August 26, 2017


You’ll all be somewhat closer to your death after you’re done reading this “It’s Saturday” than you were when you started. (i.e. hopefully I didn’t accelerate anything!). The Big Book of Everything says--The truth is that time is relentlessly moving forward and while many in the world seek to slow it down, those who are somewhat wise will focus their energies on maximizing each moment of their life to the best of their abilities (Eph. 5:16). Do you somewhat understand that?

Remember the story I told last week of Arlene and I visiting an elderly couple of our church and eating ice cream at 11? Well, the gal died this week while making lunch for her husband.  Soooo eat your ice cream at 11!  Such is life.

MyLateFriendPaul said to me several times—erv, decisions have consequences.  My mentor would say to me—erv, in investing, you have to make more good decisions than bad ones; even the mutual fund managers make mistakes (i.e. but they have to be right more than they are wrong); there is risk in decision making.  Oh, those decisions! It appears like some are much better at making decisions than others.  Why is that do you think? LuckieEddie says—Some folks seem to have premonitions, hunches or is it just knowledge? I read this in my novel recently--Jacob shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not. I’ve given up trying to second-guess that woman.  I just know that seven times out of ten she’s right.”

I read in the paper soooo it must be right that it appears that Travor Siemian will be the starting QB for the Broncos.  The reason is he outplayed Paxton Lynch, who showed flashes of athleticism and agility but was overshadowed by poor decisions.  Ouchy ouchy! I have to make decisions for me and for Arlene.  I try to make good decisions.  Some decisions are not always soooo much fun for me or the results of my decisions might limit me but I think they are best for our situation (i.e. big picture).  Some of my decisions are somewhat hard to make and I don’t always know if they are the best (i.e. all I can do is the best I can). Such is life.

Don’t kid yourself, you are the best expert; no question.  You know yourself better than anyone; yes you do!  You get to make most of the decisions about yourself.  I say most because some of us is genetic and we can’t do anything about it.  But we make decisions about most everything else (e.g. physically and mentally).  Soooo we somewhat can’t blame others for our condition.  We make the decisions. 

A GuyNameJoel said--When we invest in others and take time to encourage them, we are literally helping them take heart in life, which also multiplies the impact of our faith. Successful people live a good life, but significant people help others live great lives, too. Encouragement is literally the process of infusing courage into another’s heart. It is the ultimate form of empowerment. What an incredible gift! Saturday question—How do you feel when someone encourages you?  That is what I thought.  Sooooo how do you think others feel when you encourage them?  That is what I thought. That feeling is somewhat universal probably.  What do you think? Such is life.

Recently a friend said to me—Watch that guy (i.e. a record buyer) as he buys “pennies on the dollar!” In other words, he buys stuff for pennies that is worth a dollar (i.e. buy low sell high).  MoneyBagsEd says—Isn’t that how you make money?  Isn’t that just good business? It works for me (i.e. sellers beware). I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--It is better to be poor and honest than to be foolish and tell lies” (Proverbs 19:1).  Sooooo MoneyBagsEd, what do you think of that statement? LuckieEddie says—I somewhat believe in both; is that ok?  Someday LuckieEddie, you probably will have to make a decision I would guess. That could be a big moment in your life LuckieEddie.

A Native American elder told his grandson about two wolves who live in every heart. One is Evil—anger, jealousy, pride—and the other is Good—joy, love, peace, humility. The grandson asked his grandfather, “Which wolf wins?” The elder replied, “The one you feed.” AverageJoe says—That  somewhat makes sense to me.  

This seems to work somewhat! OurSmartNeighbor says--McDonald’s offer happy meals to kids soooo they get their parents to come in and buy big macs with super-sized fries.  Some McDonald’s even add play rooms sooooo the grandkids can get grandpas and grandmas to bring them.  While they are there the grandkids get happy meals and the grandparents get a quarter pounder with super-sized fires and an ice cream all around!  And everyone is happy!!! MissPerfect says—Yabut, that is the reason why there are soooo many electric shopping carts at Wal-Mart!  

Arlene and I are eclipse chasers a.k.a. umbraphiles, or shadow-lovers (i.e. not really) but we went to Lincoln and experienced “The Great Eclipse.”  I thought of a favorite verse while watching the Great Eclipse—His understanding I cannot fathom!  I realize I’m not near as smart as you folks, but I just stand in awe of many things (i.e. The Great Eclipse is just one of them). Don’t give me this crap that there isn’t a God; I think you are full of baloney (i.e. my opinion).  Sure, I don’t understand it all but…!

