September 2, 2017


Warning! I might be talking through my hat in this It’s Saturday.”  Sooooo enter at your own risk.  I was cashing a check at our local bank recently.  As I was leaving, two bank employees said to a young client—Step over her and we can figure you out! I told her she was lucky, they never say that to me. Oya!

AfriendCarol asked me what I think about the new turn-a-bouts in Cedar Falls—I sorta kind like them—me tooo; I look at them as a challenge; oya, I did go around one twice the other day (i.e. we both laughed)—you like them sooo well that you had to take a second look!!!! AfriendCarol just had serious back surgery—Her doctor’s name was Oya!  Oya, that is correct folks, oha. 

DynamiteBev says—Take it from me erv, some folks can sense a situation and other can’t.  What do you mean about that DynamiteBev?  It’s this way; some folks can see what others can’t.  Some folks can just sense a situation (e.g. when something is wrong) and act accordingly (i.e. like saying just the appropriate words or do the perfect act).  And others can’t sense the situation and do say some dumb thing (i.e. boilerplate rhetoric; very robotic) at the most inappropriate time accompanied with actions that are from left field.  CadillacJack says--That “sense of the situation” cannot be taught or learned from a book.  Folks either have it or not.  Some folks just screw up things all the time and they don’t even know it and other can make a situation soooo much better and they don’t even know it.  SusieQ says—It seems like you got it or you don’t. Oya!   "You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it in himself." - Galileo

At pickleball recently, there were two new guys playing.  Both were good players but way different.  One seemed very poised, talked softly, very polite, and seemed very humble.  The other, it appeared, seemed to be very brass and arrogant. Soooo if I sensed that, most others maybe did toooo.  Probably neither one realized they gave this impression I would guess.  The one guy I enjoyed being around and the other, well not soooo much (i.e. like not at all). And you know what, I might not ever see either again.  Thanks guys for giving me a real live lesson.  Oha!

I want to make it perfectly clear--Some arrogant folks are very successful in the world (e.g. sports and business) and some humble folks are very successful.  That is not what I'm trying to say.  What I am trying to say is--I enjoy being around the humble folks.  That is all.  Soooo if your are arrogant, you might be successful but I might not enjoy being around you and choose not toooo (i.e. others might). Oya!

BonusBabyFred says--erv, you are over stating the situation just like the government, Verizon, Dish, NBC News and my neighbor; you have just pain overstated it; arrogance is American; it's just the way it is; get in touch you old fart! Could be BonusBabyFred but that's not how Chester and Anna raised me and I think they were right.  Sooo take that!

WorldClassLarry says--You can’t fool folks, they see who you really are! I think you are right WorldClassLarry.  I went for a morning bike ride on the Cedar Valley Trails and stopped at McDonald’s for a egg-sausage biscuit and to read the paper.  I was sitting at this table and I said to an employee who was mopping the floor—I really feel important sitting in this captain’s chair.  He looked at me but didn’t say anything.  Then I said—I’m not really that important.  He said to me—You can still sit there anyway mister! Oya! I had a blast playing golf Friday; just a blast.  I had a slippery 15 foot down hill putt on #7.  I putted it  past  the hole by maybe 5 feet.  I was complaining "how I good do that."  The Big Kahuna says to me--erv, don't be soooo hard on yourself, you aren't that smart!

LuckieEddie says--I'm working as hard as I can to get my life and my cash to run out at the same time (i.e. have just enough bricks to finish the road). If I can just die after lunch Tuesday, everything will be perfect.  Sooooo I stopped at a nursery to purchase some grass seed.  An elderly guy helped me.  You sell grass seed here—only to every other person who asks; you are the lucky one—how lucky can I get—how much; shady or sun; that will be $4.75 and I didn’t weigh my thumb—how will I ever know!  We had such a good time just buying a pound of grass seed.  Oya!

