September 16, 2017

North Star

For some of you, this “It’s Saturday” is just humbug and to others it is not.  PopUpEddie says—Some folks are very easy to humbug and other are not. I was talking to a couple of gals recently on the veranda.  They asked some questions about “It’s Saturday.” I told them that some readers tell me sometimes they don’t have a clue what I’m talking about (i.e. we are not on the same page I guess). ANYWAY, those two gals said they understand me perfectly.  Now how do they know?  Maybe they just think they know! God only knows folks for sure. And does it really matter?  I don’t think soooo. That is what makes it soooo much fun. It’s like going to an all-you-can-eat buffet; different stuff looks good to different folks but some eat it all!  Such is life.

I have acquaintances who I really don’t understand and they don’t seem to understand me.  It’s really funny as we just don’t see things the same.  Something that I really thing is funny, they don’t and vice versa.  And some folks I think have no humor at all; and some folks think I have no humor at all. Sooo we don’t spend much time together (i.e. I wonder why).  As a friend says—We just aren’t compatible. What’s more, goggle keeps track of how many readers read “It’s Saturday.”  Some of my best blogs (i.e. my opinion) get a smaller number of readers than what I think are my lessor blogs.  Sooooo go figure! I just don’t understand that!  haha

Everyone has tooooooo have their own north star directing them in the direction they are going.  My North Star this week is different.  I am in CO seeing our Heather, James, Erin and Jimmer.  I have taken a week of respite and Arlene is in a 5 star care facility near Chet, Jessica, Charlie and Rookie (i.e. but it's still a care faculty and she is the dementia unit).  Soooo, before I left, I asked Erin and Jimmer what they wanted to do when I’m there—they want to ride bike with me and eat ice cream (i.e. my North Star of course)! Leaving Arlene was tough.  I felt guilty.  Almost didn’t go at the last minute.  Friends and family really encouraged me a.k.a a North Star!

The Israelites had a cloud that was their North Star.  They followed it; they stopped when it stopped (i.e. sometimes for an hour, a week, a month and even a year).  How lucky could they get!  They weren’t happy or did they appreciate it.  The cloud took them all over the place; they had to take a few more laps around in the desert (i.e. like forty years of laps).  I think only 3 folks over the age of 12 when they started their hike to the promised land actually got there.  You remember the reason why? I got to go the Erin and Jimmer's run for money at their school.  It's the school's one and only money maker.  I think money raised (i.e. from parents and grandpas) goes to the teacher of that room to sue as they want.

Where is the Great Roman Empire?  Where is Babylon (i.e. the largest and most cultural city of it’s time)? It appears that some folks like to live in the past (i.e. as it always has been).  Folks, there are endangered buildings, endangered programs, endangered equipment, endangered traditions, endangered life styles that are going to go to the way side real soon.  That is just the way it is. I took in the Archway Monument in Kearney that showed how the area has changed from the wagon trains to the railroad to I-80 ( i.e. I have been by it many times and finally stopped and saw it--I bet many of you have toooo)  Some of you might have a “set to” about the changes but it won’t make much difference. Coach says—You got to move on; your “use to be” is gone; you got to move on; yes, your past was maybe good and fun but it’s gone; you got to move forward. It’s history!!!!

Her North Star is…! My phlebotomist at the Red Cross blood drive was a cute, happy, young gal in her early 20s.  She told me that she recently broke up with her boyfriend.  They have lived together for 5 years and were engaged with wedding plans done.  What happened—I decided not to marry him; he drank way toooo much.  Wow!  He just wouldn’t change and I didn’t want a husband like that; my mom was an alcoholic and I didn’t want to deal with that; it would have ended in a disaster.  It is hard but it is the best.   I told her that I wish good things for her. 

A friend is on a certain diet for his health.  He is a very much of a disciplinarian.  He seems to be doing very well controlling his appetite for certain foods.  Even if he can have something like once a month, he doesn’t do it as he says--It just makes me to want more soooo I don’t have any.  He also told me that after you have been eating food you don’t like, after a while you learn to like it.   What do you think his North Star is?

