June 24, 2017


I have toooooo admit that I don’t know much.  I am really confused at times. I want to understand things but just don’t.  If any of you have everything figured out, you are really something (i.e. you are super folks).  I am not such a person. I’m just a little old farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN trying to make sense of this life on this earth.

What is your philosophy on the philosophy of epistemology?  It is about “what kind of thing one knows when one knows when one knows that something is the case.” It’s called the theory of knowledge. Hey, it was started with the ancient Greeks and have been discussed ever sense.  I think it’s an interesting philosophy.  If you have any interest, research it.  Valedictorian probably has it figured out.  I bet he does.  I asked threesmartfolks their opinions about epistemology.    

 #1 erv, are you wondering what epistemology means? basically it means, once you know what is the basis of one's belief, you should be able to understand that person's actions. plato believed in the reality of absolutes whereas aristotle  believed in specific instances. for some, the desire for material things can lead to greed; a christian's source of knowledge should be God's revelation in Jesus, the Christ. and so on.  i hope that is what you meant.

#2 Knowledge is usually more important than opinion but knowledge can profoundly affect what one thinks, strengthening its veracity. 😁

#3 I think it's crucial as a baseline for rational thought and to understand logic and philosophy in general. But much like philosophy itself, it's significance has and continues to diminish in the scientific age. It's much less interesting to continuously ponder "what is knowledge?" when we often know thanks to the rigors of the scientific approach.

GeniusBen says--If you let your learning lead to knowledge, you become a fool. If you let your learning lead to action, you become wealthy. GeniusBen, sooooo are you saying knowledge is great but if you can’t use it (i.e. apply it), it’s useless?  Another question GeniusBen, “becoming wealthy”, what does that mean? Are you talking financial wealth or being physiological wealthy or mentally wealthy or spiritually wealth or all? I want some knowledge here!

I’m being very real here folks.  I struggle with what I think is knowledge.  What I think is knowledge, others might not (i.e. it’s more than what others think, it’s what they think they know for sure).  Just because I think something is the truth and is knowledge, it might not be or vice versa.  Should I proselytize what I think is knowledge?  I do. I don’t know if anyone pays any attention to me.  There are others proselytizing the opposite of what I think knowledge is.  I will continue to evangelize.

I read in the paper (i.e. sooooo it must be right) that there is a new phrase for folks, who in their opinion, are absolutely correct and try to shame others to believe the same way.  It’s called “virtue signaling.”  It is an attempt to collectively influencing others by displaying their moral superiority in order to solicit their approval.  ItchieBitchie says—It’s pretty crazy and hypercritical when a person thinks they are absolutely always correct (e.g. a person is not a sinner).

I read in this in the paper soooo it must be right! DennyBenny says—There is a distinction between three types of opinions.  There are the social and personal biases (i.e. chocolate ice cream might be preferred over vanilla). There are scientific opinions which are generally created by research or the conclusion of mathematical manipulation. Then there are opinions that might be religious (i.e. I have never seen an angel, you have never seen an angel, but I believe angels exist). Saturday question—Are any opinions knowledge?

Certain products are “fixed priced” (i.e. meaning that the price cannot be negotiated and is the same where ever you go).  There is no baiting.  It appears that if the product is very popular and in demand, companies can demand a “fixed price” on their product (e.g. iPhone).  Onesmartperson in sales, says—Sometimes some products have such a low profit margin that they can’t sell them for a lower price to make any profit. 

Some things we can just change; they are not fixed; we just change things to fit our situation.  In our golf group on Wednesdays, our fearless leader makes the handicaps, sets up the lineups, is the giver of putts (i.e. does pretty much everything).  He is a great promoter and organizer and we appreciate him.  We really do have a good time.  I had to laugh last Wednesday as his new rule is that you can’t have a higher score than a double bogey (i.e. I think he wants everyone to like him ha ha or did he have a triple bogey?! ha ha).  ANYWAY, I watched a little of the U.S. Open and Justin Day took a triple bogey and they put the score down as a triple bogey.  Justin needs to play with us!  ha ha  Next week, no score higher than a bogey!

If you want folks to like you, you buy them ice cream at the local bar on a hot Saturday afternoon.  I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! When I asked Rookie and Charlie if they wanted ice cream, they took the bait!  They are easily manipulated. Don’t kid yourself. But ice cream in a bar! What a hoot. Such is life.

Advertising manipulates us all the time (i.e. baits us): “Buy this product, or you’ll miss out on life!” or “You’d be a fool not to take advantage of this sale!” Soooo why do they put a truck up on his mound of dirt at Hwy 57 Auto?  There has to be a reason!  I think I have it figured out.  And you know what? It usually works.  Some suckers are easier to bait than others.  No question.  And certain bait works better.  They pay big money to folks to know what bait works the best.  It’s all about the money folks.  Don‘t kid yourself. MuscleManEgo says—Yabut, I just have to have that truck; it fits my ego just perfect!  Such is life.

I rode in my golf buddy’s new cart last Wednesday.  He told me his story; very interesting (i.e. we all have a story and many are very interesting).  ANYWAY he has 8 siblings.  I asked him if you all get along.  Ya, pretty much; a couple of them don’t hold up their end as well as they should; our parents are 89 and 91. We were all raised to not be leaners but doers! 

A friend has a back problem.  His chiropractor said for every 10 pounds of “Budweiser pouch” up front, it puts 100 pounds of stress on a person’s back.  Holy cow, some folks’ backs have a lot of stress!  Chiropractors love those “Budweiser pouches”; it’s very good for business (i.e. a regular cash cow)!  Many folks don’t seem to take the bait and get rid of those “Budweiser pouches.”  They would rather drink their Budweiser and have back problems.  Crazy! Such is life.

MissPerfect says--One thing I have noticed is that most of us are convinced but not committed. We know that exercise is good for us. We are convinced of that, but that doesn’t mean we are committed to exercise. NoDisciplinePete says—I would rather sit on the couch and eat chips and drink Budweiser! 

The 10/10/10 test is this: Ask yourself how you will feel about your decision 10 minutes from now, 10 months from now and 10 years from now.  AmyOdd says—Don’t always take the bait sooooo fast; you might regret it later.  Ouchy ouchy!

He took the bait!  A friend was telling a small group of us WHO folks that he became isolated and obnoxious during the time he went through his divorce.  At work one day, a  gal about 20 years older than him said to him—what the hell is wrong with you.  He said he changed.  TomTerrific says--Change is sooooo hard. My friend caught two breaks—one, that the gal said that to him and the second was when he, for some reason, recognized who he was, and figured it out.  I like this guy!  He has a good heart and really tries hard to help folks.  He has been very real to me.  He is a good person. "The measure of intelligence is the ability to change." - Albert Einstein

The other day my laptop went black.  I thought the battery was dead; no no, I charged it and nutten!  Now what. I contacted Wizard.  He suggested I try to take the battery out, let it sit for 5 minutes and put it back in.  Bingo! Now folks that is a tip of the day (i.e. knowledge). It is really good to be around smart folks.  ANYWAY he also passed on this knowledge about choices (i.e. or is it just an opinion).  MarvelousBetty asks—How can I tell?

Have a FUN day my friend unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—The best thing to do behind a person’s back is pat it.

P.S. If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life.

If you're having trouble reaching your goals fast enough you might want to make a list of what you will and will not sacrifice.­... Decide what is most important to you.

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