I asked a business owner how they were doing—better now—I was trying to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders (i.e. trying to run the universe).  I told her I try to let God do that and it works a lot better for me.  The business owner did not respond.  After I left I thought of this verse--Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know." Job 42:3b Oya!

AverageJoe was at a business seminar where the instructor advised attendees to never say, "I don't know." She said a better response is, "That is a good question," or "Let me find out for you." That sounds reasonable until we realize it denies the obvious - that we really don't know everything, and sometimes it is not possible to find suitable answers to all our questions. JoeReal says it might be better to say—I just don’t know.  Yes siree JoeReal, I say that a lot because it’s the truth, I just don’t know; I’m just a little farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN.  JoshuaGenius says—The only thing that I know is that I know nothing! GeorgeTheCrook says--A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them. Is that wisdom do you think?

SooooMyFavoriteWaiterEric says—The Mayweather McGregor fight was rigged and just a show a.k.a. gaming the system; it’s all about the money; the boxing association isn’t going to let McGregor win; it would tarnish the boxing image; those two are probably friends; but it makes huge money; for getting knocked on his back, McGregor, I think, he made $100,000,000 and Mayweather $300-$350 million.  I always say folks, it’s all about the money.  Oya! I think I would rather be a Jordon Spieth!

I get humbled a lot, yes I do  A fellow pb player said to me—I get humbled many times a day.  Maybe you guys don’t (i.e. good for you, maybe).  If you don’t well…!  I got a major humbling done on me this last week (i.e. got hit in the nose and it really stung).  It put things in perspective.  Maybe I needed it but I didn’t thing soooo!  ANYWAY I read this in the paper soooo it must be right—People are easier taken advantage of (i.e. scammed) when desperate.  Not the same maybe as getting humbled but being humbled does put me in a different frame of mind. You might remember this story--Bartimaeus had the need to see again. He was a poor blind beggar, who had heard about Jesus and the miracles He had done. The crowds rebuked him for seeking Jesus, yet he continued to cry out. "Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, 'Son of David, have mercy on me!'...Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus" (Mk. 10:48,50). That day, Bartimaeus saw for the first time. But more than that, he saw with spiritual eyes for the first time.  Maybe we all have to be desperate to really shout for mercy!  What do you thing?  That is what I thought. Oya! 

I know some of you use under arm deodorant; yes I do.  I can smell it and some of you don’t: I can smell that tooooo! I can’t use under arm deodorant Degree (i.e. named Adventure) which is made up of Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydex. It makes my arm pits itch for over a week.  No matter what I do, they keep itching.  One smart guy says to me—it’s in your head.  It is not; it’s in my arm pits.  Really folks, this stuff can’t be good for a person.  If it maybe tries up your arm pits but maybe it also dries up your brain toooo!  Could be. Ok, now if I use Old Spice which is Aluminum zirconium trichloroydrex; my arm pits don’t itch.  Maybe I’m just a wimp. Oya! 

I read in the paper soooo it must be right that Old Spice deodorant sales were really slipping.  Sooooo they changed the names of their products to more modern names (i.e. I bought Playmaker) and also changed the color of their containers and sales went way up. Soooooo what does that tell you folks?  IckieVickie says--It might mean different things to different folks (i.e. they might interrupt it differently).  Oya!

ItchieBitchie says--Different things are interrupted differently by different folks all the time. If you remember I got the Beetles Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band CD for Father’s Day (i.e. it is, I think, the Beetles most popular album and it’s 50 years old).  I have listen to it several times and also have followed along with the written lyrics.  The words are crazy; I have no idea how they came up some of them: I have no idea what they mean most of the time; I interpret them the way I want to and I bet others interpret them differently.  And the Beetles are from England; maybe they think differently than ervie from the Midwest; I don’t know. I asked a good friend who is a music buff about this and he said--They are artists...and we are not!😏Glad you're enjoying it and wrestling with it. Oya!

Saturday question—Do you think all readers of “It’s Saturday” interpret it the same?  That is what I thought.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Don’t try to do everything—take time to refresh your body and spirit.

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