We were on the grassy area of the Holiday Inn Express I-80 waiting for the eclipse to begin and the manger came by and talked to me.  I said—big week probably for you—yup, sold out all week—I paid $175; what is your normal rate—about $135 in the summer; $85 in the winter; weekend rates higher depending what is going one; U of N football weekends is $280; Ohio State $350—sooooo are you saying it’s somewhat supply and demand—exactly—sooo do you as the manager determine the rates—pretty much—soooo do you compare your rates to your competition—of course and they do to us—actually the owners wanted me tooooo charge more for the eclipse but I thought it was gouging—I told him we stay occasionally at his motel and really like it—thank you; we try to provide good service to our clientele. 

You talk about service-- The Zenker63 “whosomewhatunderstandsnow” says--I became confused when I heard the word "Service" used with these agencies: Internal Revenue 'Service', U.S Postal  'Service', Telephone  'Service', Cable / TV  'Service', Civil  'Service', City, County & State Public Works 'Service', Customer 'Service'. This is not what I thought 'Service' meant. But today, I overheard two farmers talking, and one of them said he had hired a bull to 'Service' a few cows. BAM!!! It all came into focus. Now I somewhat understand what all those agencies are doing to us.     

I talked to Mary (i.e. anybody can be a Mary) lately and asked her how is everything going—same old crap—sooooo what is your same old crap—she really didn’t explain what her same old crap was.  That sounded discouraging to me.  I don’t think I do the same old crap; I find something exciting and new each day (i.e. I like to see an eclipse ever once in a while).  That same old crap would get boring to me but I get bored easily.  But some folks somewhat like to do the same old crap every day (i.e. they like the structure even if it’s the same old crap).  Saturday, Arlene and I went to a local model airplane club’s outing.  In the paper, they said they would let me fly a remote model airplane (i.e. I always wanted to do that).  Now I did that!  Stan used a dual control; he didn’t trust me with his $500 plane; I don’t blame him.  Such is life. 

Since my hamstring tear, I have had a sore muscle in my lower back (i.e. I think that muscle sympathized for my ham string).  I did my normal physical activities that I have to do and also the ones I enjoy.  It didn’t get better but got worse. Then I played 18 holes of golf and it really got bad (i.e. I could hardly do anything—some of you will understand).  Soooo for the last couple of weeks, I babied it and it is getting better (i.e. actually a week ago Friday at 3 p.m. was when it started to feel better).  I need to give it time to heal (i.e. I was very impatient).  BUT because of this, I got tooooo doooooo many things that I normally would not have done.  It has sorta kinda been a Sabbath.  Sooooo I get this email along with the picture from Zinker63 that said--As things look to me, sometimes you gotta just relax and heal up. Whaaaaaat!  Happenstance, na, I don’t think soooo.  I lol! That is him in his hammock at his lake home.  Good for him. Such is life.

Soooo I asked the clerk what’s new in her life—nothing much; pretty much the same—that’s not always bad—I want a change in my life—really—I want something different; I have prayed about it and now I have to be patient; it will happen; I have had some dreams but I don’t know what they mean—I will keep in touch—you do that! Soooo what are your thoughts on this? Soooo I go to a library where a couple of librarians were telling me how they have read about innovative ideas some libraries are trying.  But many libraries have “fear of failure” in trying them.  Ya, fear of failure is very powerful.  Some folks just don’t want to change ‘cause they are fearful of failure.  One gal, who is divorced, said—I want to get married again.  I have no fear of failure. Louis says--Do not be afraid. A little fear can make one cautious. Too much fear can rob you of initiative. Respect fear, but use it for an incentive, do not let it bind you or tie you down.

We were having breakfast in our motel with all the other eclipse watchers.  It was fun as they were all on a holiday.  There was a real buzz in the room (i.e. a fun atmosphere).  I noticed how they were dressed; different but very casual; very comfortable and laid back.  Some folks’ dress expressed their individual personalities; many shorts and tee shirts.  Sooooo a guy next to where we were watching the eclipse came and talked to us.  He was a retired guy from MN and had a couple of cameras, a new $55 filter and wearing a typical short and tee shirt outfit.  He told us his wife doesn’t like this stuff and will come out only when the eclipse is at its peak.  She did and talked our leg off as how she has allergies and the NE country irritates her and she doesn’t like the smell of NE as it makes her nauseous.  I said to her—You sure dress the part (i.e.she had on a hat with a tie down, a hiking shirt and some outdoor looking capris)!  She said—It’s only for show! What a hoot we had with them two (i.e. very nice, real folks; our kind of folks).

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Nothing distributes wealth like taxation and a large family.

P.S. We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret

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