I think the conclusion of the matter is that live is more than about zeros!  After hiking to the top of a 14ner, sitting by the ocean, looking up in the universe at night, sitting in solute in the quietness of early morning, mediating in a special place doing a respite, etc., it's hard to believe that we live in a material world. But we do folks, just turn on TV or go to social media.  While eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it, I read what Dr. Jeremiah said—"Although society is performance driven and applauds those who are constantly striving for more, God invites us to rest. Our value and worth are established in Him.” GeorgeTheCrook says—And here lies the rub; I want both at the same time.  ConniverSharon says—I try to connive and make both work.  WorldClassLarry says—ConniverSharon, you can only have one North Star.  Such is life.

A buddy and I recently rode some bike together.  He told me that he gets short of breath when going up stairs—what are you doing riding bike—I’m ok—you need to get a stress test ASAP when you get home; when is the best time to do it buddy—I know I know it’s now but I feel ok—get a stress test; they can’t fix you up after you are dead; you have been given the warning soooo head it (i.e. a lucky break); you got to honest with yourself that you might have a problem. He promised me he would do it. I told him I will check tomorrow with him to see if he did it.  Soooo I did. He said--I didn’t have time today as it was my golf day but will do it tomorrow.  Soooo I text him the next day and he did get an appointment for a stress test in a couple of days. What is his North Star?

Ooh la la! I was around Struttin’Emily the other day.  Listen folks, she would make a good hood ornament.  StruttinEmily has the swagger folks to turn heads and she did.  It was fun to watch her and others who she got their attention.  StruttingEmily just plain loved it.  The more attention Struttin’Emily got the more she strutted. It was a hoot! I got a good idea what her North Star is. Recently I saw a 75ish gal trying to be a Sturrin’Emily; it was hilarious; I lol! I would have paid to watch that show; it was that good. Obviously, she had a different image of herself than what I saw. SmartPantsSam says—Usually people believe their motives and emotions are known to themselves alone, yet few things remain concealed from an intelligent observer with time to see, to consider, and to speculate.  Such is life.

Do you show what your North Star is?  Or would you rather be a mug-rumper (i.e. sit on the fence and have your rump on one side of the fence and your head on the other).  You want your pie and eat it toooo.  MyfriendCaleb sorta kinda tells what his North Star is. 

Sometimes I catch myself doing meaningless things (i.e. things of no importance—basically just time fillers).  A sorta kinda “chasing after the wind” type of stuff.  Saturday question—Is that ok to do once in a while (i.e. sorta kinda sitting on my hunches and watching the world go by)?  I went for an early morning bike ride and breakfast Labor Day morning.  There were very few folks around.  I think maybe there were a lot of folks sleeping in.  But I noticed a couple of our neighbors were up early.  I have no idea what they were doing (i.e. places to go or people to see or work to do).  Maybe they forgot it was Labor Day.  Now that could be; I have no idea what their North Star was.

OneSmartGuy (i.e. must be smart as he has a Doctor’s Degree) says—"We think of life as relative calm broken up by occasional periods of trouble. But the opposite may be more true: Life is troublesome relieved by occasional periods of peace. That is not pessimistic; it is realistic. It parallels what Eliphaz said to his troubled friend, Job: “Yet man is born to trouble, as the sparks fly upward” (Job 5:7). Perhaps the most personal and private trouble we ever experience is loneliness” Have any of you ever been lonely? Are you lonely right now?  If soooo, that is when a person really needs a tremendous North Star. 

My mentor would say—erv, when it’s good, folks think it will be good forever and when it’s bad, folks think it will be bad forever. Not soooo erv, not soooo.  He also gave me this great piece of advice--erv, this tooo will pass!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Swallowing your pride occasionally will never give you indigestion.

P.S.  "Live the full life of the mind, exhilarated by new ideas, intoxicated by the romance of the unusual." - Ernest Hemingway.

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
- Mahatma Gandhi

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