies have shown that having purpose and meaning in life benefit both the young and old. We all need purpose! Rickie seems to be onesmartguy, my opinion!

What is your position from 1 to 10 in your political thinking (i.e. right to left)?  WildWillie says—Extremists are hard to compromise with (i.e. they might have contaminated minds). Extremist think they are always right and explode easily (i.e. no smoke, just fire) it appears.  LuckieEddie says—It is obviously that we don’t agree with everyone or anyone but it is more important how we react to them (i.e. some get in physical confrontations and some destroy property if they disagree).  Hey, listen folks, if every time we didn’t agree with someone we would destroy property, well, there wouldn’t be much left on this earth.  It appears folks have to be very radicalized or have a mental problem to get that way (i.e. my opinion and what do I know).  After church Sunday, greatgrandpaLe was holding his greatgranddaughterLydia (i.e. probably about 2).  She was crying.  I told greatgrandpaLe—Give her a cookie.  He said—That is the problem, she already has had her share of cookies and wants another!  Then her mother said—To make it worse, I just took another one! 

Do I have a big head?  Well that depends. Actually, I have a small physical head but maybe a large big head (i.e. ego). It appears that my head seems to change in size depending what is happening in my life. I have to make adjustments to my cap from day to day!  BUT I must have a big head as I have a nasal drain from my head that never seems to stop (i.e. it’s a constant drip that has gone on for a month).  I can’t seem to get the swamp drained!  ha ha  This week a couple of events, back-to-back, startled my ego.  Those events were basically me being envious (i.e. comparing). Man, that envy is hard to control! I thought I had that fire put out BUT it rekindled.  Then this week I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it (i.e. a different version that I have not seen before)—Sit down and shut up! Such is life.

MissPerfect asks--What Is your position on suffering?  Do you show your emotions or suppress them?  It appears that folks seem to handle them differently.  I have no idea what is the best way.  The stoics were ancient philosophers who had developed a way of dealing with human suffering by practicing apatheia, which literally means “not-feeling.” The Stoics’ response to the misery of human existence was to cultivate apathy. How do you handle disappointment, pain, and loss? “This too shall pass,” said the Stoics.

Onetoughcookie says—Save dat money! It is hard to argue with success; it shuts up the naysayers real fast.  No matter in what (i.e. sports, church, business, relationships, family life). Proven success cannot be argued.  Talk is cheap folks but results really talk.  It appears that many things are becoming obsolete but folks don’t want to acknowledge that.  I hear that the school system is broken, the tax system is obtuse, government is not functional, churches are not attractive, social security is almost broke, national debt is crazy, health care is a mess, crime is rapid, etc.  Now that sounds discouraging, now doesn’t it.  Sooooo obviously, some changes have to be made at some point somehow or…!  In business, it’s a lot easier to make those changes ‘cause it’s driven by $$$$$ (i.e. private business doesn’t have to worry tooo much about all the special interest groups).  It’s more or less--if you don’t produce, hit the road Jack (i.e. no soup for you).  I heard that some major retailers are shutting some of their retail stores—can’t compete with on-line sales (i.e. a change is happening—having success)!  It appears that our government representatives mostly care about their pocketbooks and getting re-elected (i.e. they do not want to correct the situation).  The problem is, if correction is made, not everyone is going to get a free lunch!  And everyone wants a free lunch.  AverageJoe says—I like free lunches!

A pickleball gal’s husband just drives her crazy because he wants to do everything for her.  She is type A personality (i.e. use to taking care of herself). It was very hard for her to accept that (i.e. wherever she goes, he wants to go toooo and help her).  She said—After a while, I just let him do everything! What’s crazy, many women would love to have her husband!!! I was told recently by a person who has a disability that he doesn’t like it when folks want to help him; he wants to be treated like any other person.  It appears that everyone’s position is different (e.g. some want a lot of attention and other want none).  Now that is crazy. 

I talked to a onesmartguy recently about an opportunity (i.e. it just fell in my lap) that has been presented to me.  He and I had a great talk.  He asked my what my motive is a.k.a. objective (i.e. my position) if I decide to do this opportunity.  Great question. Our objectives/motives/positions many times are not always accurate; they are sometimes skewed.  Our objectives/motives/positions might be tweaked by our emotions, ego or money).  Many times, it’s all about us (i.e. DuaneTheWorms—me, myself and I).  Not good.  My opinion.  Now I need to do some research and test it with some folks and then make a decision.  I like the potential but we will see. I need to be pro-sensible. Does that make any sense to you?

I went to high school at good old Danube high in Danube, MN. I had a lot of smart classmates (i.e. I was not one of those smarties). ANYWAY, one of those smartclassmates (i.e. class of 63) sent me this advice—Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes. ~ Sigmund Freud  I told you he was smart! 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—We all say we will do better tomorrow.  But we would do a lot better if we started today.

Anothersmartguy (i.e. you’ll see this guy’s # in the rafters someday) said this--An old saying from the M.A.S.H. show, "It's nice to be nice to the nice".

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